(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

haha i also haven't entirely given up on heels. i just avoid wearing heels to clinic. simple as that :D

and that's precisely why i question the value of doing the blood prick test on selected days when it is just so easy to rig it. it's just more burden on the patient (financially - cos the strips aint cheap, they are the expensive parts, physically and probably emotionally).
Dr said this called cheating n prick to show him no point don waste time. I angry so must do better let him drop eyes...haha

Lol thats what i do also when i have to do test on certain days lol....

I diet diet on the days i prick so i can pass with "flying colours" lol

Rest of the days i will eat in moderation but nv folloq the strict diet plan

These few nites after reaching home, I find that I have difficulty taking out my wedding band. But in the morning, no prob wearing at all. Is that water retention or has my finger grow fat at nite?
Water retention. .. mine also happen at night or late afternoon

I already stop wearing since 1st trimester

When i wear i kenna water retention when i remove my fingers back to normal
Guess it kind of restrict blood flow ?
Only happen to me in this pregnancy. . Last 2 pregnancy i can wear all the way until delivery suite whereby we need to remove all jewellery n nail polish etc
Water retention. .. mine also happen at night or late afternoon

I already stop wearing since 1st trimester

When i wear i kenna water retention when i remove my fingers back to normal
Guess it kind of restrict blood flow ?
Only happen to me in this pregnancy. . Last 2 pregnancy i can wear all the way until delivery suite whereby we need to remove all jewellery n nail polish etc
Oic...guess I have to stop wearing rings liao...
Lol thats what i do also when i have to do test on certain days lol....

I diet diet on the days i prick so i can pass with "flying colours" lol

Rest of the days i will eat in moderation but nv folloq the strict diet plan
Lolz that is cheating lolz
Lol thats what i do also when i have to do test on certain days lol....

I diet diet on the days i prick so i can pass with "flying colours" lol

Rest of the days i will eat in moderation but nv folloq the strict diet plan
I don't think got 100% lor...haha
Acually got prick finger day I'll tahan no eat too much normal day will do the same but if too hungry will eat a little bit.
Usually will do 5 times or 10 times ah?
Checked . She's fully taken till dec . She did not get back to me the pricing yet . But I think I saw someone posted before in the forum . See tml she got reply me or not . She is recommending her friend to me .

I took 5 times . But think this time round will take more .. Kekeke
Hi ladies, my Edd is 12 jan, but I wonder if I shld csect in dec? my gyne ask if I wan to give birth on dec.
Actually I wish to settle by dec too but tot it will be nice to have a jubilee baby.
Hi ladies, my Edd is 12 jan, but I wonder if I shld csect in dec? my gyne ask if I wan to give birth on dec.
Actually I wish to settle by dec too but tot it will be nice to have a jubilee baby.
Same edd as mine. Is this your 1st why want to c sect?
For me it is 2nd and c sect for 1 so will do the same for 2nd but gynae never ask me do it in dec but kept stressing must be after 38. Wks unless complication cos she prefer to stay inside longer and our 38wks is 29dec onward
yeah it is.. but ubless the dr orders a HbA1c count for u, he won't know. that is basically a 3 nth avg hahaa
sometime i wonder how come we cnat be like our mom time..dunno anythning just enjoy the pregnancy progress..

all these tests...scan is making the pregnancy miserable for some
Good morning mummies! Wah I think fatigue is coming back as I cross into the 3rd trimester, slept the whole day yesterday! N today still almost could not wake up for work :p

The glucose drink yesterday ain't bad, I just imagined it to be warm Sprite n I finished it in 10 seconds, hehe. KK says if it's bad news they will call me within a week. If it's good news they won't call. Haiz. Today I'm going buffet for lunch, before I become officially banned. Oh yesterday while passing time, I stumbled upon a second Mothercare shop (not the main one) that's selling past season items at half price! So mummies going to KK can check it out, it's the outlet that's facing the food court, past Delifrance. They have a lot more girls stuff though, super sweet n pretty. I bought a 2 pcs bodysuit for $16, 3 pcs long sleeve romper for $15, n 2 pcs shorts for $9. Shop until I almost missed my 2nd blood draw lor :p
Good morning mummies! Wah I think fatigue is coming back as I cross into the 3rd trimester, slept the whole day yesterday! N today still almost could not wake up for work :p

The glucose drink yesterday ain't bad, I just imagined it to be warm Sprite n I finished it in 10 seconds, hehe. KK says if it's bad news they will call me within a week. If it's good news they won't call. Haiz. Today I'm going buffet for lunch, before I become officially banned. Oh yesterday while passing time, I stumbled upon a second Mothercare shop (not the main one) that's selling past season items at half price! So mummies going to KK can check it out, it's the outlet that's facing the food court, past Delifrance. They have a lot more girls stuff though, super sweet n pretty. I bought a 2 pcs bodysuit for $16, 3 pcs long sleeve romper for $15, n 2 pcs shorts for $9. Shop until I almost missed my 2nd blood draw lor :p
It acty rly isnt too bad right. :D The lady said.. wah u like the drink ah. I told her... imagine that i am drinking coke lor.
Checked . She's fully taken till dec . She did not get back to me the pricing yet . But I think I saw someone posted before in the forum . See tml she got reply me or not . She is recommending her friend to me .

I took 5 times . But think this time round will take more .. Kekeke
I c some says 5 times some says 10 times...not sure how many times will be enough. Any idea?
Same edd as mine. Is this your 1st why want to c sect?
For me it is 2nd and c sect for 1 so will do the same for 2nd but gynae never ask me do it in dec but kept stressing must be after 38. Wks unless complication cos she prefer to stay inside longer and our 38wks is 29dec onward

Csect cos I have twins b4, so after tat gyne suggests csect than natural birth.
sometime i wonder how come we cnat be like our mom time..dunno anythning just enjoy the pregnancy progress..

all these tests...scan is making the pregnancy miserable for some
Ya lor enjoying unless now technologies too advance too many test need to be done.
Our mum time got ultrasound machine? If not cannot c beanie for 10 mths leh...
My dr got order one blood test to test the blood glucose every 3 months no need to drink orange sweet drink. Heng ah I blur blur go take the test lucky passed lor.
ahah ya that one is like a "video" of how u have been doing the past 3mths. the test u take after meal is a snapshot at that moment. they rly r watchign u like a hawk man....

cos u know ah...for some ppl who have well-controlled diabetes, the HbA1c test is done...every 6mths.
haha i can't see any big difference between a glucose reading of 7 and 7.2 after dinner. if it isnt gg to kill me or the bb, just leave it!
It will add pressure to beanie. And aft deliver bb don get usual supply from u dr said bb will on medication till stablise else from got sugar supply drop too low bb body cannot take it.
For me I don't want adding pressure to bb. So if everytime reading ok when come out bb can adapt easily.
But of course it is still depends on how u wanna handle it. It is our way in food intake no one can control us.
It will add pressure to beanie. And aft deliver bb don get usual supply from u dr said bb will on medication till stablise else from got sugar supply drop too low bb body cannot take it.
For me I don't want adding pressure to bb. So if everytime reading ok when come out bb can adapt easily.
yeah but that's if ur reading is sky high....neonatal hypogycemia can be scary but...it's easily managed with drugs
ahah ya that one is like a "video" of how u have been doing the past 3mths. the test u take after meal is a snapshot at that moment. they rly r watchign u like a hawk man....

cos u know ah...for some ppl who have well-controlled diabetes, the HbA1c test is done...every 6mths.
That time hungry just had burger den c rheumatologiest den straight go down do blood test. Aft the test telling my dh omg will i pass really worrying n scare lor that time.
Err depends on ur dr as my dr very detailed will ensure follow SOP type...lol
yeah but that's if ur reading is sky high....neonatal hypogycemia can be scary but...it's easily managed with drugs
My endocrine dr said if test 10 times den got 2 times more than 7 he will start insulin liao...i sweat lor.
Haha my drs all strict eh...but bright side is they just do their best to help me so I must be guai guai.
Mbe ur dr more relax okie w ur report leh..haha :)
That time hungry just had burger den c rheumatologiest den straight go down do blood test. Aft the test telling my dh omg will i pass really worrying n scare lor that time.
Err depends on ur dr as my dr very detailed will ensure follow SOP type...lol
burger...assuming u dont drink coke ah, u sure pass the 2 hr postprandial test one. cos that is protein based. and that brings back the point i was trying to drive at yest... shld we be so hung up over the numbers and SOP, that u end up choosing to eat a burger all the time and get a very good reading 2 hrs later, or have some carbs (which u need) + veg + fruit, but that may give u probably...say a reading of 7.2 ( i tried testing for fun last night, after i had pumpkin rice + apple) or 7.5. Numbers alone do not mean a thing unless u view everything as a whole IMO.
My endocrine dr said if test 10 times den got 2 times more than 7 he will start insulin liao...i sweat lor.
Haha my drs all strict eh...but bright side is they just do their best to help me so I must be guai guai.
Mbe ur dr more relax okie w ur report leh..haha :)
IDK I havent shown him my report yet. No urgency to do so ... btw back then when u did ur OGTT what awas ur 2 hr reading
Hi Hi all... I've been a silent reader all these while on this thread. I'm a Jan 2015 mum, Edd will be 13 Jan 2015. Previously busy at work but should hv more time now since the co that I Work will be closing down soon : (...... I'm gg to be unemployed a month before Edd...
Hi Hi all... I've been a silent reader all these while on this thread. I'm a Jan 2015 mum, Edd will be 13 Jan 2015. Previously busy at work but should hv more time now since the co that I Work will be closing down soon : (...... I'm gg to be unemployed a month before Edd...

oh dear... i hope you have got your share of maternity compensation already?
Hi ecym... I don't think the co intend to give me the maternity compensation... from what I hear, they want me to continue to work but no salary, solely on commision...

I was poach from other Co to set up this Co 2yrs n 6 months ago but kana play out now...
Hi ecym... I don't think the co intend to give me the maternity compensation... from what I hear, they want me to continue to work but no salary, solely on commision...

I was poach from other Co to set up this Co 2yrs n 6 months ago but kana play out now...
no salary then why bother ... as for your maternity benefit you may want to check MOM ...you should be entitled to it
Hi ecym... I don't think the co intend to give me the maternity compensation... from what I hear, they want me to continue to work but no salary, solely on commision...

I was poach from other Co to set up this Co 2yrs n 6 months ago but kana play out now...

I think you better have a call with MOM and discuss your situation. I felt you are entitled to your maternity leave even though the company is going to fold soon...

last year, I know a MTB whose company is folding before her EDD. They talk to their management into giving them retrenchment and for herself the maternity benefits. They sort of "threaten" to bring matter to MOM if management do not agreed. In the end, my friend got her 4 months maternity leave (in cash) and other retrenchment benefits.


There is a pedestrian bridge about 100m away and a traffic light crossing about 200m away, but she did not use them.

But she was not jaywalking as she had crossed the road at a point where the nearest pedestrian crossing was more than 50m away.

Mr Shah said his wife did not use the overhead bridge as she would have to go a long way.

"We always crossed over there (where the accident happened), just like so many people. I didn't think it would be risky."

my gosh ... haiz
no salary then why bother ... as for your maternity benefit you may want to check MOM ...you should be entitled to it

that's what I tot... I've approach MOM and pending reply. Will make an appt to go down MOM as well...

Suddenly felt so helpless... my dh not earning much as he's working in FB line as svc crew...

Nevertheless, I'm still happy that I'm pregnant...
that's what I tot... I've approach MOM and pending reply. Will make an appt to go down MOM as well...
Suddenly felt so helpless... my dh not earning much as he's working in FB line as svc crew...
Nevertheless, I'm still happy that I'm pregnant...
good ..talk to them .. get what you are entitled to... at least it can help you tie over til you find another job after giving birth .. in the mean time manage your finance properly .. .. at least your hubby is still working so still not that bad
I think you better have a call with MOM and discuss your situation. I felt you are entitled to your maternity leave even though the company is going to fold soon...

last year, I know a MTB whose company is folding before her EDD. They talk to their management into giving them retrenchment and for herself the maternity benefits. They sort of "threaten" to bring matter to MOM if management do not agreed. In the end, my friend got her 4 months maternity leave (in cash) and other retrenchment benefits.

I'm working with a small company and they are only 4 of us, an accountant, driver and GM (he's one of the director who poach me)...

Will hv a word with GM and see what he says, otherwise I'll go MOM..
