(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

So u can always go oversea to shop for baby..no need to be confined in singapore

Yes ... My favorite .. To have my 'me' time as well ...

nowaday got online shopping from overseas no need to go overseas wahhahahah

Last time always buy online .. At times the actual item is sooooo different from the pic ... Deceiving ... Hahah ... Otherwise the size is soooo big/ small that cannot even wear ... Kanna k by Hb say buy buy buy ... All in the cabinet .. Hahahaha
btw, which diaper size is the safest to choose when asking for free samples?
I will ask for small .. Cos nb size are given to us when we deliver ... Also do not know the size of baby . Play safe I will prefer small ... Nb baby poo and pee like so many times per day .. I think when they are a month old can judge the sizing everything better ?? Keke
i also thinking to get NB. but i scare baby grow too fast.. thinking to get another size up.. Huggies can choose NB, ultra diapers and ultra pant etc.. wondering what is different between pant and diapers.. i see pic like the same.. -_-

Pants more for babies who can stand with support / crawling babies / toddlers

Prices for pants are much more expensive than tape one . Think more suitable when they are older. Save the money to buy other necessities first . Packaging for pants - lesser diaper cost more ...


wah they say until she so good...thinking should i try to book her too lolz

I saw this months back .. I dun mind to try as pre natal .. At least see if she's really that good .. If not just go back to Mdm Ida .. Kekek think will call her in another one - Two weeks to try .. My carpenter just finished doing my cabinet .. Need to pack the things in ...
Pants more for babies who can stand with support / crawling babies / toddlers

Prices for pants are much more expensive than tape one . Think more suitable when they are older. Save the money to buy other necessities first . Packaging for pants - lesser diaper cost more ...

I saw this months back .. I dun mind to try as pre natal .. At least see if she's really that good .. If not just go back to Mdm Ida .. Kekek think will call her in another one - Two weeks to try .. My carpenter just finished doing my cabinet .. Need to pack the things in ...
How is mdm ida charge?
tried to order drawing kites as xmas present for my boy class my gosh ..
for a $2.50 kite they want me to wait 1 month haiz ...
Wah ur meal sometimes quite heavy eh...
I wanna test on cake but scare scare lor.
ok la but so far wt gain thruought the 6 mths is <2 kg. And i dont have the habit of eating supper also. so after finishing my food at abt 8 i dont eat anything till abt 715am the next day?
anyway just try the cake on a day when u dont need to prick. then the result will nv be known / reflected.

on the day u r supposed to prick, then just eat raw salad. :D
btw ah, the 2 pcs of banana cake is not 2 large pcs that u typically get from the bakery fridge. it's those in a "loaf" from from NTUC and u need to cut on ur own. so ... it's more like 2 small slices (each abt..1 cm thick?)
1 mths?? LOL find other seller?

what sort of kite is it???
http://www.kingofkites.sg/drawing.html this kite lor

Wow u so fast planning for xmas gift....lol
cos next week must give form teacher already...they celebrating xmas on 14 Nov ( last day of school)

i tink now orchard road aslo startign to have the xmas decor lor :D
some shopping centre already started

btw ah, the 2 pcs of banana cake is not 2 large pcs that u typically get from the bakery fridge. it's those in a "loaf" from from NTUC and u need to cut on ur own. so ... it's more like 2 small slices (each abt..1 cm thick?)
now u make me waiting to buy banana cake liao sob

ok la but so far wt gain thruought the 6 mths is <2 kg. And i dont have the habit of eating supper also. so after finishing my food at abt 8 i dont eat anything till abt 715am the next day?
the way u eat and weight gain shld be very safe from Gd leh
http://www.kingofkites.sg/drawing.html this kite lor

cos next week must give form teacher already...they celebrating xmas on 14 Nov ( last day of school)

some shopping centre already started

now u make me waiting to buy banana cake liao sob

the way u eat and weight gain shld be very safe from Gd leh
Ya! And that's why I am not going to be overly restraining myself. Which is worse - getting all weepy because of the need to keep my postprandial glucose level to below 7 when in fact, everything is ok (except the OGTT result which isnt by WHO standards, but ok by American standards), or to be happy, and eat the way I am now (everything in moderation)? I don't think one should be overly hung up abt the glucometer reading. If u think about it, would you rather eat a big salty pc of chicket cutlet (supposedly low in GI, but damn high in salt and fat), or some rice + veg + fruit + some meat (may give u a higher reading, but it's def a more balanced diet than the former). And i figure, GD comes in spectrums too, the very mild ones to the downright poorly controlled ones. If it is mild, just make sure u dont eat too much crap (ok to have it once in a fortnight for eg) but... no pt to make urself go crazy over what u eat.
The way I eat, I think I'm a glutton. Lunch went fine dining wif my colleagues. The feeling after that is that I'm NOT full. 3plus feeling like fainting liao. I need my carbo! And just had a lor mai kai then I feel more alive. I sure can't go on those no rice, no bread, low carbo, low sugar diet...
The way I eat, I think I'm a glutton. Lunch went fine dining wif my colleagues. The feeling after that is that I'm NOT full. 3plus feeling like fainting liao. I need my carbo! And just had a lor mai kai then I feel more alive. I sure can't go on those no rice, no bread, low carbo, low sugar diet...
well guess you have the luxury of loads of carbo and no issue then enjoy while it last lolz

Ya! And that's why I am not going to be overly restraining myself. Which is worse - getting all weepy because of the need to keep my postprandial glucose level to below 7 when in fact, everything is ok (except the OGTT result which isnt by WHO standards, but ok by American standards), or to be happy, and eat the way I am now (everything in moderation)? I don't think one should be overly hung up abt the glucometer reading. If u think about it, would you rather eat a big salty pc of chicket cutlet (supposedly low in GI, but damn high in salt and fat), or some rice + veg + fruit + some meat (may give u a higher reading, but it's def a more balanced diet than the former). And i figure, GD comes in spectrums too, the very mild ones to the downright poorly controlled ones. If it is mild, just make sure u dont eat too much crap (ok to have it once in a fortnight for eg) but... no pt to make urself go crazy over what u eat.
i totally understand what you mean lolz
anyway just try the cake on a day when u dont need to prick. then the result will nv be known / reflected.

on the day u r supposed to prick, then just eat raw salad. :D
Dr said this called cheating n prick to show him no point don waste time. I angry so must do better let him drop eyes...haha
Dr said this called cheating n prick to show him no point don waste time. I angry so must do better let him drop eyes...haha
haha i also haven't entirely given up on heels. i just avoid wearing heels to clinic. simple as that :D

and that's precisely why i question the value of doing the blood prick test on selected days when it is just so easy to rig it. it's just more burden on the patient (financially - cos the strips aint cheap, they are the expensive parts, physically and probably emotionally).
we can only eat expensive fish like promfet ... threadfin ... cod fish... salmon lolz

but i think snakhead or batang eat in moderation ok lah
Someone told me to keep to eating fish only twice a week. Ocean is now very polluted so even the usual healthy fish becomes unhealthy.
ok la but so far wt gain thruought the 6 mths is <2 kg. And i dont have the habit of eating supper also. so after finishing my food at abt 8 i dont eat anything till abt 715am the next day?
I don't find that you eat a lot..cause I also eat like you. My weight gain is according to average.
These few nites after reaching home, I find that I have difficulty taking out my wedding band. But in the morning, no prob wearing at all. Is that water retention or has my finger grow fat at nite?
These few nites after reaching home, I find that I have difficulty taking out my wedding band. But in the morning, no prob wearing at all. Is that water retention or has my finger grow fat at nite?
Ya is water retention..Usually it's worst in the mornings. I've stopped wearing all my rings since 2 mths ago..
