(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Haha true .. But there are some exist not so jam .. North side ... All jam .. North-east you know la .. But peak hour is the worst .. Unless take the 2nd exit from punggol/sengkang .. I tried the punggol way one at least not so jam ..
Ecp tanjong katong that exist not so jam too .. Compared to marine parade one ..
wah you taxi driver ...which road which area less jam also know lolz

I already shift 3 times .. No matter how many rooms , rooms will never be enough for me lol ... Lucky I have all girls , all can share the same room .. Too much rubbish at home
wah 3x you power lolz

Lol also brain n next time LO math will be very good haha...u c old folk playing mj to prevent 老人痴呆
confirmed good...tested and proven lolz

Just got back from my scan, omg, beanie is 1.7kg at 27+6 wks! 97th percentile! This is not boding well for my glucose test tomorrow, jia lat la!
we got a champion liao lolz
... remember to cut carbo and no more food after 10pm ideally though clinic said is after 12am
Wahahah .. For me I dun mind staycation .. But Hb think that spend few hundred dollars stay here ... He prefer to go oversea .. He likes to bring the girls out holiday ..

I agree with ur hb actually... Singapore hotels so expensive... no point doing staycations cuz the amount spent on hotels in Singapore can get much better hotels overseas and somemore get to enjoy a different environment. Stay in hotel in SIngapore also do the same thing, watch TV, go shopping etc etc.

But maybe also I work in hotel in SIngapore lah, so sian of SG hotels liao....
Just got back from my scan, omg, beanie is 1.7kg at 27+6 wks! 97th percentile! This is not boding well for my glucose test tomorrow, jia lat la!

How come you count as 27+6 weeks??? Is it because you going to deliver earlier??

Good luck to both of us! I'm also taking GD test tmr morning....
I agree with ur hb actually... Singapore hotels so expensive... no point doing staycations cuz the amount spent on hotels in Singapore can get much better hotels overseas and somemore get to enjoy a different environment. Stay in hotel in SIngapore also do the same thing, watch TV, go shopping etc etc.

But maybe also I work in hotel in SIngapore lah, so sian of SG hotels liao....
the goof thing is..can go shopping, tired liao can go back and rest and deposit stuff easily , then go chIong again
I agree with ur hb actually... Singapore hotels so expensive... no point doing staycations cuz the amount spent on hotels in Singapore can get much better hotels overseas and somemore get to enjoy a different environment. Stay in hotel in SIngapore also do the same thing, watch TV, go shopping etc etc.

But maybe also I work in hotel in SIngapore lah, so sian of SG hotels liao....
Ya .. Even got promotion for ritz , super cheap , cheaper than rws , he turned me down lol ... He says Sg not a place to shop lol
Ya 2 round not shiok .. Unless they play super slow ... Wahah ya .. Normally they come my house and play cos I have 2 girls at home .. They need to sleep early at 9pm to prepare for school in the morning at 6am and 8am . Unless Hb at home then will sneak out .. Unless they wan to play at Yishun my mum's place .. But need to pay water money lol .. I lazy to go Yishun cos all season parking .. Nowhere to park my car ..

What stakes you playing? Next time can play together ? Where do you stay ?

Hey u stay Katong? Then we r very near! I stay Tanjong Rhu. My other usual kaki stays Siglap. We play 5-1, with joker. Not shooter pay though. Ok good good, we r always recruiting for new mj kakis, next time short of one we jio u! But ah, u going to pop soon, how?

How come you count as 27+6 weeks??? Is it because you going to deliver earlier??

Good luck to both of us! I'm also taking GD test tmr morning....

Oh no I mean 27 wks 6 days. Good luck for your test tomorrow!
wah 3x you power lolz

confirmed good...tested and proven lolz

we got a champion liao lolz
... remember to cut carbo and no more food after 10pm ideally though clinic said is after 12am

Ok! I da pao the nasi briyani home coz my hubby on biz trip, so sad, I see the rice so fluffy n tempting but I had to tell the auntie just 1/2 portion, then when she asked if I want curry or lemak gravy, I had to say "no gravy", damn unwillingly.

My husband said the beanie is heavy cos he's half white. Got this kind of theory meh?? I go to the American pregnancy websites the average weight for 28 wks is still around 1.2kg wat... He did mention that all his brothers were born heavy, my hubby himself was born around 4kg at 38 weeks. Aiya, bb weight too low stress, too high also stress!
Hey u stay Katong? Then we r very near! I stay Tanjong Rhu. My other usual kaki stays Siglap. We play 5-1, with joker. Not shooter pay though. Ok good good, we r always recruiting for new mj kakis, next time short of one we jio u! But ah, u going to pop soon, how?

Oh no I mean 27 wks 6 days. Good luck for your test tomorrow!
Wow .. Joker .. Okie .. Hahah .. See when got mj session and see if I can make it first or not .. Nearby should be okie ..
Ok! I da pao the nasi briyani home coz my hubby on biz trip, so sad, I see the rice so fluffy n tempting but I had to tell the auntie just 1/2 portion, then when she asked if I want curry or lemak gravy, I had to say "no gravy", damn unwillingly.

My husband said the beanie is heavy cos he's half white. Got this kind of theory meh?? I go to the American pregnancy websites the average weight for 28 wks is still around 1.2kg wat... He did mention that all his brothers were born heavy, my hubby himself was born around 4kg at 38 weeks. Aiya, bb weight too low stress, too high also stress!
Sad ... Cannot eat what we like ....

Is your Hb big size ? Tall ? My gf one , bb all very tall but skinny .. Both the parents are tall ... Dunno does it matter or not lol ..
Sad ... Cannot eat what we like ....

Is your Hb big size ? Tall ? My gf one , bb all very tall but skinny .. Both the parents are tall ... Dunno does it matter or not lol ..

Not big size, BMI normal. Hmmm not say super tall either, he's 1.8m, I'm 1.66m. Maybe his bones r heavier... if there's such a thing.

I'm just wondering if there's a mistake, cos 10 days ago when I scan at my other gynae, bb was only 1.034kg. How can bb grow 600+g in 10 days? But today they measure the head n stomach 3 times. N even remarked on the report that they remeasured 3x! Like so serious like that.
Ok! I da pao the nasi briyani home coz my hubby on biz trip, so sad, I see the rice so fluffy n tempting but I had to tell the auntie just 1/2 portion, then when she asked if I want curry or lemak gravy, I had to say "no gravy", damn unwillingly.

My husband said the beanie is heavy cos he's half white. Got this kind of theory meh?? I go to the American pregnancy websites the average weight for 28 wks is still around 1.2kg wat... He did mention that all his brothers were born heavy, my hubby himself was born around 4kg at 38 weeks. Aiya, bb weight too low stress, too high also stress!
Briyani !!! *faint* drink more water !!

Actually there is some truth if parent is big siZe at birth likely their child too. Similar if parent is premiee there is a chance their child will too .. Somehow these theory are quite true for some people
Singpaore stuff all overly priced . We go oversea same thing same brand only half of Singapore price
Yes ... All paying half the price ... That's why he rather go oversea buy .. But I can't ask him to buy things for me .. Taste different ... He can only buy things for the kids lol ...

Now my girls so into peppa pig .. The daddy bought few from overseas .. Cannot find in Sg and cheaper .. He so happy with his buy lol
Not big size, BMI normal. Hmmm not say super tall either, he's 1.8m, I'm 1.66m. Maybe his bones r heavier... if there's such a thing.

I'm just wondering if there's a mistake, cos 10 days ago when I scan at my other gynae, bb was only 1.034kg. How can bb grow 600+g in 10 days? But today they measure the head n stomach 3 times. N even remarked on the report that they remeasured 3x! Like so serious like that.
Did you eat a lot these 10 days ?? 10 days 600+ gm quite scary esp now only 28 weeks ... From 28 weeks 1.3kg 32weeks 2.2kg 4 weeks 900gm
Not big size, BMI normal. Hmmm not say super tall either, he's 1.8m, I'm 1.66m. Maybe his bones r heavier... if there's such a thing.

I'm just wondering if there's a mistake, cos 10 days ago when I scan at my other gynae, bb was only 1.034kg. How can bb grow 600+g in 10 days? But today they measure the head n stomach 3 times. N even remarked on the report that they remeasured 3x! Like so serious like that.
Diff machine, diff estimate. Remember... its all a rough gauge
yes ... from 32 weeks onwards the weight gain will be quite fast... i think the fastest is from week 38... next week going for my 34 weeks check up.. will see the weight difference.. then update you ladies...
oh btw... have you all request for nestle sample? i just received it last friday... was given a diaper bag, with tin of formula, nursing shawl and some coupons and informations for mummies. for those who have not requested for it maybe can email them to request ya.. =)
oh btw... have you all request for nestle sample? i just received it last friday... was given a diaper bag, with tin of formula, nursing shawl and some coupons and informations for mummies. for those who have not requested for it maybe can email them to request ya.. =)
I request since 1st trim now already 3rd then tell me they wan to deliver to me but I dun wan Liao lolz want to watch my sugar lolz
oh btw... have you all request for nestle sample? i just received it last friday... was given a diaper bag, with tin of formula, nursing shawl and some coupons and informations for mummies. for those who have not requested for it maybe can email them to request ya.. =)

Yes! I got mine too and whatsapp all my preggie friends photos and ask them to go request lol. Any other freebies anybody have to recommend?

1-2 days never read got so much posts, 太夸张了啦。
just had some yoghurt cos starting to feel peckish liao hahahaa

aint gg to make the same mistake.
Haha but dunno why sometimes very careful liao still got food that we eat a little bit more cos too hungry increase the sugar levels. Will feel scare den no more tea break. Haha
Hahaa oh last 2 pregnancy I always have left over .. He will finish up the balance .. This pregnancy i will finish all the food given to me .. But trying to cut down on the intake .. Trying to control my weight gain .. Dun want to exceed 10kg ... Lol
So far how is ur weight? Still under control? Haha when dh said wasted I'll shoot back later sugar level high how den he will keep quiet won't ask me eat liao. :p
best is 5 small meals per day lor
But if every 3 hours one meal is like cannot take light meal in between. Dr always said must be consistent for hours that consume the food don't keep changing. Cos 3 hours later is like time for next meal already eg bf n lunch is very close.
I request since 1st trim now already 3rd then tell me they wan to deliver to me but I dun wan Liao lolz want to watch my sugar lolz
Just request . Cos you can still drink it after birth . Or give needy ppl or whatever .. After all it's milk .. Good for babies and mummies .. If you think too fattening , reduce the amt of powder add more water . At least not so sweet .. Kekekek that's what I did la
So far how is ur weight? Still under control? Haha when dh said wasted I'll shoot back later sugar level high how den he will keep quiet won't ask me eat liao. :p
My Hb will say I eat lesser compared to last time .. I told him not young Liao .... Simi 三高 also coming after me .. Better play "hard to get " lol had hard time to lose 3 kg for few months before I get pregnant cos have fatty liver .. Must slim down and do exercise ..
No leh, in fact I cut down on my fruit juices n maternal milk these past few days. Haiz.
Actually must cut down on carbo also ... Change the maternal milk to fresh milk .. I love fresh milk ... Will wake up in the middle of the night to drink one small cup of fresh milk lol then let my bb kick then happily go back to sleep lol
Yes! I got mine too and whatsapp all my preggie friends photos and ask them to go request lol. Any other freebies anybody have to recommend?

1-2 days never read got so much posts, 太夸张了啦。
View attachment 412675
Yes! I got mine too and whatsapp all my preggie friends photos and ask them to go request lol. Any other freebies anybody have to recommend?

1-2 days never read got so much posts, 太夸张了啦。
View attachment 412675

Email to whr for getting the free samples ah? Can share? Tia
Yest just went to kkh to see doct for my cough etc. Lucky bb is alrite despite i have been coughin for a mth. Hopefully after all the medi i will be alrite. :)
My nxt appt is on the 10 nov which i takin the test as well. After readin all the post, i think i better control my diet nw. Scary
that sucks.. anyway my 2 hr postprandial for dinner after 1/4 bowl of rice is 7.5. give up liao.. don't care le
Don eat rice. If no choice w rice i ate few mouth only. Eat brown rice. Now I mixed brown rice w white rice to cook den won't be dry dry de.
Err mine case 3 drs wants me to state down what I have eat for every meals n show them so when time to poke finger cannot skip.
Let's jiayou ba :)
Woke up with horrible sore throat and slight fever, was feeling perfectly ok yday ah! Still went 2 site recces. Sigh.
