(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Think I kena food poisoning again. Either today bf or last nite dinner. Went my neighbourhood gp and he suspect my puking is due to food poisoning. And after I came home, LS twice.(tmi)...guess my digestive system is weak during my pregnancy. But no choice, most of my meals still hve to settle outside.
Beside sahm, does any working mum get home cook food everyday?
Think I kena food poisoning again. Either today bf or last nite dinner. Went my neighbourhood gp and he suspect my puking is due to food poisoning. And after I came home, LS twice.(tmi)...guess my digestive system is weak during my pregnancy. But no choice, most of my meals still hve to settle outside.
Beside sahm, does any working mum get home cook food everyday?

Ever since i am pregnant i stop cooking at home... cant stand the smell of cooking...

Only recently i will cook occasionally during weekends...

Tabao most of the time
Think I kena food poisoning again. Either today bf or last nite dinner. Went my neighbourhood gp and he suspect my puking is due to food poisoning. And after I came home, LS twice.(tmi)...guess my digestive system is weak during my pregnancy. But no choice, most of my meals still hve to settle outside.
Beside sahm, does any working mum get home cook food everyday?
Maybe can consider getting a pressure cooker... will make food preparation very easy n fast.
I will cook 1 soup n 1 veg with rice whenever I am back home early rather than tapao all the time ;)
Maybe can consider getting a pressure cooker... will make food preparation very easy n fast.
I will cook 1 soup n 1 veg with rice whenever I am back home early rather than tapao all the time ;)

another way is to bulk cook and freeze/refrigerate every weekend... then reach home heat up food and eat... only for those who are ok with this concept... ang mo familiies like to do this method... actually i also use this method for my baby weaning food storage... gotta make sure your utensils and timing are taken note of...
Think I kena food poisoning again. Either today bf or last nite dinner. Went my neighbourhood gp and he suspect my puking is due to food poisoning. And after I came home, LS twice.(tmi)...guess my digestive system is weak during my pregnancy. But no choice, most of my meals still hve to settle outside.
Beside sahm, does any working mum get home cook food everyday?

Only weekends will get home cooked meals, either cooked myself or at my mum. The rest all tabao..
Bought the avent set from taka during the taka sale, price is $418-10%, have sterilizer, single electric pump, 10 food/ breast milk containers, 2 120ml bottles, 1 260ml bottle, 1 food cum milk warmer, plus the free graco pram. Hope I made the right choice by opting for the 10% discount instead of waiting for baby fair.. The promoter also not sure baby fair got what freebies, I figured get the cash off and buy stuff I like ba lol
Think I kena food poisoning again. Either today bf or last nite dinner. Went my neighbourhood gp and he suspect my puking is due to food poisoning. And after I came home, LS twice.(tmi)...guess my digestive system is weak during my pregnancy. But no choice, most of my meals still hve to settle outside.
Beside sahm, does any working mum get home cook food everyday?

Oh dear hope u feel better soon. My digestive system also weaker since preggy. I also da pao everyday. My gynae advised me to be more selective on hawker food, pick stalls w high vol, n if night time aviod dishes that were laying out the whole day such as 菜飯, chicken rice or even some yong tau foo. Try to eat more dishes that they cook on the spot, like fish soup, porridge, ban mian etc.
another way is to bulk cook and freeze/refrigerate every weekend... then reach home heat up food and eat... only for those who are ok with this concept... ang mo familiies like to do this method... actually i also use this method for my baby weaning food storage... gotta make sure your utensils and timing are taken note of...
In the past when we stay at our flat my hubby sometimes work late on weekdays. So come weekends, I will prepare beef/ chicken cubes, and hard vege like celery carrot radish turnip and all dump to thermo cooker and play ard with spices n herbs before go gym or movie, after that return home put those stew in tabao boxes for indiv servings cooled and freeze... Hubby will bring these to office fridge to stock up for his OT nights...
Think I kena food poisoning again. Either today bf or last nite dinner. Went my neighbourhood gp and he suspect my puking is due to food poisoning. And after I came home, LS twice.(tmi)...guess my digestive system is weak during my pregnancy. But no choice, most of my meals still hve to settle outside.
Beside sahm, does any working mum get home cook food everyday?
Take care! I also don't have time or energy to cook and mostly eat out.. but I try buy the soupy stuff most of the time. Sometimes if gt energy ill cook just rice/pasta and eat with pan fried salmon. Beats outside food sometimes..simple and plain.
Maybe not blaming. .

Sometimes when no ones help me i also feel very depressed n why i have kids so early etc.

But then in our pak tor times i already keep wishing we faster save enough $$$ n get married n have kids so kids n our age gap not too big...

But after having kids = sacrifice our time n energy. . Sometimes we dun get appreciated by hubby too... coz to men loooking after kids is women job.

Marriage and kids are the last thing I think .. I more interested in trying things and having fun and traveling lolz

And even when I do get married ... Again kid is the last thing I will think too guess it is cos of my condition I prefer to just enjoy life lolz
Think I kena food poisoning again. Either today bf or last nite dinner. Went my neighbourhood gp and he suspect my puking is due to food poisoning. And after I came home, LS twice.(tmi)...guess my digestive system is weak during my pregnancy. But no choice, most of my meals still hve to settle outside.
Beside sahm, does any working mum get home cook food everyday?
I go back to my mom place for dinner every weekday night cos my boy is there :p then on weekends see our mood to cook or not to cook
Maybe can consider getting a pressure cooker... will make food preparation very easy n fast.
I will cook 1 soup n 1 veg with rice whenever I am back home early rather than tapao all the time ;)
I used to do that .. Slow cooker make soap come back cook rice and wah lah one meal Liao
Jialat my constipation getting worse... Got blood liao... Darn... Hopefully no piles yet... Need to buy fibrogel tml...
Mummies my greatest fear is the delivery itself. Going to try for natural with epidural but the thought still scares me.. how do you all overcome this fear? I even have thoughts of having a c section instead..silly right :(

This is my #3 but my biggest fear is still the labour and delivery. Especially when I had a traumatic experience for my #1 and enjoyable experience for my #2. I am not sure how #3 will turn out and I am very worried that I will not be in time for epidural. Epidural is a painless procedure if we don't go and read up or watch videos about it. I used to secretly hope I will end up with a c-section via GA too. Lol

But!!! When time comes, everything seems to fall in place. All I could think about was to hold baby in my arms the soonest possible. Especially towards the final stage of labour, what episotomy or stitches, I didn't care anymore. I just cannot take my eyes off baby the moment I heard the first cry. I think it's the maternal instincts at work. From that moment all I could think about was the baby.

So just go with the flow. Worrying is normal. But at the end of the day, everything will fall in place when time comes. ;)
At week 27, today first time puke like nobody business...:(
Had my chicken pie for breakfast then feel bloated n greasy already. Then eat a few mouth of my salad for lunch, go toilet puke. Tot getting better liao then I cont'd my salad, Puke more! Give up. Gg home now.
Week 27 liao still will have ms 1 huh? Or is it food poisoning? I 1st time puke so serious for my pregnancy. In 1st tri, I only nausea no real puking.

Although my morning sickness has never left me. It did become worse recently with the belly pressing against my chest when I sit down. I am currently 27 weeks 3 days. But two weeks ago I was also puking violently. Followed by diarrhea. I think our stomachs are also sensitive when preggy. It could be some food we ate. And that I could tell it was food poisoning. Take probiotics. Speedy recovery!
haha while i always go around telling ppl to get married and give birth earlier...

Same here. I always encourage my friends in long term relationship to get married and have babies as soon as they are ready. Sometimes things don't go as planned. It doesn't mean that when we want, we will definitely have babies at that time.

I believe it's all fated too. I don't think I made plans to marry young and have kids early, but it has always been my dream to have a family I can call my own since I was a little girl. Eight years down the road, we are still happily married and #3 on the way. We go through ups and downs during our journey. But our kids still take up the highest priority in our hearts. What couple time, me time or travel around the world, we feel can wait till later..but our kids are growing up too fast. They are only young this once. They can't wait!! And we are trying to catch up. Haha.. Thus my decision to be a sahm from the moment i knew i was preggy so I can witness every single milestone. It's been 7 years. And I still enjoy what I'm doing for the kids. :D
i did my Glucose Test this morning. Fasted since 12.00 midnight last night and my glucose test was scheduled at 9.05am but gynae wanted to see me & do a short scan etc.. So only managed to do the test at about 10.00am.
They drew 1 tube of blood from me 1st, then made me drink this Glucose drink from a bottle. SO SWEET!
It tasted like Orange cordial with a ratio of 80:20 to water. hahaha

But at that time i was just glad to have something to drink because i was so thirsty! Im supposed to wait for 2hours before the next blood test and that 2 hours is torturous because i was so hungry and so sleepy. I didn't know whether i was looking forward to eat or to sleep!

Now hoping that the hospital don't call me. Cos no news means good news! Very scared of Gestational Diabetes leh.
What's the easiest way to get mc fr gp?
I hardly sick before, during and after pregnant.
Now body aching after running around with my 2yr old boy for hours.
Dun think can take mc for body aching. No morning sickness now too.
Dun noe hw to geng mc :(
What's the easiest way to get mc fr gp?
I hardly sick before, during and after pregnant.
Now body aching after running around with my 2yr old boy for hours.
Dun think can take mc for body aching. No morning sickness now too.
Dun noe hw to geng mc :(

Ermmmm actually if u say morning sickness also doctor won't know true or not.
So i say just try your luck with morning sickness and add in back pain since you're at it! Lol
i did my Glucose Test this morning. Fasted since 12.00 midnight last night and my glucose test was scheduled at 9.05am but gynae wanted to see me & do a short scan etc.. So only managed to do the test at about 10.00am.
They drew 1 tube of blood from me 1st, then made me drink this Glucose drink from a bottle. SO SWEET!
It tasted like Orange cordial with a ratio of 80:20 to water. hahaha

But at that time i was just glad to have something to drink because i was so thirsty! Im supposed to wait for 2hours before the next blood test and that 2 hours is torturous because i was so hungry and so sleepy. I didn't know whether i was looking forward to eat or to sleep!

Now hoping that the hospital don't call me. Cos no news means good news! Very scared of Gestational Diabetes leh.
Will everyone have to do this? So far my gynae didn't say anything yet..
Same here. I always encourage my friends in long term relationship to get married and have babies as soon as they are ready. Sometimes things don't go as planned. It doesn't mean that when we want, we will definitely have babies at that time.

I believe it's all fated too. I don't think I made plans to marry young and have kids early, but it has always been my dream to have a family I can call my own since I was a little girl. Eight years down the road, we are still happily married and #3 on the way. We go through ups and downs during our journey. But our kids still take up the highest priority in our hearts. What couple time, me time or travel around the world, we feel can wait till later..but our kids are growing up too fast. They are only young this once. They can't wait!! And we are trying to catch up. Haha.. Thus my decision to be a sahm from the moment i knew i was preggy so I can witness every single milestone. It's been 7 years. And I still enjoy what I'm doing for the kids. :D
My wish is also to be a sahm cos I don't wanna miss out on my kids' impt milestones esp during their first few years.. However I don't know if I'll be able to take it yet. We shall see for #1 this time.. my colleague planned to go on NPL aft her maternity leave but she said she can't be with her kid 24/7..not that she don't like the kid but she realised that she's not the stay home kind..
What's the easiest way to get mc fr gp?
I hardly sick before, during and after pregnant.
Now body aching after running around with my 2yr old boy for hours.
Dun think can take mc for body aching. No morning sickness now too.
Dun noe hw to geng mc :(
I also dunno how to geng so I always guai guai take urgent leave or go work lolz
My wish is also to be a sahm cos I don't wanna miss out on my kids' impt milestones esp during their first few years.. However I don't know if I'll be able to take it yet. We shall see for #1 this time.. my colleague planned to go on NPL aft her maternity leave but she said she can't be with her kid 24/7..not that she don't like the kid but she realised that she's not the stay home kind..
I see from your colleague point of view lolz ... I need to work for some
Sanity lolz and also think single income in Singapore quite difficult and I dun like the idea of putting out my hand to take money from
Hubby .. Very insecure lolz but that is me .. IMHO going out to work and not being 24/7 with the child through their growth year doesn't make me a bad mom .. Of course some Sahm will disagree ... anyway it is diff prospective lah
My wish is also to be a sahm cos I don't wanna miss out on my kids' impt milestones esp during their first few years.. However I don't know if I'll be able to take it yet. We shall see for #1 this time.. my colleague planned to go on NPL aft her maternity leave but she said she can't be with her kid 24/7..not that she don't like the kid but she realised that she's not the stay home kind..
I see from your colleague point of view lolz ... I need to work for some
Sanity lolz and also think single income in Singapore quite difficult and I dun like the idea of putting out my hand to take money from
Hubby .. Very insecure lolz but that is me .. IMHO going out to work and not being 24/7 with the child through their growth year doesn't make me a bad mom .. Of course some Sahm will disagree ... anyway it is diff prospective lah
I see from your colleague point of view lolz ... I need to work for some
Sanity lolz and also think single income in Singapore quite difficult and I dun like the idea of putting out my hand to take money from
Hubby .. Very insecure lolz but that is me .. IMHO going out to work and not being 24/7 with the child through their growth year doesn't make me a bad mom .. Of course some Sahm will disagree ... anyway it is diff prospective lah
i feel insecure too. the worst thing that can happen is I have no money, no house , no job, no skills and my husband dumps me
What's the easiest way to get mc fr gp?
I hardly sick before, during and after pregnant.
Now body aching after running around with my 2yr old boy for hours.
Dun think can take mc for body aching. No morning sickness now too.
Dun noe hw to geng mc :(

Just tell them you feel tired etc. wanna rest. Now preggy easy to take MC. :)
i feel insecure too. the worst thing that can happen is I have no money, no house , no job, no skills and my husband dumps me
yah yah i have seen cases ..distant friends going through that ... say for sake of children stopped working ..and the hubby got flareup always working and the housechore expense just kept expanding and go out find the comfort in other woman arm ..ended up divorce and now that friend got to pick up her life again to work for children ..etc

man today are not like in the past... man in past .. are sole breadwinner ..and woman stay at home take care of children and this kind of thinking continue til death but man today see woman educated and start working and has income after graduation so suddenly break that chain and expect them to feed these woman when woman they themselve has the ability to earn... mayb very unbalance so that is why separation / divorce happened cos the thinking is diff from past ... why should he be the one that bring in the rice ...etc

but of course it all depend on man lah :p not all man are like that ..so it is heng suai :p

Just tell them you feel tired etc. wanna rest. Now preggy easy to take MC. :)
can meh ...that sound so genging leh
If I go my regular gp, tell him headache, he see preggy will give 2 days mc. But point is my mc all used up liao lol
yah yah i have seen cases ..distant friends going through that ... say for sake of children stopped working ..and the hubby got flareup always working and the housechore expense just kept expanding and go out find the comfort in other woman arm ..ended up divorce and now that friend got to pick up her life again to work for children ..etc

man today are not like in the past... man in past .. are sole breadwinner ..and woman stay at home take care of children and this kind of thinking continue til death but man today see woman educated and start working and has income after graduation so suddenly break that chain and expect them to feed these woman when woman they themselve has the ability to earn... mayb very unbalance so that is why separation / divorce happened cos the thinking is diff from past ... why should he be the one that bring in the rice ...etc

but of course it all depend on man lah :p not all man are like that ..so it is heng suai :p

can meh ...that sound so genging leh

hahaha can lah. Say headache etc. Tat day i went gynae check i say i wan 2 days MC, he just give without asking much. Hahahaha Nw preggy we easily have backache etc, they will understand de.
Maybe can consider getting a pressure cooker... will make food preparation very easy n fast.
I will cook 1 soup n 1 veg with rice whenever I am back home early rather than tapao all the time ;)

I kept hearing pressure cooker can explode. Hahhahaha! Im paranoid like dat. Is it true? I wanna buy but I scared I cook wrongly then explode. Hehehe!
This is my #3 but my biggest fear is still the labour and delivery. Especially when I had a traumatic experience for my #1 and enjoyable experience for my #2. I am not sure how #3 will turn out and I am very worried that I will not be in time for epidural. Epidural is a painless procedure if we don't go and read up or watch videos about it. I used to secretly hope I will end up with a c-section via GA too. Lol

But!!! When time comes, everything seems to fall in place. All I could think about was to hold baby in my arms the soonest possible. Especially towards the final stage of labour, what episotomy or stitches, I didn't care anymore. I just cannot take my eyes off baby the moment I heard the first cry. I think it's the maternal instincts at work. From that moment all I could think about was the baby.

So just go with the flow. Worrying is normal. But at the end of the day, everything will fall in place when time comes. ;)
Haha same..

These few days i had nightmare abt delivery... I guess i somehow is afraid of the process of delivery..

Juz last night. I dreamt that i am sleeping while hubby is beside me watching tv. N suddenly he wakes me up and ask me why i suddenly give birth ... n baby is on the bed liao... lol
hahaha can lah. Say headache etc. Tat day i went gynae check i say i wan 2 days MC, he just give without asking much. Hahahaha Nw preggy we easily have backache etc, they will understand de.
i very unlucky with MC be it pregnant or not pregnant cos i dun look sick to doc they dun give mc ..
wah you power lolz...i haben use a single MC this year lolz
That time 1st trimester got some spotting. Doc straight give 1 week liao. Then go chkup I also use mc. I dun take timeoff de. But 3rd trimester I must consider timeoff liao lol must save up my annual leave.
I rejected the glucose test... i juz took the blood test without the sweet drink... then see how from there.

My baby i around 800g today hehe :)
wat is the point of blood test if you dun take the sweet drink ? . you can only find out how much sugar your body retain after fasting but you dunno how your body react when consume the drink

All my gynae appointments are covered by MC...

If you don't feel well enough to work, then you need an MC. If doc don't offer, I will ask doctor directly for the MC...

Yap same. Nwaday i went for checkup i will sure take MC on that day. i left a few days MC now. my hosp leaves left abt 30 days too.
