(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Wow so many replies! Have been occupied from work and after work, just so tired... I have some mini pukes. Sometimes during work, suddenly feel nauseous but tried to endure.

My next scan is this sat, and should be 8 weeks by then. So excited to meet my beanie! And like some of the mummies here, have this paranoid feeling on the pregnancy... Sometimes I wish I have a ultrasound machine at home to check to assure me everyday. Hahaha!

deardyan, I have not received any invite, can you add me? Thanks! [email protected]
Hi everyone !! I am new to this thread. So far after missed period, tested with the kit and saw a faint line. If all goes well, very highly likely will be a Jan15 baby! This will be my first too! And cant wait to book an appt with my gynae!

Btw, do add me too in the Facebook page at [email protected]
Thanks in advance !
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HI MUMMIES! it really very exciting to join this grp once again. i am tested positive and this is my #2. #1 is 13 months. I am pretty excited for this pregnancy. I have yet to visit my gyne. But according to the calculator, i am in my 5 weeks, and edd probably on 30 jan 2015. REally happy to know you mummies. should there be a facebook, pls add me @ [email protected]. thank you!
Wen to gynae and saw the sac .. Doc can't see foetus and said he wan to see me in 10days time
He wan to see the bb by then or he b worried -_-
Got me abit worried .. Mayb partly cos I'm super high risk patient and thus he wanna make sure all ok
Wen to gynae and saw the sac .. Doc can't see foetus and said he wan to see me in 10days time
He wan to see the bb by then or he b worried -_-
Got me abit worried .. Mayb partly cos I'm super high risk patient and thus he wanna make sure all ok
@acequeen why are you under high risk? Which Dr r u seing now? Currently how many weeks?
Ah, I'm also mark as high risk by Dr due to my weight, I'm 33. I'm 5 -6weeks when I go to the Dr but Dr also tell me by u/s I'm probably also 4-5wks as sac are small too... I just went to the Dr again last Tuesday, 7 wks and I heard BB heartbeat aldy..
Yup thanks for the comfort! Yup I knw tat tis is God's lil gift for us and I shall fear not! :)
Will really have to take care of myself frm now on.. I tend to walk fast so must really learn how to slow down my pace n etc le
Yup yup... I went to Dr early as I was bleeding.. been crying but decided to let God handles.. my hope and trust is in my God, not in the odds..

Is not easy but I'm not willing to give up.. I'm gg to fight the good fight of faith..

In the natural, I will also becareful, walk slowly, rest as much!

Keep you in prayer too : )
Hi All mums-to-be,

Congrats to all! Just found out I am pregnant and it'll be my no.2, EDD 15 Jan 15. My first daughter is 2.5 yo now.
For those having 2nd, 3rd baby, do you experience emotional swings from your 1st/2nd child? My daughter became very gluey and keeps crying for me to carry her standing up when I was advised not to. Really stressing me out and driving me crazy. Any suggestions to help my daughter overcome the insecurity feeling that she's having now?
Hi, add me on fb [email protected]

Edd on 11 jan 2015. Tis wil b my #2, #1 is 2y5mth. Next gynea visit wil b on 3jun.
Had bad heartburn, feel breathless easily, cn only to small meals.
Any mummies with serious constipation? And how do u overcome it without medication?
He mentioned by rite shd b 5wks 4days
But sac seem abit small .. Abt 4wks +

Could it be due to you having a longer cycle or a late implantation?

Not all ladies have 28days cycle or ovulate on day 14. If so, that explains why yr bb could be smaller.

I did ivf and by right i shld be 6 weeks yesterday but my Scan shows that the CRL is that of a 5 weeks 5 days at most. IVF cases should be very accurate ond cos our fertilisation is done in lab but i'm also off chart by 2 days.

Dr sf loh say this is Mother Nature. Man cannot determine everything!
Cos I'm 40 already
My no2... Wen back to same gynae, Dr Fong Chuan Wee

Hi @acequenn I am also with Dr Fong! So glad to have fellow Jan mummy using the same gynae! I am also pretty comfortable with him and i feel that he is very experienced and knowledgeable.

Will be praying for you as well. Keep the faith!
Hi portia3... My cycle is the 26-28days range and ovulation on the 14th for tis one leh
Well tik mayb too small for him to b sure ba ;)
Thanks hazel nut.

It was quite amazing seeing the little faint pulse on screen.... i can't wait to see a much stronger one in my next scan.
Hi @portia3 , you will in the next visit! When I saw Dr loh in wk 5 plus also can only see sac and fetal pole. He saw smthng flickering but I can't lah. And when I went bk 1 week after, can see the tiny beanie and obvious flickering in the baby! The sound of the heartbeat sounds like a galloping horse haha. Rmb to ask your hubby to stand by his hp cos Dr loh will ask your hubby to take video!
Tomorrow is my scan. Based on my LMP, I'm 10 weeks. At my last scan, gynae puts me at 8 weeks tomorrow. 2 weeks difference! At the back of my mind, I'm worried that baby is not developing well, praying hard I will see a strong heartbeat tomorrow. At the same time, telling myself it's no use worrying. Whatever will be, will be. One second of worry, takes away one second of peace.

All mummies jia you!
Hi portia3... My cycle is the 26-28days range and ovulation on the 14th for tis one leh
Well tik mayb too small for him to b sure ba ;)
Then maybe it is late implantation. Implantation can happen between 6 to 12 days after ferilisation. That is almost 1 week difference. So dun worry too much.
Hi @portia3 , you will in the next visit! When I saw Dr loh in wk 5 plus also can only see sac and fetal pole. He saw smthng flickering but I can't lah. And when I went bk 1 week after, can see the tiny beanie and obvious flickering in the baby! The sound of the heartbeat sounds like a galloping horse haha. Rmb to ask your hubby to stand by his hp cos Dr loh will ask your hubby to take video!
Lol... i also cannot see anything pulse at first. Dr loh magnified the image just to show us the faint little flicker. I can't wait to see and hear my little beanie's heart thumping next week!
Btw lynssey_korin.. Did doc Fong ask u to avoid shopping.. Crowded area etc? I was like huh y? lol

Acequenn I haven't seen Dr Fong yet cos I'm only 4 weeks 4 days along today (according to online calculator). Haha. Too early can't see the heartbeat yet too. Planning to see him ard 7+ week only! Can't wait!

But I did a myomectomy ops with him before last year and I recover well and fast under him.

His advises are usually quite on the spot so it's good to listen to him too. Usually higher risk pregnancy he will advise to shop less so tt u don't walk too much as not to stress the womb. I know friends with low placenta are asked to bed rest a lot too. Crowded places im not too sure y. keke.
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Haha jus returned back to dance nia after 3years.. Now preggy agn
Dunno in 3years time.. Wat will my figure become.. A fat mama then :(
I am wondering if there's such a thing as pro breastfeeding gynae. Does it mean this gynae will support breastfeeding through pregnancy..or it's case to case basis. Any mummy with similar experience can share?

My gynae advised me to wean off my 25 months old boy because my morning sickness is terrible. I puke 24/7 and can't eat or drink at all. Even my supply has dipped. It has been tiring for me too. So i took his advice and weaned off my boy. Yes, i have been successful! But i feel a tinge of sadness to stop so abruptly. The bond that we have built up through breastfeeding is something really special and precious to me. I don't know what's wrong with me. I know it's for my own good and my fetus own good. But i just can't stop crying over it. I miss breastfeeding my boy so sooo much. :(
Lovexuan.. Wow good on u.. U bfg till 25mths! I stopped at 24mths.. But I didn't latch him after 5th mth as he bite me non stop with his 4teeths.. Stopped latching n pumped till 24mths
Anyway pls do listen to gynae advice.. Nw u need to tik of the bb inside.. .. Dun b sad k
acequenn, my boy doesn't take bottle so no choice at first but to latch. Then when it past 1 year old, it's like a routine already. You pumped for almost two years!! Need lots of perseverance! Your boy is lucky. :)

My hubby also tells me that. I feel a bit of relief because finally can sleep at night, no need to latch. But somehow this sadness just keep creeping up on me. Sigh.
I am wondering if there's such a thing as pro breastfeeding gynae. Does it mean this gynae will support breastfeeding through pregnancy..or it's case to case basis. Any mummy with similar experience can share?

My gynae advised me to wean off my 25 months old boy because my morning sickness is terrible. I puke 24/7 and can't eat or drink at all. Even my supply has dipped. It has been tiring for me too. So i took his advice and weaned off my boy. Yes, i have been successful! But i feel a tinge of sadness to stop so abruptly. The bond that we have built up through breastfeeding is something really special and precious to me. I don't know what's wrong with me. I know it's for my own good and my fetus own good. But i just can't stop crying over it. I miss breastfeeding my boy so sooo much. :(
Hi mummy..I'm still bf-ing my LO though..I did voiced out to the gynae and he's ok with it..saying that his wife too..bf till she popped..it's entirely up to our own comfort zone if gynae gives green light..think of the bright side..cheer up..

lovexuan, you are doing a great job! to be able to bf till 25 months. dont be too harsh on yourself k? wait till your lil one is out, you can nurse bavk again. :) for nyself i am also still bfing my 13 months old child. i have yt to exp any morning sickness yet. just veey tired.. as my smoytoms. kinda worried too. gt to waot for my scan in 2 weeks time to see lil one.
lovexuan, I'm still bf my 26 mo boy once a day. He is showing signs of weaning though prob cos my supply dropped a lot. He has become very clingy though.

I didn't tell my gynae about this. Cos he asked me to stop at 6 months!

You can still continue bf with ur younger one in a few months time. Ur boy may even request to nurse once he sees the little sibling nursing!
Hi All mums-to-be,

Congrats to all! Just found out I am pregnant and it'll be my no.2, EDD 15 Jan 15. My first daughter is 2.5 yo now.
For those having 2nd, 3rd baby, do you experience emotional swings from your 1st/2nd child? My daughter became very gluey and keeps crying for me to carry her standing up when I was advised not to. Really stressing me out and driving me crazy. Any suggestions to help my daughter overcome the insecurity feeling that she's having now?

My girl is also like that recently. Keep asking to be carried. And start glueing to me. She is 23 months.
I am wondering if there's such a thing as pro breastfeeding gynae. Dohis gynae will support breastfeeding through pregnancy..or it's case to with similar

My gynae advised me to wean off my 25 months old boy because my morning sickness is terrible. I puke 24/7 and can't eat or drink at all. Even my supply has dipped. It has been tiring for me too. So i took his advice and weaned off my boy. Yes, i have been successful! But i feel a tinge of sadness to stop so abruptly. The bond that we have built up through breastfeeding is something really special and precious to me. I don't know what's wrong with me. I know it's for my own good and my fetus own good. But i just can't stop crying over it. I miss breastfeeding my boy so sooo much. :(
Yeah.. my 20 month son have been very gluey too! I have tested positive with #2 last week, have yet to see a gynae. based on app, my EDD should be 8 jan!

I just went for scan tdy cos got slight tinge of spot in discharge. Dr can't find heartbeat too. I'm really scared and I can't stop crying. 2 days ago we first saw the heartbeat and we heard it was beating so strongly. Why suddenly can't find? Dr says maybe the positioning of the baby or it could be a bad sign. He can only say it's 50-50. I'm so scared.
