(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

I just went for scan tdy cos got slight tinge of spot in discharge. Dr can't find heartbeat too. I'm really scared and I can't stop crying. 2 days ago we first saw the heartbeat and we heard it was beating so strongly. Why suddenly can't find? Dr says maybe the positioning of the baby or it could be a bad sign. He can only say it's 50-50. I'm so scared.
Oh dear..Hugs Sweet..!!

Your gynae didn't suggest to let you walk around and try for another scan ard 30mins later or so? It's really mind straining this way..

Think positive!! Big Hugs..!!
No. He spent a long time looking but can't see. It's not obvious like my scan last 2 days ago. Does this happen when I'm so early into pregnancy. Where can the baby hide to? I shld be week 7 today. My last scan was week 6 day4. Why within 3 days can disappear? He told me to go back in 2 weeks time. I'm so scared.
No. He spent a long time looking but can't see. It's not obvious like my scan last 2 days ago. Does this happen when I'm so early into pregnancy. Where can the baby hide to? I shld be week 7 today. My last scan was week 6 day4. Why within 3 days can disappear? He told me to go back in 2 weeks time. I'm so scared.
Hazel nut,

Was the scans done by the same doc? Same scan machine?
Hazel nut,

Was the scans done by the same doc? Same scan machine?
Pls try and stay positive. Dr loh says 50-50. It means still got chance. I know its tough. I bled for an entire week from the day i found out my bfp and i tot i was going to lose my beanie.

Pls do not despair cos if u only hv negative tots, the brains will send out distress hormones and signals to yr body which is not good for beanie. Try praying instead, regardless of which religion you believe in.
*hugz* to u , xxhazel.
portia is right...try not to have negative thoughts. Will pray for you. For all you know, baby might just be hiding somewhere...

Btw, babies born in 2015 are considered 'jubilee babies', hope the baby bonus would be good!
Hi, I'm new to tis forum... Based on my LMP, I shld be in my 9 week nw... I hv a scan on my 8th week however dr was telling me tat my baby was not growing normally as it shld be (the size was tat of 5th week pregnancy) and there is no heart beat heard (my 7th week scan still show a faint flickering of the baby heart beat)... is my pregnancy nt viable (could it be missed m/c as suggested by dr)? Could someone pls advise me as to wad to do as this is my 1st pregnancy? Thks in advance!

As hard as it is..being positive is really important now..your mind plays a big part..come what may..lets embrace it together..a healthy and happy baby is what matters the most..

It'll be difficult for you..to endure the next 2weeks wondering what's what..but pls..pls stay strong..for yourself, for baby, for your hub, for your family..jiayou..!!
Hi, I'm new to tis forum... Based on my LMP, I shld be in my 9 week nw... I hv a scan on my 8th week however dr was telling me tat my baby was not growing normally as it shld be (the size was tat of 5th week pregnancy) and there is no heart beat heard (my 7th week scan still show a faint flickering of the baby heart beat)... is my pregnancy nt viable (could it be missed m/c as suggested by dr)? Could someone pls advise me as to wad to do as this is my 1st pregnancy? Thks in advance!

Jannbaby, hugs ~~~ sounds like me. My doc suggests i could get a 2nd opinion. I decided to go ahead with operation.
Hi sleepawhile, did u go for a 2nd opinion? In fact, hubby suggested me to do the ops so tat we can start afresh new... but I jz refused to accept the fate...
Hi sleepawhile, did u go for a 2nd opinion? In fact, hubby suggested me to do the ops so tat we can start afresh new... but I jz refused to accept the fate...

It'll be good for you to seek 2nd opinion..else..the "What If.." will linger with you..

Come what may..embrace it with love, hope, faith..
hi all,

went to see a Gyna this morning and was asked whether any bleeding, replied , no bleeding at the moment as no heartbeat was detected at week 6. anyone has encountered before ? was told to visit Thomson medical centre for further scanning.

Btw, what will be scanning charges at TMC as a walk in customer but with a referral letter.
Hi sleepawhile, did u go for a 2nd opinion? In fact, hubby suggested me to do the ops so tat we can start afresh new... but I jz refused to accept the fate...
Jannbaby, there was no growth since last scan, no heartbeat. Hub and i decided to accept it.

Go for 2nd opinion if you feel you need it. in fact, my gynae wrote me a referral for walk-in at TMC as a 2nd opinion, but i didn't take it. I hope you will find your miracle.
Sleepawhile may I know how many weeks were you?
Sigh. Now I also dunno what to expect. Do says go bk in 2 weeks time dunno is it to buy time or what. Did u have any signs and symptoms or feel like the pregnancy symptoms got lesser?
Sleepawhile may I know how many weeks were you?
Sigh. Now I also dunno what to expect. Do says go bk in 2 weeks time dunno is it to buy time or what. Did u have any signs and symptoms or feel like the pregnancy symptoms got lesser? I'm so worried now
Hi everyone,

I'm a mother-to-be too but a very worried one at the moment..

My pregnancy was thru ivf and was successful..am now 5 weeks 5 days according to online calculator. However, i have been spotting since day 1 or 2 weeks now and its getting heavier. Thursday was the worse where i got dark red menses. Freak me out and went to kkh.. They checked that my hcg went up but do not know why i am still bleeding. This morning went to my private gynae and saw the sac..which grew a bit...however, am still bleeding. Gynae also did not know why...and right now, i'm having menstrual cramps... Which worries me even more.... Any one has similar situation that can share and advise?

I'm at wits end...

Next wed would be a scan at kkh again....hopefully would shed some light to me...

Did u get any additional support? I hv been going for weekly proluton jabs, taking dydrogesterone and inserting utrogeston 3x daily.

Did u get any additional support? I hv been going for weekly proluton jabs, taking dydrogesterone and inserting utrogeston 3x daily.
I'm starting the inserts after advice by gynae... However, he stopped short at the jabs as he says that the jabs have hcg and may affect my actual levels..

So right now onli taking dydrogesterone n utrogeston inserts

Have ur bleeding stop?
Hi im also a ivf pt. Im now 7 weeks plus. During 10th day post ET I bled. And had migraine. So I tot im coming menses. No hope. N I didnt bother to call dr. Until next day noon, hub urge me to call. N they said to come immediately for blood test. I only know my result the following day. But I was still staining. They said my progestrone very low. Gave me a shot in my buttocks. After that blood test everyweek. Until today. I just saw the baby's heart beat last week. :) Next appt will be the 9th week.
Hi im also a ivf pt. Im now 7 weeks plus. During 10th day post ET I bled. And had migraine. So I tot im coming menses. No hope. N I didnt bother to call dr. Until next day noon, hub urge me to call. N they said to come immediately for blood test. I only know my result the following day. But I was still staining. They said my progestrone very low. Gave me a shot in my buttocks. After that blood test everyweek. Until today. I just saw the baby's heart beat last week. :) Next appt will be the 9th week.

Wow... Ok....maybe i shld get myself tested too...think i shld ask for it instead of waiting for them to find out...sigh
I'm starting the inserts after advice by gynae... However, he stopped short at the jabs as he says that the jabs have hcg and may affect my actual levels..

So right now onli taking dydrogesterone n utrogeston inserts

Have ur bleeding stop?
My bleed stopped after 1 week. The proluton jab i took is suppose to be progesteron, not hcg. I go to Dr Loh at TMC. Am still on it every week.
So its once a week? And u reckon it could be that, that assist in stopping to bleed?

It could be all 3 progesterone and my tcm herbs* from tsb that is supporting my pregnancy and preventing the bleed.

*My dosage of tcm herbs also increased when i started bleeding.

I suggest u ask yr doc for more support or go for 2nd opinion.
Sleepawhile may I know how many weeks were you?
Sigh. Now I also dunno what to expect. Do says go bk in 2 weeks time dunno is it to buy time or what. Did u have any signs and symptoms or feel like the pregnancy symptoms got lesser? I'm so worried now

@xxhazel_nutxx 9 week now. I had a very noticable decrease in nausea in my 5th week. Looking back, i think that was probably when the fetus stopped growing. This is based on my own deductions. Gynae didn't confirm or deny this fact. I read in some forums some mummies experience decrease of MS in the 8th-9th week, but still maintain healthy pregnancies. Don't read too much into the pregnancy symptoms. Stay positive ok?

I had my operation this afternoon.
@xxhazel_nutxx 9 week now. I had a very noticable decrease in nausea in my 5th week. Looking back, i think that was probably when the fetus stopped growing. This is based on my own deductions. Gynae didn't confirm or deny this fact. I read in some forums some mummies experience decrease of MS in the 8th-9th week, but still maintain healthy pregnancies. Don't read too much into the pregnancy symptoms. Stay positive ok?

I had my operation this afternoon.
Hey babe pls rest well. I can't Imagine how devastating it must have been. Pls continue to stay strong and meanwhile take care.of your health.
I'm hoping for the best and paying hard every day
Just came back from kkh... Bb gone... Jus like tat...

*Hugs* Pls take some time to grieve and come back stronger.

You may not hv an appetite to eat but please make sure you eat well in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Take good care of yrself and build up yr body before u try again.
@xxhazel_nutxx 9 week now. I had a very noticable decrease in nausea in my 5th week. Looking back, i think that was probably when the fetus stopped growing. This is based on my own deductions. Gynae didn't confirm or deny this fact. I read in some forums some mummies experience decrease of MS in the 8th-9th week, but still maintain healthy pregnancies. Don't read too much into the pregnancy symptoms. Stay positive ok?

I had my operation this afternoon.

You are one brave lady. I would be crying my eyes out for myself instead of being strong and be able to encourage others to be positive. I am sure yr turn will come again.

After seeing what happened to fluffychilli and yrself, i can't help fearing the worse. I have been praying hard daily for this pregnancy to go well and i can't wait for the next scan in 3 days timd to see my beanie and hopefully its heart beats. Waited too long for this and cannot imagine if anything is to go wrong. I am already in my late 30s and this may be the one and only pregnancy i have.
Really cant understand why we cant substain our pregnancy this days, in this forum i had read so many of us lost our babies during trimester 1. Bleeding, spotting, no heart beat etc., im one of those and doctor also dont know the reasons.

Please be extra cautious when u r pregnant, and hope all of you have a smooth and strong pregnancy.
Thanks portia3. I'm trying my best. But it's hard to have happy thoughts. Every day I just tell my baby to be strong. My hcg level has been very high from start and baby also growing fast since beginning. I don't understand why in 3 days so much can happen downhill.... I'm just praying that it's a mischievous baby playing hide and seek that day and is hinting me to take a break cos I've been working very hard at work.
Anyone seeing tcm? I'm seeing Dr zou but she doesn't like bah baby mai. I heard some tcm can even tell if the baby is growing well. Wonder if I shld go seek another opinion. I'm currently taking some an tai meds from Dr zou which are just tonics to bu the body.
Thanks portia3. I'm trying my best. But it's hard to have happy thoughts. Every day I just tell my baby to be strong. My hcg level has been very high from start and baby also growing fast since beginning. I don't understand why in 3 days so much can happen downhill.... I'm just praying that it's a mischievous baby playing hide and seek that day and is hinting me to take a break cos I've been working very hard at work.
Anyone seeing tcm? I'm seeing Dr zou but she doesn't like bah baby mai. I heard some tcm can even tell if the baby is growing well. Wonder if I shld go seek another opinion. I'm currently taking some an tai meds from Dr zou which are just tonics to bu the body.
I am the opposite of u. I started with low hcg and bleed. Did 7 bhcg tests in first 2 weeks and poas for countless times just to assure myself. I am currently on hl till next monday and will be on no pay leave thereafter. I hv been scared stiff from all that rollercoaster ride in the last few weeks.

I used to see dr zou too before i bfp. I see tsb as well and i am still taking her chinese herbs. Seeing her again tmr for review and more herbs.

Be positive and pray if u need a peace of mind.
Yes, I've been praying every single day and every awake moment for this baby to be strong. It's so precious especially after failing so many ivf and this is a miracle for us. When we heard the heartbeat it was so surreal. And could finally heaved a sigh of relieve. But why is it back on the roller coaster again. It's like a nightmare that never seems to end....
I can't even tell if my symptoms are getting lesser or not. I have not had any mrng. Sickness right from the start neither am I getting worse. My bloatedness seem to have resolved altogether too....

Actually i think we start IVF about the same time last year.

Now can only pray and keep talking to your baby to boost up both strength.

Please stay strong minded.
Do you have morning sickness?
I like to know is it common during first few weeks of pregnancy totally no morning sickness?
Can someone check with doctor the next visit?
For my #1..I didn't have morning sickness nor bloatedness nor loss of appetite all the way till I popped..

For my #2..I had the most terrible morning sickness, bloatedness and whatever you name it..I had it..

Now currently with #3..I didn't have much to start with but after I started on hormones pills..I felt really nauseous and loss of appetite..

It's up to individual and each pregnancy is special and different..

I'm really sadden to see all these news..hugs to all brave ladies here..

Come what may..lets embrace it with love, hope and faith..lets stay positive and strong together..

I too..am doing a long-awaited appointment which is 3weeks later..

Couple weeks ago..I had a little tea-colored stain on my panty liner..which I thought might be implantation..then 1 week ago..I had the most awful pain on my lower abdominal, backache till my feet are cold..so I went to kkh O&G..and when I saw the waterbag and suspected yolk..my heart sank..I'm thinking..isn't that a little too small for my 5+weeks? Anyway..the gynae diagnosed as threaten miscarriage and I was given hormones pills for 2weeks..was totally feeling.....well..no words can describe how I feel..am hoping..my next appointment..all will be well and good..

As #1 I had complication and almost lost my baby..thus..it dawned on me gender not important..health matters the most..and I didn't know my #2 gender till I popped! Coz every ultrascan..I'll be super nervous and scare...coz all I prayed is a healthy and happy baby..each time I saw heartbeat and sonographer said "Everything's ok.." My eyes will be wet..

So....Baby3..lets jiayou together..!! We love you..!!
On one hand I'm praying and telling my baby to be strong but on the other hand can't help but fear for the worst. I mean i heard the heartbeat loud and clear why suddenly disappear. The baby is so small where can it hide to? My husband and I will cry out to God at night and ask for his miracle once again.
On one hand I'm praying and telling my baby to be strong but on the other hand can't help but fear for the worst. I mean i heard the heartbeat loud and clear why suddenly disappear. The baby is so small where can it hide to? My husband and I will cry out to God at night and ask for his miracle once again.
Hazel nut,

I always feel better after i pray. When u feel worried, anxious or even panicky, try praying at that moment. You will feel hopeful or better after that. I do this very often.

I pray when i lay awake in bed at nite. I pray the moment i open my eyes. I try and pray too when negative thots on my pregnancy came to mind.
Thanks portia3. I will try to keep all the negative thoughts away and believe that God is protecting my little one. It is he who gives life and life more abundantly.
Do you have morning sickness?
I like to know is it common during first few weeks of pregnancy totally no morning sickness?
Can someone check with doctor the next visit?
Precious babies,

I have no pregnancy symptoms at all. No MS, no headache, no giddiness, no loss of apettite.

I only feel bloated and have sore breasts. But i attribute both to the progesteron jabs, oral tab and inserts that i started using since i had my ivf done.
