(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Hi all,
I did not log into this thread for almost a week and am sadden by what I read.. Sorry to mummies who lost their baby. :(
I would like to share my story too.

Last tues, I had brown discharge, I read online it is quite normal, so I just went home and bed rest. I was 6 weeks 5 days pregnant.
In the evening, the brown discharge became red and I was bleeding like I was having menses. I was freaked out and my hubby brought me to KKH.
I think I was very scared and stress, the bleeding became more at the hospital, i almost fainted in the toilet when I saw so much blood.. In my heart, I was thinking, That's it.....

Then i went for pregnancy test and blood test. I was STILL pregnant as told by the gynae.. But they could not find my baby in the scan.
I was told to come back 3 days later to take another blood test. if HCG level is up, then they will do another detailed scan for me.
I was not given any medicine to stop the bleeding or for the baby.

Well, since the gynae say I was still pregnant, I was a little more relief.
I bleed from Tuesday night all the way till Friday for the next appointment. These 3 days, I bed rest and was very positive. I was hoping to see baby in the detailed scan.
Went for blood test on Fri and my HCG level dropped drastically. Gynae told me it is a natural miscarriage. At that point of time, I dont really know how to react.. Just feel very upset. But deep inside me, I sort of expected it as i was bleeding non stop for 3 days..

Gynae say the bleeding might continue for another week. (at this point of time, the bleeding has stopped and now I have very little brown discharge)
My next appointment at KKH would be on 10th June for another blood test. If HCG level is below 5, there is no need to do anything. If level is above 5, I need to do a wash out. Gynae say I just need to wait for 1 more menses cycle and I can try for baby again.

I never had the chance to go for my first appointment with my private gynae which was scheduled in June. I never get to see any sac, any heartbeat. Maybe this was easier for me and my hubby because we never said "Hi" to our baby before. However, 1st trimester is really so vulnerable. I was just having MS the week before and before I could even complain more about the MS, the baby is gone.

January mummies, Jia you! I will not be part of this thread any longer, but i hope to join maybe Mar? April? thread soon. :p

Do you have morning sickness?
I like to know is it common during first few weeks of pregnancy totally no morning sickness?
Can someone check with doctor the next visit?
Hi Portia,

I am 7w3d now and thankfully havent had any morning sickness :)
so i am just taking it as a positive sign and going ahead.
no need fretting about it, sp when i am not feeling dizzy every morning :)
Hi Ladies,

Reading all the interesting exchanges and cheerful conversations on this thread had become my daily morning ritual.

Then I logged in this morning and was wondering why there had been no posts since Friday!
And then I read the latest posts.

I am so sorry to hear about all the loss, tears and pains you gals are going through, but I hope neither of you looses your positivity.

Being a strong believer in destiny myself, I would like to think that God Almighty must've planned something better in store for you. A better timing, a healthier experience maybe.
So try to uplift your spirits and see the positive side of life, even though it might seem hard right now!!

You all would be in my prayers and I hope life takes a great positive turn for you soon.

And to change the mood of anyone who might be reading this thread.
Let's uplift the spirits for the conversations here and share some positive or strong stories to inspire and cheer us all!
Thank you so much mummies for your encouragement. Yes, I still do hope that he would want to nurse again when my morning sickness is gone and I start eating, or when baby is out. Right now I still feel very miserable from my ms which is diagnosed at hyperemesis gravidarum. I started medication but it doesn't help. I lost 5 kg in less than 4 weeks! And I am flying off next Monday for a vacation for 15 days. Hope everything will be fine!
Hi all, I am new here. Was looking a support group.
I had MC end Feb when bb hb just stopped. It was hard to accept as my first 2 pregnancies went ok. Did a D&C in early Mar got 1 period cycle. Then I got pregnant again and based on lmp I should be due 10 Jan. just had my first scan today. I should be 8+2 but all we could see was 2 empty sacs. Dr said size indicate about 6wks. She said it could be another MC or wrong calculation and I should come back for another scan in 2wks. Anyone experienced this before?
I am actually quite depressed for 2 MC in a row :(
This afternoon I suddenly have the fainting feeling .. Feel giddy and cant stand well .. Don't even got the strength to collect my takeaway lunch .. And I rush back to office to sit and rest and get my colleague to help me collect my takeaway lunch . Now I reach home then discover that I got some light brown discharge .. I'm about 4 weeks going to 5 weeks . Is it normal ? I'm so worried . I haven't see any gynae yet .. :(
Oh dear pinky..

It might be implantation..monitor if you've any cramps n such..but if you're really not feeling good abt it..pls make a trip to kkh o&g now..at least it'll ease your mind..take care!
MummySunshine .. Can feel the tummy vibrate but I think is gas becos been having this feeling for weeks . Now body no much strength very restless .. I google online seem is normal but maybe monitor another few days . I hope nothing will happen :( ..
Very saddened by reading all these threads....
To all the mommies who lost their precious babies, stay strong. I believe God has something better in store for you.

I'm a second time mommy and this will be my 6.5W coming Thursday.

Just like to share what happened during my 6.75W for my #1...
I was having dinner when suddenly a gush of blood came out. A lot of blood until it soaked a pad.
Scared the shit out of us and we went to NUH A&E.
Thankfully upon ultrasound, baby's heartbeat was still loud and strong. NUH couldn't diagnose why.
The next day, I went back to my private gynae. Upon scanning, found out that its "old blood" that had not cleared up during the last mensus. It occupied 10% of the pregnancy sac that's why bled.
I was expected to bleed over the next 2 weeks before it naturally stopped.
During those 2 weeks, I was given utrogestan and bed rest.
Anyway, baby came out healthy and now 3 years old liao.
What I want to share is, spotting may be scary but its rather common as long as it is not excessive.
To buy a peace of mind, please visit your gynae asap if you find anything worrying.

Lets all jia you together!

Did it get better after you eat?

For me I have a weak gastric. During my first pregnancy, I had to eat non stop.to prevent myself from getting this fainting feeling. My whole body felt like it didn't have an ounce of energy left. After I eat and rest, I will get better. Then I will vomit and feel like fainting again. The cycle just keeps repeating itself.

What eventually worked for me was to keep eating small portions to prevent the fainting feeling and yet won't make me vomit too much.

I just had my first attack this evening so I quickly ate something. So far so good.

Re the spotting please consult ur gynae for peace of mind.

Did it get better after you eat?

For me I have a weak gastric. During my first pregnancy, I had to eat non stop.to prevent myself from getting this fainting feeling. My whole body felt like it didn't have an ounce of energy left. After I eat and rest, I will get better. Then I will vomit and feel like fainting again. The cycle just keeps repeating itself.

What eventually worked for me was to keep eating small portions to prevent the fainting feeling and yet won't make me vomit too much.

I just had my first attack this evening so I quickly ate something. So far so good.

Re the spotting please consult ur gynae for peace of mind.
@Rssean, I feel better Abit after eating. Yesterday i have no appetite (last week I was eating very well) and I bought only Tom yam seafood soup. After drinking it felt better but body seem strengthless and still the same this morning. suspect might be my gastric too wake up this morning with Abit of gastric discomfort. Maybe after week 4 the body is changing . Being a mother is really not easy. Did you take any gastric pills like veragel ?

The spotting is light brown and my fren say might be old blood say is normal ..so I think I need to monitor for another few days .
Hi Portia,

I am 7w3d now and thankfully havent had any morning sickness :)
so i am just taking it as a positive sign and going ahead.
no need fretting about it, sp when i am not feeling dizzy every morning :)
Hi sakshi,

You are right, i shld be thankful when i hv no ms. But somehow, the brain is slways wired to worry!

Apart from sore breasts and bloating which i think are caused by my progesterone inserts and oral med, i only hv some watery white discharge as pregnancy sympton.

I can't wait for my review at the doc tmr. Want to see my beanie and its development. Hoping to see, hear and measure its thumping heart at week 7.
Very saddened by reading all these threads....
To all the mommies who lost their precious babies, stay strong. I believe God has something better in store for you.

I'm a second time mommy and this will be my 6.5W coming Thursday.

Just like to share what happened during my 6.75W for my #1...
I was having dinner when suddenly a gush of blood came out. A lot of blood until it soaked a pad.
Scared the shit out of us and we went to NUH A&E.
Thankfully upon ultrasound, baby's heartbeat was still loud and strong. NUH couldn't diagnose why.
The next day, I went back to my private gynae. Upon scanning, found out that its "old blood" that had not cleared up during the last mensus. It occupied 10% of the pregnancy sac that's why bled.
I was expected to bleed over the next 2 weeks before it naturally stopped.
During those 2 weeks, I was given utrogestan and bed rest.
Anyway, baby came out healthy and now 3 years old liao.
What I want to share is, spotting may be scary but its rather common as long as it is not excessive.
To buy a peace of mind, please visit your gynae asap if you find anything worrying.

Lets all jia you together!

Had the similar thing happened when i was pregnant with 1st child too...i thought i lost my child n rushed to kkh and found bb still ok. Also took ultrogestan to help stabilise my pregnant. Anyway my no.1 came out healthy and is now 27 months.

Just to share, my previous gynae did explain to me the hormone pills are supposed to help stabilise our womb to prevent contractions coz when there is blood, our uterus natual reaction is to contract to push the excess blood out and given that our embryo/fetus are still so small we will have a possibility to mc. So any bleeding or spoting better get it checked by gynae.
Had the similar thing happened when i was pregnant with 1st child too...i thought i lost my child n rushed to kkh and found bb still ok. Also took ultrogestan to help stabilise my pregnant. Anyway my no.1 came out healthy and is now 27 months.

Just to share, my previous gynae did explain to me the hormone pills are supposed to help stabilise our womb to prevent contractions coz when there is blood, our uterus natual reaction is to contract to push the excess blood out and given that our embryo/fetus are still so small we will have a possibility to mc. So any bleeding or spoting better get it checked by gynae.
Hi chrmei,

Have u seen dr john tee yet? How's yr experience with him. I heard he does consult at both the private suite at kkh and the clinic in ang mo kio. Which did u go to?
Portia: not seen gynae yet, 1st visit on next tue. Estimate should b 7weeks by then. Will be seeing at the amk clinic coz its near to my mum's hse. Feels like a long wait but i'm afraid go earlier cant see anything then i will worry. I dun really have ms too, only i find my digestive system seems to be a little slower. If eat too much will feel uncomfortable but i wun vomit. 1st pregnancy also no ms.
Hi ladies, does any of you experience itchy skin? I've got very itchy skin all over started from my boobs then my stomach and now my back and legs and arms also. It happens especially after a bath... and I've got a lot of scratches all over my body from the itch. Is it a normal pregnancy symptom?
I'm going back for a 2nd scan tmr after not being able to detect baby's heartbeat on Fri. Praying for the best. Worried also cos no ms and I've not been having much of an appetite either.
Hazel_nut: i have the same thing too, been trying hard not to scratch my tummy, back and thigh. Let me know what it is when you see your gynae?
Portia: not seen gynae yet, 1st visit on next tue. Estimate should b 7weeks by then. Will be seeing at the amk clinic coz its near to my mum's hse. Feels like a long wait but i'm afraid go earlier cant see anything then i will worry. I dun really have ms too, only i find my digestive system seems to be a little slower. If eat too much will feel uncomfortable but i wun vomit. 1st pregnancy also no ms.
Hi chrmei,

I am suppose to be at 7 week by this wednesday. Last wed scan, dr pit me at 5 week 5days cos th bb crl is only 1.65mm. A little smaller than the development of 6 week. I hope this wed can see more development.

I also can't eat a full meal now without getting uncomfortable. So now i tend to eat 80% full.
Hi ladies, does any of you experience itchy skin? I've got very itchy skin all over started from my boobs then my stomach and now my back and legs and arms also. It happens especially after a bath... and I've got a lot of scratches all over my body from the itch. Is it a normal pregnancy symptom?
I'm going back for a 2nd scan tmr after not being able to detect baby's heartbeat on Fri. Praying for the best. Worried also cos no ms and I've not been having much of an appetite either.
Hazel_nut: i have the same thing too, been trying hard not to scratch my tummy, back and thigh. Let me know what it is when you see your gynae?

Hazel nut and chrmei,

Here's an article with some mention of itching. If yr itch is mild, it shld be fine cos our body is changing and it be due to dry skin.

Pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy-symptoms-you-should-never-ignore
Hi ladies, does any of you experience itchy skin? I've got very itchy skin all over started from my boobs then my stomach and now my back and legs and arms also. It happens especially after a bath... and I've got a lot of scratches all over my body from the itch. Is it a normal pregnancy symptom?
I'm going back for a 2nd scan tmr after not being able to detect baby's heartbeat on Fri. Praying for the best. Worried also cos no ms and I've not been having much of an appetite either.
Hazel nut,

Be positive. I will be at dr loh too for review, scan, intralipid imfusion and progesteron jab.
Hi sakshi,

You are right, i shld be thankful when i hv no ms. But somehow, the brain is slways wired to worry!

Apart from sore breasts and bloating which i think are caused by my progesterone inserts and oral med, i only hv some watery white discharge as pregnancy sympton.

I can't wait for my review at the doc tmr. Want to see my beanie and its development. Hoping to see, hear and measure its thumping heart at week 7.

I actually agree. Mind works in strange ways :)
Since even i dont have much, other than sore breasts and occassional cramps. I also cant wait for my appt this week, to see the baby's heartbeat!!

All the best for the appt today!!
Very saddened by reading all these threads....
To all the mommies who lost their precious babies, stay strong. I believe God has something better in store for you.

I'm a second time mommy and this will be my 6.5W coming Thursday.

Just like to share what happened during my 6.75W for my #1...
I was having dinner when suddenly a gush of blood came out. A lot of blood until it soaked a pad.
Scared the shit out of us and we went to NUH A&E.
Thankfully upon ultrasound, baby's heartbeat was still loud and strong. NUH couldn't diagnose why.
The next day, I went back to my private gynae. Upon scanning, found out that its "old blood" that had not cleared up during the last mensus. It occupied 10% of the pregnancy sac that's why bled.
I was expected to bleed over the next 2 weeks before it naturally stopped.
During those 2 weeks, I was given utrogestan and bed rest.
Anyway, baby came out healthy and now 3 years old liao.
What I want to share is, spotting may be scary but its rather common as long as it is not excessive.
To buy a peace of mind, please visit your gynae asap if you find anything worrying.

Lets all jia you together!
Hi Fallinflakes,

Thanks for sharing your exp. it surely is encouraging...
Hazel nut,

Be positive. I will be at dr loh too for review, scan, intralipid imfusion and progesteron jab.
Hi gal u also going tmr? I'll be there quite late Ard 5 cos I wanna go with my hubby. I'm wondering any of u seeing tcm for an tai med? I heard some tcm can also tell if baby is growing or not from the mai. Is it true?
Hi gal u also going tmr? I'll be there quite late Ard 5 cos I wanna go with my hubby. I'm wondering any of u seeing tcm for an tai med? I heard some tcm can also tell if baby is growing or not from the mai. Is it true?
I'll be there tmr in the early afternoon cos i hv intralipid infusion to do on top of the scan, jab and review.

I am seeing tsb for tcm. Currently taking her 安胎药。i think tcm sinseh can feel the pulse and sense bb heart beat at later stage.
Hi ladies
I didn't log in for so long and so sad to hear the losses of some of the mummies here
My prayer for u is tat u will build up ur body fast n hv another beanie soon
God bless and have good rest ya
For me .. After seeing all the losses here.. Hearing stories abt how my frens n colleagues lost their during the 1st mth
It really freak me out!! :(
I was getting really worried and praying to God to keep this bb!!
Really praying hard to detect heartbeat when I see gynae next Monday!
Hi ladies
I didn't log in for so long and so sad to hear the losses of some of the mummies here
My prayer for u is tat u will build up ur body fast n hv another beanie soon
God bless and have good rest ya
For me .. After seeing all the losses here.. Hearing stories abt how my frens n colleagues lost their during the 1st mth
It really freak me out!! :(
I was getting really worried and praying to God to keep this bb!!
Really praying hard to detect heartbeat when I see gynae next Monday!

Ley's try and be positive and look forward to our review.

The first trimester is always unpredictable. It is even more so for ivf patient like me.

I started my bfp with bleeds and hence i always maintain a cautious outlook for my pregnancy. I rejoice at each stage i cleared - when my bleed stop, when i see my hcg rise one test after another, when i see the iugs and yolk sac at my first scan. But i always maintain a sense of cautious happiness without being totally overjoy or elated. A better word to describe would be - relief.

All i can say now is :
-take one step at a time
-pray some more
-hope for better news at the next stage
-never stop praying.
Hi ladies, does any of you experience itchy skin? I've got very itchy skin all over started from my boobs then my stomach and now my back and legs and arms also. It happens especially after a bath... and I've got a lot of scratches all over my body from the itch. Is it a normal pregnancy symptom?
I'm going back for a 2nd scan tmr after not being able to detect baby's heartbeat on Fri. Praying for the best. Worried also cos no ms and I've not been having much of an appetite either.
Hazelnut, im experiencing the same too but mine is on fingers and toes. Damn itchy until i have to wake up in the middle of the night to keep scratching. I went to my gp today and he gave me some cream, safe for pregnancy use. He said have to use those soap and body wash with low PH such as physiogel and cetaphil..
Hazelnut, im experiencing the same too but mine is on fingers and toes. Damn itchy until i have to wake up in the middle of the night to keep scratching. I went to my gp today and he gave me some cream, safe for pregnancy use. He said have to use those soap and body wash with low PH such as physiogel and cetaphil..
Okok I'm also using like baby wash for body now. It gets worst after bath. My friends told me could be hives. But tcm says it's the hormonal changes in the body. I'll tell my gynae tmr when I see him. Hope you feel better! Yah it's very annoying to wake up pee and scratch. Can't have a proper rest. ..

Ley's try and be positive and look forward to our review.

The first trimester is always unpredictable. It is even more so for ivf patient like me.

I started my bfp with bleeds and hence i always maintain a cautious outlook for my pregnancy. I rejoice at each stage i cleared - when my bleed stop, when i see my hcg rise one test after another, when i see the iugs and yolk sac at my first scan. But i always maintain a sense of cautious happiness without being totally overjoy or elated. A better word to describe would be - relief.

All i can say now is :
-take one step at a time
-pray some more
-hope for better news at the next stage
-never stop praying.

And....stay positive..!!

Come what may..embrace it with love, hope and faith..
Okok I'm also using like baby wash for body now. It gets worst after bath. My friends told me could be hives. But tcm says it's the hormonal changes in the body. I'll tell my gynae tmr when I see him. Hope you feel better! Yah it's very annoying to wake up pee and scratch. Can't have a proper rest. ..
Yea i read online and it says shld be due to hormones change ba. Cos i used to have all these itch 3-4 yrs ago and it took about 6 mths to 1 yr to heal.. My arm took about 3 yrs to heal cos too sensitive. Thats why im very scared now cos it came back again during pregnancy :( im starting to apply cream by my GP. Hope will get better this week. Ya, everyday middle of the night wake up, pee, feel hungry and feeling itchy :(

You also jiayou too. Update us after your visit tomorrow :)
Yup I also read is due to the hormones. I don't mind the itch, the pee or anything else as long as baby is growing and well. Hopefully these are signs of pregnancy symptoms which show that hcg is still increasing. I have faith in my little one that this little beanie is a fighter. This beanie has been a fighter right from the start :)
Sigh I been to the gynae this afternoon he say baby is 3.08 mm is too small ..for week5 days 6. He say he count by that chart so estimate I'm week 5 days 6 . As usual I still think I only going to week 5 That why is small. The chart sure no as accurate ba. Then anyway give me a progesterone jab and HL till mon ..
Hi Mummies.. I'm on my way to TMC for DC now.. having mixed feeling..

Monday nite went for my 1st gynae visit at 8wks.. dr can't find bb only spotted waterbag.. was told to go TMC next morning for detailed scan.. try the normal scan can't find bb.. did virginal scan.. found bb but BB was small.. lil beanie was only 3mm (5wks) with no heartbeat.. went back to dr clinic with the report n scan.. dr confirmed is a miscarriage.. felt that this can be prevented.. if I went to scan at a earlier stage..

Anyway. Good luck to all mummies out there. Stay positive and Healthy always..
Sigh I been to the gynae this afternoon he say baby is 3.08 mm is too small ..for week5 days 6. He say he count by that chart so estimate I'm week 5 days 6 . As usual I still think I only going to week 5 That why is small. The chart sure no as accurate ba. Then anyway give me a progesterone jab and HL till mon ..

Pinkyspree: is ur cycle an exact 28days? Coz i saw some online due date calculator also ask to key in our average cycle days. For example mine if based on lmp my edd is 26th jan, but because my cycle varies from 28-32 days my adjust edd is actually 29th jan if i key in 32days. So its highly possible to be off the chart.

Any of you ladies, feeling very hungry after every 1-2 hours?
I get these hunger pangs after every couple of hours, but I am not sure if I should be eating too much, so early on in pregnancy!
Don't want to gain undue weight and increase complications for me and baby
Hi ladies, does any of you experience itchy skin? I've got very itchy skin all over started from my boobs then my stomach and now my back and legs and arms also. It happens especially after a bath... and I've got a lot of scratches all over my body from the itch. Is it a normal pregnancy symptom?
I'm going back for a 2nd scan tmr after not being able to detect baby's heartbeat on Fri. Praying for the best. Worried also cos no ms and I've not been having much of an appetite either.
All the best for ur scan today..keep calm. will pray that everything will go well for u.. :)

Any of you ladies, feeling very hungry after every 1-2 hours?
I get these hunger pangs after every couple of hours, but I am not sure if I should be eating too much, so early on in pregnancy!
Don't want to gain undue weight and increase complications for me and baby

I try and space out my meals and eat small meals each time up to only 80% full.

I also try and cut down on eating too much carbo (i love carbo) as it causes sugar level to spike quickly right after eating and causes bloating too. I eat lots of protein food ilke fish instead

I hv done this for the last 3 weeks and found that i hv gone down 2 kg which is a good thing as i am slightly overweight with bmi at 25.
Pinkyspree: is ur cycle an exact 28days? Coz i saw some online due date calculator also ask to key in our average cycle days. For example mine if based on lmp my edd is 26th jan, but because my cycle varies from 28-32 days my adjust edd is actually 29th jan if i key in 32days. So its highly possible to be off the chart.
Hi chrmei , not very accurate .. Sometime delay 1-2 weeks and doc adjust the chart but still weird he say is based on the chart to estimate then I told him the fertile date and he adjust Liao also put fertile date as 2nd week so I think the chart is just estimate so I might be 1 week lesser but the chart put me as 1 week more .. Anyway have to wait till mon to see him again . But I thinking to change to fri to see him .. Becos just a few days I scared the beanie don't grow much :(

Hi Mummies.. I'm on my way to TMC for DC now.. having mixed feeling..

Monday nite went for my 1st gynae visit at 8wks.. dr can't find bb only spotted waterbag.. was told to go TMC next morning for detailed scan.. try the normal scan can't find bb.. did virginal scan.. found bb but BB was small.. lil beanie was only 3mm (5wks) with no heartbeat.. went back to dr clinic with the report n scan.. dr confirmed is a miscarriage.. felt that this can be prevented.. if I went to scan at a earlier stage..

Anyway. Good luck to all mummies out there. Stay positive and Healthy always..

Sorry to hear abt this.

Pls do not blame yrself for not doing early scan. It could be that the beanie was not healthy to begin with and hence it stops growing. Sometimes, things happen and it is not within our control.

I am an ivf patient and i had absolutely the best embryos transfered on both cycles. My first cycle ended in failure. None of the 2 embryo stuck. My current cycle, only 1 stuck and developed.

Pls take gd care after yr procedure. I am sure u will be back with gd news in the coming months.
