(2014) ivf mummies support group

today really dont feel good. this skirt of mine is making me feel so fat. keep having the tight feeling around my waist. this is a high waist skirt but its flare so i thought wont be much pressure to the tummy since its flare. but the waist i can feel its tightening me now. i thought only my tummy increase abit in size now i think the waist also. feel so uneasy....
today really dont feel good. this skirt of mine is making me feel so fat. keep having the tight feeling around my waist. this is a high waist skirt but its flare so i thought wont be much pressure to the tummy since its flare. but the waist i can feel its tightening me now. i thought only my tummy increase abit in size now i think the waist also. feel so uneasy....
I know what u mean. Yesterday I was bloating quite bad. My pyjama pants was like a bit tight. Just can't sleep. Very uneasy. After 1hr plus then I decide to get up and change to loose shorts. Get into bed then KO already

A bit of discomfort for us also feels very pek cek
Lyncandy, I have started eating meat again since sat. But only like chic meat. Sometime I still feel nauseous after eating chic but I feel it give me more energy.
Iwantahealthybaby , I think ur hubby dots u a lot.
If is my hubby, he may say " yes save up for bb, don't any how spend"
Iwantahealthybaby , I think ur hubby dots u a lot.
If is my hubby, he may say " yes save up for bb, don't any how spend"
Yah true... think he 心疼 you. Not easy carrying twins leh. Our emotions very hard to control. Just need more understanding from both parties during this period.
ya circle i think i need to sort out my wardrobe soon, must put away those super tight bottoms already and make some space for new "maternity" wear. yesterday i bought bra extension from mother care. seriously all about pregnancy is ex. just 2 bra extension strap cost me $8.90. just that short piece of cloth. argh...i agree on the emotions part. i used to cry when see touching drama but i realise i cry even faster now even if the scence is not that sad...

congrats kitkats, chic is healthy. at least less fatty meat if eaten without skin.

ya dh is quite nice to me but he is not good in controlling finance. maybe ladies tend to be more calculative when it comes to money. i am always the one nagging him to dont anyhow spend just keep for future use. tests or give birth all need money. anyway in end he manage to convince me to get the bag as its big enough and he say very good use for beanies stuffs next time so dont see it as waste of money. see it as now you can use after birth also can use as diaper bag. so i thought yeah why not really big enough for all diapers and milk bottles next time :)
ya circle i think i need to sort out my wardrobe soon, must put away those super tight bottoms already and make some space for new "maternity" wear. yesterday i bought bra extension from mother care. seriously all about pregnancy is ex. just 2 bra extension strap cost me $8.90. just that short piece of cloth. argh...i agree on the emotions part. i used to cry when see touching drama but i realise i cry even faster now even if the scence is not that sad...

congrats kitkats, chic is healthy. at least less fatty meat if eaten without skin.

ya dh is quite nice to me but he is not good in controlling finance. maybe ladies tend to be more calculative when it comes to money. i am always the one nagging him to dont anyhow spend just keep for future use. tests or give birth all need money. anyway in end he manage to convince me to get the bag as its big enough and he say very good use for beanies stuffs next time so dont see it as waste of money. see it as now you can use after birth also can use as diaper bag. so i thought yeah why not really big enough for all diapers and milk bottles next time :)
Your dh is very thoughtful la!!!! But not all guys are spendthrift. My dh is the 'don't spend money' kind. Everyday can eat same economical noodles set cos it is cheap. Me cannot. Like to eat nice nice food. The only thing he will spend on is his car.

Yah... pants and shorts for me is a problem. And I can't go shopping also. Already wearing xl but still too tight.

Wear high waist, like squashing on bloated tummy. Wear low waist, like squashing on bladder. Keep wanting to go toilet. So irritating.
Your dh is very thoughtful la!!!! But not all guys are spendthrift. My dh is the 'don't spend money' kind. Everyday can eat same economical noodles set cos it is cheap. Me cannot. Like to eat nice nice food. The only thing he will spend on is his car.

Yah... pants and shorts for me is a problem. And I can't go shopping also. Already wearing xl but still too tight.

Wear high waist, like squashing on bloated tummy. Wear low waist, like squashing on bladder. Keep wanting to go toilet. So irritating.

i think low waist loose type should be most comfy. or maybe can try dress? those cotton stretchable type? actually i always love to see those baby bump showing on ladies with cotton dress. but my mum hates it. she still prefer traditional preggy women to wear those maternity design clothes. she hates those tshirt wrapping the bump so big...
Some preggy ladies carry their bumps vy sexy some can't.. so must really See how u dress.. I m wearing dresses to work n for time being I m not worry on my wardrobe as I have been stocking up on loose dresses long ago, always tik tat I can wear whether fat it pregnant.. hahaa..
My dh dun really bother w my shopping as I used my own $ I nvr touch his $ when comes to luxury item.my dh already complaint how many bags I need then I ask h how many watches u need... hahaa
Mil told him everyone had their own likes so as long not using ur $ dun complaint.. heheee
Iwantahealthybaby, think from another perspective. Having twins doesn't mean you have to fork out more resources. In fact, it is lesser than singleton. Monetary wise, yes because you have to buy double but if you think about time spent buying/sourcing/educating for twins, the time spent is the same as singleton. Even now when you do your scans, I believe the cost is the same as those who are having singletons. In terms of resources, it's lesser than singleton.

We calculated before.
true dolly_gal own pocket own business hahaha. but i still will poke into dh pocket at times need to make sure he doesnt anyhow spend.

faithfullyours, no leh in kkh for twins everything is more costly. i saw before the bills of the u/s more ex abit. even down syndrome testing twins also more ex. but for outside private clinic so far i been to a few they charge same one fee for u/s. my dh already can forseen if twins out both of us must take care cannot say one sleep while the other feed, cause probably the sleeping one will have the same feeding time and if 1 cry the other will wake too so guess both of us need to feed at same time...as 1st time mummy alot of things still learning so also dont know how to handle when babies out. hopefully can still enjoy motherhood.
No leh, pregnant twin aso charge double.. my gynae clinic said next visit onwards will double. First scan they charge me normal first.. my first scan they did 4 prints out n a letter summarise the number of weeks for each sac..
As long both goes on smoothly next 9 mths, I dun want care so much liao...
Ya kkh charge more too for twins. But private clinics so far the bill I see didn write twins or single scan. So I don't know if the charges are already higher. Sometimes they also take into consideration how long the scan is. I am done with blood test. Quick no que. Take and go.
Anyone experience a lot of milky discharge when you are stress or walk too much or wear clothing too tight?
I will start to cramp more when I am stressed. It happened a few times.

My dad suddenly called. Ask me to hurry find his passport cos his boss wants him to go jb now. I gan cheong then cramp.

Just now also, trying to file his income tax. Somehow password don't work. kanna log out. Gan cheong again then cramp.

But won't result in milky discharge leh...
Ya I think pregnancy hormones make u a bit more emotional than usual. So we must all relax k....

Wish I can spend time with baby after birth... But sad that cannot quit the job. Need to service housing loan. Don't think I can tahan the 12h work days, thinking of going to ask for part time or extended leave.
Anyone experience a lot of milky discharge when you are stress or walk too much or wear clothing too tight?
Got some milky discharge, but not like due to anything (or mb not observant). Think it is due to increase in progesterone in the body.

Circle, u better take care! Alamak keep cramping. Mb baby telling u dun stress! Haha.
Circle, I agreed with hi_mei think beanie wants you to relax. Oh you and kitkats will be seeing doctor and beanie tomorrow. Remember to ask those questions you want to ask and also on your brown spotting if it is ok.
Iwantahealthybaby, manage to see the mee siam? Today only bt for you?
Buddy, I didn eat Mee Siam today instead I eat laksa haha. Ya only took bt today. I did ask the amc lady if can scan anot today she say no haha. Even want pay also cannot. So just register then straight away go room bt then can go. So fast. Today I got lots of discharge and I notice I always get milky discharge especially when I try hard to poo. This afternoon I try to poo maybe got some pushing and resulted In the release of milky discharge. Is not a bit. It's a lot. I wonder also if is normal. It always comes after I poo and wipe then saw lots of it. Sorry ar if too many info hehe.
Hi Mei, for me I also cannot don't work. And probably I will only take 1 month confinement leave and have to go back work. Because my duties nobody take over one so it's only me. If really cannot cope with babies after 1month I will need to discuss with boss maybe I come back work but like two to three days per week type or maybe work half day type. Really must see and plan. I also don't know who going to look after my babies if I go back work. Send IFC is another cost. Haiz headache
Hello everyone! I am just back from JB.

I had the milky discharge a few times too when I wiped and I took a picture and showed it to Dr Tan before. He asked if I have any difficulty urinating or I feel any itch at my vagina. I said no then he said it's normal.

Iwantahealthybaby, you are going back to work after confinement? That's very fast! Are you going to have helper?

Circlecircle, hope your brown discharge and cramps get better. Rest well.

I'm still deciding if I wanna be a SAHM.
Hahaha, I don't think my cramping will get better. In fact it is worsening. Hubby had a serious serious conversation with me over family matters and we clashed on the extreme opposite ends again.
Yes. I seriously don't know if I getting outside cl during confinement period or my parents will help with confinement food, if parents means I will take care babies myself they just do cooking. If cl think they will help care for babies. But twins cl charges very high and not a lot cl might want. Still far doesn't want to think about this yet. You very cute Faithfullyours you actually took pic of your milky discharge and show dr tan? I don't think I have the courage...xoxo. So he say normal? Mine only discharge also no itch no pain.

Circle, a lot of time a when there are new or changes to the family there sure will be some serious talk. Most important it must not affect you and hubbs r/s.

I am preparing to go work soon and I must make sure today clothes not going to make me discomfort. Tonight having dinner with gfs. Having international buffet. Gonna be very careful on what can be eaten and what cannot.
Iwantahealthybaby,enjoy ur buffet dinner.. talking abt losing weight last week n I m beginning to feel heavy these few days..
May need to stay late in ofc these 2 days for a tender submission.. stress when I tik abt it
Buddy, I also have a lot of milky discharge when poo or walk too much or stress. I will either get a cl or delivery of confinement food. My parent will be helping me to either take care of the baby or to cook only.
Faithfullyyours, you are so pro can even take photo and show Dr Tan.
Circle, got new changes to the family is like this. Just got to slowly discuss and try to understand each other views then see how it goes.
Dolly, sneezing and coughing and tummy very cramp I encounter before. Just try to cough softly and when sneeze get ready and sayang your tummy before sneezing out.
Haha! Iwantahealthybaby & LynnCandy, thank you thank you! Actually that time when I had my spotting, I took pictures whenever I felt there was a difference. I even took the bleeding one. Because I seriously don't know how the doctors gauge if it's spotting/bleeding. I also showed them to Dr Tan. Sometimes also don't know how to describe to the doctor. So may as well just take pictures and show them.

Circle circle, have you tried drinking hot plain water/red dates with wolf berries tea when you have cramps? Think it helps.
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dolly gal dont stress, just take go with own pace..i know there is date line for your submission but since you already plan to stay late you just got to do it slow and steady..most important dont let your mind feel stress. get ready some snacks in office so can eat when hungry.

true faithfullyours, sometimes we really doesnt know their spotting and our spotting does it refer to the same amount and thus picture says a thousand words. but still i dont think i have the courage hehehe.

previously when i sneeze i tend to control but now i let go so it doesnt impact much on the stomach. i not used to letting it go so freely hahaha cause like i am spreading germs to the air...i so used to hold my nose when i sneeze. but whenever i do this i think stomach will have some impact so i thought better dont now thou i dont have any cramping yet.
The problem is this tender is not mine, I m just backing up my teamate who is happily enjoying himself in Thailand now...
My scan is this afternoon, getting excited n worry at the same time. It been 3 weeks since I last saw beanie at amc. Till now I still don't even know what I see on the screen that day izzit really beanie heart beat. What I see is only a white line.
Hopefully later I get to see a fatter beanie with flickering heart beat. Haha
oh dolly_gal i feel you. this is the most sucky part, stay late to cover someone else duty. but think of the bright side when you are on leave or during confinement he/she will probably be covering your work as well :)

kitkats, i think you will see bigger beanie today. every week they grow very fast. its has been 3 weeks since your last scan i believe you will be able to picture out a clearer view of beanie. amc doesnt allow us hear hb so probably you can see flickering only today. but yes the flickering part is the white line there. :)

circle also aptm today right? waiting for you girls update on seeing beanie today. so excited....
Yeah, today is appt day. Was so looking forward but still upset over the discussion last night.

I whole night cannot sleep. Hear him snoring and sleeping soundly then I super duh. Like how can he still KO so well. First time that i couldnt stand lying next to this man. I just fume until morning. His alarm rang, out of bed then I managed to fall asleep. Hope it is the preggy hormones at work.

Today I am supposed to go TPS. So don't think scan will be done at amc.
circle i totally understand this too. had a big quarrel last time before with dh and i was so affected till i cannot sleep and he can still sleep and snore. i was so pek chek...can u imagine i feel so alone in the living room when i realise he is already sleeping in room liao. totally pissed off....and as punishment i didn talk to him for few days, didn bother to help him cook, didn buy him dinner, didn refill his water bottles hahahaha. thou he did try to talk or msg me but i feel i wanted to give him cold turkey treatment for few days before i give in...hehehe. i havent been to tps, but yesterday while i was at amc, i sneak to clinic A for a hot cup of cocoa lol. its foc.
sorry i have to post here so that i can have some reply as help is needed. hehehehe

Need some help...

For wolf berries and red dates drink. Can i just put some of them in mug and pour hot water den wait a while and drink or do i need to boil it? Do i need to eat the red dates too? How about the wolf berries eat or throw.

And for red bean soup, need to soak and let the red bean break first before boiling? Coz i just boil it but around 45 minutes the red beans is still so hard.

iwantahealthybaby, think talk to your dh. He loves you and concern about you and beanies.

For me I am thinking now cannot bd, very scare don't know dh will run away. Maybe I am just thinking too much, but I think our dh also heart pain or bad mood seeing us having mood swing.

Everyone just cool, talk to dh nicely. It is our mood swing that makes us think else where, so bring back the mood. I think this forum is good, if you got anything or feel anything just share here sisters. So that we can still have the correct mind as we move on daily.

heehee next time I shall sneak to clinic A for a drink.
sorry i have to post here so that i can have some reply as help is needed. hehehehe

Need some help...

For wolf berries and red dates drink. Can i just put some of them in mug and pour hot water den wait a while and drink or do i need to boil it? Do i need to eat the red dates too? How about the wolf berries eat or throw.

And for red bean soup, need to soak and let the red bean break first before boiling? Coz i just boil it but around 45 minutes the red beans is still so hard.


babe, for me i always put my wolf berries and red dates (cut into half, if got seeds i remove them) and pour hot water and cover the mug and drink after 7-10mins. yes its advised to eat the red dates. for me per cup of drink i always add in 5red dates and 10wolf berries. i eat all. sometimes left 1 red date no eat. as for red bean soup i didn soak 1st, you will need to boil the water with pandan leaves after boil then throw in the red dates. remember dont add in sugar 1st till you see the red bean split open. cause my mum say if you throw in sugar too early no matter how you boil the beans wont soften....hope this helps.
hahahaha ya the machine is at the waiting area in front of the doctors room. kekeke you need to walk past the registration counter....didn quarrel with dh since last sun on the buying of bag or not already. the major quarrel happen way back before i bfp..hehe. dont worry about no baby dance and dh ran away....have faith....dont think your dh is this type of man la. you think too much. muahahaha. its 12pm...another 45mins before i head off for lunch.
back from lunch, i had beef bimbiba from fdcourt. i am still hesitating at 1st as the egg yolk usually is watery but i just thought go for it. lucky the egg was overcook lol. fdcourt no standard. so in end i finish all. actually for me i realise i am not so discipline when comes to eating after my bfp. during tww i stop all cold drinks but after bfp i started drinking occassionally thou i will chose those caffeine free drinks. usually 100 plus, grape, root beer or orange juice. as for eating, i still eat kimchi and some radish thou they are suppose to be cooling. the other day i even eat 2 slice of watermelon. i know according to chinese medicine or old folks all these foods are cooling should avoid but when i read some preg books they actually do recommend fruits like banana, watermelon, honeydew and even grapes. in fact my kkh doc also say just eat anyting you like except no raw food. so i guess as long as i stay out of sashimi should be fine.
i bought a waffle back for tea time later. fat die me....feeling sinful.
back from lunch, i had beef bimbiba from fdcourt. i am still hesitating at 1st as the egg yolk usually is watery but i just thought go for it. lucky the egg was overcook lol. fdcourt no standard. so in end i finish all. actually for me i realise i am not so discipline when comes to eating after my bfp. during tww i stop all cold drinks but after bfp i started drinking occassionally thou i will chose those caffeine free drinks. usually 100 plus, grape, root beer or orange juice. as for eating, i still eat kimchi and some radish thou they are suppose to be cooling. the other day i even eat 2 slice of watermelon. i know according to chinese medicine or old folks all these foods are cooling should avoid but when i read some preg books they actually do recommend fruits like banana, watermelon, honeydew and even grapes. in fact my kkh doc also say just eat anyting you like except no raw food. so i guess as long as i stay out of sashimi should be fine.
i bought a waffle back for tea time later. fat die me....feeling sinful.

I had chicken bimbiba at our regular place at West Coast Plaza for lunch. DH asked them to cook the egg a bit longer. I ate like 5 mouthfuls then I couldn't eat already. So I exchanged with DH's kimchi soup. Slightly better but also couldn't finish. Ended up eating one mushroom bacon bread from Oiishi.

The only time I could finish a proper meal was eating the beef noodles at Century Square. Really finished up the whole bowl.
babe, for me i always put my wolf berries and red dates (cut into half, if got seeds i remove them) and pour hot water and cover the mug and drink after 7-10mins. yes its advised to eat the red dates. for me per cup of drink i always add in 5red dates and 10wolf berries. i eat all. sometimes left 1 red date no eat. as for red bean soup i didn soak 1st, you will need to boil the water with pandan leaves after boil then throw in the red dates. remember dont add in sugar 1st till you see the red bean split open. cause my mum say if you throw in sugar too early no matter how you boil the beans wont soften....hope this helps.

thank you iwantahealthybaby, ok will try tonight coz my first time putting wolf berries this time round.

ohhh and thank you for the tips for red beans! really no patience on the red beans, i end up munching hard red bean. hahaha
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I still have not eat any Korean food yet. Haha, now I only eat vegetarian meals and just now the lunch I like scare to eat vegetarian. Like this I got nothing to eat already. I keep on drinking ribena. Sweet die... bought red bean and kaya bun to standby for tea. Fat die... recently is either sweet or fat die.

I had chicken bimbiba at our regular place at West Coast Plaza for lunch. DH asked them to cook the egg a bit longer. I ate like 5 mouthfuls then I couldn't eat already. So I exchanged with DH's kimchi soup. Slightly better but also couldn't finish. Ended up eating one mushroom bacon bread from Oiishi.

The only time I could finish a proper meal was eating the beef noodles at Century Square. Really finished up the whole bowl.

i know which eatery you had your korean food. its at ground floor the whole shop sells korea food. but operated by chinese/china staffs. i finish my whole plate of bimbiba man..thats actually quite alot. maybe cause all veg very fresh feel for me. its been some time since i last visited west coast plaza. used to go there for supper at xin wang with friends way back.
