(2014) ivf mummies support group

thank you iwantahealthybaby, ok will try tonight coz my first time putting wolf berries this time round.

ohhh and thank you for the tips for red beans! really no patient on the red beans, i end up munching hard red bean. hahaha

no worries, harden or soft it still do same wonder...just that soften will be easier to consume. hehehe. but yes even without adding sugar you need some time to boil. since red bean soup dont need everyday drink at times i just buy from dessert shop and drink. save the trouble as my dh doesnt drink this so if i cook like wasting gas hahaha. whole pot cannot be i drink finish all. muahahahaha

i know which eatery you had your korean food. its at ground floor the whole shop sells korea food. but operated by chinese/china staffs. i finish my whole plate of bimbiba man..thats actually quite alot. maybe cause all veg very fresh feel for me. its been some time since i last visited west coast plaza. used to go there for supper at xin wang with friends way back.

Yup! That's the one. :)
how is scan circle and kitkats. is tps machine much better than amc?

lynn, hopefully your dinner will be good. hope you can finish all...i waiting for time off for some really good dinner tonight with gfs.
Ehh.. I think the tps machine not clear leh. I feel that the one in amc better.
I saw my beanie.. But can't see flickering on screen. I think machine not gd? . 8w5d today. Happy :)
Ehh.. I think the tps machine not clear leh. I feel that the one in amc better.
I saw my beanie.. But can't see flickering on screen. I think machine not gd? . 8w5d today. Happy :)
Is it Black and White screen? If yes then same as the inside clinic D doctor's room.
Wondering how is circle?
Haha what I meant is amc the screen is black and white but the side of the screen is with blue wording or frame. Inside clinic D room is totally Black and white with no side wording or frame. Very lousy and blurr. Amc still Better but also blurr. Private one has the best view.
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Suddenly I look into the mirror when In ofc restroom that my tummy is So bulging today... today work until pek chek, just reach home to rest, no mood to tik wat to eat later too..just wanna bedrest asap..
Hi everyone! See saw beanie too. Did abdominal scan but only water bag. So got to do v scan again!?!?! Haiz...

Beanie seems to be growing a little slower. Doc says got heartbeat. E Everything happen so fast, I also can't see much. Edd shifted later to 21 nov.

Also gave me a jab, maintain duphaston as 3x a day and got to rest more.
For me also abdominal scan can't really see clearly as my womb is very backward. That's why they got to press very very hard when doing abdominal scan. I also very scare got to do v scan.
Circle, think the jab will help to clear the blood clot.
Mine is abdominal scan. Dr tan very gentle leh. My edd is move 1 day earlier. 20 nov.....
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Icic! So it is really average 1mm a day. Hahaha!

So good that you don't need vagina scan. My tcm doc says I fat la. Hard for abdominal scan to see beanie. FAINTED!!!
What a tired day, good night everyone I am so sleepy going to bed now.
Iwantahealthybaby is enjoying nice food feast with friend hehe.. I miss nice good food. Now every meal is no appetite but I am still eating a meal. Haha very fattening..
U xs to s hoe fat can u be... me now wk7 but dun know y tummy today damn bloated..how to hide to wk12. I wonder...
Nice to hear the updates. I'm on my way home after dinner. So full. Tomorrow weigh myself sure gain wt too.

Circle did you have full bladder. I always make sure before scan I drink enough water. I think adc clinic scan should be better than amc since my Down syndrome and detail scan will be at adc. So when is your girls next review with dr tan?

Next week I going tmc for extra scan. Timing two weeks scan once. Hope to see both growing well and fast.
Counting down to next wed which is my 2nd scan So far.. dh said shd b growing well since my tummy So super bloated today... seeing tsb tmr
Counting down to next wed which is my 2nd scan So far.. dh said shd b growing well since my tummy So super bloated today... seeing tsb tmr

Take care dolly gal. Don't get too stress up at work as it will affect the beanie growth.
I went to work in the 1st trimester wearing baggy clothes .. and many people thought I was just getting pudgy lol. I put on almost 10kg by my 1st trimester.
10Kg by first tri, tats alot. U ate alot or wat? After a night rest, dun feel So bloated now.
May need to Ot this evening as tender submission is tmr, I need to ensure it's complete... haiz
Resting at home now then go see tsb at 12 , will slowly proceed to ofc after lunch
Good morning everyone! Yes it is indeed a busy day for me especially these few days. Endure tomorrow is TGIT hahaha.. Don't know why I got this feel like puking mood inside me.
Iwantahealthybaby, how was your dinner yesterday? Yummy?
Dolly, your work like very flexible. Can go back to office after lunch, wooh.
Hi Yue and joie, care to share more about you are into how many weeks? currently seeing which Doc at where?
Circle and Kitkats, rest more and enjoy. The 1st trimester will be over very soon.

Yesterday, I think I walk too much and experience pink discharge. Luckily is just a little pink and back to milky. I think better don't overstress myself in my work. Tonight and tomorrow night will be boring for me as I will be having dinner alone. I miss going to brotzeit and brewerks hahaha.
Ya sounds flexible right.. anyway it's hotdesking for me tats means no perm desk.. as long I produce numbers monthly, appear for meetings n contactable at all times, bosses dun care where we are.. they happier if we work remotely no need use company resources (electricity n etc )...tats y laptop is always w me on weekdays So tat I can work anytime...
sausages in brotzeit and their pork knuckles...ooooohhh i am a pork lover. i like brewerks too but seldom go cause i find them always crowded. maybe the one at stadium quieter. yesterday i eat alot and this morning weight went up already. i think wont decrease already will only keep increasing. god bless my weight.

dolly gal so far you only went before 1 scan? you with prof john right? i dont have patient to wait for my scan so far apart...though its very expensive to keep spending on gynae visit but at least it ease my mind. maybe i heard too many negative stories before when their checkup is like 4weeks apart. thus now that i am preg both my bro and sil feels its better to have two weeks apart check rather than 4 weeks apart cause anything can happen and you may not know...

yue i got bottled bird nest at home but i did not drink yet. in fact i also have chicken essence also stop already. just dont feel like drinking anymore stuffs other than the usual vitamins and folic acid.
Good morning everyone! Yes it is indeed a busy day for me especially these few days. Endure tomorrow is TGIT hahaha.. Don't know why I got this feel like puking mood inside me.
Iwantahealthybaby, how was your dinner yesterday? Yummy?
Dolly, your work like very flexible. Can go back to office after lunch, wooh.
Hi Yue and joie, care to share more about you are into how many weeks? currently seeing which Doc at where?
Circle and Kitkats, rest more and enjoy. The 1st trimester will be over very soon.

Yesterday, I think I walk too much and experience pink discharge. Luckily is just a little pink and back to milky. I think better don't overstress myself in my work. Tonight and tomorrow night will be boring for me as I will be having dinner alone. I miss going to brotzeit and brewerks hahaha.

@LynnCandy, I had 2 printouts fr dr hh tan from last fri visit. One showed 7w6d and another showed 8w.0d EDD was brought forward to 21.11.14. Think same as @circlecircle?
Actually I always notice I have the yellowish/milky discharge on my panty. It got me worry when you gals said is due to stress/walk too much etc but read from @faithfullyyours that dr tan said is normal. Ha ha...dr tan is always so reassuring....

How? Any taking birdnest?
Yup 1 scan So far. From my gynae practise it's usually 2 weeks apart for follow up. I m under pte gynae n his clinic is at peh n mount e novena.. hahaa I tried not go his novena clinic after last mc .just phobia of tat place where we found bb hb stop n went back to his peh clinic 2 days later for scan to recfm..
10Kg by first tri, tats alot. U ate alot or wat? After a night rest, dun feel So bloated now.
May need to Ot this evening as tender submission is tmr, I need to ensure it's complete... haiz
Resting at home now then go see tsb at 12 , will slowly proceed to ofc after lunch

I ate normally but had to cut off my exercise so no cycling, running and pilates when I started ivf and take the hormone jabs and pills during the first trimester, so my weight will tend to balloon.. sigh..
Morning gals,

Do you all plan or already start consuming bird nest? Self prepared or those bottled?

I started bird nest now in my second trimester. Usually my mum will prepare.
But if no time, the bottled ones will be good too.
I tell my hubby his daughter's skin is so nice and smooth due to the bird nest he bought for me during the first ivf pregnancy.. haha hopefully I get more ..lol
Ooo u must be quite slim before u start ivf cycle.anyway doesn't matter, most impt bb healthy now.. this is the only period my dh won't nag at me for putting on weight but I m telling myself I belong to big size gal So dun anyhow give in to cravings..
Ooo u must be quite slim before u start ivf cycle.anyway doesn't matter, most impt bb healthy now.. this is the only period my dh won't nag at me for putting on weight but I m telling myself I belong to big size gal So dun anyhow give in to cravings..

Dolly gal no worries.. sure can lose weight after giving birth. It is all about determination plus the lack of sleep when the baby cries at night will help!
I also hire the massage lady for 14 days for massage and binding so no matter how uncomfortable I keep the binding cloth on till she comes every morning.
Eat well and keep healthy ok!
circlecircle & Kitkats, after yesterday visits, when are your next visit?
My next scan is the first trimester screen on 12 may. Won't be seeing hh tan la... i am guessing the scan doc will be the one sharing updates with us.

Then dr tan visit is in mid June and detailed scan in mid July.
My next scan is the first trimester screen on 12 may. Won't be seeing hh tan la... i am guessing the scan doc will be the one sharing updates with us.

Then dr tan visit is in mid June and detailed scan in mid July.

Do you plan to visit outside gynae till the next scan @ kkh?
Good morning everyone! Yes it is indeed a busy day for me especially these few days. Endure tomorrow is TGIT hahaha.. Don't know why I got this feel like puking mood inside me.
Iwantahealthybaby, how was your dinner yesterday? Yummy?
Dolly, your work like very flexible. Can go back to office after lunch, wooh.
Hi Yue and joie, care to share more about you are into how many weeks? currently seeing which Doc at where?
Circle and Kitkats, rest more and enjoy. The 1st trimester will be over very soon.

Yesterday, I think I walk too much and experience pink discharge. Luckily is just a little pink and back to milky. I think better don't overstress myself in my work. Tonight and tomorrow night will be boring for me as I will be having dinner alone. I miss going to brotzeit and brewerks hahaha.

Lynn I am already in my second trimester. This is my second successful pregnancy .. keep reminding myself to take it easy till baby is safely born in my arms
circlecircle & Kitkats, after yesterday visits, when are your next visit?
I will see dr tan 7 weeks later. But in between I m going for Down syndrome test at 15 may.
Dr tan ask me to take vitamin already. So u all started?
I will see dr tan 7 weeks later. But in between I m going for Down syndrome test at 15 may.
Dr tan ask me to take vitamin already. So u all started?
Dr tan says he will give me multi - vits. But the pharmacist ask me how many weeks I am. I said 8 weeks then she says start multi-vits at week 12 but she give bottle to me now cos next appt with dr tan is 7 weeks later.

Dr tan says he will give me multi - vits. But the pharmacist ask me how many weeks I am. I said 8 weeks then she says start multi-vits at week 12 but she give bottle to me now cos next appt with dr tan is 7 weeks later.

Izzit? The nurse never ask me how many weeks I am leh. Just tell me to take 2 cap per day.. Mmmm..
I will see dr tan 7 weeks later. But in between I m going for Down syndrome test at 15 may.
Dr tan ask me to take vitamin already. So u all started?

Dr tan says he will give me multi - vits. But the pharmacist ask me how many weeks I am. I said 8 weeks then she says start multi-vits at week 12 but she give bottle to me now cos next appt with dr tan is 7 weeks later.


Waka.....I remembering asking dr tan before going off, beside folic acid & dydrogestrone, any other supplements that I need to take. He said don't need.
circle and kitkats what vitamins were you given? i was also given multi vitamins by dr june tan but she didn ask me to start immediately. she just say when you finish your folic acid you can start taking the multi vitamins. the thing is i got loads and loads of folic acid because i didn take prescribtion from kkh i bought at guardian myself. so now i can only google and find answers in trimester 2 then start taking multi vit. mine was the brand starting with G forget what name already. its in bottle form with a picture of a preg women drawing.

i guess all aptm in kkh by gynae almost same, 7 weeks later then see you again. my doc also say during ds scan the doc at adc will brief me so dont need to see her.

Iwantahealthybaby , same multi vit as u. Ganilia brand. I also have many folic acid left..
Kitkats. Same same. Given ganilia. The pharmacist says will have fish odour. Ask me if I gave heightened sense of smell. I said yes, she says take one to try cos some ladies cannot stand it. If ok, next visit then take more. Cos she says take already not cannot refund.

And yes, confirm she said take at week 12. Cos now I remember her saying that multi vit got folic acid so by then my folic acid would have finished.
