(2014) ivf mummies support group

Circle sayang your tummy to sayang beanie to be guai guai and grow strong.
My tcm told me 4 months also to fully stabilise. However this morning Dr S check my duphaston supply and say after week 12 can stop the medicine as beanie will be stabilise already. I double check again and she said yes by week 12 it is considered stabilise.

Circle sayang your tummy to sayang beanie to be guai guai and grow strong.
My tcm told me 4 months also to fully stabilise. However this morning Dr S check my duphaston supply and say after week 12 can stop the medicine as beanie will be stabilise already. I double check again and she said yes by week 12 it is considered stabilise.
Woohoo! Sounds good! 1 more month to go!
Next week when you see Dr Tan check with him also is it confirmed week 12 stabilise? For me and iwantahealthybaby, 3 more weeks to go to week 12. Then week 13 will be oscar scan. They said Oscar scan very interesting can see beanie for a long time on the screen. For me week 14 review on the test.
Next week when you see Dr Tan check with him also is it confirmed week 12 stabilise? For me and iwantahealthybaby, 3 more weeks to go to week 12. Then week 13 will be oscar scan. They said Oscar scan very interesting can see beanie for a long time on the screen. For me week 14 review on the test.
Okie! Will check with him. Hopefully next week no need vagina scan already.

Hahaha! But kkh screen always looks blur. Dunno whether we can understand what we are seeing a not.
Circle, I tried chic in biskcult n I think it did help better than the plum n orange peel etc.

Today not so sick, I wonder is it the biskcult that do the trick. Keke
Buddy 2d1n is along the tanjong pagar wedding shops stretch. It's opposite the wedding shops at a corner. Anyway there a lot of Korean restaurant. U can always walk along there to see which tempts your beanie :) your review for oscar won't be at wk 13? I think mine will be reviewed after the scan. I rem hearing my gynae say that the other time I see her. Do you think it's possible to see the gender at wk13? Oh ya I remember they say the oscar scan will be quite long and for twins even longer. I hope it's just scan from the tummy not below. Cannot imagine if long scan they do it below going cause harm more.

I think all preg mummies symptoms if same doesn't diff much even without ivf help. But of course for ivf mummies we been through so many stages and failures and money spent to get a BfP naturally we are extremely careful. But I do agree last time where got so many dos and donts. Or Isit last time no internet no google preg mummies cannot do much also and share their experience online so not much story to see haha. Sometimes all these stories serve as a guide and reference but sometimes they just terrorise us.

Circle saw your mil already? At least show face already she will understand if she see you not feeling well in person also.

Finish my dinner now heading to town walk around before going home.

Saw something like this @circlecircle but the biscuit not flat it's those stick type. At coldstorage.
Iwantahealthybaby, my oscar scan is week 13 and review will only be week 14. Same as yours just that your review is week 15.
is chicken in a box that good and better than orange peeled skin? Maybe I should try but don't know if beanie can take the chicken smell.
I had omelette (cheese mushroom) with mash potato (all vegetarian) and sticky chewy chocolate sundae. Just now I saw the picture of meat in the menu makes me want to puke the feeling. Really jia lat. My dh said next week I better cook veggies and bring to work otherwise poor beanie got nothing to eat. This weird symptoms only started recently and these few days getting worst.
Kitkats I will cook porridge and bring pickles to work and try, at the same time save money also.
Circle, I tried chic in biskcult n I think it did help better than the plum n orange peel etc.

Today not so sick, I wonder is it the biskcult that do the trick. Keke
Hope it is the biscuit helping! I have been surviving on it. Seems to help me. Easy to grab when you suddenly feel hungry. Remember to drink more water still!
Lynn your blood test and scan is done both at wk 13 Isit for oscar? Cause if done same date then review must wait. Cause mine bt doing next mon and scan at wk 13 so doc say after scan can know whether risk is high or low. But not review by my gynae should be by amc sonographer or maybe the doc there. Not so sure. But I remember they fix two dates for me so that I can know result straight after scan. So looking forward yet feel so scared of the result. Maybe the scan time I ask dh to take off acc me so he can see the whole scanning process too. Wonder if he can take leave.

Circle maybe you can try this if the biscuit stick not shiok enough you can throw in some chicken in biscuit Lolx. Chicken biscuit quite good no chicken smell I taste more salt than chicken hahaha so Lynn maybe your beanie is fine with this.
Home and bathed! Now finally in bed. So glad nothing serious from the trip though had bad pulling cramp at the last hour. Tired from sitting all the way from 7 to 10. End of spine was a bit 酸. Until 930pm, I buay tahan. Just lie down on sofa to relieve the cramp and spine ache.
Having dim sum supper at geylang lor 8 w dh n his frds. Regret agree to come here so many ppl smoking there but his frds dun know I preggy ...
Having dim sum supper at geylang lor 8 w dh n his frds. Regret agree to come here so many ppl smoking there but his frds dun know I preggy ...
Keep smelling your food! Or try to see if can blow fan at u... smoking fumes bad.

I also more sensitive to it now, esp when my dad and bro smoke. They got to find a corner to smoke away from me. Heard my dad end up smoke lesser even. Hahaha!
My dad aso smoker n getting so frequent... so I avoid seeing him too much. Even go out eat aso must choose smoking area.. sianz
Hi everyone! Sorry didn't log in for a while! Circle, kitkat, iwantahealthybaby, dolly gal and Lynncandy, glad to see u all are doing well!
My 2nd scan was gd, cld see beanie and heartbeat liao! So happy! It is most amazing to see the flashing light on the screen! Recently my nausea extends to all waking hours (middle of the night wake up also kena.... Haha). And beanie hates chocolate :( so sad! But still v pleased to experience all the interesting feelings that come w pregnancy!
Thks dears for ur advices... shall go to dr xou n see wat she say n how to yiao our body .. b4 ivf again.... but really phobia of e pain
ZAAN don't give up and try again. I did 3 fresh, never had any frozen embryos ever. My response is v bad and even Dr Tan is not optimistic. But as long as u try u will be blessed one day. All the best!
Good morning ladies, today I actually got a very major meeting representing the company. However I have Spoken to my boss due to my fragile condition I might be able to attend. I Scare too stress later my fragile body cannot take it. So in the end send my representive to host on behalf. Felt so irresponsible of me but no choice.
Hi_mei so glad to hear from you. Exciting to see beanie right.
Iwantahealthybaby, yup both bt and scan will be week 13. That's why review can only be week 14. Haha later I try buying chicken in a biscuit hope no chicky smell.
Circle, later I go finest and see if got your kraft cheese and biscuit. Haha I don't mind trying it as well.
Kitkats so you have not been taking meat? People was asking me how come I look so pale, I think I am lack of meat.
Last 5 days I have not taken meat. The sight of it make me nausea.
Yesterday, I was not so sick. My mum offer me a chic drumstick n I finished it all.
After eating, still feel abit nausea but somehow contented. Haha :p
I think my beanie like salty food too. Salted eggs, chic in biscuit I can take.
Now I cant drink much plain water, more ribena. Medicine with ribena .. Omg
Lyncandy, hope u find ur comfort food soon
I finish my chicken porridge from KFC. Not bad quite appetising since I preg. Been wanting to eat that whenever got chance. Not really a porridge type of person. Tonight going dinner with family at restaurant. I am glad I can still eat and eat.

Lynn which day is your scan for oscar? Isit at amc or the level 2 adc? I forget must see the instruction they give us. Heard a lot of people taking harmony test. But that one easily over 1k type. But heard that they say harmony test can see gender.

Kitkats, how about cream pasta? If you like salty maybe can try pasta add salt. I kinda like my pasta salty. But might be a bit too thick for your crave now.

Hi_mei that's nice to hear you able to see flickering hb already. It's amazing right? Wait till you see the head and arms and feet you will feel even more amazed and happy.
Oh by the way I am drinking orange juice for the vit c and I started on mummy's milk powder already. Contains quite a lot of nutrients thou fattening but I thought drink alternate at least make sure beanies get enough nutrients. For you ladies no appetite maybe can drink milk to ensure enough vitamins and nutrients to your body.
LynnCandy, ur health is more impt than work. Don't feel guilty k! I am also trying to cope at work cuz there was a lot of backlog after ivf HL plus we are shorthanded. If u are not able to take meat did u tell ur doc? Mb he can recommend some supplements to make up for any loss in nutrients then u won't be so pale?

Kitkats, got same craving as u. Dunno y salty food and ribena??! Haha. Anw my colleague bought this Scott's mixed berry vit C pastille, I have also been eating it in place of ribena. Satisfies the ribena craving when u can't have it.

Iwantahealthybaby, thanks! Which brand of mummy's milk are you drinking? Currently can still eat most things, hope the mS don't get worse and start vomitting... Cuz the "feeling" seems to worsen each week.
Congrats hi_mei! We were waiting to hear your good news!!!! Your beanie like to scare you. BT also make you do twice. Scan also make you do twice. But good news is all that matters
Kitkats, I am also a salty tooth and ribena person. Hoping I don't get gestation diabetes man from all the ribena I drink! I am trying to eat more fruits too, to help with the constipation.

Hopefully we will get out of this stage soon.
Hi Mei, I bought similac mummies milk. Can get from ntuc. In fact a lot of brand you can go there do comparison.

Circle I heard from my doc before eating all the sweet stuff doesn't really contribute to gestational diabetics. But of cause we also must control some. I also still eating those sweet sweet stuff especially gummy sweets. Heard twins higher % of getting gestational diabetics. Praying hard it don't happen to me.
I have nvr feel so lazy in my work before. I m like still in dreamland since 2ww till now. I just refused to open my lappy to work. Just read n reply emails from my hp... jialat.. I really need to pick up asap...
I have nvr feel so lazy in my work before. I m like still in dreamland since 2ww till now. I just refused to open my lappy to work. Just read n reply emails from my hp... jialat.. I really need to pick up asap...
I dunno if I can survive going to back to work. Hopefully it is just the ms now that is making me so dreamy.

Today weather so nice to sleep late. But 10am then the upstairs neighbour start toilet repair again. I practically jumped out of bed and made a beeline for my sofa.
Went to fetch my mum maid n my godson to my hse.. maid doing cleaning while my godson is lying on sofa together w me.. both of us lazing watching tv...
I am also a ribena person, sour sour drink already so yummy. I don't really eat sweet stuff before preggy. Now I am drinking ribena for every meal faint. Don't know will be too sweet.
I just had yong toufu all veggies again but with laska soup.
My oscar test will me at novena centre under thomson's group. Any idea if our dh can see the screen together with us? If cannot then no point dh to take leave.
I am transferring out to thomson soon after next appointment on 25 apr. After that mine will be night appointment so no need to take leave or mc.
What is everyone doing? I thought weekend will be more exciting. End up my dh woke up and tell me he going out. Some sake appreciation thing with his colleagues. End up also me alone in bed watching serial. No one to talk to...
I only know tmr I will b home alone cos dh meeting clients tmr to shop for curtains n another talk abt design for the condo..
Dh attending a Frd's but 1 year old bday now..
What is everyone doing? I thought weekend will be more exciting. End up my dh woke up and tell me he going out. Some sake appreciation thing with his colleagues. End up also me alone in bed watching serial. No one to talk to...
Circle and dolly gal... Call/chat with friends lor. Come forum talk to us! Haha. But life has become v diff now. Miss my old life a bit. Like if go supper with friends, by the time 10pm I will call it quits (too tired). Can't go drinking sessions. Can't go gym or exercise with hubby. Can't go holiday with my friends (which we actually scheduled for this wk end and next long wkend). So I am spending two consecutive wk ends alone at home! Haizzz.
Haha my dh barking me to shop for clothing at asos as I have been so lazy even to go out and buy clothing.
Btw any of you still wearing high heels to work?
Circle and dolly gal... Call/chat with friends lor. Come forum talk to us! Haha. But life has become v diff now. Miss my old life a bit. Like if go supper with friends, by the time 10pm I will call it quits (too tired). Can't go drinking sessions. Can't go gym or exercise with hubby. Can't go holiday with my friends (which we actually scheduled for this wk end and next long wkend). So I am spending two consecutive wk ends alone at home! Haizzz.
Hahahah! My 2 buddies all got kids. Weekend is super busy for them.

Now I still bed - resting. Don't dare to go out. Yesterday sat car travel longer than usual, tummy also cramp more.

Looks like my beanie is a 仔豆. Likes to stay at home. Yah, wondering when I will get to have some 'life'. Hahaha!
That day at kkh I saw a preggy lady still wearing high heels and I am those who always Wear high heel but after my fragile case, I only wear flats. I don't know where I can get flats shoe but so far cotton on one is cheap and comfortable.
That day at kkh I saw a preggy lady still wearing high heels and I am those who always Wear high heel but after my fragile case, I only wear flats. I don't know where I can get flats shoe but so far cotton on one is cheap and comfortable.
Haiz.. i get spine ache when I wear high heels. Started a few years ago. So now I only wear flats with cushions. Else end of spine will be painful. But they are a bit on the pricy side but comfort and support level very good. If u want, can consider ecco flats or spur shoes (from PS). Spur shoes from korea so designs are prettier :)
Hello everyone! I've been reading all your posts silently these few days. I've been going out these few days. Went to my in-laws' place, visited Dr Zou, went to Newton Circus for supper, finally had my facial done today (cancelled my 2 appointments in March).

Is anyone very particular about the facial products that you are using during pregnancy? Because I am. Haha! I was using SKII products before pregnancy. Ever since, I found out my pregnancy, I stopped using them. Now got to change to non AHAs and BHAs products.

I haven't really shopped for any maternity clothing except I bought one maternity dress from Qoo10. I have quite a few pieces of baby doll dresses and tops before pregnancy. I believe they can last me for quite some time. I'm a size XS to S person.
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Hello everyone! I've been reading all your posts silently these few days. I've been going out these few days. Went to my in-laws' place, visited Dr Zou, went to Newton Circus for supper, finally had my facial done today (cancelled my 2 appointments in March).

Is anyone very particular about the facial products that you are using during pregnancy? Because I am. Haha! I was using SKII products before pregnancy. Ever since, I found out my pregnancy, I stopped using them. Now got to change to non AHAs and BHAs products.

I haven't really shopped for any maternity clothing except I bought one maternity dress from Qoo10. I have quite a few pieces of baby doll dresses and tops before pregnancy. I believe they can last me for quite some time. I'm a size XS to S person.
Wah, you more active than me. Me just bed resting every day. Yesterday sat car go mil house, already cramp more than usual.

Me just continue my normal facial products. I use clarins la, which is supposed to be plant based.
I'm back. Out for whole day. Went dinner with family. Sil say my tummy like can see already but this was said after our dinner. Inside tummy got lots of food haha. Before home went supper at wang cafe. Want to eat Mee Siam. Taste buds just want to have it tonight. Now super full. I am not a heels person. Even before BfP I am seldom in heels. Sandals and shoes are my best friends. I love sneakers as well. Super comfy. My work place doesn't need to wear heels so that makes me even lesser chance to wear it. Only special occasion I dress up then I match with heels. Tomorrow I going shopping with dh too. Been some time since we shop in town. Really shop not window shopping or street seeing. My energy level still ok so far. Today stomach cramp few times and I did poo once too so don't know the cramp is cause stomachache or beanies stretching.
Faithfullyours I also postpone my facials few times already. I intend to go after 1st trimester before I tell my facial lady I am preg then ask her don't give me any aha products. I also scare. Since BfP I also seldom use my skincare rountine already. Occasionally I use pimple cream the ph 5.5 one don't know got aha anot but my outbreak can be quite bad. In fact I got a eyebrow embroidery touchup to do in may but I guess must call off till after give birth. Don't know leh pantang some say don't tatoo during preg. Eyebrow embroidery seems like tattooing too. I still thinking should I go for the touch up. Some say preg don't nail or move furniture right? I just make some movement last week to the room also and has order some new furniture sending over next two weeks. Think will
Involve some fixing too.
Hearing your updates really giving me courage to go out. But I am still a little fearful. Now I still spotting brown discharge. Every day still cramping. These few days in pulling cramp at targeted, usually left or right of womb (below the belly button). Every few mins will pull.

Today my dad made noodles with ketchup and lime. Quite appetising!!!! I actually ate more than usual which is good.

Hello everyone guess where am I now. I am at Starbucks. At 10pm I am craving to eat food and I told dh now now I must go. So dh must be thinking so late still want to go out. Luckily my house downstair got Starbucks haha. Now enjoying the cake and drink. I just can't rest as my mind is thinking of bread and cakes. Oh man eating sweet and drinking sweet stuff again.
Circle if you still got Brown discharge better don't go out, still maintain your bed rest. Must enjoy as I am going back to face the very very stress work next Monday.
