(2014) ivf mummies support group

Zann, I understand how u feel. When I went thru first fresh, bfn. Me n dh were vy sad cos we See others so easily strike n thot ivf was the solution for us n yet failed. Then subsequent fet n another fresh aso failed. Until we were abit numb. Then we truly realised ivf is just another help but doesn't guarantee full success. We have learn not to pin too high hopes n sat down talk to dr n See wat else can b improved or wat went wrong.. meanwhile I aso goes to tcm tiao my body hoping to improve my embryos quality n better environment for implantation..
In fact when I switch to current fertility gynae in late 2012, he was shaking his head all the way say so difficult hopes for me as I nvr once bfp or slight hcg in failed cycles.. but he nvr gave up though he commented tat. My so call first fresh w him, I got bfp but only lasted 8 weeks but he was happier than us n said proved that I can get pregnant..

kitkats hopefully you get over this sick ordeal soon and go on to enjoy the pregnancy..

zaan yes dont give up. i succeeded on my 2nd try too, no frozen nevermind, go for another fresh. if you think too rush take 3 months to get your body up again. at least during this 3 mths you can "tiao"your body with acu or vitamin pills. can try eating royal jelly to improve egg qaulity. since you are going for another fresh i think no harm trying royal maybe it will give you better egg quality. but i know need at least 90 days for eggs quality to improve. so you must start eating now and maybe try for next fresh 3mths later.

lynncandy i see, mine previously in afternoon even i reach early say 2 i still probably need to wait till my aptm time before they call me. so no point i reach early. so guess you are in kkh now. now you cannot even eat fish burger? some changes to your taste buds hope doesnt last so you can enjoy food once again.

i logging on to asos see see again hehehe
Lyncandy, thanks for asking. I m fine. I m reading the thread silently.. Hee.. I m always feeling tired n sick these few days. The vomiting feel will always come in afternoon n nite time , then I m too sick to do anything. Juz laze on bed whole day n still feeling uncomfy. I took the anti vomit pills but no effect on me.. I m going to see beanie next tues afternoon too. That will be 3 weeks since I last saw beanie.
Kitkats, try eating orange peel? My tcm doc says it can help with the nausea and indigestion. Can drink ginger too.

I also tried the anti - vomit pills. Didn't work for me tho made me super hungry. You jia you jia you. My appt also Tues! So 3 of us will be at TPS?
never been to tps yet...my 1st aptm at tps will be in june where it is also my detail scan that day. when i see the nurse give me date for detail scan i was like oooo seems so fast yet so far away hahaha. next aptm in may will still be at clinic A but there also got free drink dispenser and their own pharmacy lolx. not as long que as the central pharmacy.
Zann, I understand how u feel. When I went thru first fresh, bfn. Me n dh were vy sad cos we See others so easily strike n thot ivf was the solution for us n yet failed. Then subsequent fet n another fresh aso failed. Until we were abit numb. Then we truly realised ivf is just another help but doesn't guarantee full success. We have learn not to pin too high hopes n sat down talk to dr n See wat else can b improved or wat went wrong.. meanwhile I aso goes to tcm tiao my body hoping to improve my embryos quality n better environment for implantation..
In fact when I switch to current fertility gynae in late 2012, he was shaking his head all the way say so difficult hopes for me as I nvr once bfp or slight hcg in failed cycles.. but he nvr gave up though he commented tat. My so call first fresh w him, I got bfp but only lasted 8 weeks but he was happier than us n said proved that I can get pregnant..
@ZAAN, we feel u. Same as dolly gal, I never felt that I needed ivf. And thought chances should be good since nothing wrong with our blood test and we are young. But we failed our first cycle too, something I didn't expect.

Then I realise ivf is about trial and error. And there is only so much the docs can do. End of the day, the gift of a beanie comes from the higher powers. Cannot force and cannot demand. Got to have open mindset. If succeed then good good. If fail, then at least we have tried our best and it is not meant to be for now.

But don't give up. Most of us did it more than once. The 2nd time will be easier. just go for it again. I also did 2 fresh and I am the kind who will kanna ohss. Trust me, ohss is totally no fun one. But cos u have been thru it before, u will know how to manage your pain, symptoms and emotions.
kitkats hopefully you get over this sick ordeal soon and go on to enjoy the pregnancy..

zaan yes dont give up. i succeeded on my 2nd try too, no frozen nevermind, go for another fresh. if you think too rush take 3 months to get your body up again. at least during this 3 mths you can "tiao"your body with acu or vitamin pills. can try eating royal jelly to improve egg qaulity. since you are going for another fresh i think no harm trying royal maybe it will give you better egg quality. but i know need at least 90 days for eggs quality to improve. so you must start eating now and maybe try for next fresh 3mths later.

lynncandy i see, mine previously in afternoon even i reach early say 2 i still probably need to wait till my aptm time before they call me. so no point i reach early. so guess you are in kkh now. now you cannot even eat fish burger? some changes to your taste buds hope doesnt last so you can enjoy food once again.

i logging on to asos see see again hehehe
U are tempting me!!!! I bought 3 dresses and 2 tops yesterday. Then another dress that I was eyeing suddenly got size again but I already paid. Sian....

My friends says asos sizes quite big. Is that true? Haiz... hope the dresses are correct size
I just see dr s as usual jump que. But my womb is very backwards can't see from the doctor's room Machine and now I got to go amc Oh man. . Is amc..
Lyncandy, my beanie also don't like meat. Last time I m meat lover. Cannot have a meal without meat. Now I see meat I want to puke. I can eat pickles n salted eggs with porridge only n I think beanie like it. Been eating for few days, very save $ to feed beanie. Lol.

Circle, i tried orange peel n ginger. They help to ease awhile only. I m going to try chic in biskcult since salty stuff help better.
U are tempting me!!!! I bought 3 dresses and 2 tops yesterday. Then another dress that I was eyeing suddenly got size again but I already paid. Sian....

My friends says asos sizes quite big. Is that true? Haiz... hope the dresses are correct size
Asos the size is the usual brand the size like topshop, mango, river islans. But take note petite the sizes are fitting more for Asian, I will need the normal size instead of petite due to my ang mo build of bigger cup haha.
Lyncandy, my beanie also don't like meat. Last time I m meat lover. Cannot have a meal without meat. Now I see meat I want to puke. I can eat pickles n salted eggs with porridge only n I think beanie like it. Been eating for few days, very save $ to feed beanie. Lol.

Circle, i tried orange peel n ginger. They help to ease awhile only. I m going to try chic in biskcult since salty stuff help better.
Yah, chicken in a biscuit is my life saver now. And somehow it is less heaty. I eat one pack of Jacob veggie biscuits - confirm sore throat that night. But chicken in a biscuits seems ok for me.

My mom just went ntuc last night. Bought another 4 boxes Oh man...
Good morning everyone, I have reached office since 7+am and bought the new mcd whole grain chicken muffin with egg, cup corn and hot milo for breakfast. Later seeing dr S at 1215pm but I always jump que by reaching at 10am and be the first to see her haha.
Circle you got any picture of the biscuit you want. Interesting as I don't know if I come across this biscuit before.
How is kitkats already? Long time never hear from her? Seeing doc on 15 apr too same as circle?
Aiyoo I am so lazy until shop asos also lazy. Hubby has been baking me to shop for new clothing and shorts.
LynnCandy, I Googled and found this. Looks something like this:

@ZAAN, we feel u. Same as dolly gal, I never felt that I needed ivf. And thought chances should be good since nothing wrong with our blood test and we are young. But we failed our first cycle too, something I didn't expect.

Then I realise ivf is about trial and error. And there is only so much the docs can do. End of the day, the gift of a beanie comes from the higher powers. Cannot force and cannot demand. Got to have open mindset. If succeed then good good. If fail, then at least we have tried our best and it is not meant to be for now.

But don't give up. Most of us did it more than once. The 2nd time will be easier. just go for it again. I also did 2 fresh and I am the kind who will kanna ohss. Trust me, ohss is totally no fun one. But cos u have been thru it before, u will know how to manage your pain, symptoms and emotions.

yes zaan what circle say is very true. i also cleared all my tests and deem healthy but who would know i would failed 1 iui and 2nd iui ended chemical preg. both are blows to me. but hang on my ultimate is to have a bb so go for it. ivf next option dont want waste time trying natural thou doc always believe we didn try hard enough since both health records are good. imagine all the good health records, i still failed my 1st fresh and its transfering two blasts which are suppose to be stronger embryos....so many chances of positive but in end still negative. but i didn give up go for a 2nd try with frozen blasts and succeeded...so its really nobody's fault, you can have problem but succeeded in 1st try or you can be like me so healthy yet must go through few times before you smell success. when you finally have your bfp trust me you would never regret what you have gone through......dont dont dont give up.....
Hmm.. All your beanies love chicken in a box. Wooh.. Don't know if my beanie is ok with the smell.
Kitkats, my beanie don't save money for me. Beanie like spaghetti aglio olio, veggy pizza which are costly.
Iwantahealthybaby, don't think Beanie take fish burger now as suddenly rejected meat.
I am waiting at amc now, so scare the person will press so hard on my tummy later.
circle i think i saw something similar before at cold storage even giant. you can try. diff packing thou but its the same concept biscuit and cheese dip. think the packaging in blue.

i just bought 2 tops and 1 bottom from asos hahaha. i bought my usual size as heard they say maternity wear they are bigger in cutting esp near the waist for your growing tummy but they still measure the same size as what you are now. but the shorts i got a size bigger as my current size no stock...i hope its not so big.....cannot wait for the stock to be delivered to me :) delivery estimated to be may 6.
Hmm.. All your beanies love chicken in a box. Wooh.. Don't know if my beanie is ok with the smell.
Kitkats, my beanie don't save money for me. Beanie like spaghetti aglio olio, veggy pizza which are costly.
Iwantahealthybaby, don't think Beanie take fish burger now as suddenly rejected meat.
I am waiting at amc now, so scare the person will press so hard on my tummy later.

so its confirm the doc room machine really not clear and good enough. thats what my doc told me when i visit him in clinic d after my bfp. he was telling me this machine cannot compare to the 1st floor one. he say this one cost only 4k while the upper flr one cost 40k. but then i still dont like amc machine still looks so old to me...the printout resolution always so poor and blur.
Private the machine still so much better. . Faint still waiting for my turn. I feel like want to puke out the burger I ate just now. Sian.. Don't know what is for lunch later..
But got fish. Don't know can take it.. my mind was tom yam actually. Suddenly lost of appetite. Sob sob beanie please guai guai let me Eat some meat.
u go the yong tau foo stall see whether they got tom yum soup anot. if have you can settle there since yong tau foo can chose all veg base. if not you can tell the fish slice auntie i want tom yum slice fish soup without the fish lolx. or ask them add more veg for you. that day i waited close to an hr at amc scan. alot of people.
Maybe try yong toufu.. I know why must amc press so hard as my womb is very backward not easy to see from tummy.
Actually the screen is still very confusing, I can't really see beanie clearly and don't understand what I am seeing.
Iwantahealthybaby, I am catching up with you as my beanie is week9 day 4 already.
Dr S said beanie heartbeat everything is fine.
Aiya I can't really see Beanie today just saw a bean and heartbeat that's all.
thats nice :) i believe if you go private you able to make out beanie head and arm and legs. cause i can during my scan last tue. so as of today my beanies are 9w6d and 9w4d. my smaller twin same age as yours :)
How come our ivf mummies has no closed group fb? I feel easier talking to mtb who went thru the ivf / iui Then concieve naturally... OK maybe it's just me bah...
I went in nov 14 fb group, I See most of them younger than me, nvrm lor.. majority at no.2or 3, I m like ok I m the oldest w no.1...paiseh
I will still continue to read the messages cos they are experienced mommies. Will have their previous experience to share.

But I am surely more chatty here. Today like more pink spotting. Hmmm, wonder why... hopefully it will stop soon.
Thks dears for ur advices... shall go to dr xou n see wat she say n how to yiao our body .. b4 ivf again.... but really phobia of e pain
I prefer to chat here as we graduated from procedure unlike them some don't want baby but found out preggy and some don't know number what already. I felt very left out over there. Guess what I had for lunch. Yong toufu with all veggies and toufu. Order 1 fish ball but throw away as beanie don't like. Served with dry noodles and mee hoon with a lot of sweet sauce. Ok at least still manage to eat my lunch.
Can you all name me some yummy food for my dinner. Haha really lost my appetite recently.
I prefer to chat here as we graduated from procedure unlike them some don't want baby but found out preggy and some don't know number what already. I felt very left out over there. Guess what I had for lunch. Yong toufu with all veggies and toufu. Order 1 fish ball but throw away as beanie don't like. Served with dry noodles and mee hoon with a lot of sweet sauce. Ok at least still manage to eat my lunch.
Can you all name me some yummy food for my dinner. Haha really lost my appetite recently.
Tempura? Korean seafood pancake? Buddha jump over wall from 老火汤? Minestrone soup from soup spoon? Coca tom yum steamboat?

These are some of the food that I am thinking while eating my plain roti for tea now.
Tempura? Korean seafood pancake? Buddha jump over wall from 老火汤? Minestrone soup from soup spoon? Coca tom yum steamboat?

These are some of the food that I am thinking while eating my plain roti for tea now.
Circle, wow Good idea korean food are mainly veggie. kitkats, see my beanie is spending me more money than usual for food although no meat.
Iwantahealthybaby, what is for dinner?
Just wondering are my Beanies afternoon / night bb... morning no symptoms until after lunch I can start feeling my heart pounding harder n all the way till nite time..
I hope they not like dh, every night go bird chat w frds n goes to slp ard 2+..I already changed my sleeping hour from 1++ to 11+..hoping to culture them slp early next time.. cos my gf said when she had her no.1, she not working so always slp late but no.2 bcos she working full time she goes bed earlier. She sees the difference between her 2 boys.. one likes to slp early the eldest can tong till midnight lor. Same goes to my godson, he can tong till 3 am..faintz
Hahaha! Those are some of the food that I wanna eat. Cos salty or strong flavoured.

But me still on home rest. Unless go kkh or tcm, else I won't leave the house. Today dunno why got pink spotting. Hmmm.. so time to stay put and move less.

The only worrying thing is that I haven been to my mil house for dinner. Missed 2 dinners already. We go every week one. Supposed to be tonight but I am barred me from cabs, esp during peak hours.
Circle endure a few more days you will see beanie soon and you can check with Dr tan on your spotting.. Korean food is so tasty or I should say so salty.
Dolly try to sleep early so that beanies can rest early too.
Circle endure a few more days you will see beanie soon and you can check with Dr tan on your spotting.. Korean food is so tasty or I should say so salty.
Dolly try to sleep early so that beanies can rest early too.
Hahaha! Don't think he can do anything about it. I am resigned to being stuck at home until end of first trimester. After the last few scares, now I also scared go out.

Okie, hubby confirmed that he will come fetch me to mil house. I guess he also felt I should appear, cannot always absent myself. He is gonna drive from extreme west to extreme north to fetch me and back to west again. Hahaha, my mil house is like 5 mins drive from his workplace only.

I love Korean pancake! Love the sauce!!!! Salty and a bit spicy and a bit sour. Very nice!!!!
Wah the travel time is extreme for you circle and plus the peak hours. So sad I can't have korean food at East coast ju shin jung. Hubby said it is a Friday and sure very crowded :( so sad.
Maybe I will go for swensen just by eating ice cream will do since no appetite.
i am back. rushing my work before wkend is here. i am going korean bbq tonight hehe. dh suggested so i on him. circle your mil know you preg right? guess she will understand if you didn go over dinner. after work hours is traffic jam. i hate driving during peak periods. i had wanton noodles dry for lunch just now.
Buddy I want korean food too... ju shin jung has the best Korean food so far.. I think I can take kimchi soup and all their side dishes which are veggies. Yum yum..
hehehe i like there too. mon - thur they serve bbq buffet as well. its spacious and not so crowded. but today i going 2D1N. affordable bbq buffet as well. except that very crowded and packed. not spacious too the seating arrangements. but no complains. hehehe. you can go tomorrow wkend go par tor with dh.
i am back. rushing my work before wkend is here. i am going korean bbq tonight hehe. dh suggested so i on him. circle your mil know you preg right? guess she will understand if you didn go over dinner. after work hours is traffic jam. i hate driving during peak periods. i had wanton noodles dry for lunch just now.
Yeah. My dh told her 2 weeks back. Since she knew, haven seen me yet. So got to go and say hello. In case she get upset with me.

The fact that hubby willing to rush back and fro just to make it happen. He possibly also find that I need to appear. If not, he also won't put himself thru such a wasted trip. Petrol also not cheap lor.

Haiz.. but I think normal mommies won't know what ivf mommies went thru and worry about. Like my dad says, when my mom had me, can even squat and scrub the whole floor. Carry rice and climb stairs home. Why you so troublesome and special? Even though he says so, but he still treat me like queen la.

I also dunno why. That is just how it is lor. Just hope beanie continues being safe and sound. *fingers crossed*
Yup, last time our mum got to do hard labor job like clean up the whole house thingy with old technology mop or broom, carry heavy stuff from downstairs home to cook. Don't forget last time the lift is not to every floor. They will have to either climb up or down after the lift stopped at located floor. Now we good life but very fragile, abit abit here pain there pain at the tummy.
Btw Dr S told me that I cannot go swimming and other activities due to my fragilness. Walk also must walk slowly. Can't imagine how will i be able to go for lunch (walking) if I am going back to office next week. Worst thing is my beanie don't eat meat.

Yup, last time our mum got to do hard labor job like clean up the whole house thingy with old technology mop or broom, carry heavy stuff from downstairs home to cook. Don't forget last time the lift is not to every floor. They will have to either climb up or down after the lift stopped at located floor. Now we good life but very fragile, abit abit here pain there pain at the tummy.
Btw Dr S told me that I cannot go swimming and other activities due to my fragilness. Walk also must walk slowly. Can't imagine how will i be able to go for lunch (walking) if I am going back to office next week. Worst thing is my beanie don't eat meat.
Haiz.. i also hope beanie will go grow strong strong fast. I also need to go back to work soon. Was hoping to go back right after 1st trimester but tcm doc says 4 months onwards then stabilise. Cannot imagine if I have to walk like a tortoise. I haven been on the mrt since ER. Fainted. Hope beanie strong strong then can get normal life back.
