(2014) ivf mummies support group

You will never know the answer babe. I went back straight to work after transfer didn take any HL at all. 1st ivf didn't, frozen transfer also didn't. Ivf is not 100% successful in fact it's less than 50% only and involves a lot of factors. If this round result is not what you expected then get over it and prep yourself for the next cycle. It's not easy but since you ain't giving up yet why not pick yourself up earlier. I bed rest more on 1st cycle but also negative despite two blasts transfer. Frozen cycle also transfer two blasts didn bed rest as much compare to fresh. Continue working and walking and cooking and during the tww no symptoms too but ended with a BfP with twins. The time will come when your body is ready. Don't give up! I believe your turn will come soon.
I hope so too... anything I can do or tk to prep myself for next cycle?? How long do I need to wait for next attempt??

Whahahaha hi_mei I lol literally. Gosh! Well they mean well sometimes just overdoing. Well it's over you BfP already can continue wearing low cut undies. Low cut now is better doesn't add pressure to stomach :)

Just came back from scan. Manage to saw Twinnies and my twin A is bigger the ga is 9weeks 3days while twin B smaller 9Weeks 1day. That's why I got two edd one 8th nov and the other 10th nov :) but gynae say not much diff a few days only. Guess my blasts implanted on different days. I ask the gynae whether can hear hb and he say can but while he scan he also didn let me hear. So in end I still didn get to hear. I ask about hb rate too also didn tell me just say both looking good. Anyway don't know Isit the resolution better the bb grow so much since my last scan. Today I able to see twin A head and hands and legs. Amazing. Twin B abit diff cause always hiding in a corner. Since 1st scan at kkh already hiding in a corner as mention by sonographer and today still hiding there thou it grow bigger in siZe. The gynae also surprise I no ms he say expect twins to have more symptoms but he assure me say none also fine. Praying for another 31 weeks of smooth pregnancy.
I hope so too... anything I can do or tk to prep myself for next cycle?? How long do I need to wait for next attempt??

I did regular acu with dr zou after my failed fresh. Dec fresh, jan result negative, feb frozen transfer and march positive. Started acu since jan twice a week and by mid feb thrice weekly. Eating her prescribed powder medicine too. Stop all cold drinks. Eat vitamins daily. Closer to transfer did daily acu. For me I believe BfP due to body calmer and more relax free from all injections and medications compare to fresh. I did intralipids with dr loh too. Suppose to help kills any antibiotics in your body that might reject the embryos. I don't know if I got any killer cells inside but since No harm I did it anyway.
Yes dolly gal, everything for a smooth pregnancy, come what may I will accept it. Ms or no I will graciously accept and enjoy. afterall this may be my 1st and last pregnancy experience. Two is enough for us.
I did regular acu with dr zou after my failed fresh. Dec fresh, jan result negative, feb frozen transfer and march positive. Started acu since jan twice a week and by mid feb thrice weekly. Eating her prescribed powder medicine too. Stop all cold drinks. Eat vitamins daily. Closer to transfer did daily acu. For me I believe BfP due to body calmer and more relax free from all injections and medications compare to fresh. I did intralipids with dr loh too. Suppose to help kills any antibiotics in your body that might reject the embryos. I don't know if I got any killer cells inside but since No harm I did it anyway.
Which acu u went? Can I know e location n e amount as well?? Mayb I shd go too
good morning mummies to be....its wednesday....mid week mid week. tomorrow i got to be busy at work as my accountant coming in to office to do a check on all my stuffs. so probably alot of info matching and documents finding. long day tomorrow :(

recently went kiddy palace just to look at all babies stuffs. everything seems so cute and costly lolx. even milk bottles cost so much, easily more ex than my nalgene water bottle kekeke. wonder which is good. so many brands. i cannot imagine how much we going to spend on the items.
Just went for my first scan this morning.. Edd 30 nov.. today consider 6 1/2 weeks gynae said. Saw 2 sacs, growth n hb on track but one can hear the other Can't... but can see the hb flickering on screen. The bigger sac growth is like 7 weeks plus he describe wherelse the smaller one is on track based on 6 week plus. It seems smaller cos the other sac is like 1cm vs 0.66 cm lor.. finally I can slp today.. was so restless the whole nite tiking abt the hb thing
Just went for my first scan this morning.. Edd 30 nov.. today consider 6 1/2 weeks gynae said. Saw 2 sacs, growth n hb on track but one can hear the other Can't... but can see the hb flickering on screen. The bigger sac growth is like 7 weeks plus he describe wherelse the smaller one is on track based on 6 week plus. It seems smaller cos the other sac is like 1cm vs 0.66 cm lor.. finally I can slp today.. was so restless the whole nite tiking abt the hb thing
Woohoo!!!! Twinnies!!!! So exciting for you!!!!!
Just went for my first scan this morning.. Edd 30 nov.. today consider 6 1/2 weeks gynae said. Saw 2 sacs, growth n hb on track but one can hear the other Can't... but can see the hb flickering on screen. The bigger sac growth is like 7 weeks plus he describe wherelse the smaller one is on track based on 6 week plus. It seems smaller cos the other sac is like 1cm vs 0.66 cm lor.. finally I can slp today.. was so restless the whole nite tiking abt the hb thing

Congrats on your twins :)
This morning in the train halfway already felt not good, nausea.

Once i reached office i went straight to toilet... Morning i drank a cup of cranberry pomegranate juice (i left it out for around half an hr before drinking it), so thats goes half of my juice... Terrible feeling... ate a few biscuits after that... still don't feel very good now... hopefully after lunch will be better...
Bad day for me too. My upstairs neighbour is preparing toilet leak. A lot a lot of drilling and hacking going on.

My heart is like vibrating as they drill. So unnerving. Dunno if it is me but tummy feels crampier.

Upstairs drill/hack won't affect my beanie right???
Circle I aso feel uncomfy when passby construction place when they start drilling.. y dun u ho ur parents' place to rest...
My parents stay with me... hahaha! My dad came home cos he is on mc. We will go out for lunch in a while. Hopefully when back, drilling is done.
Dolly gal that's nice. Finally put ur mind at ease. This is ur 1st scan after BfP? My measurement is 24.9mm vs 22.6mm and by gestational age they are 2 days apart. So nice you can hear the hb. So when is next scan?

Circle I think stay off the drilling noise. It's irritating. Can be quite loud. For me I try not to breath in those polluted air. My workplace a lot of forklift around always got to smell the bad air given out by the forklift and if I do walk pass I try to stop breathing lol.
Good afternoon everyone. Wow I have missed out so many things since last night. The whole morning was having site meeting no time to drink water.
Dolly: wooh 2 beanies congratulation. Exciting to see the flickering on the screen right.
Meilingg: your symptoms are coming, but it can be on and off one depending on individual.
Circle: Not to worry about the drilling, if you are uncomfortable just turn on the tv or music louder and ignore the sound. For our profession, we have to go to construction site and it is a can't avoid thing for us. So upstairs do any hacking will not affect beanie :)
Iwantahealthybaby: heehee see beanies again yesterday, maybe one of your beanie is very shy so keep on hiding don't want to see the ultrasound screen. Today a busy day for you, better don't climb up and down too much and try to relax. oh that day I went to mothercare, saw a lot of nice stuff but very expensive. One bed and a few other items can cost up to 1k. Your costs will have to x 2.

Yesterday I was so stressed by my mil. She dislikes children and we have to break the news to her as she keeps on cooking those liang things which I can't take and she feels so offended when I am not eating. When she knows that I am preggy, she is very unhappy as she is those type of mother who wants her son to belong to her only. When my hubby married me she is already unhappy as I took away her son (this is how she felt), now got beanie she is feeling even more unhappy. Can't imagine got this type of mil. Well I just got to pray to God and hope everything will goes on well and God can comfort her thoughts. I know I might have think too much but I scare she will cook don't know what to hurt my beanie as she dislike me having children.
I dare not look at the screen in the beginning. Due to last mc I really phobia gg scan, I may have pass the first test but moving on there are still many to go thru.. I was so restless the whole night that I wasn't even excited to know dh frd's wife in labour ward last night lor...
Huh lynncandy, you are 1st I hear mil doesn't like babies. Gosh. Is yr hubbs his only son? Why so possessive? She should love his son and love u. 爱屋及乌。she staying with you? Seriously if this is my mil I think I already not on gd terms with her already cause I really dislike parents to be so selfish towards own children. Grandson or granddaughter also belongs to her dont understand why she don't like. She really got tell u straight in face no babies? Hope u not staying with her so less problems.
Dolly understand your fears. Even without any bad experience from past I think 1st time mummies still got their worries. U are not alone. Till today, I am always having mix feelings when come to scans. Excited to scan to see beanies yet so afraid during scan the doc will tell me something I don't wish to hear. But now your 1st test cleared, you are moving on! Let's all clear all our tests together and be a happy mummy in nov :) lots of nov mummies here too. We grad together. Hand in hand! Babies in our arms by year end :)
My hubby not the only son got another brother. Guess what she told me before, she said her the other son can never get marry as he belongs to her. When me and my hubby heard that last time, my hubby was shocked and say how can her mind be like this. She and my fil and all her family, friends also not in good terms (I think is her problem) so she only left with her sons to depend on. She ever told me not to have baby before. Last time she stayed with us and only shifted out not long ago. She must be very angry after she shifted out I am preggy. Then she always on and off will come to our house to spot check and then comment these and that.
Me and my hubby don't want to offend her and respect her as the senior. She always do things to give us so much stressed but we just endure as we find her also poor thing with no friends around.
My dh only call n ask my mum cook better food for me after the scan. But he said dun tell his parents yet until later bah. Afterall I dun see them as often as my parents so can hide first..
oh thats quite bad for a mother to say her son cannot get married cause only belongs to her. well afterall she is still your hubbs mother so cannot be too rude to her too. but i do salute you with the nonsense she give. i cannot imagine the stress of staying with her knowing she doesnt approve kids. got the fear of her suddenly barging into our room when we sleep just to make sure we dont baby factory lolx. mmmm but lucky now that you and her doesnt stay under one roof. hopefully she can now put all her concentration on the brother instead of pressuring you both.

my dh side also doesnt know, actually i ask dh not to tell since we seldom see each other and i find they know also cannot help at this stage so i might as well keep after 3 months then break news. doesnt want them to spread to other relatives. only my family know.
Good afternoon everyone. Wow I have missed out so many things since last night. The whole morning was having site meeting no time to drink water.
Dolly: wooh 2 beanies congratulation. Exciting to see the flickering on the screen right.
Meilingg: your symptoms are coming, but it can be on and off one depending on individual.
Circle: Not to worry about the drilling, if you are uncomfortable just turn on the tv or music louder and ignore the sound. For our profession, we have to go to construction site and it is a can't avoid thing for us. So upstairs do any hacking will not affect beanie :)
Iwantahealthybaby: heehee see beanies again yesterday, maybe one of your beanie is very shy so keep on hiding don't want to see the ultrasound screen. Today a busy day for you, better don't climb up and down too much and try to relax. oh that day I went to mothercare, saw a lot of nice stuff but very expensive. One bed and a few other items can cost up to 1k. Your costs will have to x 2.

Yesterday I was so stressed by my mil. She dislikes children and we have to break the news to her as she keeps on cooking those liang things which I can't take and she feels so offended when I am not eating. When she knows that I am preggy, she is very unhappy as she is those type of mother who wants her son to belong to her only. When my hubby married me she is already unhappy as I took away her son (this is how she felt), now got beanie she is feeling even more unhappy. Can't imagine got this type of mil. Well I just got to pray to God and hope everything will goes on well and God can comfort her thoughts. I know I might have think too much but I scare she will cook don't know what to hurt my beanie as she dislike me having children.
Thanks Lynn candy. The drilling really drive my heartbeat up man. Beating at more than 100 per minute. I usually hover at 70 if resting at home.

Luckily my dad MC. Went out for lunch.. Now just back and no more drilling.
My hubby not the only son got another brother. Guess what she told me before, she said her the other son can never get marry as he belongs to her. When me and my hubby heard that last time, my hubby was shocked and say how can her mind be like this. She and my fil and all her family, friends also not in good terms (I think is her problem) so she only left with her sons to depend on. She ever told me not to have baby before. Last time she stayed with us and only shifted out not long ago. She must be very angry after she shifted out I am preggy. Then she always on and off will come to our house to spot check and then comment these and that.
Me and my hubby don't want to offend her and respect her as the senior. She always do things to give us so much stressed but we just endure as we find her also poor thing with no friends around.
Haiz... i think mil relationship is a world of science. I usually very chatty to everyone. But somehow I just can't get comfy with my mil. I used to try to make conversations but my DH (then bf) says she found me too talkative. Don't like people from my dialect group cos we are scheming people.

Well, at least we managed to get married la.

Now I just try to keep quiet in case I step on her toes. Most of the time, I let my DH chit chat with her. After all, it is him whom she loves the most.
yes handling in-laws is a piece of art....the more u try the harder it becomes. so i just let it be. i am just happy my dh got no problem with my side. or maybe my side doesnt give him problem. lolx. dont know sometimes isit we women too narrow minded, why isit always the ladies have problem with in laws and not the men have problem with in laws.
yes handling in-laws is a piece of art....the more u try the harder it becomes. so i just let it be. i am just happy my dh got no problem with my side. or maybe my side doesnt give him problem. lolx. dont know sometimes isit we women too narrow minded, why isit always the ladies have problem with in laws and not the men have problem with in laws.
I absolutely agree with u. I also find that my DH is ok with my parents. And my parents is staying with us for the time being.

They very into cleanliness so they do all the housework, ironing, washing and cooking. Even help my DH wash his car. Super take care of us. I think they really treat him like own son.

But somehow mil and dil are always more lined with conflicts. Though I must say... i have seen some rare very good mil and dil relationships. Family friends and both can high - tea tog, go shopping tog.
I cannot wait for my babies born and then bring them out together with my mum shopping. Miss the mother daughter shopping trip....soon she will be so busy handling them when we go out hehe. I think this is happiness!
Same here. My mil don't like me last time due to my dialect saying the same thing as your mil circle.
But my parents are very nice, my hubby also very happy with my parents than his own parents. He say my parents are so good. My mum even come my house these few days to cook for me due to my HL and they treat my hubby as their own son. My hubby say he loves talking to my parents than his as they are so understanding.
Haha but it is nice to know you sisters here to share my thoughts as we have so many more weeks to go until baby is out. Hugs.
LynnCandy, just try to ignore ur MIL. Sounds quite frustrating dealing with her. How do you manage?

I think best is don't stay with in laws. The lesser u see them, the less chance for conflicts.
Same here. My mil don't like me last time due to my dialect saying the same thing as your mil circle.
But my parents are very nice, my hubby also very happy with my parents than his own parents. He say my parents are so good. My mum even come my house these few days to cook for me due to my HL and they treat my hubby as their own son. My hubby say he loves talking to my parents than his as they are so understanding.
Haha but it is nice to know you sisters here to share my thoughts as we have so many more weeks to go until baby is out. Hugs.
My dh not very expressive la. Won't express such thoughts. Sometimes i wonder, those things my parents do for him. To him, it is just nice to have. Not essential and necc. But that is how my parents show their love.

We are both eldest in our family and very very protective of our own parents. Usually we can get along fine. When it comes to our parents conflict, we clash the hardest. So very very headache one.
My dh not very expressive la. Won't express such thoughts. Sometimes i wonder, those things my parents do for him. To him, it is just nice to have. Not essential and necc. But that is how my parents show their love.

We are both eldest in our family and very very protective of our own parents. Usually we can get along fine. When it comes to our parents conflict, we clash the hardest. So very very headache one.

Hi circle, haizzz... Dealing with familial conflicts one of the hardest things. But it teaches you to be much more mindful of speech, actions and customs. Good luck!
I also feel my parents is the best. Will do anything for me and my dh. Treating him as son. Not selfish towards him. I always feel his side still abit calculative. Doesn't know to sacrifice. That's why maybe I don't wish to share my preg news with them yet too. Feel that even they know also won't do much or help much so what's the pt. not like they going to come my house help with housework or give me some extra cash for medical aptm. Just feel no benefits telling them so I selfish abit don't want to say now before 3months.
Initially in early years of our marriage, dh cannot get along w my dad. Cos my dad is talkative n always force ppl follow wat he wants.. for me w my in laws, I stayed w them in 3 room flat for 5 years. I just open one eye closed the other n passed my time there.abit not used to some of their habits but in laws aso dun interfere w our lives too so was quite ok. It took my dh many years to get used yo my dad, in fact now he just felt my dad is old liao he dun want argue w him just let him b but still grumble to me behind his back. I just tell him wat can I do, I cannot change father lor, I m stuck.
But I always believe it's retribution thing lor. My dad aso dun greet my grandpa as dad until the day he gg passed away then I first time hear my dad call him dad..then years down the road my dh as his son in law dun like talk to him. First thing come into my mind, it's like 報應lor...
I always tell dh he lucky to get me as his wife cos I nvr complaint abt his family when stay together, I nvr gives him feeling on in between his parents n me cos I want my kids in future to b good / filial to us as well.
Good morning ladies~ woke up with a very heavy headache that i don't want to get up... Took a day off and gotten rest at home today. I dont think i got the strength to go all the way down to O&G and get mc bah...

I also got the nauseous feeling even lying down. =/
Good morning everyone, thanks for sharing your thoughts too.
Dolly, which gynae are you seeing? at which hospital or clinic?
Meilingg, beanie wants you to rest. I think a few of us kenna before also. Mine was during my week 7 when I woke up suddenly feeling very dizzy until cannot go to work. Just go to normal clinic and take mc to rest.
Tomorrow is Friday time flies and I am enjoying my hl. Oh got to go back to work officially next week. Tomorrow seeing Dr S and beanie again.
Good morning everyone, thanks for sharing your thoughts too.
Dolly, which gynae are you seeing? at which hospital or clinic?
Meilingg, beanie wants you to rest. I think a few of us kenna before also. Mine was during my week 7 when I woke up suddenly feeling very dizzy until cannot go to work. Just go to normal clinic and take mc to rest.
Tomorrow is Friday time flies and I am enjoying my hl. Oh got to go back to work officially next week. Tomorrow seeing Dr S and beanie again.
My gynae is dr Roland chieng, either peh or mt e novena bah..
Oh PEH is near my house and rates are alright. But I don't really like the hospital facilities. Mount e novena the price is super super high. Wooh... Your ivf is at kkh? Or private?
Bb_hc, when is your next visit?
Good morning ladies, still lying on bed. Need to go work today. Sleepy head still. I didn heard of PeH before. It's a private hospital as well? Bb_hc seeing beanies is really exciting. I wish I can see them everyday lolx.

Lynncandy so you just went back work few days and back to HL again. Shiok. I want too but cannot. I wish my day end early. Lunch I already jio my friend go dian Xiao er today. I want to eat paosheng duck lol. I thought it's ginseng back then so I thought all 3 I cannot eat. So happy still got one type duck can eat.
tomorrow when u see beanie you will be very happy cause can see the head, the hands and legs forming. Very cute. Your last scan still cannot see right? Cause during my week 8 I still cannot see but that day week 9 scan I saw it. Happy happy!

Meilingg have a good rest and yes just go nearby clinic take mc and rest. I was given vit b to eat now daily gynae say helps in ms. Think circle or kitkat mention before dr tan also prescribe them vit b to prevent ms.
Parkway east hospital -peh. Peh is near to my parents' home. Like 5 mins walk. Nope I m not w kkh... I m staying in between peh n mt e novena ..will see how
Too early to make decision now, just pass first scan still got many to go, dun want tik so much
Week 9 can see more things? Wooh. But I find tummy scan not very clear. Last week they do tummy scan I see already very blurr don't know what I am really seeing. Do they press press very hard on your tummy when doing the scan? Last week the amc press so hard on my tummy so worry for my beanie. Tomorrow the scan is in doctor's room heard the machine cannot see very clearly one. Shall see how. I still prefer private clinic the machine which is so much better.
I am lazy to go to work today. Haha tomorrow then go back before going kkh.
Iwantahealthybaby, wah so late already you are still on your bed? Hehe your work place can be late one? Or you don't start work so early?
Ytd my gynae did said he needs to press harder if can't see clear but I dun feel the force or Maybe I m numb... until today I still dun really able to see wat is wat, he point here n there said this is the beanie then hb then uterus. I only want to hear everything is fine I m happy liao.
Oh... Must press hard to see beanie but makes me worry. Dolly, your doc got say how many weeks to visit him once?

Will see him in 2 weeks to follow up on the growth of the 2 beanies. Hope the blood clots ard the smaller beanie goes off n waterbag ok...
