(2014) ivf mummies support group

So far I think amc don't let you hear heartbeat only see on the screen and they don't explain much also. Wah serious cramp also go o&g? I thought only when see bleeding. As the night before I encounter serious cramp but don't know is food poisoning the cramp or womb the cramp. I just ignore as no bleeding.

That's what she said. But recently i also dont have any serious cramp. No bleeding also. Well, guess i shall make super slow movement then...
Hope slowly it will move up by my next scan...
Meilingg, hope everything will go well for u!!! Glad that you saw the beanie and the flicker.

Take care.. If small cramps, maybe can use heat pack or hand warmers. I have been using them when I get my cramping. Helps a bit.
Thanks Lynn buddy that's a good idea. Recovery from food poisoning :)

Meiling congrats. Can see flickering is good. Yes kkh doesn't allow u to hear I ask the amc before they say hear also not clear. Ask hb rate say calculate not accurate too cause every min changing. Dude. Anyway my gg 5 mth preg her bb also low in cervix doc suggested csec don't natural. Don't know why but so far so gd safe mother and daughter. So don't worry so much.
how is 1st day back at work? busy? my morning is slow. crawling by slowly....i meeting my friend lunch later and she suggested dian xiao er, but i think all their duck i cannot eat. cause 1 is ginseng, 1 is shi quan and the last is dang gui marinated. i think all 3 types marination doesnt suit preggy right? but my friend doesnt know i am preg so cannot be i dont touch the duck also cause i used to love it sooo much. :( if suggest sakae sushi i also cannot eat those raw stuff which i used to love too so friend sure feel weird. :( so many food cannot eat....

today tue, its been a week since my last visit to kkh, i feel like fixing a gynae aptm at a random clinic today to have scan. my last week has been a busy week. didn get to rest much as been running up and downs due to some family commitment. body didn got time to really rest so doesnt know how is beanies doing. abit worried. anyway i think regular stomach scan shouldn do any harm right as compare to vaginal scan.
Haha once I reach office, I stay in my workstation don't dare to move around. Everyone is asking me why I never turn up for work, I just tell people that my backache and cannot walk for long distance.
Diao Xiao er is nice.. yummy.. but you must see the ingredients in the dishes before you order. Those 3 Chinese herbs I think not suitable to eat during pregnancy. Actually they got many other nice dishes which you can order but I scare got dang gui. Sakae sushi you can order the hot soup with udon then put chili powder, actually they got a lot of things to choose from, just don't eat those raw will do. If your friend ask, just say you are recovering from food poisoning which is what happen to you last week.
You might want to try Thomson Women's Clinic one of the branches as their rates are pretty reasonable and cheaper than kkh for your scan. I am seeing beanie this Friday for tummy scan at Dr S room no need to go amc anymore. Hope beanie is fine as beanie has no symptoms at all, very quiet which makes us worry sometimes.
No more salad for me.... What shall I eat for lunch later haha.. hmm....

Hello everyone, how are you today?

Huh? I just ate Dian Xiao Er last Sunday. I changed the danggui duck to paoshen duck. I know cannot eat danggui. I didn't know paoshen also can't. I also ate bird nest with paoshen. :eek:
Huh? I just ate Dian Xiao Er last Sunday. I changed the danggui duck to paoshen duck. I know cannot eat danggui. I didn't know paoshen also can't. I also ate bird nest with paoshen. :eek:
I thought paoshen ok leh. I just drank red date paoshen drink last week and yesterday. I think my tcm doc says ok too. Me got to see her late, will double confirm with her again.
Paoshen can but see what type. I think very expensive one confirm can haha. I think of my lunch until don't know what to eat. Now at swensen. Was pondering between thai express and swensen.
Some people replace paoshen with ginseng to cheat as those liang ginseng is so much cheaper. Btw cannot eat bak kut tay as they got don't know what which preggy lady cannot Eat.
I read ginseng not so gd... If paoshen can eat great man... I have got a box of it in fridge sitting useless cuz I was afraid dunno whether can eat or not.

Meilingg great to hear ur bb is growing well!

Tmr my next scan with Dr. Hope can see the bb this time! Also back to work after 1 wk MC... Zzzz. The only gd thing is that I will be so busy until distracted from the nausea feeling haha!
paoshen can. i didn know dian xiao er got paoshen duck. i thought its ginseng duck, lol. if i know got paoshen i would have go there for lunch today. end up eat pizzahut. lots of cheese...lolx.
Hi_mei also went back to work. Time flies in office.
Iwantahealthybaby, pizzahut wooh.. Next round then try dian xiao er. Wow don't know swensen Lunch deal is so good, order one main can get any free sundae Ice cream from the menu. I choose sticky chewy chocolate sundae :D.
Actually I have no appetite recently, just to talk about food to boost me to eat a meal. Otherwise I really have no mood to eat and eat for the sake of eating for my beanie.
oh your starting to lose your appetite lynncandy. i still enjoying every meal. but i think i get full more easily now compare to last time. maybe i subconsciously controlling dont want to overeat. but still eat alot. today i order truffle mushroom pasta and share 6 winglets and a thin crust pizza with my friend. had 3 pieces of pizza lol and finish the whole pasta myself...talk about overeating lol.

i manage to make an aptm near my house those normal gynae clinic. just want to scan and check both is doing well. too busy lately to rest properly so want see gynae for ease of mind. maybe i try to ask this gynae see if can let me know hb or hear it. havent got a chance to hear so far. in fact dont even know the rate also.
Yup I have lost my appetite recently :(. Oh private gynae usually the machine not bad can check heart rate. I think you are ok to eat more as you got 2 beanies to fight food with you haha. For us is just additional don't know how many calories more per day but for you I think need a bit more than us.
So when you are going to see beanies again?
Iwantahealthybaby, think private gynae can let u hear heartbeat if their machine is up to date. My colleagues recommended Dr Vincent Lee from Bishan clinic. They said his machine v high tech and he is nice. But I am not going to him cuz a bit far. Mb u can check him out if interested. Have to rest well even though u are working k, try not to get too stressed at work.

Lynncandy, ya have observed that I gained 2 kilos! So scary. Don't think the beanie weighs so much. Trying to control food intake now. I also lost appetite but find the nausea feeling not so bad if u eat. Even if u feel like want to vomit just eat first... Somehow doesn't feel so bad after that... Hope the MS goes away quickly for u!
hahahaha ya @hi_mei i also got the same feel like u. eat 1st even if want vomit lolx. at least i feel i probably wont vomit all i eaten so still will left abit inside for beanies :) but so far no more vomitting for me. i just cannot believe that my body is so strong not to feel anything. hopefully a smooth pregnancy all the way. bishan seems abit far for me too. lolx. i think i got quite a few gynae account. been to 1 near my place during my chemical preg last year but i find her very costly so not going back to her.

lynncandy i made aptm tonight to see beanies. hope the clinic i going got high tech machine :) 1st visit also dont know how good is the gynae but anyway i just want one near my place just to let me see beanies doing fine to rest assure. currently my frequent gynae visit will be kkh and dr loh at thomson hospital. but i think dr loh is on leave currently so cant fix aptm this two weeks. after tonight scan my next scan will be two weeks from today at dr loh (when he is back from leave) as for kkh will only be seeing my gynae in 3rd week of may so no choice must ownself aptm outside gynae. cannot imagine myself seeing kkh only. imagine the long wait in between each visits. even 1 week apart i find it so long already still ask me wait 7 weeks to see gynae lolx. maybe in 1st trimester i feel very long as we cannot feel baby movement inside us. maybe when baby gets bigger and start to move around in stomach we will be more assured and will not mind further gynae visit.
Dian Xiao Er puts ginseng in English for paoshen. In Chinese, they put 泡参. When they serve, it's paoshen.

I read for first trimester, we only need to eat 300 more calories per day.
I told DH that I want to book a gynae outside KKH to see if baby is doing well. He keeps asking what the rationale is. He keeps saying we should have faith in baby and says if baby knows his/her mum has so little faith in him/her, he/she is not going to like it. Part of me thinks what he says is true. Another part of me really feels unassured.
I told DH that I want to book a gynae outside KKH to see if baby is doing well. He keeps asking what the rationale is. He keeps saying we should have faith in baby and says if baby knows his/her mum has so little faith in him/her, he/she is not going to like it. Part of me thinks what he says is true. Another part of me really feels unassured.
It is up to you. If it puts you at ease, why not. Constant worrying is not helpful to the pregnancy.

I also think good to check outside gynae in case u need extra support. At kkh, they really don't give you one. My friend just wipe got red, her private gynae already give her proluton jab.

I am still consider whether to stay with kkh or outside gynae. But these few days, either super nausea or super cramp. No mood to research also.
no wonder i keep thinking is ginseng duck in dian xiao er cause i only read the english menu lol. thanks faithfullyours

circlecircle my hubbs give up trying to tell me relax and stay positive. so now he only go ahead if it makes u feel better lolx. but i agree on the must be positive and have faith in bb and god but i also think they will understand cause we are all 1st time mummies :) its part of beng pregnant hehehe
I'm also beginning to feel the "I don't feel like eating" symptom. I'm beginning to eat lesser and lesser for each meal. I couldn't even eat much for dinner last night. In the end, I felt so hungry at 3 am and DH got to drive me to McDonalds. Okay, french fries has always been my comfort food.

I went to my hairstylist today and boy, she said I look tired. She said better cut my hair short for a more refreshing look. There goes my tresses.
It is up to you. If it puts you at ease, why not. Constant worrying is not helpful to the pregnancy.

I also think good to check outside gynae in case u need extra support. At kkh, they really don't give you one. My friend just wipe got red, her private gynae already give her proluton jab.

I am still consider whether to stay with kkh or outside gynae. But these few days, either super nausea or super cramp. No mood to research also.

Dr Tan did give me proluton jab before I was discharged.

I think I still want to stay with Dr Tan, especially all our records are with KKH. To find a private gynae in between scans at KKH will definitely ease our minds.
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Weigh myself today, surprised to find myself lost a kg plus since et. Between er n et, I dropped a kg which is normal but now another kg plus. I m just puzzled but gf told me it's normal.. usually 2nd tri then start gaining weight...
Weigh myself today, surprised to find myself lost a kg plus since et. Between er n et, I dropped a kg which is normal but now another kg plus. I m just puzzled but gf told me it's normal.. usually 2nd tri then start gaining weight...
Dolly gal, I also lost weight so it is ok. Dr tan also warned me that since I got no appetite, I will lose weight during first trimester. But we confirm will put back the weight!
Dr Tan did give me proluton jab before I was discharged.
I went 24hr clinic after gushing 2 outbursts. The doc won't give me a jab. Says I had progesterone jab last week. Can only jab once a week. But forum sisters here had their jab twice a week before.

She only told me... If continue bleeding then come back 2 days later then can jab. Fainted la.

And it wasn't even the proluton jab.
I went 24hr clinic after gushing 2 outbursts. The doc won't give me a jab. Says I had progesterone jab last week. Can only jab once a week. But forum sisters here had their jab twice a week before.

She only told me... If continue bleeding then come back 2 days later then can jab. Fainted la.

And it wasn't even the proluton jab.

I think it has to depend on the dosage too. When I went to TMC, Dr Lee gave me quite a high dosage. When I had bleeding on that Monday, I called Dr Lee. She told me because she had given me a high dosage on Saturday, she couldn't give me another shot on Monday night even if I rushed to TMC. So she asked me to go to her clinic on Tuesday morning but I didn't lah. Ya know the story after that.
I think it has to depend on the dosage too. When I went to TMC, Dr Lee gave me quite a high dosage. When I had bleeding on that Monday, I called Dr Lee. She told me because she had given me a high dosage on Saturday, she couldn't give me another shot on Monday night even if I rushed to TMC. So she asked me to go to her clinic on Tuesday morning but I didn't lah. Ya know the story after that.
Hmmmm they gave me 50mg progesterone jab. Dunno if that is considered high.

Anyway, the good thing is no bleeding. So just super thankful for that :)
For me will be 1st trimester kkh and 2nd trimester onwards thomson women's clinic. As my Doc don't do delivery so she ask me to look for my own gynae and she will see me through 1st trimester.
Thanks faithfullyyours n circlecircle :)
Did u ladies go for weekly blood tests too.. is it to monitor hcg lvl?

KKIVF doesn't monitor HCG level. They have a cut off at 250. If first blood test is below 250, then they will ask you to repeat blood test. If repeated HCG level goes up in the repeated blood test, then go for first scan and doctor's appointment in 2 weeks time. If first blood test is already above 250, go for first scan and doctor's appointment in 2 weeks time.
Still no time to shop at asos.com .. everyday the time flies so fast. Any of your mother in-law does give you stress? My one is giving me a lot of stress..
Hi there ladies, I just bfped thru ivf at sgh care. My first hcg at 10dp5dt was ard 477 I think.. :) scan n doc appt on 22 apr. Till then every week must go hospital for blood hormone tests..
Congrats Kay!
I went 24hr clinic after gushing 2 outbursts. The doc won't give me a jab. Says I had progesterone jab last week. Can only jab once a week. But forum sisters here had their jab twice a week before.

She only told me... If continue bleeding then come back 2 days later then can jab. Fainted la.

And it wasn't even the proluton jab.
circle good thing u are on leave. Rest well k, think u are brave to go thru this, and beanie will be brave and strong too!

I think I will leave KKH. Dr Tan is very good but cannot see him unless got appt. And I feel no confidence in their 24H medical support if have bleeding, fetus problems. Just my personal choice, feel more comfortable knowing that I am seeing the same doctor each time.
Still no time to shop at asos.com .. everyday the time flies so fast. Any of your mother in-law does give you stress? My one is giving me a lot of stress..
Mine gave a lot of stress regarding ttc. Not only her but the entire in-law's extended family!!! She even bought special "magic" nightwear and panties for me... Faint man... Yeah so I can empathise with u a bit if this is what u are referring to. She doesn't mean any ill will and she is a really nice MIL. Just v anxious abt kids. The uncles even worse, one of them even scolded me for not "trying hard" during last CNY, in front of everyone!

Are u staying with ur MIL?
Congrats Kay!

circle good thing u are on leave. Rest well k, think u are brave to go thru this, and beanie will be brave and strong too!

I think I will leave KKH. Dr Tan is very good but cannot see him unless got appt. And I feel no confidence in their 24H medical support if have bleeding, fetus problems. Just my personal choice, feel more comfortable knowing that I am seeing the same doctor each time.
Hi mei, I share the same concerns as you as well. But my condition like very unstable so staying put with kkh for now while keeping an eye out. If anything choy choy choy, kkh is still THE hospital.
Actually im thinking these 2 days y I bled... is it bcox I started work too early? Mc given till 11 apr but I started on 3 apr n my boss keep telling mi to go back even earlier... go back keep calling mi to squat down..climb up n down... or is it he give mi stress by telling mi hes gg to convert mi to part time n cutting my salary by 1/3... n he told mi tt hosp leave will be deducting frm my norm mc leaves which is only 14 days... really need to find out e reason so tt my 2nd attempt will b successful. .. is it stress due or is it squatting n climbing up n down?? Or none of those... sigh
hahahaha ya @hi_mei i also got the same feel like u. eat 1st even if want vomit lolx. at least i feel i probably wont vomit all i eaten so still will left abit inside for beanies :) but so far no more vomitting for me. i just cannot believe that my body is so strong not to feel anything. hopefully a smooth pregnancy all the way. bishan seems abit far for me too. lolx. i think i got quite a few gynae account. been to 1 near my place during my chemical preg last year but i find her very costly so not going back to her.

lynncandy i made aptm tonight to see beanies. hope the clinic i going got high tech machine :) 1st visit also dont know how good is the gynae but anyway i just want one near my place just to let me see beanies doing fine to rest assure. currently my frequent gynae visit will be kkh and dr loh at thomson hospital. but i think dr loh is on leave currently so cant fix aptm this two weeks. after tonight scan my next scan will be two weeks from today at dr loh (when he is back from leave) as for kkh will only be seeing my gynae in 3rd week of may so no choice must ownself aptm outside gynae. cannot imagine myself seeing kkh only. imagine the long wait in between each visits. even 1 week apart i find it so long already still ask me wait 7 weeks to see gynae lolx. maybe in 1st trimester i feel very long as we cannot feel baby movement inside us. maybe when baby gets bigger and start to move around in stomach we will be more assured and will not mind further gynae visit.
See bb again? Drooling..
Welcome Kay. Congrats on ur pregnancy.

Yes bb_hc I am seeing beanies tonight. In fact I am waiting outside clinic now. So nervous again. It's only a week but been so freaking busy walking and rushing everything no time to rest I don't feel good. I just finish cooking dinner before I left home for aptm.

I think sticking with kkh seems the right choice during 1st trimester but I think have a private gynae outside also helps. Anything sisters to keep your mind and heart assured!

Lynncandy I manage to log on to asos for the 1st time just now before I leave office and grab two pieces of maternity wear. Lolx shorts and Top. Hehehehe. Must make use of the discount. I'm not staying with my in laws so no problem so far. They also don't really dare to give much problem as they know my temper if I too irritated I will quarrel with my hubbs and they doesn't like quarrel so they try to stay out of our business. Anyway they doesn't know i am preg I didn tell them yet.

Hi_mei your in laws are so funny, sexy lingerie huh lol. But to hear all those nasty comments especially when we trying to conceive is really stressful and not nice. But don't worry much now that you are preg should be quite ok already. Relaxx.
KKIVF doesn't monitor HCG level. They have a cut off at 250. If first blood test is below 250, then they will ask you to repeat blood test. If repeated HCG level goes up in the repeated blood test, then go for first scan and doctor's appointment in 2 weeks time. If first blood test is already above 250, go for first scan and doctor's appointment in 2 weeks time.

Oh.. ok.. thanks for the update :)
Actually im thinking these 2 days y I bled... is it bcox I started work too early? Mc given till 11 apr but I started on 3 apr n my boss keep telling mi to go back even earlier... go back keep calling mi to squat down..climb up n down... or is it he give mi stress by telling mi hes gg to convert mi to part time n cutting my salary by 1/3... n he told mi tt hosp leave will be deducting frm my norm mc leaves which is only 14 days... really need to find out e reason so tt my 2nd attempt will b successful. .. is it stress due or is it squatting n climbing up n down?? Or none of those... sigh

You will never know the answer babe. I went back straight to work after transfer didn take any HL at all. 1st ivf didn't, frozen transfer also didn't. Ivf is not 100% successful in fact it's less than 50% only and involves a lot of factors. If this round result is not what you expected then get over it and prep yourself for the next cycle. It's not easy but since you ain't giving up yet why not pick yourself up earlier. I bed rest more on 1st cycle but also negative despite two blasts transfer. Frozen cycle also transfer two blasts didn bed rest as much compare to fresh. Continue working and walking and cooking and during the tww no symptoms too but ended with a BfP with twins. The time will come when your body is ready. Don't give up! I believe your turn will come soon.
Hi mei, I share the same concerns as you as well. But my condition like very unstable so staying put with kkh for now while keeping an eye out. If anything choy choy choy, kkh is still THE hospital.
Yup def. U shd stick to something u are comfortable with. Mother's comfort and approval is most impt.

Actually im thinking these 2 days y I bled... is it bcox I started work too early? Mc given till 11 apr but I started on 3 apr n my boss keep telling mi to go back even earlier... go back keep calling mi to squat down..climb up n down... or is it he give mi stress by telling mi hes gg to convert mi to part time n cutting my salary by 1/3... n he told mi tt hosp leave will be deducting frm my norm mc leaves which is only 14 days... really need to find out e reason so tt my 2nd attempt will b successful. .. is it stress due or is it squatting n climbing up n down?? Or none of those... sigh
ZAAn, I think there is no one factor that guarantees success. There are ppl who went back to work and bfp. And there are ppl who bedrest also bfp. Think of it as ur kids are not ready to meet u this cycle, but mb they will be ready the next :)
That being said, my previous cycle was very stressful, a lot of calls from work, etc and bfn. This cycle was better, bosses more supportive and I did more bedrest also (partly cuz I fell v sick) and success. I think ur boss is unreasonable to pressure u to cut short HL. U are protected once u have the HL. Think can complain to MOM if u really want. Mb u can think about what is more impt, for next cycle cuz each cycle is a lot of time, effort and money. If u find that work bothers u a lot, mb u want to consider part time work? No matter what it is, don't give up on ur dream of having kids!
Iwantahealthybaby, actually the panty is those grandmother type.... My MIL actually said that only grandmother type panties can create healthy womb... My lot cut undies no good... Lol.

May I know how long shd I wait for frozen embryo to be transfer?? Is there anything I shd tk to prepare my body for better acceptance for 2nd attempt?
