(2014) ivf mummies support group

If all goes on smooth deliver in Nov, I will go for another procedure in Mar again. Haha.
Circle, I think you should be fine. If need to, try to see can schedule a slot earlier.
Hmm.. beanie is like growing very fast. Think this weekend maybe need to get some loose clothing.

Whao Lynn u sure? I don't think you would want to try so fast again cause I understand if you want to breastfeed then don't think can preg. Must stop breast feeding before they try 2nd. That's what I always hear from friends. But I like your spirit! Fast and furious! Hehe
Fwah! I did think I want #2 but going thru this preggie (even though it is only 6 weeks), I a bit scared man. Hahahah!

Plus #2 won't have npl. Not nice for me to go back to work for 6 months then maternity 4 months then kanna HL cos of frequent bleeding.

Now I just need to take a cab then bleed. Fainted la.. me gonna take it one step at a time... Hahahah!
i think they still havent finalise what is jubilee package, thats why now asking us to send in ideas on what gift can be done to symbolise the babies born next year.

circle when do you intend to go back work for this no.1? after birth and maternity or during 2nd trimester will start back already?
Circle, Dr S said if is just spotting like one drop or two then with duphaston will do. If it's more than that like a pad then go o&g immediately.
Haha I don't plan to give breastfeed. So rest a few months I will go again. Not young anymore so want to chiong one more then close shop. I am helping to boost the birth rate in Singapore. Jia you! Haha.
i think they still havent finalise what is jubilee package, thats why now asking us to send in ideas on what gift can be done to symbolise the babies born next year.

circle when do you intend to go back work for this no.1? after birth and maternity or during 2nd trimester will start back already?
My no pay leave is for 6 months only, in case I need 2 fresh cycles. But first trimester has been so unstable so I will poss go back once it stabilises.
Circle, Dr S said if is just spotting like one drop or two then with duphaston will do. If it's more than that like a pad then go o&g immediately.
Haha I don't plan to give breastfeed. So rest a few months I will go again. Not young anymore so want to chiong one more then close shop. I am helping to boost the birth rate in Singapore. Jia you! Haha.
Haha good job! Ambitious! Jia you!

I plan to wait mb 2 yrs then try for next one. But I also no intention to breastfeed too long, mb 4 months?

BTW my hubby share with me that he prefers I don't use epidural for birth as he thinks it is harmful to the baby. I want to faint liao.... Don't think I can take the pain of childbirth!! Not so noble like other mothers....
Haha good job! Ambitious! Jia you!

I plan to wait mb 2 yrs then try for next one. But I also no intention to breastfeed too long, mb 4 months?

BTW my hubby share with me that he prefers I don't use epidural for birth as he thinks it is harmful to the baby. I want to faint liao.... Don't think I can take the pain of childbirth!! Not so noble like other mothers....
For me I shall see what will my doc recommend. Hehe.
I dun even tik so far yet... I want see this pregnancy goes thru n bb in my hands first then plan 2nd one..I m allergy to panadol n aspirin, not sure I can take epidural or not
my oscar test also different dates. bt on week 11 and scan on week 13. just received a call from kkh nurse say the scan postpone a day as docs away for conference. the other day at amc the sonographer also did mention both my beanies diff size but didn tell me the crl. and yes the photos amc give us no show any details unlike clinic outside? i did at thomson before too scan and all the edd the crl the estimated weeks all is printed on it so i dont even need to ask doc.
my edd is 10nov but gynae the other say maybe 2days earlier but she say doesnt matter not much different.

ladies heard about the jubilee baby gift next year? hehehe. i think next year also a popular year....
How much did you spend for the scan at Thomson. Which doctor?
Thomson see doc first only $70 and scan is $60. Cheaper than my bill in kkh. Mine is Thomson women's clinic at tampines branch. Dr wong heng fok.
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Mine 1st consultation with dr Adrian was $80 and scan $80 then plus gst all comes up to about $180. I see dr loh before too way back at week 5 just to confirm beanies is growing at right place inside uterus and not tubes. Scan and consult my bill $130.
Iwantahealthybaby, buddy I always have constipation problem even before having beanie. Like 2 to 3 days then go once. Now become even worst. But I try to eat at least 2 serving of fruits daily like apple and orange then my breakfast is oats or wholemeal bread. I sometimes will eat spicy like laska so that I can like go toilet. Haha eat deport road the Claypot laska sure can go. Doc got say if no feeling don't very force the poop out as beanies are inside tummy.
Ya lynncandy I also like you before preg 3-4days release. Then now I can easily forget when is the last time I poo. Ya if no feeling I Won't even sit in toilet wait. He he. We are so similar in everything Lolx.

Yup hi_mei, shall check with gynae in next visit. Quite long from now thou. Haha.

Currently I stop TCM medicine already. Went to dr zou for a 7day medicine after positive but didn go back. Hubbs and parents ask me don't take any other medication so just listen to them lor.
My backbone is so tired now. Went vivo wanted to buy clothing and new shoe (flats) as mine are all high heels. But in the end never buy only bought bra extension as my backbone cannot take it after even walking for a while. Told hubby I want to go home and he got a shock. Oh no I still don't have a proper flats to go to work. Any recommend where can buy flat that can stand rain like high heels?
I'm currently taking Dr Zou's TCM 4 little sachets per day.

I also wanna ask do you feel your symptoms like very strong one day, then the next day back to normal? Or are your symptoms very constant?
My symptoms are like roller coaster. Sometime like very normal don't even feel like preggy, but sometime with preggy symptoms like giddy. It is like on and off.
I'm currently taking Dr Zou's TCM 4 little sachets per day.

I also wanna ask do you feel your symptoms like very strong one day, then the next day back to normal? Or are your symptoms very constant?
Faithfullyyours, my symptoms also vary. Some days more nausea, some days more cramps, some days super backache.

So far, every day sure got something make me uncomfy. Hahaha! Just counting down my days to end of first trimester
I asked about the TCM because I don't know if I should continue taking.

I asked about the symptoms because yesterday I felt quite nauseous. It was the strongest so I thought maybe my symptoms are kicking in already but today, I feel normal again.
I asked about the TCM because I don't know if I should continue taking.

I asked about the symptoms because yesterday I felt quite nauseous. It was the strongest so I thought maybe my symptoms are kicking in already but today, I feel normal again.
For me, I am comfortable taking the medicine. It is to an - tai and help stop bleeding.

For symptoms, I heard it is normal for them to come and go. So enjoy the better days!
Will you drink TCM throughout your whole pregnancy or will you stop at some point?
Depends... i have been with her for last 2 years. Even for flu symptoms or food poisoning, she also could bring me back to health. So I will see what she says.

For now, she is saying not stable yet. So must continue to see her. think 4 months onwards then stabilise.
Faithfullyours it's your own comfort level on the TCM medicine. If you still got your doubts maybe you like to stop a while see if you feel better? I didn take cause I am also taking western pills and vitamins so I thinking like a lot to eat everyday morning and night so I just skip the TCM and plus hubbs and parents feel cause don't know what's inside the powder so better don't anyhow take. It's your comfort level. I didn take and so far so gd. As for symptoms I still can say nothing for me. Thou that day vomited like mad from morning to night (I believe is food poisoning not ms) other than that I am ok. Not much backache too. Maybe sore boobs but don't touch it's ok. I can still walk from morning to night (slowly) won't feel tired.
Iwantahealthybaby, actually light exercise like walking is good. I am a very active person but due to my case this trimester cannot be active. I miss swimming so much... I had laksa for dinner but I think it is not a nice laska so I don't feel happy after eating it. Haha everyday eat also must see if the food is up to my liking as don't know why I no mood to eat all the good food.
Iwantahealthybaby, actually light exercise like walking is good. I am a very active person but due to my case this trimester cannot be active. I miss swimming so much... I had laksa for dinner but I think it is not a nice laska so I don't feel happy after eating it. Haha everyday eat also must see if the food is up to my liking as don't know why I no mood to eat all the good food.

Totally understand now is not the quality of food it's the craving satisfied anot...I been missing the wang cafe Mee siam at kkh lol. Now munching on my ikea hot dog bun :)
My blood test and scan also separate. The amc counsellor says blood test best to do week 9-10 and the scan on week 11. She asked if I am ok to come down twice and I said yes since it is more accurate. So my blood test on 22 Apr and scan on 12 may.

But your dates seem closer than mine.
Hi circlecircle as the Oscar is v full so I only have one date for the scan and as for the blood test the staff tell me to choose the date from 10/4 onwards.
I got cravings for instant noodles last night. Fight vy hard not to give in n went to slp but this morning woke up, first thing I did for bfast made instant noodles n ate it... I told myself cannot eat more than wat I shd n anyhow give in to cravings. Dh still said I tapao for u n I replied him I m trying to ren, dun spoil my plan...
Iwantahealthybaby, actually light exercise like walking is good. I am a very active person but due to my case this trimester cannot be active. I miss swimming so much... I had laksa for dinner but I think it is not a nice laska so I don't feel happy after eating it. Haha everyday eat also must see if the food is up to my liking as don't know why I no mood to eat all the good food.
Yup i also miss exercising too. Feel like just sitting around and getting unhealthy, but don't dare to exercise.
Also, some of my social activities curtailed now.... Esp when friends ask u out for drinking sessions. Sad. But I also can't tell them, just keep giving excuses like sick, haha!
Hehe so far I don't have much symptoms, my symptoms are mainly related to my greedy of eating good food. I will not vomit but more to if you don't give me food I will feel abit giddy and not being satisfied with eating good food now and becoming a vegetarian haha. Other than that just backache.
Denmeg, I hope I am getting better to eat good food and some meat.
Hi_mei, me too feeling so unhealthy not exercising. Maybe next visit I shall ask Dr S if I can go back swimming.
Dolly, oops you Crave for instant noodles. Try not to eat too much maybe 1 packet will do.
Iwantahealthybaby, I miss ikea hotdog bun yum yum.. You are tempting me. Later I am going to 'qi ji' for mee siam haha.
Btw anyone avoiding peanuts? I heard some people say don't eat. But I read from the web actually by eating is ok.. I am still eat peanut butter once a while as I love those prima waffle with peanut butter which will melt. Yum yum.
This weekend my symptoms have aso lessen.. just worries me abit when dun feel anything... shall pray for my first scan next wed
Peanut is ok lynncandy. My sil ask me to avoid peanut cause sometimes bb may be allergy to peanut. But I think it shouldn be much worry. I still eat too.

I didn bed rest much been busy the whole week. Walking standing busy this busy that. Actually since my last visit last tue to kkh I not been resting well and so far no preg symptoms or bloatedness. Hope Twinnies are fine inside.
Hehe so far I don't have much symptoms, my symptoms are mainly related to my greedy of eating good food. I will not vomit but more to if you don't give me food I will feel abit giddy and not being satisfied with eating good food now and becoming a vegetarian haha. Other than that just backache.
Denmeg, I hope I am getting better to eat good food and some meat.
Hi_mei, me too feeling so unhealthy not exercising. Maybe next visit I shall ask Dr S if I can go back swimming.
Dolly, oops you Crave for instant noodles. Try not to eat too much maybe 1 packet will do.
Iwantahealthybaby, I miss ikea hotdog bun yum yum.. You are tempting me. Later I am going to 'qi ji' for mee siam haha.
Btw anyone avoiding peanuts? I heard some people say don't eat. But I read from the web actually by eating is ok.. I am still eat peanut butter once a while as I love those prima waffle with peanut butter which will melt. Yum yum.

Think it is an old wives tale, my mom said eating peanuts might cause the baby to be allergic in future but don't think there is scientific proof.
Dolly gal, I heard symptoms vary by day also. Don't worry.

To everyone, how bad is ur morning sickness now? I get kind of all day no appetite and on empty stomach/after eating, some nausea. But never so bad until vomit. That is morning sickness???
I only know morning sickness doesn't happen to me in morning, it usually strike afternoon n till late evening for my case..
I think should change the name morning sickness to mood swinging. As I find more to the swing of mood in the body like puke, nausea, see what to eat, smell, no mood to eat etc
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I think for pregnancy is good cause rich in vit c and fibre.
Oh I was seeing like many people post of drinking that. Where can get this drink, those juice section one don't know if is healthy. Aiyoo I no mood to think of what to eat. Come sisters share what is good for dinner haha.
Hahaha I got a lot of spicy food in mind but seems quite far away from me. I thinking whether can get my hubbs to acc me go old town eat the prawn noodles soup with lots of chilli padi. Or airport wang cafe eat Mee siam. Today no crave for tom yum.

Hahaha I got a lot of spicy food in mind but seems quite far away from me. I thinking whether can get my hubbs to acc me go old town eat the prawn noodles soup with lots of chilli padi. Or airport wang cafe eat Mee siam. Today no crave for tom yum.
I have been eating spicy and sour food as i feel more comfortable with the spice haha. Now can't think of any food. hmmm.. spize at simpang bedok or River Valley has good food.
