(2014) ivf mummies support group

I am craving for ice cream, but scared that if i eat cold stuff, I will have spotting. anybody with spotting ate cold stuff and have no problems (as in no blood gushing out etc)
I am craving for ice cream, but scared that if i eat cold stuff, I will have spotting. anybody with spotting ate cold stuff and have no problems (as in no blood gushing out etc)
I avoided ice cream n cold stuff for first trimester cos advised by tcm to avoid for ivf.. But second TM relax a lot more, start by stealing a spoonful of ice cream from hubby's bowl, now I eat a whole bowl myself once in a while.. :). As kmei2 says, moderation is key! :)
I am craving for ice cream, but scared that if i eat cold stuff, I will have spotting. anybody with spotting ate cold stuff and have no problems (as in no blood gushing out etc)

yea, it would better to avoid during 1st trimester if u feel insecure... moderate in 2nd tri.. haa..
5 weeks apart lo.. :( I miss them haha!!

I wanted to change to 24th, ADC (the place where KKH do detail scan) dun allow coz no slots haha coz tot of goin Camden for the detail scan :p
2 weeks I already feeling v neurotic liaos..5 weeks is too long. there's really really no way to change slots? go & see lor..spend some money and see your twinnies - worth the money :)
yea, it would better to avoid during 1st trimester if u feel insecure... moderate in 2nd tri.. haa..

Hahaha..thanks ladies for your input. I am going to eat one scoop! dun care. getting v pek cek cos this cannot eat, that cannot eat. and those i should eat (like fish and walnuts etc) i cannot stomach. my hub's at his wit's end.
Hahaha..thanks ladies for your input. I am going to eat one scoop! dun care. getting v pek cek cos this cannot eat, that cannot eat. and those i should eat (like fish and walnuts etc) i cannot stomach. my hub's at his wit's end.

haahaa... is like that one... many things cannot eat.. fav stingray also cannot take.. what to do.. ladies..we must ren ren ren... lol :p
5 weeks apart lo.. :( I miss them haha!!

I wanted to change to 24th, ADC (the place where KKH do detail scan) dun allow coz no slots haha coz tot of goin Camden for the detail scan :p

mei, another 2 weeks only... jia you.. save $$ and buy baby stuff.. must remb... X2!!! haa:D
2 weeks I already feeling v neurotic liaos..5 weeks is too long. there's really really no way to change slots? go & see lor..spend some money and see your twinnies - worth the money :)
ya la!! that's y I kudos to bb that she can wait for 5 weeks! another 2 weeks to go for my next appt though.. duno wan to go to another one onot LOL!
haahaa... is like that one... many things cannot eat.. fav stingray also cannot take.. what to do.. ladies..we must ren ren ren... lol :p
ya man! my bday dinner I requested I wan eat crab but hubby dun allow.. duhz haa but ended up I get to drink lobster bisque :p
ya man! my bday dinner I requested I wan eat crab but hubby dun allow.. duhz haa but ended up I get to drink lobster bisque :p

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEI!!! :p NO CRAB!!! yummy black pepper or chilli.. aiyo, i also feel like eating!!!! cannot eat lor.. better don..
i also not very sure.. old wives tales, if not baby will "heng xin ba dao" or hyperactive? lol.. haa
I think some elders say baby will like to pinch also.. But actually I only follow those that make sense to me, like no raw food or certain types of fish.. No cold things i also follow cos when i did that for my ivf finaly strike! Crab I ate in first trimester cos had a craving. I don't see the connection between crab n pinching so never follow.. :)
I think some elders say baby will like to pinch also.. But actually I only follow those that make sense to me, like no raw food or certain types of fish.. No cold things i also follow cos when i did that for my ivf finaly strike! Crab I ate in first trimester cos had a craving. I don't see the connection between crab n pinching so never follow.. :)

ok ok noted! I tot I saw some says crabs is "cold" so best to avoid.. I tink my man saw this so didn't allow me to take lo
I am craving for ice cream, but scared that if i eat cold stuff, I will have spotting. anybody with spotting ate cold stuff and have no problems (as in no blood gushing out etc)

@towkayneo and joynpeace - nurse told me that cold food contracts the uterus and womb and the pressure may cause some bleeding.

I BD 2 weeks after ET and i bled quite a bit one day after. Thought i was about to lose the babies but luckily the bleeding stopped the next day. Doc said the pressure on the womb cause the bleed. So no sex till now. Hus so sianz.
Hi hi everyone

I'm 6weeks5days now.... My first scan is Friday 13th , next friday, seems so far away.
Getting very tired during the day, especially after meals and insomnia during the night!
After breakfast, lunch and dinner really need to take a nap!

Can check with you girls, do you all still do housework like vacuum and mopping the floor?
@towkayneo and joynpeace - nurse told me that cold food contracts the uterus and womb and the pressure may cause some bleeding.

I BD 2 weeks after ET and i bled quite a bit one day after. Thought i was about to lose the babies but luckily the bleeding stopped the next day. Doc said the pressure on the womb cause the bleed. So no sex till now. Hus so sianz.
Yah that's why I only eat cold food n drinks in second TM.. Was quite strict in first TM, but cannot live without cold drinks esp when weather is hot! Usually only indulge if bad craving.. If not at least room temp. :). Some of my friends who conceive naturally just eat whatever they want.. Usually we will be lots more cautious cos waited so long..
Hb n I also avoided BD during first TM totally cos worried will affect the baby.. Then after that still avoid for one month cos gyne said placenta too low. Only last few weeks resume after gyne said ok.
morning mummies..

aiyo, i also pie say to bring this up.. honestly, i havent been BD for so long. Although been reading that no problem to BD and baby can feel mummy & daddy love, etc...but probably, inside me still worry abt my this precious pregnancy.. :oops:pity my hubby..
Hi hi everyone

I'm 6weeks5days now.... My first scan is Friday 13th , next friday, seems so far away.
Getting very tired during the day, especially after meals and insomnia during the night!
After breakfast, lunch and dinner really need to take a nap!

Can check with you girls, do you all still do housework like vacuum and mopping the floor?

away, congrats again... no housework for me lo... hubby taking over all the housework, except ironing since BFP.. heehee.. I also easily get tired coz standing up to ironing..cannot for too long
morning mummies..

aiyo, i also pie say to bring this up.. honestly, i havent been BD for so long. Although been reading that no problem to BD and baby can feel mummy & daddy love, etc...but probably, inside me still worry abt my this precious pregnancy.. :oops:pity my hubby..
hee thinks its normal ba.. hubby oso wan us to be safe mah :) I will feel weird to do it at this stage now due to the big tummy.. *getting clumsier too
Hi hi everyone

I'm 6weeks5days now.... My first scan is Friday 13th , next friday, seems so far away.
Getting very tired during the day, especially after meals and insomnia during the night!
After breakfast, lunch and dinner really need to take a nap!

Can check with you girls, do you all still do housework like vacuum and mopping the floor?
hee its really seems very long lo.. I oso waitin for mine since last scan at 13th Aug

I still do hanging of laundry.. sweeping and mopping is always hubby's duty :)
hee hee, really so is normal ya? haa, feeling ease now.. lol..
haha no worries la.. the guys know how to "fix" the issue themselves :p unless you are high in needs too then do it slowly lo coz we are not as flexible as last time wahaha
haha no worries la.. the guys know how to "fix" the issue themselves :p unless you are high in needs too then do it slowly lo coz we are not as flexible as last time wahaha

wahahahaha... hmm ok i will consider your advice... lol haa:D
any ladies here having grey hair issue? any plans to colour the grey hairs? i have a few strands of grey hair popping out and I am so depressed over it. contemplating whether to touch up the roots once I cross to the 2nd trim.
any ladies here having grey hair issue? any plans to colour the grey hairs? i have a few strands of grey hair popping out and I am so depressed over it. contemplating whether to touch up the roots once I cross to the 2nd trim.
I have but I tink I will just leave it till after delivery.. I tot we are not supposed to do anything to the roots in the whole pregnancy?
dun be depress ya! its doesn't represent old hee
I have but I tink I will just leave it till after delivery.. I tot we are not supposed to do anything to the roots in the whole pregnancy?
dun be depress ya! its doesn't represent old hee
:( if u consider breastfeeding, also cannot dye hair..aiyo, going to look like witch ley...hahahaha...
did u have your mac breakfast this morning? :p
:( if u consider breastfeeding, also cannot dye hair..aiyo, going to look like witch ley...hahahaha...
did u have your mac breakfast this morning? :p
haha! true.. cant touch the roots at all lo

nope.. was raining very heavily.. settled with milo and biscuit *makes me soo hungry till the lunch earlier :p
haa.. me too, grey hair alot!!!

**burp.. so full... had chicken lasagna for lunch... yummy..

wah, mei.. ur breakfast so light ah.. not like u.. hee
any ladies here having grey hair issue? any plans to colour the grey hairs? i have a few strands of grey hair popping out and I am so depressed over it. contemplating whether to touch up the roots once I cross to the 2nd trim.
I have grey hair especially the front part. During my first pregnancy, I also color my hair, but used those ammonia free kind of dye.
If not really look terrible...
away, congrats again... no housework for me lo... hubby taking over all the housework, except ironing since BFP.. heehee.. I also easily get tired coz standing up to ironing..cannot for too long
Hi bb_luck,
Lucky you! I'm a SAHM and my hubby works til late... occasionally we do major cleaning of the house together on Sundays thou...
I hate ironing... so always bring the clothes to my MIL's maid to iron :p....
Yesterday cleaned the house, including vacuum and mopping... vacuum still ok, but mopping cannot, feel strained at the stomach...
heehee... so can be exempted from moppings :p
hee its really seems very long lo.. I oso waitin for mine since last scan at 13th Aug

I still do hanging of laundry.. sweeping and mopping is always hubby's duty :)
Hi Kmei2
In France (where I am currently), actually the woman only entitled to 3 scans during the pregnancy, at 3,5,7 mths.
Wonder how they survive man.... For my first pregnancy, since it was also IVF, somehow or rather, I managed to have scans monthly.
If this time, gynae never issue me monthly scans, for sure I'm going to pay for it.
Another Lucky Gal who hubby shares housework :)
Hi bb_luck,
Lucky you! I'm a SAHM and my hubby works til late... occasionally we do major cleaning of the house together on Sundays thou...
I hate ironing... so always bring the clothes to my MIL's maid to iron :p....
Yesterday cleaned the house, including vacuum and mopping... vacuum still ok, but mopping cannot, feel strained at the stomach...
heehee... so can be exempted from moppings :p

away, oh i see, hmm try to go easy with the housework, don overwork yourself.. somehow I believe we are all adults, our house wont be that dirty unless u always got guests around then would be different case.. i think with the major cleaning on sunday should be good enough.. hee..
Hi Kmei2
In France (where I am currently), actually the woman only entitled to 3 scans during the pregnancy, at 3,5,7 mths.
Wonder how they survive man.... For my first pregnancy, since it was also IVF, somehow or rather, I managed to have scans monthly.
If this time, gynae never issue me monthly scans, for sure I'm going to pay for it.
Another Lucky Gal who hubby shares housework :)

wow.. how can they take it?? 3 scan only??? i don think i can ta han and cant see my bb for soooo long...lol
wow.. how can they take it?? 3 scan only??? i don think i can ta han and cant see my bb for soooo long...lol
Hmm bb_luck
Except that I have 4 yr old who leave rice, noodles, bread crumbs, chocolate stains around while she eats ;p
What cream are you using? I used Clarins during my first pregnancy, just wondering if there are better ones now...
Hi ladies, it has been along time since I login.

I have some weird feeling which I can't really tell if they r light cramps. Occasionally, it does feel like. Does anyone encounter such symptom?

haa.. me too, grey hair alot!!!

**burp.. so full... had chicken lasagna for lunch... yummy..

wah, mei.. ur breakfast so light ah.. not like u.. hee
LOL! coz raining leh so no buy bfast lo :(
but today eat till shiok shiok!! beehoon and 2 hashbrowns... *full
