(2014) ivf mummies support group

Hi all, haven't log in for a while cos of new job, tiredness and the new forum format. Welcome 1iBB and many others. Time flies de and soon bb will be in put arms. Tmr will be doing Oscar so v eager to see bb again :) is there a FB group for this thread already?

hello ladies.. so sorry quite long no login... its so good to see more good news here!! more miracles to come!

hi reddesk, oscar tomorrow? hope baby will wave arms & legs at you & also open up legs too! =)

hi slt, congrats on the increasing hcg!! do not give up on your beanie! beanie is trying hard to cling on to life & cling onto mummy right now... so no rushing, no running, no heavy lifting... just rest as much as you can so beanie can grow bigger! =) so happy for you! take more warm chix essence right now too...
Welcome away!

oh yeah! went for my first scan this morn...phew...everything is going smoothly...can see the blinking and hear the heartbeat...am so happy...was a bit worried as i lie on e bed waiting for the scan..very funny...Dr Loh let me hear the heartbeat....n i ask him that i read online it is supposed to be 100 beats per min??? hahaha....then he ask my hubby to record so that i can go back n count...wahahhaa...then my hubby even ask him if the mach comes with a recording function...think Dr Loh has a headache from having us as patients...
so supposed to see him again in 2 weeks time...he asks us to think whether to do oscars test or harmony test... i am currently 34 and he says low risk but i rem my frens doing such tests...but Dr Loh also mentioned the risk of false alarm with suhc test....harmony test is more conclusive and accurate but costs 3 times more than oscars test...

do u all do the oscars test or harmony test???

hi dreamirene, up until week 9 when i lost my twin b.. i was prepared to do harmony test... i think with twins, i was prepared to spend on harmony test. With singleton, maybe see how the oscar blood test & nuchal scan goes... if all is fine.. no need to spend that extra $ as well.. you can ask for doc's opinion as well? I think harmony test is still relatively new.. but better accuracy.. oh with harmony test, i could not do it because i had a twin that will surely make the test come back positive so no longer accurate for me anymore...

by the way, harmony test also tests for baby's gender at week 12! =)
recently, i started feeling hungry easily...i just had a subway sandwich at noon...n now i feel as though my stomach is empty again...what are some of the healthy recommended snacks to take during pregnancy?? i know nuts are but i am not a big fan of them..prob fr eating brazil nuts...

hi dreamirene, i think if hungry, especially during first 3 months until perhaps week 14-15... must eat... cannot go hungry...baby is growing very rapidly at this stage.. i was very prone to gastric.. so had to prevent getting hunger pangs and acid in my tummy because i wanted to avoid taking ENO... too much ENO no good i think.. you can eat some buns/pau.. or some fruit cake? or munch on some cereal? also best to take it with some warm milk or holicks... will keep you fuller longer.. =)
Hi hi! Reporting here after my betas!!
11dp5dt - 460
13dp5dt - 980

Does anyone else here have such numbers? I am wondering if it's twins cos it seems high....

hi melodyli, my beta hcg was 1100 at 12dpt and 18,800 on 19dpt (i went back to do blood test 1 week later as i had no symptoms & peeing on many many sticks just wasnt enough for me.. haha). I had twins, but lost 1 baby at week 9. I think the thing about high hcg with 2 babies is that it must be really quite high? My twins had slow growth all the way until i lost 1 of them... as for high hcg with a singleton baby, it means the baby is really healthy & can produce high hcg at early stage... =) so not to worry now! twins or singleton... make sure you eat well & also rest lots! =)
ladies... mind if i ask if any of you are trying out pre natal yoga or pilates? or perhaps swimming? just wondering if we should all be taking it super duper easy and just be couch potato type more since our road to BFP is so long, tough & painful.... would like to hear you opinions..... thanks =)
Melody, the super high beta is rabbit's. :). Mine was only 200+, I have a singleton baby girl. :).
I know the paranoid feeling initially when no MS, no symptoms.. Like too good to be true.. I did four other pregnancy tests after my first positive test just to reassure myself.. Then MS started big time, and now this week can feel baby kick! :). Super excited.. :). But I figured paying for the extra pregnancy tests is money well spent to make myself feel happier n less worried, so don't worry if u r testing again..

hi joynpeace... you can feel the kicks already? please describe describe!! i am still waiting n waiting to catch mine... i wonder when will he start kicking up a storm in me... i swear i will not complain even if i get bladder-punched... haha...
Little leech: I believe Oscar will be good today, went for it mostly to see baby and just see the results as not gg to do further tests. As for gender, too early to tell on Oscar. Our bb waved at us last scan and it was v exciting. We could see bb's little fingers too :D Sorry to hear abt your twin but nature has its way to select the fittest. God loves u and gives u the best so look forward as much possible and be thankful for the little budding one growing within :)

I have been walking at work but slowed my pace. Am looking forward to week 14 onwards where I plan to swim. Relax de not chong type. It's always beneficial to do some activities but really depend on your physical and bb's health and as advised by gynae ba.

Slt: it's v good report! Pray that bb grow stronger!
hi joynpeace... you can feel the kicks already? please describe describe!! i am still waiting n waiting to catch mine... i wonder when will he start kicking up a storm in me... i swear i will not complain even if i get bladder-punched... haha...
Hi.. :). I first felt the kicks when I was super stressed last wk cos my mum was admitted into hospital and was quite sick.. I think baby reacted to the high stress hormones in me. :). Some pple say its like bubbles. Dr Ann said its like fluttering but I didn't feel either leh. Maybe my tummy fats too thick.. To me felt more like a gentle tap, or like someone strum a guitar string against the inside of my belly.. Two days ago even hubby could feel baby move.. And he was thrilled! Cos he was quite envious at first that I could feel baby but he couldn't yet..
hi dreamirene, up until week 9 when i lost my twin b.. i was prepared to do harmony test... i think with twins, i was prepared to spend on harmony test. With singleton, maybe see how the oscar blood test & nuchal scan goes... if all is fine.. no need to spend that extra $ as well.. you can ask for doc's opinion as well? I think harmony test is still relatively new.. but better accuracy.. oh with harmony test, i could not do it because i had a twin that will surely make the test come back positive so no longer accurate for me anymore...

by the way, harmony test also tests for baby's gender at week 12! =)

thanks, littleleech....for replying so many of our msg at one go.....i think Dr was prob hinting i can just go for oscar test since he said my risks are low...but he just wan to warn me abt false alarm....what is a nuchal scan??
i suspect my bb is a ger....cos my fren played a prediction game on me which apparently is true on the few cases she has tried...she predicted i will hav 2 gers....let's see how accurate is that....

wah...i still hav a few more wks to go before i can feel the baby move.....time passes slow when we are preg...and fast when we are trying to conceive as age catches up...
Hi all, haven't log in for a while cos of new job, tiredness and the new forum format. Welcome 1iBB and many others. Time flies de and soon bb will be in put arms. Tmr will be doing Oscar so v eager to see bb again :) is there a FB group for this thread already?
enjoy the long scanning! :D and no FB group for this chat hee
ladies... mind if i ask if any of you are trying out pre natal yoga or pilates? or perhaps swimming? just wondering if we should all be taking it super duper easy and just be couch potato type more since our road to BFP is so long, tough & painful.... would like to hear you opinions..... thanks =)
littleleech, nope I didn't go for yoga or swimming etc.. its supposed to be good but i'm lazy haa! as long green light is given by gynae.. light exercise shld be fine
Hi.. :). I first felt the kicks when I was super stressed last wk cos my mum was admitted into hospital and was quite sick.. I think baby reacted to the high stress hormones in me. :). Some pple say its like bubbles. Dr Ann said its like fluttering but I didn't feel either leh. Maybe my tummy fats too thick.. To me felt more like a gentle tap, or like someone strum a guitar string against the inside of my belly.. Two days ago even hubby could feel baby move.. And he was thrilled! Cos he was quite envious at first that I could feel baby but he couldn't yet..
likey! I'm waiting still hee :D
thanks, littleleech....for replying so many of our msg at one go.....i think Dr was prob hinting i can just go for oscar test since he said my risks are low...but he just wan to warn me abt false alarm....what is a nuchal scan??
i suspect my bb is a ger....cos my fren played a prediction game on me which apparently is true on the few cases she has tried...she predicted i will hav 2 gers....let's see how accurate is that....

wah...i still hav a few more wks to go before i can feel the baby move.....time passes slow when we are preg...and fast when we are trying to conceive as age catches up...
dreamirene, nuchal scan is Oscar scan too.. Oscar consist of blood test and NT scan is solely based on scan :)
hi dreamirene, up until week 9 when i lost my twin b.. i was prepared to do harmony test... i think with twins, i was prepared to spend on harmony test. With singleton, maybe see how the oscar blood test & nuchal scan goes... if all is fine.. no need to spend that extra $ as well.. you can ask for doc's opinion as well? I think harmony test is still relatively new.. but better accuracy.. oh with harmony test, i could not do it because i had a twin that will surely make the test come back positive so no longer accurate for me anymore...

by the way, harmony test also tests for baby's gender at week 12! =)
Harmony test is sit Maternit21? I had tat test and it can tell if u hv a boy. :)
actually, i have a qn...but i hope none of the insur agents are going to jump at the chance to sell...cos i jus wan some basic knowledge...
do u all buy any particular insur now to cover preg complications or birth issues?? my fren's daughter has a hole in the heart and she has to pay hard cash....she said if only she bought insur...can that really cover?
dreamirene, sorry cant help u on insurance issue.. but our healthshield covers the basic pregnancy complication I tink
actually, i have a qn...but i hope none of the insur agents are going to jump at the chance to sell...cos i jus wan some basic knowledge...
do u all buy any particular insur now to cover preg complications or birth issues?? my fren's daughter has a hole in the heart and she has to pay hard cash....she said if only she bought insur...can that really cover?
I was talking abt this with my hubby.. He says the compulsory ivf insurance covers partially already. There is another pregnancy insurance that some pple buy at 20 weeks that supposedly covers preg complications, but if u look closely, the coverage only a few thousand.. It's more a investment linked plan or can convert to life policy for baby at birth. Ivf pregnancies only can buy from AIA, I think. Other companies don't cover ivf for this type of policy.
The third type is enhanced medishield. What I understand from talking to an insurance agent at a baby fair is that all babies get abt $3k fom the govt in their medisave at birth. We can buy additional enhanced medishield to cover for hospitalisation when baby is born. I think this is the one that will cover for most hospitalisations if baby needs. However, I'm not sure whether there are any exclusions for congenital diseases..

Sorry, not sure if this helps. :). I'm still learning n finding out myself., :)
Hi kmei: the scan was short as bb v kuai. All looks good. Graduated from jab and crinone and taking only Duphaston and started the real supplements!! Haha. sonographer let us hear our bb's hb for first time briefly too. Graduated from Prof and will move to another gynae in next visit.

Glad to know all is well on your side :)
Hi kmei: the scan was short as bb v kuai. All looks good. Graduated from jab and crinone and taking only Duphaston and started the real supplements!! Haha. sonographer let us hear our bb's hb for first time briefly too. Graduated from Prof and will move to another gynae in next visit.

Glad to know all is well on your side :)
welcome to the 2nd trimester!
Thks, Kmei2 & Joynpeace...i am never fond of insurance cos too cheem for me...but looks like i cant avoid it this round....
heh heh, yesterday was given a handbook and baby goody bag when i went to KKH yesterday. was advised to take the down syndrome test, but was told that we are not allowed to choose the package (only package B - blood test & scan) during counselling. what do i expect during the scan 3-4 weeks later? heard that it would be about 20-30 min.

By the way, do you ladies attend wedding dinners? some said ok, some preferred not to. so i am torn cos next saturday i have a wedding dinner.
heh heh, yesterday was given a handbook and baby goody bag when i went to KKH yesterday. was advised to take the down syndrome test, but was told that we are not allowed to choose the package (only package B - blood test & scan) during counselling. what do i expect during the scan 3-4 weeks later? heard that it would be about 20-30 min.

By the way, do you ladies attend wedding dinners? some said ok, some preferred not to. so i am torn cos next saturday i have a wedding dinner.
summer, package b is the one that most ppl take lo.. *Oscar test in TMC
u will be expecting the result after your scan and blood test will be taken 2 weeks before :)

yup, wedding dinner I still attend.. depending how u feel :)
mei mei, the results are out immediately after the scan? I have taken the blood test yesterday liaos..so now waiting for 20 Sep for the scan.

some said so long as u dun appear at the tea ceremony (cos wedding couples check for auspicious timings for themselves and their parents, the rest will clash)..it's ok. 2 schools of thought. hhahahaa
mei mei, the results are out immediately after the scan? I have taken the blood test yesterday liaos..so now waiting for 20 Sep for the scan.

some said so long as u dun appear at the tea ceremony (cos wedding couples check for auspicious timings for themselves and their parents, the rest will clash)..it's ok. 2 schools of thought. hhahahaa
yup immediately :) coz u already took ur blood test so 20th sept u will have the result with the ADC duty doc lo

yup.. as long morning dun attend.. dinner is ok :)
Kmei2: thanks! Nurse tried calling me today but i busy at work so got a message that my Oscar result out le!! 1:5778. Thanksgiving!! :):)
Hi haro everyone, can I check if any of you can enlighten me on my Oscar results? I blur looking at it... So which is the one for DS ah? Hope someone can help me. TIA
Which is the result for DS? Background risk or adjusted risk? t21?
Hi trisomy 21 is for DS. Trisomy 18 and 13 are other types of genetic abnormalities called Edwards and Patau Syndrome. I think background risk means the general average risk for someone yr age etc. adjusted risk is your personalized risk profile after considering the nuchal scan n blood test. 1:2980 for your DS risk is good! Obviously if the second number is higher, the lower the chance of you having a DS baby e.g. Your chances of having a trisomy 13 baby is less than 1 in 20,000, which is lower than the risk for a trisomy 18 baby, which is lower than for trisomy 21 (DS) baby. But DS is a lot more common than the other two in general, so all of us have the same trend. I think yr risk profile is excellent! Congrats
Hi trisomy 21 is for DS. Trisomy 18 and 13 are other types of genetic abnormalities called Edwards and Patau Syndrome. I think background risk means the general average risk for someone yr age etc. adjusted risk is your personalized risk profile after considering the nuchal scan n blood test. 1:2980 for your DS risk is good! Obviously if the second number is higher, the lower the chance of you having a DS baby e.g. Your chances of having a trisomy 13 baby is less than 1 in 20,000, which is lower than the risk for a trisomy 18 baby, which is lower than for trisomy 21 (DS) baby. But DS is a lot more common than the other two in general, so all of us have the same trend. I think yr risk profile is excellent! Congrats
Wow! Thank q v v much!! U r so wise!!! :)
congrats reddesk & ilbb to both on your oscar test results!!

last week went for my scanning, doc says 18 years later baby must prepare to go army! I am expecting baby boy!!! :p

cant wait for my detailed scanning next week... lol.. so exciting.. :D
congrats reddesk & ilbb to both on your oscar test results!!

last week went for my scanning, doc says 18 years later baby must prepare to go army! I am expecting baby boy!!! :p

cant wait for my detailed scanning next week... lol.. so exciting.. :D
congrat bb!!! welcome to team blue haha
I waiting for mine till neck long long lo!! :(
congrat bb!!! welcome to team blue haha
I waiting for mine till neck long long lo!! :(

Yes Mei2, team blue.. lol.. ur turn coming soon very fast.. are u still gg to private first for fast tracking? haa.. I be gg to Camden for the detailed scan.. my gynae does not have the equipment.. was told abt $300+
Yes Mei2, team blue.. lol.. ur turn coming soon very fast.. are u still gg to private first for fast tracking? haa.. I be gg to Camden for the detailed scan.. my gynae does not have the equipment.. was told abt $300+
haa still thinkin to go onot lo :p
Camden, which clinic?
my baby really shy.. so funny, but luckily managed to see him before he crossed his legs again... lol...
Antenatal Diagnostic centre & Well women clinic level 6... Dr C. Anandakumar...
I went there for my 2nd opinion lo :D u're in safe hand! its $380 coz I pay x2 haha!

eh.. sometimes abit fluttering nia.. not very often..
hi vivien, i'm with KKH (Dr Tan Heng Hao)

thank you for your reply. how do you find with Dr Tan Heng hao ? As i heard, u can only see see doctor only at the egg retrieval and embryo implant stage, except these two stages, you can see doctor , right, the rest is done by medical officer ?
thank you for your reply. how do you find with Dr Tan Heng hao ? As i heard, u can only see see doctor only at the egg retrieval and embryo implant stage, except these two stages, you can see doctor , right, the rest is done by medical officer ?
yes only ER and ET :)
the rest will be scanning and review by MO
