(2014) ivf mummies support group

Wanttobamummy: acty, imo, we are ultimately responsible for our bb wellbeing and not the doctors n nurses. So I think its perfectly fine to seek a 2nd opinion if u r concerned. From my experience with nurses, they are experienced and very good at their jobs but they are not the best pple to take advices from. And for that matter, sometimes doctors as well.
If u think u are not getting enuf attention from kkh, its fine to go to a pte gynae. Of cos go to one that does ivf as well.
I would if I were u. In fact at sgh, the nurses encouraged me to call and speak to my doctor directly if im concerned.
Though it is true that if a miscarriage is impending, theres little u can do to stop it. But we would want to know we at least tried our best for our baby.

Did the second duty doctor do anything else? Baby still ok on scan? Maybe try calling Dr Sadhana again today?
Gynes usually say that first TM miscarriage is due to genetic abnormalities.. So nothing much can prevent if baby is genetically abnormal to start with.. But my gyne said she believes that progesterone aka duphaston/utrogestan helps a lot to stabilize the womb.. So I was on a lot of utrogestan, six tabs a day.. Even now still taking two tabs a day.. Maybe overkill.. But I guess what we also need is peace of mind that we have done everything we can to keep baby safe..

He scanned but it wasn't too clear as I did not clear my bladder... He can only see the faint white spot flicker a bit so he said it's still there.... I'm now on strict bedrest... Praying hard that I'll pull thru this difficult stage. How come your doc prescribe you to take six tabs a day?
Hahaha..I drink alot of milo these 2 days too cos it's very soothing to the tummy..oh ya, to add on, please do not drink lemongrass tea. The other time I happened to come across lemongrass tea on the menu, so i decided to google 1st before ordering. To my horror, lemongrass tea is bad for preggers. I think all teas are to be avoided unless we are talking about ginger tea and red date tea.
Wanttobamummy, take care and hav a good rest...ur baby is a strong one and will be with u for 9 mths till u carry him/her in ur arms...

Thank you, all sis....for the warm welcome...looks like a lot of yummy food to be avoid...and i just had kuay chup last nite..thanks for the file too...is very helpful..will start being more careful but yet avoid being paranoid..haha...
nothing much i can share at the moment...i will still continue to see TSB for the first 3mths then...if i hear any tips from her, will share over here...

btw, the red date tea isnt referring to the super packet drink hor? basically jus soak red dates in hot water and drink...?
Congrats Dreamirene! Have a smooth journey ahead! :)

Yes, Joynpeace, dang gui is a no no.. according to my gynae as well..

Summer, i didnt know lemongrass drink no good for preggy. but i did sip on some from hubby when i went to thai rest few weeks ago.. yummy..

anyone experience leg camp at nite?? past few days having leg cramps in the middle of nite.. didnt sleep well... :(
He scanned but it wasn't too clear as I did not clear my bladder... He can only see the faint white spot flicker a bit so he said it's still there.... I'm now on strict bedrest... Praying hard that I'll pull thru this difficult stage. How come your doc prescribe you to take six tabs a day?
She said she previously found that progesterone supplement helps to stabilize the pregnancy even if the levels are ok.. I never had any spotting although was a bit crampy in first few weeks.. I also had progesterone jabs thrice a week till week 6... Then crinone inserts plus utrogestan six tabs till week 8, then only utrogestan from six tabs slowly cut down till now two..
Take care! :). Hard as it is, not getting too stressed may help too.. I always got cramps when I was stressed at work or upset.
Hahaha..I drink alot of milo these 2 days too cos it's very soothing to the tummy..oh ya, to add on, please do not drink lemongrass tea. The other time I happened to come across lemongrass tea on the menu, so i decided to google 1st before ordering. To my horror, lemongrass tea is bad for preggers. I think all teas are to be avoided unless we are talking about ginger tea and red date tea.
Yah! Did u know camomile also cannot? I thought camomile is the mildest safest tea ever, but apparently it causes contractions too.. :)
nothing much i can share at the moment...i will still continue to see TSB for the first 3mths then...if i hear any tips from her, will share over here...

btw, the red date tea isnt referring to the super packet drink hor? basically jus soak red dates in hot water and drink...?

hello dreamirene, if you see TSB, she will give you herbs to brew. will it interfere with your support meds?
i think just soak red dates in hot water and drink - the super packet one is really not nice. tastes v chemical & sweet.
hello dreamirene, if you see TSB, she will give you herbs to brew. will it interfere with your support meds?
i think just soak red dates in hot water and drink - the super packet one is really not nice. tastes v chemical & sweet.

actually, that's what i am not very sure...during this FET, i hav at least 2hrs gap between taking the chinese med and the support meds..but now that i have struck bfp, i am not sure whether to continue with tcm med or just rely on the support meds..

are there any sis here who are still taking chinese med together with the support med?
yup yup started on wed haha! like very late hor.. only 1 kind for me and no calcium etc

how come 1 type only? since week 12, im on iron, calcium & fish oil.. i was told fish oil quite important.. so many pills for me daily :eek: faint..
welcome dreamirene!! =) try to have more bed rest and don't lift heavy stuff.. even at home.. things like clothes drying rack or the big soap powder box etc.. try not to.. take lots of warm water.. if juice, let it cool around 10-15 mins before drinking if its cold.. first 3 months is very unsettling for all of us but once we get thru it, things will be a lot better! =)

joynpeace, can I please check with you what stuff did dr tan prescribe? I was on utrogestan 6tabs a day even until now week15+ due to my twin b, crinone 2x a day until week 12+, progynova 6 tabs a day, estrogen patch daily until week 9... COQ10, zinc & my blackmores pregnancy daily pills as well.. (sounds like I was madly medicated hor? haha) did she ask you to take any other pills? Mummies, is it a must to take calcium and iron pills?

want2beamummy, I guess u can pop by a private clinic just for a scan? Once should be ok, then just return to KK for your general check ups. For now, bed rest is a must! put a bottle of warm water by your bedside and drink lots of water.. chicken essence too (warm it up with boiling water in a bowl). Progesterone support is very impt in first 3 months so don't miss any of your supps. but.. hmm prog will not help a pregnancy that isn't viable. So just do all you can and the rest is fate. I hope your little beanie is strong! believe he/she is a fighter and knows that mummy went thru a lot..
welcome dreamirene!! =) try to have more bed rest and don't lift heavy stuff.. even at home.. things like clothes drying rack or the big soap powder box etc.. try not to.. take lots of warm water.. if juice, let it cool around 10-15 mins before drinking if its cold.. first 3 months is very unsettling for all of us but once we get thru it, things will be a lot better! =)

joynpeace, can I please check with you what stuff did dr tan prescribe? I was on utrogestan 6tabs a day even until now week15+ due to my twin b, crinone 2x a day until week 12+, progynova 6 tabs a day, estrogen patch daily until week 9... COQ10, zinc & my blackmores pregnancy daily pills as well.. (sounds like I was madly medicated hor? haha) did she ask you to take any other pills? Mummies, is it a must to take calcium and iron pills?

want2beamummy, I guess u can pop by a private clinic just for a scan? Once should be ok, then just return to KK for your general check ups. For now, bed rest is a must! put a bottle of warm water by your bedside and drink lots of water.. chicken essence too (warm it up with boiling water in a bowl). Progesterone support is very impt in first 3 months so don't miss any of your supps. but.. hmm prog will not help a pregnancy that isn't viable. So just do all you can and the rest is fate. I hope your little beanie is strong! believe he/she is a fighter and knows that mummy went thru a lot..

Yours even more than mine.. :). I think because of your twins.. Now I'm down to two tabs a day of utrogestan- just saw her today n she cut down. I stopped crinone in week 8, E2 patch n progynova around week 12. My multivits are pramilet n fish oil only... No coQ etc..

Calcium n iron only after week 20 is needed apparently. :)
welcome dreamirene!! =) try to have more bed rest and don't lift heavy stuff.. even at home.. things like clothes drying rack or the big soap powder box etc.. try not to.. take lots of warm water.. if juice, let it cool around 10-15 mins before drinking if its cold.. first 3 months is very unsettling for all of us but once we get thru it, things will be a lot better! =)

joynpeace, can I please check with you what stuff did dr tan prescribe? I was on utrogestan 6tabs a day even until now week15+ due to my twin b, crinone 2x a day until week 12+, progynova 6 tabs a day, estrogen patch daily until week 9... COQ10, zinc & my blackmores pregnancy daily pills as well.. (sounds like I was madly medicated hor? haha) did she ask you to take any other pills? Mummies, is it a must to take calcium and iron pills?

want2beamummy, I guess u can pop by a private clinic just for a scan? Once should be ok, then just return to KK for your general check ups. For now, bed rest is a must! put a bottle of warm water by your bedside and drink lots of water.. chicken essence too (warm it up with boiling water in a bowl). Progesterone support is very impt in first 3 months so don't miss any of your supps. but.. hmm prog will not help a pregnancy that isn't viable. So just do all you can and the rest is fate. I hope your little beanie is strong! believe he/she is a fighter and knows that mummy went thru a lot..

Thanks littleleech... I would probably make appointment with a private clinic for a scan. Did you take chicken essence once a day daily? There's many types of chicken essence on the shelves... I shouldn't take those chicken essence with cordyceps or american ginseng right?
actually, that's what i am not very sure...during this FET, i hav at least 2hrs gap between taking the chinese med and the support meds..but now that i have struck bfp, i am not sure whether to continue with tcm med or just rely on the support meds..

are there any sis here who are still taking chinese med together with the support med?
I see I see, perhaps, can you let me know once you visited TSB? thought of visiting her too for my stupid spotting - it's so troubling me.
I see I see, perhaps, can you let me know once you visited TSB? thought of visiting her too for my stupid spotting - it's so troubling me.

Can...i am in fact seeing her tmr...but i think she will say up to me...
So all the sis here are no longer taking TCM med??
Thanks littleleech... I would probably make appointment with a private clinic for a scan. Did you take chicken essence once a day daily? There's many types of chicken essence on the shelves... I shouldn't take those chicken essence with cordyceps or american ginseng right?
Those fom the jan 2014 thread say that ginseng not good for preggies.. Esp American ginseng. But apparently korean ginseng can. Cordyceps is gd for preggies. But all these are hearsay from others on the forum. Different gyne say different things n different tcm also say different things..

I just take plain brands chicken essence.. And birds nest cos MIL makes for me..
joynpeace, howz your baby girl? U went to see dr tan today! heehee, I am going tmr to see my little one! so excited... my appts are always scheduled around my hubby's work... so I usually go on Fridays or Thursdays if Friday he cannot make it... I think I have eaten so much prog and for so long, I wonder if I am passing out prog too... haha

Ginseng is generally not so safe... I think I read that somewhere that someone posted from childbirth class... as for chicken essence, try to take the plain ones (brands or EYS). But impt thing is to warm the chix essence up before gulping it down!

I thought they say birds nest also cannot take? If can, I will start cuz my MIL has been asking me.. but I said I cant take....
joynpeace, howz your baby girl? U went to see dr tan today! heehee, I am going tmr to see my little one! so excited... my appts are always scheduled around my hubby's work... so I usually go on Fridays or Thursdays if Friday he cannot make it... I think I have eaten so much prog and for so long, I wonder if I am passing out prog too... haha

Ginseng is generally not so safe... I think I read that somewhere that someone posted from childbirth class... as for chicken essence, try to take the plain ones (brands or EYS). But impt thing is to warm the chix essence up before gulping it down!

I thought they say birds nest also cannot take? If can, I will start cuz my MIL has been asking me.. but I said I cant take....
My appts also scheduled ard hb's work.. :) cos I only work part time so easier for me to suit him... We go on Thursdays! :)
My baby is growing well.. But she's a quiet baby.. Doesn't move much during scans.. I hope that means she will be a 乖baby! :)
I also heard somewhere that some pple say birds nest only can drink during third trimester. But I have always been taking birds nest weekly cos MIL makes for hubby, so I also get to drink.. :). I just continued since I was drinking before n during ivf too. :)
Hi dreamirene/towkayneo, I'm coming to 12 weeks n I've been taking tsb medication all this while. She told me all her patients take her med till give birth. She has started to prolong the interval, meaning instead of 1 day break, I'm now on 2 days break. I had spotting initially too. She told me not to take any herbal stuff, just take her med will do.
Because of the morning sickness, I really detest the med including the smell but I persist lah coz suppose to an tai. I even puke ondrinking the med...very very challenging like fear factor. I feedback to her n she told me she knows but still must find means to drink it so no choice. I hv been really trying very very hard taking her med..
Want2bamummy, can u not request for a support jab to b given?
U must jiayou n think positively...I know is challenging but try k...for the sake of the little one k.
Morning Morning *yawn

I loving the flu med that stop my itchness on tummy.. that can makes me sleep well the whole nite! :D
aiyo, mei2, u down with flu? take care ya... try apply stretchmark cream?
no la.. the flu medicine can stop the itchy mah haa!
stretchmark cream no use coz already have leftover from my #1 haa but I bought "Topicrem" and its very good.. very moisturizing hee
Hi dreamirene/towkayneo, I'm coming to 12 weeks n I've been taking tsb medication all this while. She told me all her patients take her med till give birth. She has started to prolong the interval, meaning instead of 1 day break, I'm now on 2 days break. I had spotting initially too. She told me not to take any herbal stuff, just take her med will do.
Because of the morning sickness, I really detest the med including the smell but I persist lah coz suppose to an tai. I even puke ondrinking the med...very very challenging like fear factor. I feedback to her n she told me she knows but still must find means to drink it so no choice. I hv been really trying very very hard taking her med..
Hello yvejen, wow, so your spotting has stopped due to her medication?
Hi dreamirene/towkayneo, I'm coming to 12 weeks n I've been taking tsb medication all this while. She told me all her patients take her med till give birth. She has started to prolong the interval, meaning instead of 1 day break, I'm now on 2 days break. I had spotting initially too. She told me not to take any herbal stuff, just take her med will do.
Because of the morning sickness, I really detest the med including the smell but I persist lah coz suppose to an tai. I even puke ondrinking the med...very very challenging like fear factor. I feedback to her n she told me she knows but still must find means to drink it so no choice. I hv been really trying very very hard taking her med..

I stop at wk12... tcm said no need le as bb is stable

Thks, Lynhope & Yvejen, for the sharing...okie...i wld like to take the TCM too but just worried it may interefere...i will make sure there are at least 2hrs gap then..... so fast..both of u are coming to the end of trimester 1... Hope i can still swallow down the med even when morn sickness kick in...i usually take it at night after work..
I keep hearing mummies putting on weight, but I am losing weight :( have not been eating much cos lack of appetite :( is this bad?

towkayneo, my fren said the initially stage may lose weight due to nil appetite..but will gain weight subsequently..dun worry...cna also double confirm with the gynae...
bb_luck : the dr said there's nothing can be done to my low amniotic fluid. Only hope that the tear will seal up by itself. Detail scan done and can't see baby much due to low fluid status. Bb is cramp inside. They will recheck the fluid next week. The only thing is I can't afford to have fever and catch any infection. Once infection sets in I might lose both of them.

To all other spotters, pls be careful. If really bled too long must really check. I also realise that everything when I had fresh bleeding and go down to kkh 24hrs clinic, dun allow the dr to use the Doppler to check on the baby heart beat. That was what happen to me. They used that and after hearin strong hb, then go home. So better to have ultrasound.
Towkayneo, I'm not too sure if the med does help to curb the spotting as I go down for regular support jab as well but I wld like to think so coz the med helps to an tai. Moreover, it takes a lot for me to down it.
U r not alone in weight lose. I hv lost 3 kg to date as well. I believe when appetite picks up, we will balloon.
bb_luck : the dr said there's nothing can be done to my low amniotic fluid. Only hope that the tear will seal up by itself. Detail scan done and can't see baby much due to low fluid status. Bb is cramp inside. They will recheck the fluid next week. The only thing is I can't afford to have fever and catch any infection. Once infection sets in I might lose both of them.

To all other spotters, pls be careful. If really bled too long must really check. I also realise that everything when I had fresh bleeding and go down to kkh 24hrs clinic, dun allow the dr to use the Doppler to check on the baby heart beat. That was what happen to me. They used that and after hearin strong hb, then go home. So better to have ultrasound.

Niece, must take good care of yourself and don fall sick ya..drink plenty water, lotsa rest and try not to housework,carry things,etc.. all the best! jiayou! :);)
I keep hearing mummies putting on weight, but I am losing weight :( have not been eating much cos lack of appetite :( is this bad?
dun worry babe, 1st tri bb dun absorb from us :) by the time when u're growing.. u will be complaining u eating too much haha
Hihi... Morn... Do u al still continue with your facial products, make up and facials since pregnant? Or do we have to switch to natural products....?
Want2bamummy, can u not request for a support jab to b given?
U must jiayou n think positively...I know is challenging but try k...for the sake of the little one k.

I went to KKH on Wednesday night with the red blood discharge and only then the duty doc gave me the support jab. I had to go again the next day becoz I continue to bleed with fresh red blood but the doc said they can't give me the support jab as I'm only allowed to have once a week support jab. I end up being admitted in ward :(

Thank god that there's still heartbeat... Now there's only brown spotting whenever I wipe with tissue. So my gynae is now giving me 2 weeks to bedrest at home. Thanks yvejen for your encouragement.
Want2bamummy, can u not request for a support jab to b given?
U must jiayou n think positively...I know is challenging but try k...for the sake of the little one k.

I went to KKH on Wednesday night with the red blood discharge and only then the duty doc gave me the support jab. I had to go again the next day becoz I continue to bleed with fresh red blood but the doc said they can't give me the support jab as I'm only allowed to have once a week support jab. I end up being admitted in ward :(

Thank god that there's still heartbeat... Now there's only brown spotting whenever I wipe with tissue. So my gynae is now giving me 2 weeks to bedrest at home. Thanks yvejen for your encouragement.
Hihi... Morn... Do u al still continue with your facial products, make up and facials since pregnant? Or do we have to switch to natural products....?
Dreamirene, some things are no no.. Eg salicylic acid (pimple creams n acne products), tretinoic acid (can cause birth defects). I just stopped using those things.. But I was using clarins previously, so I just continued as clarins is mostly natural.. I think if you are used to your skin products, probably ok to continue except for the no no ingredients..
I went to KKH on Wednesday night with the red blood discharge and only then the duty doc gave me the support jab. I had to go again the next day becoz I continue to bleed with fresh red blood but the doc said they can't give me the support jab as I'm only allowed to have once a week support jab. I end up being admitted in ward :(

Thank god that there's still heartbeat... Now there's only brown spotting whenever I wipe with tissue. So my gynae is now giving me 2 weeks to bedrest at home. Thanks yvejen for your encouragement.
rest well! Take care.. Ask your hubby to buy/rent some comedies for you to watch while on bed rest.. Maybe happy hormones can help..
Dreamirene, some things are no no.. Eg salicylic acid (pimple creams n acne products), tretinoic acid (can cause birth defects). I just stopped using those things.. But I was using clarins previously, so I just continued as clarins is mostly natural.. I think if you are used to your skin products, probably ok to continue except for the no no ingredients..

joynpeace, what are the usual products which contain tretinoic acid? Or would you check the ingredients of the products....i am currently using shiseido products but not sure how natural they are.... i will check them out and also check out clarins & origins

Tretinoic acid and vitamin a derivatives are mostly prescription acne meds.. :). Usually wont be in usual skincare products.. I think maybe stick to the usual skincare is ok, things that clear acne or whiten skin may contain harmful ingredients. I think some skin whitening products have hydroquinone which is bad for skin but not sure abt effects on baby (recently Kose recalled a lot of whitening products due to some harmful ingredient also). The downside is that I'm having bad breakouts on my chin from the hormones but can't apply acne products.. Getting a lot of scarring.. :(

I used to use clinique but switched to clarins as I love the scent of the products. Some pple prefer no scent though.. You can get clarins quite cheap at beautynscent.com.sg. I buy most of my products from them, and so far all the things I bought look genuine. They also have the clarins tonic oil for stretch marks n also stretch mark cream. Some mummies got gd reviews but then other cheaper creams also have gd reviews.

Origins just doesn't work for me somehow.. :(. Another brand u can consider is Korres, an all natural Greek brand. They have a outlet at Millenia Walk.
