(2014) ivf mummies support group

Towkay neo: how are you? Bb will be fine.

Bbluck and lilcookiedough: my gynae knows abt it. And each time I have fresh bleeding I will go back to kkh currently still having intermittent pale fresh blood. Dr said im already on the goodies to support the pregnancy so only thing is to maintain bed rest.

Inoticed that most of the mummies here are seeing kkh dr tan hh? Went to Google his pic. Hes young and noy bad lookin. Hee hee
Hi Summer, Hope it's nothing serious. Big hugs
Better to be safe than sorry. You can request for ultrasound to make sure BB is okay right?
Hello LCD! Yeah, all is fine! The doc on duty is good also cos she on the volume & I heard the "bop bop bop" heartbeat sound!
Alamak.. walk too much over the long weekend? Chill ya and lie more on bed keke
Ya!! How u know? Last Saturday, I walked slightly too much, then v fast see strips of dark red w stringy clots. Wa biang! Scare of my life!
Towkay neo: how are you? Bb will be fine.
Fine..I spoke to the doc on duty today & she was saying that pregnant women, so long with spotting have the risk of threatened miscarriage - there is nothing much we can do if that happens. However, on a more positive note, she said that some women had spotting throughout their whole preganancy & went to deliver a healthy baby whereas some miscarry. It's hard to control.guess the only thing we can do is to rest as much as we can & continue with duphaston.
Hey Lcd, guess what, my edd changed to 2 days earlier, so its 24th feb! Wahahaha...same edd!

Towkayneo:streaks of blood is indeed scary. Try to refrain from walking ard too much. Stay rested as much as u can.
Ya!! How u know? Last Saturday, I walked slightly too much, then v fast see strips of dark red w stringy clots. Wa biang! Scare of my life!
u huh.. better be guai guai and control ur walkin till end of 1st tri ya hee
and oso.. must remember to take ur duphaston :) take care!!
ganie16 & meimei: hahaha, ya! thanks. scared liao, will not walk so much & yes, duphaston is the lifesaver for now! Congrats meimei on your team blue!! envious envious!!
Hi ladies, it has been a long time since I last login. Hope everyone is good. Just wanna check with u sisters if anyone of u experience a change in color in their discharge? I realised after a few experiences that my usual creamy/clear discharge will turn to 1st yellow n to a bronzy color that looks a little between brown n pinkish color. Nurse told me it cld b due to oxidisation. Not too sure though.

Niece, kmei2 n myself r spotters here...hahaha...I oso spotted on n off. The last time was abt 10 weeks plus. Like what some sisters hv mentioned, as long as it doesn't turn red n no cramp, it shd b fine. But to reduce ur anxiety n worries, go see ur gynae for a scan n to take a support jab. Ask the dr if there's any bleeding spots in there n if cervix length is ok. Hv lots of rest, reduce walking n carrying heavy stuff plus housework. Just rest well.
Good afternoon! lunch.... always headache dono what to eat..

Hi ladies, it has been a long time since I last login. Hope everyone is good. Just wanna check with u sisters if anyone of u experience a change in color in their discharge? I realised after a few experiences that my usual creamy/clear discharge will turn to 1st yellow n to a bronzy color that looks a little between brown n pinkish color. Nurse told me it cld b due to oxidisation. Not too sure though.

Hi Yvejen, are u into 2nd trimester liao? I also experienced yellowish/cremy discharge for past few days but not brown. i read from "What to expect during Pregnancy",this should be normal..
Towkay neo: how are you? Bb will be fine.

Bbluck and lilcookiedough: my gynae knows abt it. And each time I have fresh bleeding I will go back to kkh currently still having intermittent pale fresh blood. Dr said im already on the goodies to support the pregnancy so only thing is to maintain bed rest.

Inoticed that most of the mummies here are seeing kkh dr tan hh? Went to Google his pic. Hes young and noy bad lookin. Hee hee

Niece, should b ok la.. don worry too much.. try not to take cold stuff also.. plenty rest..
Hi ladies, it has been a long time since I last login. Hope everyone is good. Just wanna check with u sisters if anyone of u experience a change in color in their discharge? I realised after a few experiences that my usual creamy/clear discharge will turn to 1st yellow n to a bronzy color that looks a little between brown n pinkish color. Nurse told me it cld b due to oxidisation. Not too sure though.

Niece, kmei2 n myself r spotters here...hahaha...I oso spotted on n off. The last time was abt 10 weeks plus. Like what some sisters hv mentioned, as long as it doesn't turn red n no cramp, it shd b fine. But to reduce ur anxiety n worries, go see ur gynae for a scan n to take a support jab. Ask the dr if there's any bleeding spots in there n if cervix length is ok. Hv lots of rest, reduce walking n carrying heavy stuff plus housework. Just rest well.
Hi yvejen, my spotting is of multi colours - pink, rusty red, brown and occasionally stretchy and of stringy clotty too.
Oh ya, for KKH, support jabs must not be administered more than a jab per week. Not sure for the rest..
How many months are you already, yvejen?
Bb_luck/towkayneo, I'm now at abt 11 weeks plus.

Towkayneo, for tfc patients, we can take the jab every 3 days interval.
bb_luck: just went to see my dr today. He notice that one of the baby amniotic fluid is lesser compared to other bb. Will have tp do a detail scan tml. He had also prepared me for the worst. Feeling very devastated.
Hi niece, though I am under THH, Matthew Lau did my ET & I found him professional. Heard good reviews from a mummy blogger about him. You should be in good hands
Hi yvejen, my spotting is of multi colours - pink, rusty red, brown and occasionally stretchy and of stringy clotty too.
Oh ya, for KKH, support jabs must not be administered more than a jab per week. Not sure for the rest..
How many months are you already, yvejen?

Morning Towkayneo! Check with you whether your spotting is a lot at one time? I went for my first scan yesterday morning and everything was normal and I came home in the evening with dark brown discharge of the size of my fist. Should I be worrying with the amount of discharge?
Morning Towkayneo! Check with you whether your spotting is a lot at one time? I went for my first scan yesterday morning and everything was normal and I came home in the evening with dark brown discharge of the size of my fist. Should I be worrying with the amount of discharge?

want2bamummy, please monitor 1st and go A&E if needed.. it mayb coz of the V scan that irritate the cervix hence the discharge..
try to bed rest 1st ya
bb_luck: just went to see my dr today. He notice that one of the baby amniotic fluid is lesser compared to other bb. Will have tp do a detail scan tml. He had also prepared me for the worst. Feeling very devastated.

niece, jiayou! keep the faith, your baby will be fine.. is there any way to boost up the amniotic fluid? all the best for ur detailed scan today..!
want2bamummy, please monitor 1st and go A&E if needed.. it mayb coz of the V scan that irritate the cervix hence the discharge..
try to bed rest 1st ya

Kmei2, will the V scan cause the discharge for more than a day? Coz I just return from the toilet and found to be spotting again. Worried sick... tried to call Dr Sandhana but the nurse is just simply unhelpful... worrying sick in my office now... :(
Good morning mummies!!!

Havent book for detailed scan lei.. will b seeing my gyane only on 31aug, i'll be at week 20then.. detailed scan usually week 20 to week 23??
ya 20 - 22/23rd weeks :).. think u check with ur gynae/nurse to check out now ya
Kmei2, will the V scan cause the discharge for more than a day? Coz I just return from the toilet and found to be spotting again. Worried sick... tried to call Dr Sandhana but the nurse is just simply unhelpful... worrying sick in my office now... :(

it may be.. as long no change color to red/bright red and oso no bad cramps it shouldn't be a prob.. chill.. understand how u feel ya
Morning Towkayneo! Check with you whether your spotting is a lot at one time? I went for my first scan yesterday morning and everything was normal and I came home in the evening with dark brown discharge of the size of my fist. Should I be worrying with the amount of discharge?
morning want2bamummy, umm...size of a fist is quite alot. so far, my max quantity is when I swipe, i saw streaks of dark brown blood with 2 mini clots. ummm, u want to monitor 1st and see if discharge stops today, else head to A&E?
Thanks kmei2 and towkayneo... I went down to O&G just now... No jab given... The duty doctor just said everything is ok... She just refuse to give me anything extra for support... Somehow I dun feel convinced with what she said... Oh well, just need to pray that everything is alright now...
Thanks kmei2 and towkayneo... I went down to O&G just now... No jab given... The duty doctor just said everything is ok... She just refuse to give me anything extra for support... Somehow I dun feel convinced with what she said... Oh well, just need to pray that everything is alright now...

want2bamummy, as long as O&G checked there is no bleeding, then don worry too much, ur bb is fine.. the last time, me also like that.. b positive ya, jiayou!
Thanks kmei2 and towkayneo... I went down to O&G just now... No jab given... The duty doctor just said everything is ok... She just refuse to give me anything extra for support... Somehow I dun feel convinced with what she said... Oh well, just need to pray that everything is alright now...
Is your gyne from kkh? Dr Sadhana? I think maybe try to contact her again, if not then go private gyne to check again, ESP if got some more spotting today n tmw.. Although most of the time things do turn out fine, I guess we are all a bit more kan cheong n careful as we have suffered much to conceive.. :). Don't feel bad abt being kan cheong. :)
Ya, so long as she gives you the all clear means you are fine! Chill! KKH is like that - the doc in charge won't be contactable. They will only ask you go to A&E..it can be frustrating at times
good evening mummies! or for some... hmm good night? =p

warm welcome to the new joiners! may you all have a happy and smooth next 9 months! =)

kmei - congrats on the all clear from the Camden doc!! oh you already have 1 boy right? So now you gonna have 4 men in the house (including hubby)!! heehee...

nidellia - how are you? Hope everything is going well for u?

its ok to have only a little bit of spotting, as long as it doesn't come with bad cramps.. also not sure if your doctors prescribed crinone and also utrogestan (to be inserted in the V instead of taken with water).. that combi does come with some discharge...

I am getting so excited to see my baby this week!! kinda worried at the 2nd trimester drop in appetite though... I am no longer the same food monster I was when in the 1st trimester...
joynpeace, I think we both are the only ones under doctor tan here? Or did I get it wrong? Anyway, if you are under dr tan too... if you hear about her confirmed holiday in end dec.. don't mind can share with me? I think she usually takes hol in june & dec to spend time with her daughters...
Hi, I am new here... Jus obtained my blood results today... But now feeling tweaking and aching on my lower left area below e tummy where the bone is.... Worried and waiting for my first scan in 2 weeks n hope preg will go smoothly

Is there anything I should take note of for the first 3mths?? Happy to receive any advice
joynpeace, I think we both are the only ones under doctor tan here? Or did I get it wrong? Anyway, if you are under dr tan too... if you hear about her confirmed holiday in end dec.. don't mind can share with me? I think she usually takes hol in june & dec to spend time with her daughters...
I didn't know abt the holiday in Dec but I'm sure there's someone covering for her. My EDD is end Jan so hopefully she will be back in time to deliver. :) when's your EDD? Was this your first ivf?
Hi, I am new here... Jus obtained my blood results today... But now feeling tweaking and aching on my lower left area below e tummy where the bone is.... Worried and waiting for my first scan in 2 weeks n hope preg will go smoothly

Is there anything I should take note of for the first 3mths?? Happy to receive any advice
congrats dreamirene! :). First trimester a bit like roller coaster cos like a bit unreal.. I did like four pregnancy tests after my BFP blood test cos initially had no symptoms and was worried it was chemical or would lose baby.. Then morning sickness started, which although horrible for me, was kind of reassuring.

I kiasu, cos waited so long for baby.. So I cut down on work a lot during first TM. Didn't carry anything heavy or exert myself. No sex also, although gyne didn't say cannot.. I think hubby n I just scared.. I also carried on drinking chicken essence daily till eight weeks. And took my support pills religiously. My gyne also very kiasu.. I was on almost twenty tablets a day till eight weeks. Didn't eat or drink cold stuff, didn't even drink milo cos got small amt chocolate (caffeine) inside! No pineapple, no cooling stuff like herbal tea, no herbal soup esp dang gui.

But now second trimester relax a lot.. I know I sound a bit excessive but my reasoning was that even if I lost baby, I didn't want to have to think that maybe it was something I did.. I think it's up to your own threshold cos always got a lot of dos and donts. Take care, n enjoy your pregnancy! :)
Is your gyne from kkh? Dr Sadhana? I think maybe try to contact her again, if not then go private gyne to check again, ESP if got some more spotting today n tmw.. Although most of the time things do turn out fine, I guess we are all a bit more kan cheong n careful as we have suffered much to conceive.. :). Don't feel bad abt being kan cheong. :)

Yup, I'm under Dr Sadhana from KKH... She's not available yesterday and they directed me to go to O&G. It's frustrating that the duty doctor in the afternoon refused to do anything and kept saying, "oh, you did IVF." She went on saying there's nothing she can do to assure me and she cannot lie abt the risk of miscarriage. And yet she doesn't want to help preventing me from the risk!

I decided to go home and bedrest and to my nightmare, I had bright red discharge with a 20 cents size clot at night. Went straight to O&G and told another duty doctor my frustrations of not able to get extra support in the afternoon that led me now to have bright red discharge.

Wanted to go private gynae but was advised by the clinic that I shd stick to my own gynae since my records are with KKH (after they know I did IVF).
I didn't know abt the holiday in Dec but I'm sure there's someone covering for her. My EDD is end Jan so hopefully she will be back in time to deliver. :) when's your EDD? Was this your first ivf?

congrats dreamirene! :). First trimester a bit like roller coaster cos like a bit unreal.. I did like four pregnancy tests after my BFP blood test cos initially had no symptoms and was worried it was chemical or would lose baby.. Then morning sickness started, which although horrible for me, was kind of reassuring.

I kiasu, cos waited so long for baby.. So I cut down on work a lot during first TM. Didn't carry anything heavy or exert myself. No sex also, although gyne didn't say cannot.. I think hubby n I just scared.. I also carried on drinking chicken essence daily till eight weeks. And took my support pills religiously. My gyne also very kiasu.. I was on almost twenty tablets a day till eight weeks. Didn't eat or drink cold stuff, didn't even drink milo cos got small amt chocolate (caffeine) inside! No pineapple, no cooling stuff like herbal tea, no herbal soup esp dang gui.

But now second trimester relax a lot.. I know I sound a bit excessive but my reasoning was that even if I lost baby, I didn't want to have to think that maybe it was something I did.. I think it's up to your own threshold cos always got a lot of dos and donts. Take care, n enjoy your pregnancy! :)

hello joypeace! thks so much for your generous sharing..i realise i am so paranoid..previously, was worried abt the success of ivf...now worried abt whether the preg is going smoothly...doesnt help that i start hvaing running nose and coughing since yesterday..

i didnt know that milo has caffeine..okie..i will cut down on them then...does that mean chocolate drink or chocolate milk has too?
Dangui is cooling ah....okie...didnt know that...must let MIL know cos she is always cooking herbal soup...
Twenty tablets?!?! are u kidding?? so many??

did any of the sis here been taking TCM TSB med for the ivf? DO you still continue taking them? For how long would you been taking the med?
hello joypeace! thks so much for your generous sharing..i realise i am so paranoid..previously, was worried abt the success of ivf...now worried abt whether the preg is going smoothly...doesnt help that i start hvaing running nose and coughing since yesterday..

i didnt know that milo has caffeine..okie..i will cut down on them then...does that mean chocolate drink or chocolate milk has too?
Dangui is cooling ah....okie...didnt know that...must let MIL know cos she is always cooking herbal soup...
Twenty tablets?!?! are u kidding?? so many??

did any of the sis here been taking TCM TSB med for the ivf? DO you still continue taking them? For how long would you been taking the med?

congrats and welcome dreamirene,
the following is consolidate by chris... very useful to keep track of everyone staus and tips... :) new comers keep the spreedsheet growing....

I seeing dr tan kian seng, tcm at clementi. Need to continue the an tai medicine till wk12... but nearer to end of 1st tri can reduce the dosage... juz follow your doc advise...
congrat dreamirene!!!

want2bmummy, spotting stops already?? dun forget to continue ur duphaston ya.. and dun walk too much
hello joypeace! thks so much for your generous sharing..i realise i am so paranoid..previously, was worried abt the success of ivf...now worried abt whether the preg is going smoothly...doesnt help that i start hvaing running nose and coughing since yesterday..

i didnt know that milo has caffeine..okie..i will cut down on them then...does that mean chocolate drink or chocolate milk has too?
Dangui is cooling ah....okie...didnt know that...must let MIL know cos she is always cooking herbal soup...
Twenty tablets?!?! are u kidding?? so many??

did any of the sis here been taking TCM TSB med for the ivf? DO you still continue taking them? For how long would you been taking the med?
I think I cut down milo a bit extreme haha.. The amt of chocolate inside is not that much, and caffeine also not that much in chocolate.. Was drinking only horlicks, milk n fruit juice during first TM.. But I think I just didn't want to feel like I was responsible in case anything happened to baby.. Now I'm at 17 weeks and drinking milo occasionally n even steal sips of coke from hubby sometimes..

Please don't take dang gui! It's given to women after miscarriage n delivery to clear the blood, so definitely not gd for preggies. If u r seeing tcm, then can confirm what kind of herbs cannot take.. I just avoid all herbal soups cos I stopped seeing my tcm after ivf. :).
Yup, I'm under Dr Sadhana from KKH... She's not available yesterday and they directed me to go to O&G. It's frustrating that the duty doctor in the afternoon refused to do anything and kept saying, "oh, you did IVF." She went on saying there's nothing she can do to assure me and she cannot lie abt the risk of miscarriage. And yet she doesn't want to help preventing me from the risk!

I decided to go home and bedrest and to my nightmare, I had bright red discharge with a 20 cents size clot at night. Went straight to O&G and told another duty doctor my frustrations of not able to get extra support in the afternoon that led me now to have bright red discharge.

Wanted to go private gynae but was advised by the clinic that I shd stick to my own gynae since my records are with KKH (after they know I did IVF).

Did the second duty doctor do anything else? Baby still ok on scan? Maybe try calling Dr Sadhana again today?
Gynes usually say that first TM miscarriage is due to genetic abnormalities.. So nothing much can prevent if baby is genetically abnormal to start with.. But my gyne said she believes that progesterone aka duphaston/utrogestan helps a lot to stabilize the womb.. So I was on a lot of utrogestan, six tabs a day.. Even now still taking two tabs a day.. Maybe overkill.. But I guess what we also need is peace of mind that we have done everything we can to keep baby safe..
Welcome dreamirene!
Try to chill and take it easy during 1st tm. For myself, I had ms and and I took to milo alot. It contains very low amts of caffeine so decided not to be too paranoid and just drink it. If not I got nothing else to drink cos I can't stomach anything else. Haha...
I asked my tcm abt herbs and food like bak ku teh as theres traces of dang gui. She said its fine to take as they use very small amts for the taste only, not enuf to cause any concern. As for herbal soup, I dunno how much is used so I just avoid. My rule of thumb is just dun do or eat anything u will will regret.

Oh, she also mentioned specifically abt green payayas. It causes contractions so avoid.
congrat dreamirene!!!

want2bmummy, spotting stops already?? dun forget to continue ur duphaston ya.. and dun walk too much

Left slight brown spotting when I wipe... Yup, now have to take duphaston thrice a day... Thanks for your concern kmei2
