(2014) ivf mummies support group

Late night shopping at ikea this weekend


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Whao dolly yr dad so like son to daughter? I thought that generation should be no more already. Only during the grandma days. Nevermind at least u independent from young so next time easier to survive. Your brother still depend so much on your dad he must worry next time.

My dh used to go clubbing also weekly ESP fri his friends and colleagues will auto call and jio him out. But now he very good already can say almost a change man lol. Next time Twinnies out he the more no time.
my fil very biased like boys only. he accidentially said b4 daughters r 陪钱貨... my mil longed 4a daughter.. his side all boys. my side all gers. i see é dif btwn gers n boys...

wok up 2pee n now awake..

é teppanyaki is delicious. i like é chicken thigh n steak... not é best value 4money, agree...
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Aiya my parents said fair to boy n gal but their action are not lor. Their son can voice unhappiness I cannot. I will get smack if I talk back, their son talk back they Ren n complaint behind to me.
Tats y to me boy or gal doesn't matter for my bb. Boy aso dun get anything cos dun carry their surname n my in laws prefer gal. But gal is not the first in my in laws side so no privilege as well. So my poor bb has no priviledge from both side grandparents... but it's ok cos he/she will b our baobei
Morning ladies! My hubby also chiongster. Likes to go every week or every 2 weeks. And must dance until club closes at 6 am. In fact he is going drinking tmr liao...

These 6-8 weeks he never go.. consider A++++++ behaviour already!
To meet almost every night w the same group of buddies, I feel they more like gay / lovers lor. Tats wat I cannot tahan. Like gf /wife call n ask wat u doing now, gg where.. wow lau me as wife aso dun kp asking where my dh is. Only bcos of this pregnancy my dh call at least twice a day ask where I m n eat already or not..
dont worry about boy or girl. most impt really is a healthy bb. for me no preference but when i know its twins i do have the slightest hope that one girl one boy then perfect scenario but since my guardian angel above decided to bless me with 2 princess i also happy cause what i always ask for is healthy children. girls are closer to mummies so if i am able to maintain the r/s with my princesses well i think we can be gd friends next time lol. boy are good cause less worry afterall wont "chi kui" but worry they listen to wife next time and throw their parents aside. lol. i think very far i know but too many scenario now happening around our daily lifes. anyway once become a parent the worry never ends be it boy or girl.

lynncandy good luck on confirming the gender today. then you can start whacking on bb stuffs already. what time your scan aptm?

cheerywalnuts how you feeling today? tomorrow is your oscar right? soon soon you can reunite with beanies on screen.

happy working for those working and happy holidays for teachers enjoying their holiday :) sumiko is teacher right?
Morning ladies! My hubby also chiongster. Likes to go every week or every 2 weeks. And must dance until club closes at 6 am. In fact he is going drinking tmr liao...

These 6-8 weeks he never go.. consider A++++++ behaviour already!

same when my dh is out he will not be back till the sun rise. really out of hand sometimes. but i give chance cause he really reduces alot. but still i dont understand need to club so hard meh...he always say after club he go supper then go home thats why till morning then back.
Anyone will stock up bb wipes?

currently my house already got wet tissues from guardian (dont know suitable for bb skin anot) i usually use it to clean my car interior or makeup table at home. wet tissues mainly for bb body i guess will get later now my storeroom really no more space. all inside is baby stuffs already.
Iwantahealthybaby, still feeling sleepy since yesterday. After my brekkie, ko twice liao. Yap looking forward to seeing them tmr :D

LynnCandy, enjoy ur scan today!
same when my dh is out he will not be back till the sun rise. really out of hand sometimes. but i give chance cause he really reduces alot. but still i dont understand need to club so hard meh...he always say after club he go supper then go home thats why till morning then back.
I know what you mean!!! There was once he wasn't home at 10 am when I woke up! he said he fell asleep in the car after clubbing until 6 am. He really winner lor!
I know what you mean!!! There was once he wasn't home at 10 am when I woke up! he said he fell asleep in the car after clubbing until 6 am. He really winner lor!
I get wat u mean. 2 weeks ago one of the night dh said he gg for snooker ard 9+ I said ok but I woke up at 4am n realised he not back yet. I started calling his hp 3 times no answer, I start to panic n wondered wat happened n sat in living room waited for him. Abt 20 mins later he came home, I asked him where he go n y no answer call makes me so worried. At least msg me said he will play till late mah especially it's a weekday night..
Poor us... altho I don't like him partying but he loves it. It has been like that since I know him in 1999. It is his way of destressing. Just got to live with it lor.

I told him u poss cannot find another wifey who let u party like that. I cannot ask who he is going with, where he is going and what time he is coming back. But he equally open. If I party, I also don't need to declare who I am with, where I am and what time I am going to come home.
We are opened abt who we go out w... if I go drinking w my colleagues n I can't handle the drunk guys I summon him for help. There was once he witness my male colleague so high n drunk that they had to carry him into the cab n sent him home, otw down his pants almost dropped off, my dh had to help pulled his pants up. So till date we still laughed at my colleague abt his malu drunk look. N aso bcos once he high he starts gg ard kissing ladies so I summon dh to protect me.. hahA
Woah.. sounds scary.. kissing girls when drunk..

I am homely person. Hardly go out and dh cannot take it cos he will tell me, just go out with fren la dun always stay at home.

Dh will have catch up session with his friend once every 2 weeks or so. Each time the 4 will take turn to buy. Once i saw the dinner bill $1200++.. i questioned him he also nv spend so much on a dinner with me and he still can say, u also cannot drink with me like them, i angry till now lor.

But other than that, he trys to come home by 11ish la. Cos he knows i at home waiting. Furthermore i always say his work travel so much, in sg still dun spend time with family.. then once in awhile i nag abit to remind him.
My dh dun mind spending on good food. for me I m not super particular but will feel heartpain..
Gg dinner gathering w 2 gfs tonight, we started off ivf w the same gynae n know each other from this forum. Both of them had trsf to govt hospital to continue their journey , we still groupchat to encourage each other..
For dh, the alcohol is always the main bulk of bill. Then that time going for ivf, i say pls la, u drink like that.. give u super good doc also no use. All ur sperm also drunk and cant swim lor.

Wah so good... u all know each other from forum and become good friends.
wah~ so many hubby like to chiong or drink… my hubby too. but he cut down a lot a lot. Since i know him, he have not been going clubbing anymore. the most he just meet friends or colleague go kopitiam drink.

anyway, i finally decided where to go this sat for dinner~ todai…
My hubby cannot be controlled one. He poss won't give up partying even after beanie is born.

But he did stop liquor 2-3 months before ivf. But hor.. he still party leh but won't drink. I was like... like that also can ah!

But he looks the most charming while in a club. Like a diff person all together, very confident. If not usually he just bo chup bo chup one.
haha… my hubby told me when he is drunk, he gets very high and will talk crap and rubbish… like joke around...
Ya some men when high or drunk can talk non stop while some vy quiet n doze off. My dh is the first type me will probably type 2, kp quiet then sleepy.
It's not tat I dun like him go out but every day is too much. He tik I dun mind tat they sometimes meet for lunch or kopi before come home in the evening lor. They are the typical kopitiam uncles I describe them..
Best part is this group of buddies, half of the men are same sec sch as us so it's like I have known them for 20 years since eca days...
lolx circle at least u find yr hubby charming when clubbing. i just hate the fact he drink cause he careless sort i always worry he lost something like wallet or hp. in end own pocket burn big hole only. me dh belongs to drunk or high keep declaring his love for me. very naggy. can even tell me till he cry type. sometimes i hear liao i feel touch and sad cause usually those he say out can be things happen sometime back so i know he very hurt by my actions (during quarrel) if no quarrel then he just tell me how much he really love me lah. lol. dont know he fake it or what. but when he drunk he talk alot. i am those drunk liao faster sleep better. no strength to talk.

i do party with him last time occassionally but i dont like so most times i just let him go himself with his friends. i am the only gf who seldom tag along.

enjoy yr sat dinner meilingg. i havent been to todai. tell me the price after your sat night :)
Hahaha! Somehow my hubby got some consciousness even when drunk. At most puke and rest. Won't anyhow talk. No chance of hearing him declare his love for me or say bottled up feelings. Hahaha!

He somehow managed to silently come home, bathe and KO on bed. Still very disciplined. Hahaha!
infact thou i know gender of bb already i still not a pinky or bluey theme for clothes...i see alot white clothes actually looks good. anyway bb wear bright colors is nice. i also stock up alot newborns clothes already. mostly white with designs.

aiyo only 4pm. time so slow. dolly u very shiok working can shop around.
my dh buy 花胶from hk. is it we can eat during the pregnancy? i saw some article say is very good for baby. but still need to confirm.. :p
Hi Ladies, is really a busy day for me at work till I have no time to come in here. My scan is tonight so later or tomorrow morning then can update you all. Hopefully beanie show us gender again.
Wah today's topic is about the chiongster husband? haha me and my dh so far so good.

Dolly your work really very good hor.. want to hire people ma? hahah..
iwantahealthybaby, my house the playpen I am planning to get blue colour so that can pass down to the next baby. I find girls with blue theme also alright as I like blue too.. But boy with pink then really weird.
Circle, so you starting work next week?
Lynncandy, though my working seems so flexible but carrying the quota w me 24/7 n all the escalation stress me out man...plus a bosay boss always last min want this n that... lagi worse
Quota is given by my bosses. but I m supporting edu sector like moe schools n polys. I support my sales ppl in terms of products n solutions where I negotiate the best price e vendors for my company to win.. my sales ppl will build relationship w end customer n dig new opportunities lor... my sales win I win they lose I lose so we need to work hand in hand plus all the coordination internally. Haiz it's a busy industry but if ask me dun work I go crazy cos I have living such life for more than 10 years, it's like part n parcel of my life liao. There was a period I left for 6 mths to do rom dresses biz w gf, I almost end up depression as my hp no longer ring non stop n suddenly life was too quiet.. my mum said I jian ming.. hahaa
juz wok up from nap. was ok this morn n could even finish all my veg'n bee hoon at work... aft a while went washrm n saw brown red. i din hav spottin since bt. freak out n walk in 2kk 24h o&g, waited 2see doc. all looks ok, scan show baby jumpin ard, 12w 3d n cervix closed. doc up my duph to 3x per day till i see dr thh again. i was still hopin 2end duph soon...
Hahaha sometimes busy is good. Time pass faster. Lynncandy wait for your beanie code update. Pink or blue. Hehe but yes girl can still wear blue but no pink for boys.


A lot of "meat" in my mix rice. Otah, sweet sour pork, prawns and potato. Sinful!
Hi Ladies, is really a busy day for me at work till I have no time to come in here. My scan is tonight so later or tomorrow morning then can update you all. Hopefully beanie show us gender again.
Wah today's topic is about the chiongster husband? haha me and my dh so far so good.

Dolly your work really very good hor.. want to hire people ma? hahah..
iwantahealthybaby, my house the playpen I am planning to get blue colour so that can pass down to the next baby. I find girls with blue theme also alright as I like blue too.. But boy with pink then really weird.
Circle, so you starting work next week?
One more week to rest. wanna make sure my dad everything ok. He got follow up appts at the hospital. then I go back to work. Hopefully can tahan the working hours. After bed rest 3 months.. i generally feeling nua nua.
Circle only 3mths? Seems like u are on leave for some time :) nevermind take this as a warm up for maternity leave that is coming up :)
I was on no pay since mid Dec. Jan went for holidays. After cny then start ivf. from 2ww then rest until now... about 3 months of bed rest. from end Feb (et onwards) to end may. started to walk more after visit to dr tan on 3 Jun.
Sigh! Today is not a happy check up for me.. blood pressure was high don't know is it due to my work stress or never sleep well at night. Doc said I might deliver early so he say admit myself to kkh if so. Today beanie guai never turn so much and manage to see. The scan was fast as I got no mood to see the scan today due to the review. Today machine detected girl again but doc say to confirm during detailed. I really no mood after hearing I might deliver early as don't know what happen to my blood pressure.
Buddy don't think too much. Now u keep thinking the more pressure and stress and it ain't going to help in the bp. Doc say only may not be accurate and u still got half a trim to go. Everytime the bp will be different. Actually there are people who also give birth early at private hospital why your doc suggest u go kkh? Help u save cost or he feel kkh nicu really better?

My suggestion is take things at a time. Bp fluctuates so today high doesn't mean the next visit is high. Let's all work hard to keep beanie and beanies inside us as long as possible.

Smile it's Friday tomorrow already. All doc will say after detail scan then confirm gender even they can see. Maybe play safe.
Lynn, my first visit to the gynae my bp shot up too cos I was really nervous. It may be a combination of stress, late nights (or insomnia), walking fast prior to taking bp etc. It doesn't necessary mean you will definitely deliver early, or that things won't improve the next visit (or even, tomorrow after you get a good night's rest!). Meanwhile, try to relax, eat well & sleep well. Nothing is definite as of now.
lynncandy-do tak ur bp @hm daily.. i thk bp is really impt 4mum-to-be, it is link 2symptons lik headache n swellin of hands n legs... i m goin 2start tml too..
