(2014) ivf mummies support group

Cheerywalnuts, hope it gets better and never comes back!

All your foodie pic makes me hungry. Me also carbo girl! Loves loves loves loves potatoe! Likes fried bee hoon too!
Dh ask me be gentle on my sneezing Haha to chor lor liao but it came so sudden tt I also nv expect it to be tt hard. After effect was sharp pain then cramp before it goes off after awhile.

Dh ask me be gentle on my sneezing Haha to chor lor liao but it came so sudden tt I also nv expect it to be tt hard. After effect was sharp pain then cramp before it goes off after awhile.
Ya I experience tat before. Sneeze too hard then sharp cramp. now sneeze slow n gently..
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i think can get few pieces seems comfy for nb.

cheerywalnuts last time i sneeze i always squeeze my nose but i feel also will add pressure cause the openings are block. now i just let out freely very loud and unhygiene but no choice let it all out more relax. totally let go feeling you know. lol...really let go no control.
So cheery, don't cook today. Just rest and enjoy the relax moment.
I am feeling very sleepy, I feel like going home and sleep. Btw my friend in the 3rd trimester told me that we will get very tired in 3rd trimester. Really cannot imagine how to work.
Working Mummies, are you all planning to wait till delivery then go on leave or plan to take 1 or 2 weeks before edd?
I will take 2 weeks leave before edd!
So cheery, don't cook today. Just rest and enjoy the relax moment.
I am feeling very sleepy, I feel like going home and sleep. Btw my friend in the 3rd trimester told me that we will get very tired in 3rd trimester. Really cannot imagine how to work.
Working Mummies, are you all planning to wait till delivery then go on leave or plan to take 1 or 2 weeks before edd?
I will take 2 weeks leave before edd!
like that will full dolly? i ate sme and harshbrown from mac but i feel i can still down a kfc porridge. too bad no time go out buy already. must wait for lunch. tempted to eat yong tau foo again. yesterday lunch quite shiok for me.

i also bought in case but dont know want give anot. my nephew and niece not given and seems ok.

http://www.springmaternity.com/sg/en/kd-birmingham-cot-white.html (CHEAPEST COT I FOUND WITH MATTRESS AND DELIVERY AND ASSEMBLY) oooo cheaper than ikea omg!!!! check it out ladies i think its gss promo....
I went pass the newly open kiddy palace at Nex. They got 20% off for member st that outlet now. Non member 15%. Yoj may want to check out.
iwantahealthbaby, the link you sent I think the cot like not so good, think you get the playpen is even better. Somemore playpen can adjust up and down also. I have decided to get a cot for my mum's place since she requested for it to have a proper bed for cute beanie which will be there most of the time and I will get the playpen for my house.
Car seat so far any lobang? dh is trying to ask see his friend can give us. I want to get cheap one as later still need to upgrade to toddler one.
I am not getting pacifier as I am not too sure if beanie will have my behaviour of disliking it. My mum told me that both me and my brother cannot take pacifier.

Dolly, you eat so little?? Better eat more as this is the chance to just keep eating hahaa.
Portia thanks for the info on the promotion.
I haven't leave hse yet , still on my laptop awaiting for my presales to call me so that I can amend a quote before send out..i m liked waited for him to call back since 12 noon till now lor...sigh, tiking shd I cook instant noodle now to tie over my lunch or wait till later when I m out...
I haven't leave hse yet , still on my laptop awaiting for my presales to call me so that I can amend a quote before send out..i m liked waited for him to call back since 12 noon till now lor...sigh, tiking shd I cook instant noodle now to tie over my lunch or wait till later when I m out...
Dolly think you standby bread at home. See you like always eat instant noodles not very good. Maybe you take your laptop out and eat lunch first. Then when he called the amend it outside.
I just had tsb medication so hunger is gone as well. ya I m bringing my laptop out w me (as usual) but charging to full first if not I get paranoid work half way outside n meeting a vendor later as well ..
ya I m avoiding instant noodles as much as possible...the problem in my household is there are only me n dh, whatever food I buy only either me or him eat...so if I buy bread, I only managed to eat 2-3 pieces then expired liao. DH has no habit to take bfast in the morning. he rather sleep then wake up n rush out to site..
Yes non wired bra makes ur boobs sagging. My gf who bf for the first 1 year plus, she always on nursing bra. Even a guy frd aso commented y her boobs sag until like papaya when we saw her at her gal's 1year old party. I can't help aso kp staring cos she was wearing a Bustier dress all the more it's obvious n she not big size or boobs mummy.
My interesting lunch today. Some signature fried bee hoon at zi char stall. It is like omu-bee hoon but in local zi char style. Hahaha!
Oops, click too fast!
Iwantahealthybaby, me also starting to drive now. Think can drive until 37 or 38 weeks I think. As long as tummy not being blocked and legs are not enough to touch paddle.

My tummy seems to be getting a bit harder at the top. But I think could be my bloating getting worse...
dolly how how lol. i dont want sagging boobs. my gf one also sag till like halfway of her body already and hers is big. i dont want become like that. but all nursing bra is non wire right?
I diedie still on wired bra till now.
I tried the chao da beehoon before, nice! But have to wait plus it's like at little indian feel So uneasy there...
This one not very Chao ta leh. But taste not too bad. It is called malu malu seafood at sembawang area. Very far for those staying in the east.

My friend says if keep wearing wired bra.. might affect milk flow next time leh. She swap to non wired.ones about 6 weeks before delivery.

Me still wearing wired bras. Sometimes I can feel shooting pains at nipples, take off then ok. So scary leh!
Opp sembawang shopping ctr got the famous bai beehoon. Went there few times w dh..
I finally surrender to my hunger. Having vegetarian beehoon at hans in marina sq. Tell my vendor I Cannot tahan liao needs to eat
Opp sembawang shopping ctr got the famous bai beehoon. Went there few times w dh..
I finally surrender to my hunger. Having vegetarian beehoon at hans in marina sq. Tell my vendor I Cannot tahan liao needs to eat
The malu malu seafood is near sembawang shopping centre. on the same side of the road, near the newly built condos.

I stay very near but only ate the white bee hoon twice. loooong queue all the time. And I kanna a whole unmelted chicken stock cube before. never went back after that! hahaha!
Iwantahealthybaby, the max wks tt u can go is 38 wks. Likely dr june will advise u the c sect dates in 3rd tri. Only for singleton then dr will wait till 40 wks.
As for driving really depends how big ur tummy is by then cos twins will be bigger at earlier wks compared to singleton. Maybe can chk with ur dr the space/gap allowance between ur tummy n the steering wheel.
My tummy to the steer wheel still got a lot of space as of now. So hope can drive all the way until delivery. I am planning to work all the way till need to give birth then I will drive myself to tmc for valet then admit myself in. My office is very near to kkh and tmc in between novena there haha.
For bra I am still wearing wired bra as I still can't leave without the wire. I need more support. Btw vs like max DD for wireless. Jia lat la.. Please don't increase cup. Only with wired then got DDD.
Ladies... pls pls pls wear wired bra. Cos booby sure go south de. I know is painful and uncomfortable but once south, very hard to go bk north.

Lynn, i am also a DD... u can try buy online. Try this brand call stella mcCartney. Their non padded wired bra good and comfy, is very secured so wont really see nipple even though is non padded. Cos i am a uk size 6-8, then i dun wanna look too topsy turvy... i go buy bra local, i asked them size, they still look at me like "have or not??" That look. Cos i wear the non padded type. Better for us la, i think.
Lynncandy wah u very steady lei! But when in labour pain I think not safe to drive in to deliver unless u planned c sect. Better ask a colleague or family member to drive u in for delivery safer for u n bb else just cab over
I will go for natural so when work halfway really need to deliver then drive to tmc or kkh (touch wood earlier). My office is really super near these hospitals. The most I give 5 mins to reach if smooth traffic 3 mins can reach. Pain I not scare, I ever vomit blood twice before got tear in my stomach too much acid then I drive myself to sgh, park my car at the car park and admit myself to a&e and got warded. Haha. Somemore tmc and kkh got valet so the service even faster no need to park my car and can admit myself in.
Iwantahealthybaby, wah that is only appetizer?
Just finished shower. Btw that's was just my plan only. If tummy really extreme big until hit the steering wheel nearer the time then I also can't drive. Haha it is always good to have plans ma.
Ladies I am so excited for tomorrow. Later I am going to spend my time soso tummy and talk to beanie. Please let mummy see gender to double confirm haha.
Dh bought the glass plant set for me. Going to do it and take photo to show you all later.
Yes that's my appetiser only. Dh just reach now then we heading for a proper dinner. While waiting for dh I did shopping. Bought two bras wired one. 2 tops and 3 dress in bigger siZe hope to accommodate growing stomach. Then went mothercare and bought two Sophie giraffe for babies. Just now went kiddy palace saw a cot toy those hang over let baby see it rotate and move. Wth it cost $99 gosh.
Wow u can eat n buy too....ur engine super on leh...
Have to DIY then fun. This terrarium is for busy working adult like us. You can don't need to water the plant until like 6 months time. Ready made one are too expensive. I saw some pushcarts selling. Just google online can buy from them but must know how to do. This is my second time doing so I already know how to plant. First time must really learn how to do it.
My first plant was at hortpark, they will teach you how to do http://theplantstory.com/
Dun know y my ah lao so busy every night meeting his bird frds chitchat... it's nightly affair without fail . Like one day cannot dun meet lovers, really buay tahan them. Even gossip more than we women!!
Have to DIY then fun. This terrarium is for busy working adult like us. You can don't need to water the plant until like 6 months time. Ready made one are too expensive. I saw some pushcarts selling. Just google online can buy from them but must know how to do. This is my second time doing so I already know how to plant. First time must really learn how to do it.

Lynn, very nicely done! Can share how to plant or where to buy? :) can this survive if I put it on the window ledge in the wet kitchen?
Hi ladies sorry to ask a very gross question... If we constipated then when pass motion will our bb drop out or get hurt? Pls advise as I worry everytime whenever I went toilet...
Dolly every night your dh meet the buddy u must go also? I got gfs hubby also love to meet his friend. Go out also love couple date. Hopefully after birth of bb he will stop going out often and acc u and bb.

Joy meme I always see a lot pple at the tamp mall the Teppanyaki. That day wanted to try but price like quite ex for portion so dh say go eat something worth lol. Last time a lot food court will have Teppanyaki. I remember the one at bishan junction 8 the most.

Allure don't worry. I got the worst constipation that time. Stuck in toilet and push so hard macham giving birth. The nurse say it's common for preggy women and it's normal bb won't feel hurt.
Nope they dun really wanna wife tag along cos cannot talk cock till late unless I really want supper. I only tag along on sat night but nowadays can't tong till too late.. their usual outing on sat is 10pm all the way to 4am..
I already warn him before if he like his buddy only used eyes to look after the kids on sunday, nua at home means accompanied family I ask him fxxx off. We need family bonding n I expect him to b hands on if we dun have maid. In order to create the bonding w the bb, his task is to shower the bb daily..
Totally understand what u mean. Yes some husband feel by not going out stay home means acc family and role is completed. I heard a lot stories too ask the husband take care child while the mum wash clothes n the dad can take care till doze off. If not can play hp games till the daughter mouth
Eat tissue also don't realise. But your dh dotes on his niece a lot right I think he will make time for u and bb.

Everyone sleeping already? I'm still nuaing around.

Me not asleep yet.. I can't stand his buddy Every night sure on the dot call at 10pm asking to go kopi / supper. Now upgrade to Every Friday go drinking, he tik I dun know cos wife complaining to me. Though for my industry drinking n clubbing is common to me but still it's not a healthy outing every friday.
I told dh dun b like my dad use mouth to say only nvr lift a finger to help n yet kp scolding my mum not able to discipline us. Money cannot buy love n my dad tiks he use $ to buy our love when young but he is so wrong. So now his son my brother only kp complaint $ not enough where my dad is paying almost everything from his condo, his car n godson school fees monthly. But me as daughter I paid myself cos I m gal..
