(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

Lol! I think last time our mum all like super hero when giving birth.. I pre-term also take her sometime for me to come out.. I was extreme tiny and fragile she said.. But when she give birth to me.. Is very sudden.. Eat breakfast half way her water break.. Lol... Say I spoil her breakfast..

Hahaha ya lor... That generation usually no pain relievers... Not like now... I would suggest go for epidural then can rest... My friend had a epidural c sect also...

Hahaha ya lor... That generation usually no pain relievers... Not like now... I would suggest go for epidural then can rest... My friend had a epidural c sect also...

Oh? But hear say c-sect healing much slower and can't wear the tummy wrap so soon leh... At least natural birth can wear the tummy wrap sooner
Oh? But hear say c-sect healing much slower and can't wear the tummy wrap so soon leh... At least natural birth can wear the tummy wrap sooner
hmm. tink can wear tummy wrap. juz cannot massage.
my sis went c sec. tink she wear her tummy wrap after tat. n for the whole 1-2mths.
her tummy really slim back alot. She say TMC tummy wrap is gd. lol...
hmm. tink can wear tummy wrap. juz cannot massage.
my sis went c sec. tink she wear her tummy wrap after tat. n for the whole 1-2mths.
her tummy really slim back alot. She say TMC tummy wrap is gd. lol...

Har? TMC tummy wrap? Really ma? Lol... Tot got wound at the abdomen cannot straight away wrap.. Need the wound to heal first then can start wrapping..
Har? TMC tummy wrap? Really ma? Lol... Tot got wound at the abdomen cannot straight away wrap.. Need the wound to heal first then can start wrapping..
TMC got sell the tummy wrap.
tink can wear immediately. becoz my sis tat time c sec, i remember saw her wearing quite fast.
so she tell me muz buy the tummy wrap fr tmc. hahaha....
I never meet her before ... I pass deposit to the auntie I initially wanted to book but unavailable .. She recommended her fren LAN jie from Kuantan also .. She say their group of CL are experience and always come singapore they will intro each other if they are busy ..

She never really give me problem la is jus that I called her to inform her I pass her deposit to her fren alrdy then she say I forget to tell u must have angbao and the ticket thing then suddenly I jus feel wa!

For me Epidural not painful .. No feeling .. Jus maybe like press feeling .. Cos contraction so pain that the needle no kick ..

Slapurface so you hired the famous Lan Jie recommended by many in this forum? Congrats! I heard she is great
C sect is slower... But not that slow also la... My friend had her tummy wrapped like 2 weeks post c sect after Gynae give go ahead... And when I breastfeed, the tummy shrink much faster... Mine went back pre-preg after 1 month... Plus with Jamu wrap managed to squeeze back pre preg dress after maternity... Without diet or exercise :D
Divineparadise , she is famous meh ? I don think is the same one ba ? I think got many LAN jie wow now u make me excited . Is the famous one 60plus years old from Kuantan?
TMC got sell the tummy wrap.
tink can wear immediately. becoz my sis tat time c sec, i remember saw her wearing quite fast.
so she tell me muz buy the tummy wrap fr tmc. hahaha....

Lol! Ok! I will buy from TMC! Haha... Buy from the pharmacy there?? Ah.. My detail scan is at novena medical not TMC.. T.T
C sect is slower... But not that slow also la... My friend had her tummy wrapped like 2 weeks post c sect after Gynae give go ahead... And when I breastfeed, the tummy shrink much faster... Mine went back pre-preg after 1 month... Plus with Jamu wrap managed to squeeze back pre preg dress after maternity... Without diet or exercise :D

Omg!! So good!!! Got good ppl to recommend for the Jamu wrap and massage?? My fat area on my thighs n butt lor! Very irritating..
Omg ! Divine after u said many ppl recommend LAN jie I did a search in forums and saw some one say beware of LAN jie from Kuantan!! I hope it's not her pls.. Omg
Divineparadise , she is famous meh ? I don think is the same one ba ? I think got many LAN jie wow now u make me excited . Is the famous one 60plus years old from Kuantan?

Her number is published in this forum. You can tally... The most recent post said she is booked until January 2015.
Divine I can't find leh .. I search her number also don have .. Alamak I gg alrdy ... +60 16 963 7983 this is her number .. I paste Into search bar to no avail
C sect is slower... But not that slow also la... My friend had her tummy wrapped like 2 weeks post c sect after Gynae give go ahead... And when I breastfeed, the tummy shrink much faster... Mine went back pre-preg after 1 month... Plus with Jamu wrap managed to squeeze back pre preg dress after maternity... Without diet or exercise :D
Did u do the Jamu massage n wrap at ur hse? Does it mess up ur bed?
hahaha... i waitin til deliver then c can get fr there or nt. lol.
becoz i delivering in TMC. whahaha....

Lol.. Yes.. If deliver from there.. Try ask for wrap foc! Haha.. I intend to deliver at mount avernia. So shall see mt. Avernia got wat free stuff to get.. HAha
I went thru C sect and tummy binder was put on after surgery. Wore it for 6weeks till my Jamu massage then use the cloth binder. But it bind so tight till my wound has small incision and bled a little. Back to wearing the tummy binder instead
I tot only free bath tub and one pack of diaper @ MAH? Lol!

Is it? The last time u go that hospital I saw the nurse throw a lot of things into the car for a discharged preggy leh.. Lol.. My fren say hospital got time to time sample and freebies.. Must thick skin go see see ask ask.. Lol
Is it? The last time u go that hospital I saw the nurse throw a lot of things into the car for a discharged preggy leh.. Lol.. My fren say hospital got time to time sample and freebies.. Must thick skin go see see ask ask.. Lol

U mean the starter pack? Nothing much la. Plus they encourage breast feeding, formula u need to pay.
U mean the starter pack? Nothing much la. Plus they encourage breast feeding, formula u need to pay.

Ask u all ar.. During the stay in hospital, if bb on fm those bottles we need to pay?

If it's free.. And if bb on bm can we ask the nurse for the fm and keep?
Wah.. Sounds like a good cl quite hard to get? My mum did promise to help me thru my confinement but the looking after baby and breast feeding part I think she cannot handle leh..

And during confinement cannot take ginger? But the food im going to take all involves ginger leh..

Then now preggy take ginger will affect bb anot? My doc only say no papaya... :(

Alrdy 5 months.. When thinking of the giving birth part I scared like hell.. I'm always afraid of needles and pain... Dunno how I can Pull thru leh...

But if bb ok can natural birth I will definitely go for that..

no papaya? why? i have been eating papaya weekly, to ease the constipation..
Seriously..... But no milk how sia... Haiz...

Most women can breastfeed de la... Unless they got no milk ducts... N first few days is colostrum which is in drips so like no milk... Thus some ladies at this point give up...
Ladies , out of topic , my gf been trying to conceive for years , but still failed . Anyone can recommend doctor or TCM ?
u can go to TTC thread. they have lots of recommendation.
depends ur gf prefer wat. if for fertility issue, can look for Dr Loh SF from tmc. then Dr Yu fr HUH i tink.
The other side will have more details.
as for tcm, can go for TSB. Dr Tan Siew Bouy. i tink. she super famous now.
My doc say papaya will cause bb to have jaundice when born.. Since first trimeSter my doc alrdy say cannot eat le.. He say anything also can eat but not papaya..
omg. hahaha. i been eating papaya once in a while
lol... tink have to stop tat liao. hmm....

anyway to get freebies fr hospital depends on luck. last time my sis stay at TMC, she manage to get free bottles FM. hahaha... so guess depends on individual de ba.
omg. hahaha. i been eating papaya once in a while
lol... tink have to stop tat liao. hmm....

anyway to get freebies fr hospital depends on luck. last time my sis stay at TMC, she manage to get free bottles FM. hahaha... so guess depends on individual de ba.

I'm tempted to eat papaya.. Cos it used to be my favorite.. Once I hear doc say no papaya I turn off.. Lol...

But everytime u go doc say the same thing.. So... I think it's a very important reminder not to take papaya... So I play safe didn't touch a single piece.. Not even my favorite Thai papaya salad.. Lol..

Was thinking the papaya use in the Thai salad is green... Should not be a problem.. But scared like hell.. But recently had been eating peanuts though.. Lol! But cut out after few days of eating..
Ladies , out of topic , my gf been trying to conceive for years , but still failed . Anyone can recommend doctor or TCM ?

I used to visit Eu Yang Sen @ rivervale mall to 'tiao' my body. I go to Xiao Qin, she is the senior therapist there and only on duty on wed, the rest of the days at Tanjong Pagar (i think). She was recommended by my colleague who see her also. But the problem with her is she is rather quiet.. and dun say much about my body conditions until i ask. And her ans all short short one. Anyway.. both of us ate the herbs she prescribed and got bfp successfully. no harm trying if ur fren is interested. :)
I'm tempted to eat papaya.. Cos it used to be my favorite.. Once I hear doc say no papaya I turn off.. Lol...

But everytime u go doc say the same thing.. So... I think it's a very important reminder not to take papaya... So I play safe didn't touch a single piece.. Not even my favorite Thai papaya salad.. Lol..

Was thinking the papaya use in the Thai salad is green... Should not be a problem.. But scared like hell.. But recently had been eating peanuts though.. Lol! But cut out after few days of eating..
hm.. thot those green papayas even more cannot eat cuz very liang?
I'm tempted to eat papaya.. Cos it used to be my favorite.. Once I hear doc say no papaya I turn off.. Lol...

But everytime u go doc say the same thing.. So... I think it's a very important reminder not to take papaya... So I play safe didn't touch a single piece.. Not even my favorite Thai papaya salad.. Lol..

Was thinking the papaya use in the Thai salad is green... Should not be a problem.. But scared like hell.. But recently had been eating peanuts though.. Lol! But cut out after few days of eating..
hahaha. my gynae no say no papaya.
so i juz eat. lol.. but eat moderate lar. keke....
i tink jaundice can happen to any bb....
Just called PEM and asked for an appointed CL.. the prices are:
$2150 (fee)
$200 (for appointed CL)
$111 (levy)
>$30+ (开工红包)
>$50+ (收工红包)

actually is it ok and reliable to trust whoever CL that PEM assign to me? Duno want to save that $200 not..
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