(2014/08) August 2014

Try this app - wonder weeks. Friend recommended to me! Helps chart baby's development, abilities etc. Found it very true for mine

Hi mommies, may i know how much ebm shd i give bb each week as he gets older? My bb will be 28th day and I'm feeding him 90 ml every 3 hrs at night and dl in the day. He still have mild jaundice.
Hi mommies, may i know how much ebm shd i give bb each week as he gets older? My bb will be 28th day and I'm feeding him 90 ml every 3 hrs at night and dl in the day. He still have mild jaundice.

That's a good qn. I was feeding my boy 80ml 3hrly as instructed by hospital since he has high jaundice to increase pee n poo...

He has started crying ard 2.5hrs these few days... And he usually stop or fall asleep ard 40ml later. Need to diaper him to finish the remaining 40ml. I'm not sure if I shld increase his feed cos he barely finishes the 80ml...

He is 17d today...
Anyway, anyone has any idea when to start sleep training?

My bb wakes abt 2hrly for night feeds and after feed doesn't go back to sleep. My CL taking care so I'm not 100% sure of the timing but roughly it's lidat.

He sleeps more in the day and lesser at night! I can't imagine having to take care of him in the night after CL leaves... Btw, BB sleeps w CL in another room and she doesn't off the lights so that bb will not b 'pampered' to only sleep in darkness... But I know he needs to learn day and night, this sleeping with lights on doesn't help him I think...

Anyone has any experience or guide I can follow?

You can try gina ford routines or Tracy Hogg baby whisperer. Both available in major book stores. I follow gina ford routines for all my 3 kids. Helps in establishing a feeding and sleeping routine. No need to follow the timing strictly. Can +/- 30min depending on when bb wakes and feed. My no1 (5 yrs old) & no2 (2.5yrs old) sleeps at 830pm and wakes at 7am with a 2 hrs nap in bet. No 1 sleeps thru at 1 yrs old, no2 ard 3M coz we started the routine immediately aft discharge. So last feed was 11pm and he wakes ard 630-7am for milk feed. Tracy Hogg guides you on how to soothe the child, calming baby, reading cues from baby etc.

Like what kopibeanie said, the key basics are
1) teaching baby day and night
Establish a sleep routine. Swaddling the child, dimming the lights (or full blackout). So sleeping w lights on isn't a good idea. But babies fresh from hospital like the lights on coz the nursery is always BrIGHT! U can try moving to using a dimer before going to total darkness. My bb sleeps without Aircon! Coz she doesn't like it. We know she doesn't like it coz she refused to sleep at night. Wakes up 30min aft feed. So we experimented w switching off the Aircon and she guai guai sleep till the next feed.

2) feed as much as u can during the day
So baby will get his/her full daily milk intake. Baby milk intake in measured on total daily intake... Not per feed.

3) do not overstimulate or overtire baby before nap
Basic key rule for young infants is they need to go down within 2 hrs from the time they wake. Else they'll be too cranky to wind down during sleep time

4) night feeds should be as quiet as possible. Do not play with your baby!

5) establish a routine to wind baby down
Bathe - feed - sleep
If you have a sleepy baby, can try
Feed - bathe - feed - sleep
You can do story time too
Eg feed - bathe - feed - story/lullaby - sleep
So baby knows what's coming nex.

Usually they take 3 naps a day
Morning, noon (longest) and evening (shortest).
They will drop the evening nap first, followed by morning nap and will keep the noon nap till 4-6yrs old depending on their total sleep hrs per day. Eg if a 4 Yr old sleeps from 7pm-7am, then prob the child won't take any naps at all.

Babies and children thrive on routines. So knowing what's happening next will help them. The key obj for routines is to help bb sleep thru the night so adults can have a good rest! However do note that we have to practise a little flexibility in following routines unless you have a textbook baby!! Babies have growth spurt, good days and bad days too!

Demand feeding - taking cue from baby
Hrly feed - 3hrly or 4hrly
Routines - fixed timing (eg Gina ford)

Taking care of babies is not science. There is no right and wrong. It's an ART!! It is all about observation, trial and errors and being consistent. Observe your baby more and fall in love with them everyday!!! :)
I have been wearing pad for the longest period of my life. How long will this last? Any mummies stop their after birth bloody discharge already?
Also for mummies with varginal birth, how long did it take for u to sit normally without pain at all like in the past? I still feel slight pain when sitting down after 1wk!

For no1, it took 1M! Had to use a float! Gynae stitching skills v poor!

For no2 & 3, can sit immediately after delivery! Gynae stitching skills is superb!! I didn't even need painkillers aft discharge!

I also learned that sitting your wound in salt solution speeds up the healing process! U can try it!

For discharge, it varies. Prob 4-6 weeks. Once the womb contracts u'll get this cramp like feeling. ESP when pumping and latching... Then a huge glob may juz flow out. Womb contracting is good coz it means tummy getting back in shape!!
My LO also same. Awake for a couple of hrs iñ the middle of the night. My CL wrote down all the feeding and poo poo time in a book.

Kopibeanie, my #01 is 2yrs 3months old. And till now he also still wake up for milk for at least 1 or 2times. Dont know how to wean him off.

actually at 2yo they can understand that they can't have milk at night. can just give him some water instead & try get him to go back sleep. I managed to get my boy to sleep thro for a period of time by refusing to give him his milk & scolding him when he refuse to go back to sleep. but I eventually I gave in coz he usually gets up ard 5am & I give him the milk so that he can take his breakfast at 8am before going cc. if not he will drink his milk when he wakes up & be too full for breakfast & skip his breakfast which is not too good.
Babies and children thrive on routines. So knowing what's happening next will help them. The key obj for routines is to help bb sleep thru the night so adults can have a good rest! However do note that we have to practise a little flexibility in following routines unless you have a textbook baby!! Babies have growth spurt, good days and ba

Taking care of babies is not science. There is no right and wrong. It's an ART!! It is all about observation, trial and errors and being consistent. Observe your baby more and fall in love with them everyday!!! :)

agree!! routine is very impt. babies can't tell the time, but a routine (the same procedure, environment, etc) helps them to anticipate what is coming up next. and yes, no 2 babies are the same, so what works for one might not work for the other. u juz got to try see what works best for u & ur bb. and just be patient. things will definitely get better as they grow older.
Don't mean to whine but I missed my 3am alarm and woke up at 4am instead to pump. Now my fuller right breast refused to drain, I'm for seeing block duct draining sessions for next few pumps. Not looking forward...

Looking at the sleep training routines, seems like babies wun establish their sleep routine by the time the mom goes back to work...
abit early in the morning for this ... but can any mommies tell me how does the amniotic fluid looks like? I just started leaking like 15 mins ago but so far not feeling any on contractions yet ...
abit early in the morning for this ... but can any mommies tell me how does the amniotic fluid looks like? I just started leaking like 15 mins ago but so far not feeling any on contractions yet ...

Can be clear or with a pink tinge for me.
Any contractions now? It should come gradually. Looks like labour is starting soon!!

Grab a good breakfast and set off soon!
U'll need the energy to push later! Jiayou!
Don't mean to whine but I missed my 3am alarm and woke up at 4am instead to pump. Now my fuller right breast refused to drain, I'm for seeing block duct draining sessions for next few pumps. Not looking forward...

Looking at the sleep training routines, seems like babies wun establish their sleep routine by the time the mom goes back to work...

Latch bb to clear it! It'll help.

Haha yes! By the time moms go back to work, we are perpetual zombies!! Welcome to the mummy club! Don't worry things will get better. The first year is always the toughest!! :)
Latch bb to clear it! It'll help.

Haha yes! By the time moms go back to work, we are perpetual zombies!! Welcome to the mummy club! Don't worry things will get better. The first year is always the toughest!! :)

Still monitoring baby for jaundice so bottle feed him 80ml per feed. Hopefully tues when I bring him for blood test can declared clear then I can DL him. I am not confident that he gets 80ml if I DL him given that he is sleepy after 40ml on the bottle and CL need to diaper him to finish the other half...

baby_mummy are you are FTWM? How do u manage? Planning to return to work for me is stressing me out. Looking for infant care now but no vacancy for the one I want. How do tahan night feeds and wake up for work the next day?!

Anyway, breast is cleared and I got a record high production. Actually fake one cos the 4am pump nv clear so 730am pump cleared more haha!!
I have been nursing baby nonstop for 2 to 3 hrs at night and he still refuses to sleep..
Was so tired that I gave in to give him some formula before he ko with milk at 1 am...
Anyone else has a similar experience ? Any advice ?
at TMC alrd ... apparently I was only leaking but dr just broke my water bag .. alrd dilated but no contractions .. I guess the contractions are gonna kick in soon ...
Still monitoring baby for jaundice so bottle feed him 80ml per feed. Hopefully tues when I bring him for blood test can declared clear then I can DL him. I am not confident that he gets 80ml if I DL him given that he is sleepy after 40ml on the bottle and CL need to diaper him to finish the other half...

baby_mummy are you are FTWM? How do u manage? Planning to return to work for me is stressing me out. Looking for infant care now but no vacancy for the one I want. How do tahan night feeds and wake up for work the next day?!

Anyway, breast is cleared and I got a record high production. Actually fake one cos the 4am pump nv clear so 730am pump cleared more haha!!

Hehe as long as the volume is not lost through the delay it doesn't matter! Good breasts!!

Bb will cry if he is hungry! So don't worry. My bb also got "pattern". Latch 1 side, poo, then latch the other side. Sometimes she juz KO aft 1 side! So tough waking her up!

Yup I'm a FTWM.
Some survival tips (if u have no helper like me)
1) supplement
My gynae gave me this supplement - exsativa. I think it helps in keeping me in functioning mood (energy level, memory). Can be found in TTSH retail pharmacy.
2) never reject help
Anyone offers to help, close 1 eye and go catch a rest!
3) learn to let go!
No need to latch all the way since bb will be on bottle eventually when we go back to work. So transfer some feed to bottle feed aft bb has established breastfeeding. Let hubby take over the last night feed ard 10/11pm
4) catch as much rest as you can, nap when bb naps.

Also need to work with hubby on coordinating the night feeds. I have no helper so he has to help out! Haha. (Eg, last night feed at 11pm, he will feed so I can rest earlier and juz wake up for pump). Middle of the night feed, if bb wakes 3am and bef he will feed and after I will feed. But I notice latching direct and not pumping after work at home works for most FTWM. Some friends do the last pump for the day in the car on the way home. Most don't pump at home as latching and pumping is too taxing and time consuming.
But try it only when u r back at work coz during the 1st 1-2M, we are very prone to having block ducts and engorgement. This can kill all the motivation to BF.

For infant care, go to childcarelink and search for IFC near your home or work place. Def will have one that has a vacancy. Choose either near home or work. Else logistics will be a nightmare. For the one that is full, put yourself on the waitlist while searching for another one that you like.
Try to send bb in 2 weeks bef ML ends so you have time for bb to transition and troubleshoot anything. U will also get ME time to do hair, massage, mani pedi or spa!

Hope your bb jaundice clears soon!
I have been nursing baby nonstop for 2 to 3 hrs at night and he still refuses to sleep..
Was so tired that I gave in to give him some formula before he ko with milk at 1 am...
Anyone else has a similar experience ? Any advice ?

Yes! Day 1 back from hospital was a nightmare. CL keep thinking bb is hungry loh! Kept carrying bb to me! Told her to experiment with the Aircon, fan, light etc. check diapers etc.

Did bb burp well? Sometimes they have gas stuck inside they can't sleep too.
Is it a must for babies to sleep after every feed? My two week only refuses to sleep in the afternoons nowadays. Any suggestions?
candymoshi, did u queue for any infant care while preggy? or juz started looking? might be abit late to start looking now. think those cheaper/ more convenient ones (e.g. my first skool, pap sparkletots) might be already full (but no harm registering to queue). u might have to try private ones (more expensive) or look for a nanny near ur area. now the main priority is to settle ur child care arrangement. don't worry too much abt coping after going back work. u will learn to manage one & work more efficiently with less sleep.
Hehe as long as the volume is not lost through the delay it doesn't matter! Good breasts!!

Bb will cry if he is hungry! So don't worry. My bb also got "pattern". Latch 1 side, poo, then latch the other side. Sometimes she juz KO aft 1 side! So tough waking her up!

Yup I'm a FTWM.
Some survival tips (if u have no helper like me)
1) supplement
My gynae gave me this supplement - exsativa. I think it helps in keeping me in functioning mood (energy level, memory). Can be found in TTSH retail pharmacy.
2) never reject help
Anyone offers to help, close 1 eye and go catch a rest!
3) learn to let go!
No need to latch all the way since bb will be on bottle eventually when we go back to work. So transfer some feed to bottle feed aft bb has established breastfeeding. Let hubby take over the last night feed ard 10/11pm
4) catch as much rest as you can, nap when bb naps.

Also need to work with hubby on coordinating the night feeds. I have no helper so he has to help out! Haha. (Eg, last night feed at 11pm, he will feed so I can rest earlier and juz wake up for pump). Middle of the night feed, if bb wakes 3am and bef he will feed and after I will feed. But I notice latching direct and not pumping after work at home works for most FTWM. Some friends do the last pump for the day in the car on the way home. Most don't pump at home as latching and pumping is too taxing and time consuming.
But try it only when u r back at work coz during the 1st 1-2M, we are very prone to having block ducts and engorgement. This can kill all the motivation to BF.

For infant care, go to childcarelink and search for IFC near your home or work place. Def will have one that has a vacancy. Choose either near home or work. Else logistics will be a nightmare. For the one that is full, put yourself on the waitlist while searching for another one that you like.
Try to send bb in 2 weeks bef ML ends so you have time for bb to transition and troubleshoot anything. U will also get ME time to do hair, massage, mani pedi or spa!

Hope your bb jaundice clears soon!

Yes I think the exsativa really helps!
Any mummy still doing full direct latch? I am still latching full time but am thinking of starting to intro bottles after confinement. At least it frees me up for a couple of hr if my family members can help to feed bottle for 1 feed in the pm. Like what baby mummy said. . Initially I felt very resistant to bottle feeding cos I don't bear to "break the bond" with baby. But really must learn to let go cos a lot of other things also require my time and energy (like spending some time with my #1).
Mummies I'm thinking of starting a WA group so that we can chat and share experiences more easily? Anyone keen?
candymoshi, did u queue for any infant care while preggy? or juz started looking? might be abit late to start looking now. think those cheaper/ more convenient ones (e.g. my first skool, pap sparkletots) might be already full (but no harm registering to queue). u might have to try private ones (more expensive) or look for a nanny near ur area. now the main priority is to settle ur child care arrangement. don't worry too much abt coping after going back work. u will learn to manage one & work more efficiently with less sleep.

I placed myself on the queue since Jun and now that I have delivered I just updated my boy's details on the wait list. Am really praying for the IFC 2 blocks away from my home. But alr started looking elsewhere, managed to find an IFC with vacancy (via childcare link, haven enquired yet) so if no choice I will have to wake up earlier daily and commute to the IFC but better than dun have!

@kopibeanie lucky you! Hope I will have good news soon too. Someone please withdraw their child (opps!)

Hope to start bb in December, my ML ends 1st week of dec and I probably clear some AL b4 it gets forfeited in 2015.

I am cool abt starting Whatapp chat! But how to share contact number w/o publishing here eh?
Yes I think the exsativa really helps!
Any mummy still doing full direct latch? I am still latching full time but am thinking of starting to intro bottles after confinement. At least it frees me up for a couple of hr if my family members can help to feed bottle for 1 feed in the pm. Like what baby mummy said. . Initially I felt very resistant to bottle feeding cos I don't bear to "break the bond" with baby. But really must learn to let go cos a lot of other things also require my time and energy (like spending some time with my #1).

I am opposite from you. I am doing full bottle feed now, due to bb's jaundice. Hope to get clearance for jaundice and start DL him next week. Else I need to heat up milk, feed (and keep him awake), pump, wash accessories, bathe, change diapers, burp baby and STAY SANE (hopefully nap) after CL leaves! Hopefully can DL and bottle feed when needed...

I thank God that I don't have the 'decide' between DL and Bottle because I had no choice. It takes a lot of stress off me in my BF journey also... Ur baby will always be ur baby! Dun worry abt the Bond!

In my parents era, everybody also formula fed, we all grew up strong, healthy, and still love our parents right? Haha! Take a chill pill!

Someone tell me more abt the supplement pls? What does it do? My gynae nv gave me anything...
I am opposite from you. I am doing full bottle feed now, due to bb's jaundice. Hope to get clearance for jaundice and start DL him next week. Else I need to heat up milk, feed (and keep him awake), pump, wash accessories, bathe, change diapers, burp baby and STAY SANE (hopefully nap) after CL leaves! Hopefully can DL and bottle feed when needed...

I thank God that I don't have the 'decide' between DL and Bottle because I had no choice. It takes a lot of stress off me in my BF journey also... Ur baby will always be ur baby! Dun worry abt the Bond!

In my parents era, everybody also formula fed, we all grew up strong, healthy, and still love our parents right? Haha! Take a chill pill!

Someone tell me more abt the supplement pls? What does it do? My gynae nv gave me anything...

Here you go!

I think YC is v good. She even thinks of how to make mummies feel better post natal. I'm surprised she gave vit d to take with the calcium pills. Cos she knows all mummies will be finding at home doing confinement and not exposed to sun hence no vit d to help absorb the calcium. My Gynae for #1 simply told me to finish all the prenatal supplements.
baby_mummy, how u manage 3 without helper ah?? really pei fu!!

Frankly speaking I think I need a maid! Enjoying life now with CL!!! Gonna be busy once she leaves!! Without Maid means waking earlier! Doing things faster.

Hmm chores are left to PT maids who come in 3X a week. Dinner on tingkat. Both kids in FD childcare so not so bad. No1 is v independent! He feeds himself, dresses himself, pack and clean up too! Toilet trained so he does everything from going to pee, flush and wash hands. Now I have raised his "rank" to big big brother so he needs to pack his younger brother's school bag too. Eg wet bag w uniforms, towel & diapers and nap bag w blanket and mattress cover. Younger bro 2.5 can self feed, wash his hands (I install a spout and extended faucet handle so he can reach). So I basically ask no1 to do this do that, no2 needs 50% help (eg diaper changing)

When they sleep we follow routine - storytime, goodnight song and good night & bye! Lights off by 830-9pm. So peace from 9pm!!

I also have at least 4 sets of pump parts. Bring 2/3 sets to work and Hb washes all the bottles & pump parts aft dinner.

It gets tough ESP if one or two are sick or when hubby travel! Then I will SOS MIL for help.
Is it a must for babies to sleep after every feed? My two week only refuses to sleep in the afternoons nowadays. Any suggestions?

Can baby last the day without noon nap?
Not a must to sleep aft feed but young babies juz KO usu aft feed. Try not to keep baby awake >2hrs from the time they wake. Eg can swaddle up and get bb into zzz mode ard 1.5hrs from the time bb wakes up. If they r awake >2hrs, they r usu overstimulated. (Signs: big big eyes sometimes accompanied by fussiness, crying and keep asking to be latched etc). It's easy to fall into the trap of sleep association (latch to sleep, carry to sleep, etc etc).
What do u mean by last the day? He sleeps well from evening onwards. Just that its a bit drastic cos first week he kept napping and second week he refuses to nap. After his morning bath, he just likes to stare at us, then after a while he wants to be fed. He is swaddled and put in his cot after his bath. In fact, he keeps demanding feeds now.

Wondering if its a growth spurt?

Anyway I went to see my gynae today and she said just keep feeding on demand. Said that its common. They can ask for feeds every 15 mins also -.-
Frankly speaking I think I need a maid! Enjoying life now with CL!!! Gonna be busy once she leaves!! Without Maid means waking earlier! Doing things faster.

Hmm chores are left to PT maids who come in 3X a week. Dinner on tingkat. Both kids in FD childcare so not so bad. No1 is v independent! He feeds himself, dresses himself, pack and clean up too! Toilet trained so he does everything from going to pee, flush and wash hands. Now I have raised his "rank" to big big brother so he needs to pack his younger brother's school bag too. Eg wet bag w uniforms, towel & diapers and nap bag w blanket and mattress cover. Younger bro 2.5 can self feed, wash his hands (I install a spout and extended faucet handle so he can reach). So I basically ask no1 to do this do that, no2 needs 50% help (eg diaper changing)

When they sleep we follow routine - storytime, goodnight song and good night & bye! Lights off by 830-9pm. So peace from 9pm!!

I also have at least 4 sets of pump parts. Bring 2/3 sets to work and Hb washes all the bottles & pump parts aft dinner.

It gets tough ESP if one or two are sick or when hubby travel! Then I will SOS MIL for help.

icic. previously I also send my elder one to fullday IFC/CC & order tingkat. now got 2nd one then get a maid to help out with the housework (younger one will be going fullday IFC as well). too much housework & baby chores to do, cannot take it liao.

ur elder boys r so independent & obedient! esp ur older one, so impressive! my elder one (2.5yo) gets super lazy when he gets home, want ppl to take out his shoes & feed him somemore when he can do it himself! am also trying to toilet train him now so lots of accidents to clean up. worse thing is he sleeps at 11+pm, got to entertain him or bring him out till bed time, leaving us no time to do our things. sigh.
My PD at parkway east did a jaundice test for my baby before the original discharge date. It was found tt his jaundice level is high at abt 198, hence my little boy stay in hosp for another 3 days for phototherapy. Blood test was done everyday and He was discharged when the jaundice level dropped to 154. However, when we went back for review 3 days later, baby's jaundice shot up to 250 and my PD ordered the phototherapy bed for us, of which we rent it for 3D2N. His jaundice level then dropped to 200. We will be gg for another blood test to check if his jaundice had dropped later. Hope he get better.

I cried a few times due to his jaundice. I totally understand how you feel. Stay strong. your baby will get well soon.

Hi Excited_mum, may I know how much did u rent the phototherapy bed for? am thinking of renting it.. Today at D9, my baby's jaundice level rose to 236. From 181 on D7. She's being exclusively breastfed. Thinking of ways to reduce her jaundice level..
What do u mean by last the day? He sleeps well from evening onwards. Just that its a bit drastic cos first week he kept napping and second week he refuses to nap. After his morning bath, he just likes to stare at us, then after a while he wants to be fed. He is swaddled and put in his cot after his bath. In fact, he keeps demanding feeds now.

Wondering if its a growth spurt?

Anyway I went to see my gynae today and she said just keep feeding on demand. Said that its common. They can ask for feeds every 15 mins also -.-

Yup might be a growth spurt! There are a few growth spurts during the 1st yr. Bb needs more milk! Last through the day- Oh if he doesn't fuss or cry or become v cranky shd be ok...
Thanks baby_mummy

Nope he doesn't fuss. He just wants to feed and feed. Which is good I guess cos my boobs are kinda leaky and hard most of the time. But sian to deal with the pee and poop.

Jia you everybody!!!
Hi Excited_mum, may I know how much did u rent the phototherapy bed for? am thinking of renting it.. Today at D9, my baby's jaundice level rose to 236. From 181 on D7. She's being exclusively breastfed. Thinking of ways to reduce her jaundice level..
Mine was $359 for 3D2N. It was recommended by my PD.
My LO's jaundice ranges at 200ish now. Much better than previously. Hydrate baby to let baby pee and poo a lot. I gave in to formula milk in order to ensure tt baby hv enough.
Hi Excited_mum, may I know how much did u rent the phototherapy bed for? am thinking of renting it.. Today at D9, my baby's jaundice level rose to 236. From 181 on D7. She's being exclusively breastfed. Thinking of ways to reduce her jaundice level..
Hi, don't worry much. My bb also e same. Upon discharge is ard 170. Then rose to 230 n last for a week plus. Finally dropped down to 170 n 130 after third week.
I m fully bf her too.
According to my pd, he said is breast milk jaundice.
Just continue to sun tan ur bb...
Hi mummies. . I'm getting more n more stress cos I find my milk supply gng to be insufficient for my boy soon. Initially after every latch I can still pump the amt of his next meal abt 70ml. But now, I can't only pump half of his next meal as he has increased to 90 ml per feed.

I have been taking papaya fish soup, red dates drinks n latch/pump every 3-4 hr.

What else can I do to increase my milk supply? :(
hi mummies, sorry to disturb, have the following to let go at half price, brand new in bag

Kick-start your baby's physical and sensory development withthis Gymini Tiny Princess play mat by TINY LOVE. This mat has a number of features to keep your little one entertained, includingseveral toys and accessories for exploring and discovering the world. Meanwhile, the arches on the Gymini Tiny Princess mat can be uncrossed and removed,making it easy to clean.


Ultimate baby activated developmental environment a self contained world of stimulation for baby's initial physical and sensory development
  • Peek a boo features, baby activated kick pad and rattles. kick pad plays music and sounds when baby touches or kicks it.
  • Large mirror and music to entertain and engage
  • Large play surface for more discoveries. extra large padded cushion.
  • Removable arches and detachable toys

comes with original cover and pamphlet. condition is 10/10, open to take a look and put back inside again. was a baby shower gift but giver did not know mine is a son, so am selling it away now. retail price is $139, letting go at half price $70 for fast deal. collection at tiong bahru or toa payoh (sun). PM if interested
Hi Excited_mum, may I know how much did u rent the phototherapy bed for? am thinking of renting it.. Today at D9, my baby's jaundice level rose to 236. From 181 on D7. She's being exclusively breastfed. Thinking of ways to reduce her jaundice level..

Guess you have to give in to fm. If exclusive bf, jaundice will take very long to clear. Moreover, these days keep raining, no sun to sun baby.
My LO also have slight jaundice. I give abit of fm. And freeze the extra bm.
Hi mummies. . I'm getting more n more stress cos I find my milk supply gng to be insufficient for my boy soon. Initially after every latch I can still pump the amt of his next meal abt 70ml. But now, I can't only pump half of his next meal as he has increased to 90 ml per feed.

I have been taking papaya fish soup, red dates drinks n latch/pump every 3-4 hr.

What else can I do to increase my milk supply? :(

My milk supply also not much for my bb as he increase to 80ml.. You can try drinking the funegreek which can increase your supply. You can get from kiddy palace.

Hi Excited_mum, may I know how much did u rent the phototherapy bed for? am thinking of renting it.. Today at D9, my baby's jaundice level rose to 236. From 181 on D7. She's being exclusively breastfed. Thinking of ways to reduce her jaundice level..

My bb finally cleared from jaundice today.. It is really tough period these 2 weeks as his jaundice level been gg up and down. Doctor said it is mainly of bm that cause the jaundice therefore i gave my bb bm 3 feeding per day and rest will be on fm to reduce the jaundice.

Hi mummies. I finally delivered on 28 Aug. A day before my scheduled induction date. But was in labour for more than 16 hours cos it just couldn't dilate that quickly till I ask for epi.

So here she is...


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