(2014/08) August 2014

Congrats to all the new mamas to be!
i also facing terrible 2 with my daughter! dunno whether she is extra notti or my temper getting worse now that i am preggy. she keeps getting scolded. somemore next week she starts pre nursery... so that is a new chapter for us. dunno how she would cope.
Can someone share the exact feeling of MS? I know this sounds a bit silly, haha, but I seriously do not know if I a really experiencing it :)
I do get nauseous especially when I have this sourish feeling in my gastric. Takes place usually in the evening for me. So far no actual merlion yet.
different mamas get diff ms feelings. for me, i also never merlion but got something stuck at the back of my throat in the afternoon...but i found out that after eating, it goes away...
Thanks fifteenmay for ur response ;)Must be a really trying time for u w the terrible 2 kid. My nephew is also ard that age, and sometimes he will cry and cry for no particular reason, very sticky to my SIL and will cry non stop until he gets his mum. Pray that ur little one will become more angelic as she senses the little sister/brother joining the family :)
Anyone has any changes to the breast?? I don feel any difference. My 1st pregnancy breastfeeding has been lousy. Supply very low. Hope this second one will b better for those with prior pregnancy n successful bf journey, when does your breast chg (bigger??).. Any different for this new pregnancy. Any advise on diet etc?
Anyone has any changes to the breast?? I don feel any difference. My 1st pregnancy breastfeeding has been lousy. Supply very low. Hope this second one will b better for those with prior pregnancy n successful bf journey, when does your breast chg (bigger??).. Any different for this new pregnancy. Any advise on diet etc?
i breastfeed my no 1 for 27 months. the boobs din really change leh.. to up supply must latch/pump constantly.
hi there, i am a first time mum and i am currently in my 6th week, EDD mid august. I have been having gastric pains quite regularly. Does anyone know if this is considered bad? This is my first time at this. So would love some advice. Many thanks in advance.
hi there, i am a first time mum and i am currently in my 6th week, EDD mid august. I have been having gastric pains quite regularly. Does anyone know if this is considered bad? This is my first time at this. So would love some advice. Many thanks in advance.

Hi! Same here, I'm also in my 6th week, and for the past week I also have been having gastric pains quite frequently esp when I'm sleeping at night. Not too sure if its ok. At first I relate to the spicy food that I took during the day, since the pains didn't get too serious I didn't think much of it.

Previously someone also mentioned about being breathless easily. I was just making a 10 mins phonecall and I find myself having difficulty catching my breath and it felt so xinku
Hi all mommies to be,

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all. :)

My edd is early Aug, but yet to go for my first gynae check. May i join the fb group too?
my fb email [email protected]
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hi there, i am a first time mum and i am currently in my 6th week, EDD mid august. I have been having gastric pains quite regularly. Does anyone know if this is considered bad? This is my first time at this. So would love some advice. Many thanks in advance.
welcome! is it gastric pains or a slight tugging? if its tugging feeling, then it may be your muscle or uterus stretching out. if it is gastric pains, try to eat small frequent meals to avoid gastric.
Hello and congrats to new mummies to be!! Happy to see more joining the aug grp!

my ms is getting quite bad since last week. I am constantly feeling reallyyy hungry yet feel like puking at the same time. :/

Cant wait for my first gynae appt tml :)
Hi! Same here, I'm also in my 6th week, and for the past week I also have been having gastric pains quite frequently esp when I'm sleeping at night. Not too sure if its ok. At first I relate to the spicy food that I took during the day, since the pains didn't get too serious I didn't think much of it.

Previously someone also mentioned about being breathless easily. I was just making a 10 mins phonecall and I find myself having difficulty catching my breath and it felt so xinku

Hello! Me too - 6th week. I had gastric at night too, I was advised to have banana, its will help to reduce it and MS as well. ;)
I have difficulty breathing too... very xinku.... >_<

Btw my gynes is a male doc from TMC - Doc AL Lim. He's my mum's gynes so I guessed I just follow the footstep.
Its a secret group. Think u just have to post ur email address and wait yo be added. . I tried adding for some but can't. . Dunno how the adding goes abt.
I just called my CL who did for me the last round to book her first. Her rate is $2.4k. I used her again cos she is very gd with baby and cook very well. She got 19yrs experience. And she is very clean. On top of the confinement food she cooked. Every night she will double boiled tonic soup for me also.. I realized not many CL do that. And I going do 6wk confinement this round.

If anyone want CL, can let me know. I can ask her to check if her "CL sisters" are avail anot.

Hey Prisann, your CL sounds amazing!! can share your CL's info/contacts pls? TIA!! :)
Hello! My edd is also in aug! First time mummy here... I in my 7wk...me always feel hungry and eat every 2hrs...like pig sia... lol...so far I only feel tired but no vomit... but hear doc say it will get worst from 7 to 12 wks...I hope not...
Hello! My edd is also in aug! First time mummy here... I in my 7wk...me always feel hungry and eat every 2hrs...like pig sia... lol...so far I only feel tired but no vomit... but hear doc say it will get worst from 7 to 12 wks...I hope not...

Congrats iam2014mummy!

same here, I am constantly feeling hungry and and the nauseousness just kicks in whenever the stomach is empty. haha. anyway i guess it depends, I have friends whom dont suffer any ms throughout :)
Taste/smell fluoride= feel like puking
Mouth dry but thirty. Drink plain water= feel like puking. Drink sweet drinks got sourish after taste.
Congrats iam2014mummy!

same here, I am constantly feeling hungry and and the nauseousness just kicks in whenever the stomach is empty. haha. anyway i guess it depends, I have friends whom dont suffer any ms throughout :)
Thanks! Congrats to u too! Really hope I don have... cross fingers
Hello! My edd is also in aug! First time mummy here... I in my 7wk...me always feel hungry and eat every 2hrs...like pig sia... lol...so far I only feel tired but no vomit... but hear doc say it will get worst from 7 to 12 wks...I hope not...
well... different ppl have different experience. Maybe you may not experience any ms.
Hi all, congrats and welcome all new mummies!

My MS started from 6 wks (this week) and it's killing me! The moment I wake up I start feeling The queasiness and have to eat sth to feel better but today even after eating it didn't Help and when in Office I had major headache coupled with The nausea, it was terrible! Subsided in The afternoon when I could finally smile. finished work dabao dinner now still feeling OK. (Fingers crossed it don't come back for The night!)

1St pregnancy, am very excited and happy but The ms is killing every happy feeling I have omg. Can't wait for The ms symptoms to subside and get to 3mths! Going Taiwan from 1-6jan, hoping the ms won't be jialat If not can't enjoy myself! Stomach bloating also damn jialat my stomach look like 4/5 mths see liao very sad. :(

Anyway, jiayou everyone! :)
Just sharing....

My first pregnancy and going through all the MS. But very bad, I dont have good support from workplace.
My boss is a single lady (going to get married soon but work comes first type). She does not understand what is family first and what pregnant ladies are going through.... she thought that MS will only come after 3months so she's not that happy i took sick leave :'(
Just sharing....

My first pregnancy and going through all the MS. But very bad, I dont have good support from workplace.
My boss is a single lady (going to get married soon but work comes first type). She does not understand what is family first and what pregnant ladies are going through.... she thought that MS will only come after 3months so she's not that happy i took sick leave :'(

Cheer up, yingz. It may be demoralizing but must think of the positive side :)
Happy mummy = happy baby
Don't think about the unhappy things anymore. If you are really unwell, u hv to take sick leave so that u hv time to rest. I think this is more impt.
Cheer up, yingz. It may be demoralizing but must think of the positive side :)
Happy mummy = happy baby
Don't think about the unhappy things anymore. If you are really unwell, u hv to take sick leave so that u hv time to rest. I think this is more impt.
Agree! Don bother about ur boss... most important is ur health and baby...
Ya lor.. wait till its her turn and go through what u have gone through.. then u can sit aside and watch. . Don't care her. Bb is more important than work
hi all,

i'm a new mtb...juz tested positive recently..am in a super confused stage now as i don't know what i should be expecting!
i guess my first priority is to find a gynae now? i have super low trashold for pain...if i want still want a natural birth (definitely with epi), anyone can recommend me a good gynae?

or can you gals share which gynae you are with now and why you choose him/her?
Congrats new mummy! My gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang for my #1 and will going back to see him also for my this 2nd. I go to him when I pregnant with my #1 just because his clinic is in walking distance from my house. After that I just knew he was voted as top 1 Gynae in Singapore by Asianparent mag. His fee was cheaper but yet he is skillful. I had C-section and didn't feel any pain during and after delivery. His stitching skill is good. But be prepare to wait for 1 hour or above even you have made appointment because he have too many patients.
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Hello! Me too - 6th week. I had gastric at night too, I was advised to have banana, its will help to reduce it and MS as well. ;)
I have difficulty breathing too... very xinku.... >_<

Btw my gynes is a male doc from TMC - Doc AL Lim. He's my mum's gynes so I guessed I just follow the footstep.
I heard some say banana is not good for pregnant woman. But don't know it is true or not..
My mil say the del monte bananas are very cooling for baby. But I don't believe it lah...I still eats them. But cutting down as its starchy and I don't wana gain too much weight at this point. Bananas are rich in vit b. Helps in MS.

I heard some say banana is not good for pregnant woman. But don't know it is true or not..
My mil say the del monte bananas are very cooling for baby. But I don't believe it lah...I still eats them. But cutting down as its starchy and I don't wana gain too much weight at this point. Bananas are rich in vit b. Helps in MS.
Yes these bananas are too cooling. If u r body cannot take it then not so good for bb.
Can take those bananas that is sold in markets.

I think for work wise, boss play an impt role. If the boss is non understanding & do not stand by his staff, stop wasting time working for such bosses cos you will never get promoted or get good salary at the end of the day. Leave when opportunity comes.

For mommies who are working for shitty bosses, my strongest advice is to hang on & deliver your child, and get all the benefits you deserve. Then get a new job & leave the shitty boss/place. If your looking co is good but boss is shitty, trsf out!
Hello! My edd is also in aug! First time mummy here... I in my 7wk...me always feel hungry and eat every 2hrs...like pig sia... lol...so far I only feel tired but no vomit... but hear doc say it will get worst from 7 to 12 wks...I hope not...
Hello congrats!
I'm a new mummy too... 6 weeks plus and cannot get hungry~~~ when I get hungry I want to vomit... Haiz...
I get hungry easily too. I snack on fruits or nuts during non-meal times. Try to avoid junk food.

Hello! My edd is also in aug! First time mummy here... I in my 7wk...me always feel hungry and eat every 2hrs...like pig sia... lol...so far I only feel tired but no vomit... but hear doc say it will get worst from 7 to 12 wks...I hope not...
Just sharing....

My first pregnancy and going through all the MS. But very bad, I dont have good support from workplace.
My boss is a single lady (going to get married soon but work comes first type). She does not understand what is family first and what pregnant ladies are going through.... she thought that MS will only come after 3months so she's not that happy i took sick leave :'(

Cheer up!! Don't let her pettiness affect your mood. We mummies be happy!!
Anybody have all the hospital packages?
I just went to my hubby uncle (doctor) just now.
Gotta choose the hospital soon so that he can help me make some referrals....
So I think gotta start comparing packages le..
Anybody have all the hospital packages?
I just went to my hubby uncle (doctor) just now.
Gotta choose the hospital soon so that he can help me make some referrals....
So I think gotta start comparing packages le..

I think you can check out the hospital websites. The package details should be available there. You can sign up for the maternity ward tour too. Most likely should be choosing Mt A.
Hello!! I'm new to this forum.. Expecting my 2nd bb in August.. :) Just to share that i delivered at KK prev, total hospital bill was $1.3k.. I think its quite cheap considering I took epidural & stayed at A1 ward, the service was excellent so I should be going there again this time.. :)

Hello!! I'm new to this forum.. Expecting my 2nd bb in August.. :) Just to share that i delivered at KK prev, total hospital bill was $1.3k.. I think its quite cheap considering I took epidural & stayed at A1 ward, the service was excellent so I should be going there again this time.. :)

wow, that's cheap! mine came close to $10k for emergency c-sect, 3N single ward @ mt A. but most prob going back mt A since my gynae only delivers at TMC & mt A.
