(2014/08) August 2014

Hi all... I'm new here... A new mum to be...My EDD on 26th August 2014 ...
Anyone feels hungry all the time? I'm 5 weeks pregnant now... I am like eating almost all the time...

Can add me in the FB group also?
[email protected]

Guardian folic acid 50 for $2.75. Cheap. Folic no need see which good. All same. Think only need abt 2/3 mg a day so a 5 mg is more then sufficient excess will be urine out. Eat once in morning with or without food.
Hi all... I'm new here... A new mum to be...My EDD on 26th August 2014 ...
Anyone feels hungry all the time? I'm 5 weeks pregnant now... I am like eating almost all the time...

Can add me in the FB group also?
[email protected]
Congrats Dahlin:) Me too! hungry all time:p. This is my #2, think 5 weeks also. Think it is good that we have good appetite than no appetite!
Last time during my #1 I have no appetite from this period till 4th month, everyday eating is a suffering time for me.
Have you go to see doctor? I'm only going by next week.
Wow wow wowo so many messages!
First of all, i would like to wish everyone a Merry X'mas! Best X'mas present having to know you are pregnant!
Congrats all mums to be!

Can i check if anyone has taken these folic acid, and how much do u take daily? Thanks in advance.
1) Unity Folic Acid 5mg- e cheapest of all, dono gd or not
2) Nature's Farm 800mcg
3) Blackmore 800mcg
4) GNC 800mcg

Any recommendation which is good? Welcome to recommend those not stated here too.
I bought the Guardian folic acid 5mg which recommended by the pharmacist at Guardian. He said all are same.
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Hi ladies, any of you feel really bloated? I feel as though im already 5-6 months pregnant!! Any tips to reduce this or foods to avoid??
your_attorney - yeah i did tell my boss n supervisor so that they r aware and will not schedule me for overseas trips haha..

to the rest of us fellow mum-to-be. congrats!
been snoozing v early and frequently which explains my absence.
so tired lately esp after all the xmas parties

speaking of pangtan - the other one i heard was, if wanna cut things (not on bed) must ask baby to avoid (verbally). i knw it sounds funny. but was advised by my mil

also dun be like me. just now i experienced sharp pains at the abdomen after prolonged hours of walking (shopping).
but the pain went away after i keep sitting down and instructing my hubby to take things for me :D:D

jia you evy1!
to ppl who r having the morning sickness, can try the natural ginger tea (non-caffeinated)
prired - avoid gassy foods such as cabbage, beans, fried foods, onions. then also have small but frequent meals a day. (include frequent snacks where needed). some light prenatal yoga helps too :)
Congrats Dahlin:) Me too! hungry all time:p. This is my #2, think 5 weeks also. Think it is good that we have good appetite than no appetite!
Last time during my #1 I have no appetite from this period till 4th month, everyday eating is a suffering time for me.
Have you go to see doctor? I'm only going by next week.

Hi xuefen!! Thanks! I have seen doctor already... During 4 weeks... Hee... Too anxious Liao...
I just worry eat too much will
Cos too much weight gain...
Good for mommies who can eat. I am always thinking what I should have for breakfast lunch n dinner cos totally no appetite. Drinking plain water can oso be a chore. I hate these feeling.
Same here... every morning is a question on what to eat...
Only sweet stuffs can encourage me to eat.. *_*

Dahlin, good to have appetite.. Just control more on the sugar intake.
I'm suddenly hit by ms these few days. even at night sleeping also suddenly woken up by ms. feeling terrible. :( also very tired & sleepy, esp after meals.

I had very good appetite for my #1, keep craving sweet stuff (like hot chocolate, cakes, etc) & cheesy stuff (like pizza, baked rice, etc) & feel dizzy if don't eat. put on 20kg!! had a hard time losing off the weight.. didn't manage to reach pre-preggy weight & size. :( this time muz control, hopefully don't put on so much weight again.

I'm taking GNC folic acid now. no reason, just convenient to buy. but my gynae will usually prescribe her own folic acid during first visit. so maybe u wanna ask ur gynae instead.
Hi xuefen!! Thanks! I have seen doctor already... During 4 weeks... Hee... Too anxious Liao...
I just worry eat too much will
Cos too much weight gain...

Same here! I am trying to maintain my weight. Its way to early to gain weight. Any weight gain is on me not baby :(
My appetite is good too.
Hi ladies, any of you feel really bloated? I feel as though im already 5-6 months pregnant!! Any tips to reduce this or foods to avoid??

I have the same problem :p the stomach swells after meal. Its at its flattest when I just woke up. I hate the feeling :(
Hi xuefen!! Thanks! I have seen doctor already... During 4 weeks... Hee... Too anxious Liao...
I just worry eat too much will
Cos too much weight gain...

During my #1 I also eat a lots after 4th month especially last two months and gained a total 11kg before delivery. My baby was weighted at 3.5kg @38th weeks. I ended up have to go for C-Section because doctor said if I wait till 40th weeks for normal delivery my baby may be 4kg by then. It is a bit too big for normal delivery. Some people weight gain on baby some people weight gain on mummy. For me most go to baby. Think last two months is the crucial period to control weight if your baby already have enough weight.
During my #1 I also eat a lots after 4th month especially last two months and gained a total 11kg before delivery. My baby was weighted at 3.5kg @38th weeks. I ended up have to go for C-Section because doctor said if I wait till 40th weeks for normal delivery my baby may be 4kg by then. It is a bit too big for normal delivery. Some people weight gain on baby some people weight gain on mummy. For me most go to baby. Think last two months is the crucial period to control weight if your baby already have enough weight.
So do u manage to shed all the kilos after birth
During my #1 I also eat a lots after 4th month especially last two months and gained a total 11kg before delivery. My baby was weighted at 3.5kg @38th weeks. I ended up have to go for C-Section because doctor said if I wait till 40th weeks for normal delivery my baby may be 4kg by then. It is a bit too big for normal delivery. Some people weight gain on baby some people weight gain on mummy. For me most go to baby. Think last two months is the crucial period to control weight if your baby already have enough weight.

I gain about 12kg throughout my #1 preg, 4kg in first trim, 0 in second trim and 8 in final trim... ended up by 37weeks, he is growing far too well that my bp shoot up constantly and got to bring him out earlier. He is 4.3kg @37weeks.
Can't imagine if I really wait till 40weeks... he might be.. 5kg?
I gain about 12kg throughout my #1 preg, 4kg in first trim, 0 in second trim and 8 in final trim... ended up by 37weeks, he is growing far too well that my bp shoot up constantly and got to bring him out earlier. He is 4.3kg @37weeks.
Can't imagine if I really wait till 40weeks... he might be.. 5kg?
Wow~ It is a big baby :)
Anyone on off still got spotting ....I have it but as long I don't see blood ...I won't panick ...haiz

Hi piggy2008,

Me too. My spotting started when I was 5 weeks plus and lasted till now at 6 weeks plus. Quite worrying so I try not to walk too much and have more rest.

Can add me in the FB group as well? My email address is [email protected]. Thanks :)
Merry xmas everyone!!!
Who is adding us to the fb grp ar? i havent been added yet i think. email: [email protected]

i eat non stop for this pregnancy! die la... totally different from my #1. #1 i keep eating sweet food, this one keep eating spicy food and eat more times!
Super tired... I don't know I am hungry or nausea now... Whole night cannot sleep well... It's like something stuck at the throat there... Sian...
Hi Dahlin, if u feels something stuck in ur throat, u may wanna go puke.. u will feel so much better after that.. and will be able to sleep well.
I have been having dizzy spells & whole day sickness. . Think one day puke once is pretty common for me now.. otherwise nausea whenever I eat.
Hi Dahlin, if u feels something stuck in ur throat, u may wanna go puke.. u will feel so much better after that.. and will be able to sleep well.
I have been having dizzy spells & whole day sickness. . Think one day puke once is pretty common for me now.. otherwise nausea whenever I eat.
Hi Shirley ...
Thanks! There's nothing to puke leh... Just feel stuffy... Also dunno how...
Lolz.. u will be surprised. . Even if u din puke anything but u release the gas inside the stomach.. u will feel better.
Dahlin, Try drinking ginger ale. It may help.
I m totally feeling horrid today. Had sushi yesterday xmas party, only pickles type n came bk feeling like I m going to die. After going toilet earlier, felt better but leg v weak. And no appetite this morning, ate soon kueh but mouth taste blend. Ate crackers and tasted sourish.
Fifteenmay, when I had no. 1, it was worse. I couldnt go to work for 1 yr. I had to go hospital v often during my first tri then. I felt damn depressed & felt like someone dying. Although no. 2 is slightly better but I wish I can be like those who can eat drink n be merry.
Sharing with you guys my uncle mentioned. He asked me to.walk in the park. It will make ms better. Problem is how to walk from mon to fri...in office working....
Hello all, I am new there. Now I'm in my 6weeks, started to feel like vomitting, short of breathing... & my bra is making me uncomfortable but isn't it too early to get maternity bra....
Dahlin, Try drinking ginger ale. It may help.
I m totally feeling horrid today. Had sushi yesterday xmas party, only pickles type n came bk feeling like I m going to die. After going toilet earlier, felt better but leg v weak. And no appetite this morning, ate soon kueh but mouth taste blend. Ate crackers and tasted sourish.
Hi your_attorney which kind of ginger ale? I wanna take everything that can ease the stuffiness in me
Fifteenmay, when I had no. 1, it was worse. I couldnt go to work for 1 yr. I had to go hospital v often during my first tri then. I felt damn depressed & felt like someone dying. Although no. 2 is slightly better but I wish I can be like those who can eat drink n be merry.
oh boy! that is terrible! sorry that you are having so bad morning sickness!
Hello all, I am new there. Now I'm in my 6weeks, started to feel like vomitting, short of breathing... & my bra is making me uncomfortable but isn't it too early to get maternity bra....

Hi Yingz, congrats! Regarding to the maternity bra.. its totally up to u.. as long u r comfortable. . Nobody will knows ur body more than urself ya.
