(2014/08) August 2014

i'm using genie bra now.. it's those stretchy material kind so can stretch as you grow.. comfy for sleeping too.. just that abit aunty la, not sexy kind..

sad to hear this. but do take care of urself. build up ur body & try again. maybe u wanna try tcm to 'tiao' ur body. jiayou & take care![/quot
Hi piggy2008,

Me too. My spotting started when I was 5 weeks plus and lasted till now at 6 weeks plus. Quite worrying so I try not to walk too much and have more rest.

Can add me in the FB group as well? My email address is [email protected]. Thanks :)
same, my spotting started last sat evening, abt 5w+. It started with fresh red stains on my undies and on wipes, then subsequently turned to browns on wipes. But on Sunday late night, another red wipe again! Thankfully jus that one time and continued with browns thereafter. Now still on off spotting with heavier spotting this morning. Harrowing experience going to the loo each time.

I'm given hospitalization leave for a week till I see gynae next Monday. Was told to limit movement to getting up for food and loo only. Cut out unnec movements like shopping, marketing etc.
Waiwish not sure if your gynae told u that u can up the dose for utrogesten or duphaston.. my gynae told me at it esp if I see fresh red spotting.
I just called the clinic to ask if I need to increase my utrogestan dosage, the clinic assistant says no. Jus stay with the current dose.

I had a pregnyl jab last visit on mon. If spotting persists, I will ask for another jab next visit on coming Monday. Provided all goes well, praying for God's mercy.
same, my spotting started last sat evening, abt 5w+. It started with fresh red stains on my undies and on wipes, then subsequently turned to browns on wipes. But on Sunday late night, another red wipe again! Thankfully jus that one time and continued with browns thereafter. Now still on off spotting with heavier spotting this morning. Harrowing experience going to the loo each time.

I'm given hospitalization leave for a week till I see gynae next Monday. Was told to limit movement to getting up for food and loo only. Cut out unnec movements like shopping, marketing etc.

Just wanna encourage u. Jia you.

I also got a MC before I got my #01..My boy is coming 20mths now. This is my coming #02..yet still have phobia from the 1st MC.
So now, I also try to rest as much as possible. No shopping, no crowd, less walk for me. Don't wanna try so much risk...
And some more with all the morning sickness and nausea. Best to rest on bed all day.. Haaha
Hi ladies, i've been tested positive 1 week ago, will only be gg for gynae appt in 2 weeks time as my office manpower is down and unable to take leave.
I'm having very bad ms, vomitted 3 times this morning and feel miserable the whole afternn. This is my #2, my #1 ms is as bad.
Really hope to pass this phase soon! Btw, can add me in the fb group too? [email protected]
Hi ladies, i've been tested positive 1 week ago, will only be gg for gynae appt in 2 weeks time as my office manpower is down and unable to take leave.
I'm having very bad ms, vomitted 3 times this morning and feel miserable the whole afternn. This is my #2, my #1 ms is as bad.
Really hope to pass this phase soon! Btw, can add me in the fb group too? [email protected]

Hi .... congrats ...shhh we r in the same group again ....lol
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Jiayou! Everything will turn out alright for all of us here.

I was nervous as my gynae was horrible, 1st visit to him, kept telling me all negative stuff..
Good morning mummies... How many of you gain weight already?
I'm at 7 weeks pregnant and I have put on 2kgs...

I shld be at 7 weeks also and gained 2 kg as well! Because I am of petite size, the clinic doc advised me to eat more and gained more weight! Appetite is really good also. Yet to go for my first visit. First visit only on next Sat..by then will be 8 weeks ><
I haven't gain any weigh n tummy just look like I had a full dinner. Is it normal? I'm eating less than usual for each of my meals cuz I have no appetite.
I haven't gain any weigh n tummy just look like I had a full dinner. Is it normal? I'm eating less than usual for each of my meals cuz I have no appetite.

I feel like that.. yday this lady at work asked me if I were Pregnant coz my tummy is showing- because of the bloating!! I don't want to have to tell people just yet!!!!
I feel like that.. yday this lady at work asked me if I were Pregnant coz my tummy is showing- because of the bloating!! I don't want to have to tell people just yet!!!!

I feel you babe ~ my stomach bloating is crazy and I look like 4-5 mths even though I'm only 7 weeks! Even if I wear loose clothes the protruding tummy still can see. =.=
I haven't gain any weigh n tummy just look like I had a full dinner. Is it normal? I'm eating less than usual for each of my meals cuz I have no appetite.
Is this your #1? When I pregnant with my #1 the tummy only start pluming at 4th months.
Try to wear loose dress/tops so ppl will not see tummy easily.... But some ppl can spot preg ladies easily
Is this your #1? When I pregnant with my #1 the tummy only start pluming at 4th months.

Yes! My number 1.. Haven gotten any scans yet.. Two n half more weeks before my first appt. I'm so kan chieong. Anyone seeing any gynae at kkh? Gt any recommendation ?
I feel like that.. yday this lady at work asked me if I were Pregnant coz my tummy is showing- because of the bloating!! I don't want to have to tell people just yet!!!!

I also don't want to tell. but think abit difficult. the protruding tummy quite obvious. bigger than bust liao. :(

anyone announce to ur boss/colleagues already? always find it hard to open mouth.. sigh.. esp I'm gonna cause quite a stir this time coz of bad timing..
I also don't want to tell. but think abit difficult. the protruding tummy quite obvious. bigger than bust liao. :(

anyone announce to ur boss/colleagues already? always find it hard to open mouth.. sigh.. esp I'm gonna cause quite a stir this time coz of bad timing..
I haven't tell also... Wait for 12 weeks ba...
What negative stuff did ur gynae tell u?
As I'd booked a trip before knowing, I went to him before I fly. The clinic management of appointments was horrible. I had waited for 3 hours!

After the long wait, the gynae says I belong to 35 plus, miscarriage is high and since u are travelling, i will say good luck to you.

There's no info shared on all the rest of the appointments, what's coming up, what to look out for, what to avoid eating, etc etc.. I'm a first time mother I dunno what's coming up as well.. I had to ask my friends and read from all websites..
Hi. I had to cancel my holiday last month after knowing I got pregnant as well. Gynae advice against air travel.
luckily I managed to get my fees covered from my insurance.
As I'd booked a trip before knowing, I went to him before I fly. The clinic management of appointments was horrible. I had waited for 3 hours!

After the long wait, the gynae says I belong to 35 plus, miscarriage is high and since u are travelling, i will say good luck to you.

There's no info shared on all the rest of the appointments, what's coming up, what to look out for, what to avoid eating, etc etc.. I'm a first time mother I dunno what's coming up as well.. I had to ask my friends and read from all websites..

I think this Gynae mouth quite bad.
But anyway, my advise is not to travel. Can cancel? Is a holiday? Is better to be safe than sorry. Nothing is more impt than ur little one.
For food, my Gynae just advise not to take raw food like sashimi and like uncooked egg, etc.

If I am you, maybe I change Gynae to someone nicer who makes be feel better.
Yup.. I think you sld cancel Ya trip too.. some gynea say is ok for u to fly but I think better not.
My boss insist me to cancel my flight in Dec oso. :)
As I'd booked a trip before knowing, I went to him before I fly. The clinic management of appointments was horrible. I had waited for 3 hours!

After the long wait, the gynae says I belong to 35 plus, miscarriage is high and since u are travelling, i will say good luck to you.

There's no info shared on all the rest of the appointments, what's coming up, what to look out for, what to avoid eating, etc etc.. I'm a first time mother I dunno what's coming up as well.. I had to ask my friends and read from all websites..
This gynae is So discouraging.
Actually I took a plane and only know I got pregnant half way thru the trip.
Fatmeow pls change your gynae. Some gynae think they are v popular and say all.sorts of tactless stuff. I don't like to go to highly recommended or too popular gynae because some can.be v arrogant as they have many patients.
Choose a gynae you are comfy with. I like gynae who plan their appointments well. My appointment is always quite ok. Longest wait is about 45 mins.
Just went for my check up today. In 2 weeks I will be going for scan and blood test and before cny, will do harmony test (for 35 yes no abv-optional).
Baby was resting on her side quietly just be when scan was done. Hands and limbs v small still. Egg sac can be seen (haven't disappear yet). Baby growing well though I lost 1kg from the last chk up.
Gynae also suspects it's a bb gal as I am feeling really terrible with nausea.
As I'd booked a trip before knowing, I went to him before I fly. The clinic management of appointments was horrible. I had waited for 3 hours!

After the long wait, the gynae says I belong to 35 plus, miscarriage is high and since u are travelling, i will say good luck to you.

There's no info shared on all the rest of the appointments, what's coming up, what to look out for, what to avoid eating, etc etc.. I'm a first time mother I dunno what's coming up as well.. I had to ask my friends and read from all websites..

the gynae quite sarcastic ah, probably look for another one that's more patient & friendly ba.. u can download the My Pregnancy app from babycentre, lots of useful info..

I actually flew when I was 5weeks during my #1.. the holiday was planned much in advance & I only found out that I was pregnant just before the trip, so we went ahead with it. but it was a F&E trip, so we kept it slow & easy. only went see a gynae after the trip. but I guess don't risk it if u r not comfortable with it. better to be safe than sorry. take care!
Yup. I'm changing gynae. Looking out now.

I went for the trip and back. Things are fine. So I really think some gynae trying to use the reverse psychology tactic to make them feel they are impt. But he really discouraging, its makes me feel that its my fault to have a baby after 35.

Anyways I'm happy with my little bump! Hee.
I'm 7 weeks too. Also gained around 2kg. Hopefully wont gain too much weight cos its too early to be gaining weight. The bb is still so tiny.

I shld be at 7 weeks also and gained 2 kg as well! Because I am of petite size, the clinic doc advised me to eat more and gained more weight! Appetite is really good also. Yet to go for my first visit. First visit only on next Sat..by then will be 8 weeks ><
Just went for my check up today. In 2 weeks I will be going for scan and blood test and before cny, will do harmony test (for 35 yes no abv-optional).
Baby was resting on her side quietly just be when scan was done. Hands and limbs v small still. Egg sac can be seen (haven't disappear yet). Baby growing well though I lost 1kg from the last chk up.
Gynae also suspects it's a bb gal as I am feeling really terrible with nausea.

I lost almost 1 kg btwn each visits to the gynae so far. My next visit will be when in my 2nd trimester. Hopefully can see baby's hands and legs by then. From the first nervous visit due to light bleeding to second one whr I hear bb's heartbeat to the 3rd when gynae say everything is fine can don't see her so frequently le. It's getting very heart warming each time.. even though my ms is v terrible. Now looking forward to the next visit after cny. :)
Hihi, I tested positive on 10 December! Edd mid august. Saw bb's heartbeat at 6w2d! All I look forward to nowadays is for my gynae visits!!
Hope everyone have a good and sticky pregnancy!
Hihi, I tested positive on 10 December! Edd mid august. Saw bb's heartbeat at 6w2d! All I look forward to nowadays is for my gynae visits!!
Hope everyone have a good and sticky pregnancy!
Congratulatuon!!! Lucky you! I tested on 16th and I only got a apptm on 8th Jan. The last 3 weeks have been sooooo long. I really hope everything goes well and I can see the heartbeat. So anxious and excited!!
Congrats tiffy0410! Is this your first baby?

Hi prired, I'm totally with you on how time seems to standstill suddenly. I look forward to gynae visits too.
Two more days, and you will be greeted by your little sweet surprise.

Do you already have morning sickness?
Congratulatuon!!! Lucky you! I tested on 16th and I only got a apptm on 8th Jan. The last 3 weeks have been sooooo long. I really hope everything goes well and I can see the heartbeat. So anxious and excited!!
My first appointment also on 8 Jan! :) ya...it's seems long to wait! Hope to see the little heartbeat too!
Congrats tiffy0410! Is this your first baby?

Hi prired, I'm totally with you on how time seems to standstill suddenly. I look forward to gynae visits too.
Two more days, and you will be greeted by your little sweet surprise.

Do you already have morning sickness?
I wont say I have bad MS but its still there in the background ;p I have no appetite! Feel some nausea in ths morning but ok otherwise. I can't get myself to have breakfast which is really bad but the thought of food makes me want to throw up. Especially the sight of cereal!!!

I only got to know the gender of my #1 in my 16th week.
CNY coming soon but totally no mood cos no appetite to eat all the goodies.
