(2014/05) May 2014

ladies...listen to doc la....dun anyhow take extra pills la....be safe be safe :p

i no appetite still...sweetie so good..everyday eat eat eat
Haha! yah b4 P i also wil eat quiet a lot, when I know P n MS haven reali kick in I eating more! but today lunch so so... Had phad thai fried tanghoon eat till now feel heart burn like wan vomit! jialat!

Btw, any mummy name Mandy Khoo added me in FB?

Haha! yah b4 P i also wil eat quiet a lot, when I know P n MS haven reali kick in I eating more! but today lunch so so... Had phad thai fried tanghoon eat till now feel heart burn like wan vomit! jialat!
i ate two pieces of bread just now and got wanna vomit feel too! looks like we both same timing in everything...yday we were bragging about being ok...today start :(
no choice...hungry also must eat no matter wat.....
Contentee, I added you in FB.Sent u request. u try add me as friend 1st? then c i can add u in the secret group onot.

project_mum, I cant find your name in FB ler.........Hmmm
i dun experience cramps these few days, maybe still in early stage ba.
Btw mummies, do u know currently market rate for confinement lady?
seems like about $2500-$2600..last time my confinement only charged $1800. A big difference, but there was 3 yrs ago.
Me too.. not much appetite.. :(
Btw we can take chicken essence?
Have been having cramps these few days. Do you mummies experience it?

Mel87: I also having cramps lately, just went to see Tcm, he say no cold stuff for me but everyday I only want to drink those cold cold green tea leh! I have to ren, now eat Chinese med also.. Hope can strengthen the womb n body..
Adde, sometimes the cramps are quite bad. Which TCM are you seeing now? I love cold green tea too.. cant stop drinking cold stuffs..
Mayb I will try seeing tcm too.. the cramps are quite bad. Worried. :(
Mel87: I also having cramps lately, just went to see Tcm, he say no cold stuff for me but everyday I only want to drink those cold cold green tea leh! I have to ren, now eat Chinese med also.. Hope can strengthen the womb n body..
Adde, what chinese med u taking now? I think same as me cost I rber u told me 3 mths $800 or more right....wah power u can ren! me jus now saliva dripping for the cold lime juice! end up order withour ice but stil cooling n share 1/2 wif coleauge.... so yummy!
I also stopped cold stuff..no cold dessert, cold drink... Also stopped eating those cooling stuff..well. i dont mind as long as beanie is healthy.
I just started back the tcm med today..testing to see if it is alright..im being cautious.

Thanks sweetie, for adding the mtbs.
I also stopped cold stuff..no cold dessert, cold drink... Also stopped eating those cooling stuff..well. i dont mind as long as beanie is healthy.
I just started back the tcm med today..testing to see if it is alright..im being cautious.

Thanks sweetie, for adding the mtbs.
sometimes is the craving that cant stop..... haha! i reali need to learn discipline!

your most welcome! guess i am the most free to find thing talk n do in FB..........
Mel:Shop's name: 本草康目 at Kovan. Blk 210 Hougang St 21, #01-237. Tel: 62882546.

Can just walk in any stay in the Q to c the tcm. Per bottle of tcm medicine is $14. Tcm doc quite gd in adjusting my body constitution
I went to the one just below my house.. the first time I went to this old doc at chai chee, under a hdb, he is really good but very lor soh and very expensive.. $800 for a bottle for powder which has pao shen etc.. I try this tcm at my house see good or not, if ok then I continue..he says cannot eat liang things, no cold drinks and ask me to eat high calorie food to bu3 the body so that the womb can strengthen and hold bb.. no choice but to ren the cold stuff, I see my fav orange in the fridge also don't dare eat now.. what does ur tcm docs give for those who went to see? mine is 3 packets of pills, I can taste the herbs use when swallowing..eat 3 times a day..

sweetie: I think u are fortunate leh, eat and eat..haa...I can only eat small servings of food but I eat whatever I feel like eating now and whenever I am hungry..

carol: I don't dare think about the confinement part now..ha, but I paid my cl $2200 2 years ago..
Adde, my TCM has 3 type, I totally can smell the dong chong n ginseng smell damn strong n one more is more body hot duno whats that...2x per day each 2 pill except the body hot is 4 pill...All to strengthen my body n womb to hold bb........
For baby no choice hor endure endure endure...........

wahahahah, hopefully this cont lor i can eat til give birth! Confinement lady, think of the $, i give up, just cincai...mayb will ask nanny if she want help, if yes then wil pay her some $ instead.........
Adde: Ya, the same. Also gave me med to strengthen the womb. Cannot eat cooling and cold stuff. Cannot eat spicy and sour stuff. Best to be on bland diet, such as soupy stuff, and have alot of bed rest.

So i have been sleeping alot!! Though might not sleep well.
Oh ya, the tcm doc as me to stew 1 piece of pork with korean ginseng..Im trying to eat it once a week.
Hi Mummies, my LMP ard 23 Jul and my next gynae appt is 11 Sept. I seen the gynae on 26th Aug and cant see anything on abdominal scan. i asked for hormone pills coz when i have #1, i also spotted. However I have been spotting for the past 1 week. I know it is good to see a doc but i afraid go le also cant see anything so going to ren till 11 sept. how ah? my spotting is mainly brown discharge on panty but sometimes i wipe, its a bit of pinky (Sorry TMI). any advice?
Verluv: welcome! We r in the same boat.. Spotting n also I see mainly brown discharge n also when wipe. I worried so went see gynae, nothing seen thru abdominal scan also, so she gave pills n one week mc. I m seeing her again this fri.. I also don't do anything too strenuous like mop floor n try not to make too big movements lo..

In the meantime, I just avoid all cold stuff, as best don't carry my son, n went to see Tcm for med to strengthen the womb.. I noticed lesser brown mucus-like discharge these two days. I pray bb will persevere n stay strong!
Sum: spicy n sour also can't eat?? But see the bland food I no appetite Liao...

I hv also been sleeping a lot, dunno y this time very tired.. Nap two hours everyday..
did u all change skincare of shampoo? im still using dermalogica and pantene shampoo. my friend changed Everything to organicsince found out preggy....
Hi mummies,

I just went for a check yest at 5weeks and doc says can only see the tiny waterbag but not egg
yolk so she wants to check the hcg cos she's concerned that it's ectopic..
Just wondering is it normal to not see the egg yolk at 5weeks

Then my doc also says better not take Chinese med but I feel so tempted cos I took it before I manage to conceive.

Adde: i realised if i manage to rest alot and dun walk abt, the spotting will be better. But the prob is that i cant take MC now coz the MC will be from gynae. really sian lor.. esp to stand 1 hr to and fro in the train when traveling to work is not a joke!
Gitata: I think it might be too early to see anything. dont worry so much and wait for a week or so before you will be able to hear your bb's heartbeat.
hi gitata , could it jus too early? usually frm 6wks onwards then go gynae is better.
if etopic , likely u shld hav sm bad cramps or even spotting ba..
mayb u can google abt the waterbag and yolk

im 5wks nw. goin to my gynae on my 7th wk, nurse told me 6th wks can go but i nt free.

u shld b fine ba. dun wry.
Sum05 and verluv: thanks! Tmr going for next hcg test. Will rest and pray hard..
Hopefully, can see the yolk soon.. :)

Rainbowzstarz: I see.. Cos I am negative blood type so doc told me the moment I have
bleeding need to go for the rhogham jab.
Thanks.. Will go and google more..:)
gitata: I went to the gynae who said I was then 5wk2days, cannot see anything also except for a thickened lining which possibly means pregnancy so she only said, "let's assume this is a successful pregnancy, if spotting continues and bleed eventually means you have a chemical preg, if everything is ok, I will see you next week, hopefully we can see something by then"...

so I worry and gan chiong at the same time till I see her this Friday... I just assume my baby is hiding...haa...don't worry and just go back to ur gynae as instructed..meanwhile take care of yourself!
Adde: i realised if i manage to rest alot and dun walk abt, the spotting will be better. But the prob is that i cant take MC now coz the MC will be from gynae. really sian lor.. esp to stand 1 hr to and fro in the train when traveling to work is not a joke!

yes yes verluv, the moment I carry my son to fetch him home from school, the spotting usually will come.. normally in the evening.. why cannot use the MC from gynae? as in the company will know you are preggie ah?
dear adde, y gynae is always not very encouraging.. Mine is also the case. Maybe im hoping very much to hear some encouraging words from experts. Counting down to friday...getting more nervous.

R u feeling nausea too? The MS thingy..
Sum05: Lucky you... at least this fri you will know. I have to wait till next Wed!

i haven started MS yet but if i eat too full i will have a bit of indigestion. sometimes i hope my MS will come now so that i know my bb is growing well. On the other hand, hope it wont come so fast coz MS very xin ku... life is full of dilemma.
hi mummies,
want to know, how you gals calculate the week of pregnancy? is it starting from the week that you conceive?
for my gynae, when u are 5 weeks pregnancy, he is able to tell if there's etopic, he used something to poke to yr vaginal part, then you can see clearly from the scanner.
hi sum05,
Thanks for your info. Seems like it starts to count as day 1 on the 1st day of last menstrual. I thought should be calculated on the 1st week you conceive. Thanks anyway :)
btw, i have no morning sickness yet and according to the calculator, i should be in 4th week pregnancy now..
is it normal? i read in other forums it will tend to cause miscarriage if no morning sickness, is it true?
Also, i don't feel fatigue..don't have any pregnant sign yet :(
this is diff with my 1st pregnancy.. a bit worry now..
