(2014/05) May 2014

4 pages.lost :).
i tryin to kp coffee to 1cup.read sm mummie also crave for spicy food..curry.. me too!n sour thgs too.
jus finish supper.no appetitie for dinner been havig supper these period.mrn i feel naseous too.

all of u have visited ur gynae alrdy?my appt os on the 16th
have u all heard of anyone perming or coloring hair n the baby turns out fine? I did both when I didn't know im pregnant, going to worry till I see this little one healthy n safe! 9mths of torture worrying!
I only know xiaxue coloring her hair when she was pregnant n her bb still turn out fine. I'm also thinking of coloring my hair after 1st trimester... Think will check with my gynae.
Hi all,

Can i join?
I just tested positive this morning.. :)
This will be my 3rd bb..
Can add me to the FB group as well?
congrats Mel! of cos you are welcome to join! Can I have ur email to add u to FB? Wow, u are having a 3rd! I salute!

lilacz: hehe, I coloured and rebonded my hair, all done in tri 2..actually I am worried also but my hair looks terrible..so I went to dye black using herbal dye at salon, and went on to rebond also..

I stop my kopi o altogether once I tested +ve lo, now drink milo and soy milk.. anyone start drinking or considering drinking milk for pregnant mummies?
got morning everyone! rise n shine! tue ler.... hope time flies! haha! my breakfast for today KFC wrap! hehe........

i wanted to ask what is CM too haha! so blur of me....

Adde, i think so long doc feel no spotting but got history will also b given hormone pill, like my case no spotting but history. I stopped all cold drink n tea (my favourite ice lemon tea!)..... controlling very hard!

Hi Mei, welcome n congratz!salute u 3#.....how u have so much energy ar.........

Lilacz, I reali wanna rebond my hair coz its reali so ugly n messy look like an aunty! :(
Hi adde: i stopped drinking my daily dose of coffee too. realised i cant drink milo too..coz too heaty..so now im drinking nespray milk powder..tried dumex for mummies & fresh milk but suffered LS..

Carol: Congrats!
Btw, anyone see gynae ady?
Now i eat folic acid that i bought from pharmacy every morning. But don't know how many should i eat everyday.
Is it one a day?
hi mel87,
So may i know what supplement do you eat now?
Folic acid or other vitamin?
Also, may i know the dosage for the folic acid? is it 1 tablet per day?
Hi carol,
I take 1 tablet of folic acid per day. Have not started on other vitamins.
Maybe will start taking milk.
When will u be seeing your gynae?
My edd is 2 may. seeing this sat which I will b on my 6 wk pregnancy. Excited yet nervous! Hope little one is good! Mel, u born 1987 ar? so young....... hehe n 3# ler?
Sum05, thank you for the effort to invite me. Sad to say that I did not received any msg/invitation. Dunno izzit my FB setting...
Never mind lah, I can chit chat here...
Hi carol / Mel , I also haven't seen my gynae but the nurse advice me that I can take folic acid twice a day...so one morning one evening.
Hi Jeneva, mind to intro a bit? how many wk are u n u r expecting no.1/2? hehe

Hi Sweetie_Sweet81,

according to the pregnancy app, they say i'm in my 5th week, expecting no. 1.. lol!
made an appt with Prof Han How Chaun, William from KKH on 9Sept for 1st checkup..
*keeping finger crossed*

me & my husband was totally caught off guard for this pregnancy..
hi mel87,
i havent see my gynae yet.

hi project_mum,
can take twice daily? will it overdose? hehe, if so i think is better to take twice also..
Added you contentee! CM=cervical muscus means discharge... seems that mine is getting more..last preg, don't rem having...
i did not receive any notification on fb lay....:(
oh CM....i do have quite a fair bit too...but nothing surprising for me...cos i have it all yr round...zzzzz
hi mel87,
i havent see my gynae yet.

hi project_mum,
can take twice daily? will it overdose? hehe, if so i think is better to take twice also..
can take two ah? my gynae instructed me to take one only...plus iron pill.
i wonder if its the pill...i am feeling a little nauseous now...i was ok yday...
Hi carol, currently I'm taking twice a day. The nurse told me it a water-soluble vitamin and will auto removed from the body through urine if consume too much.
can take two ah? my gynae instructed me to take one only...plus iron pill.
i wonder if its the pill...i am feeling a little nauseous now...i was ok yday...
I hear from other mummies that is ok that if folic acid overdose as our body will push it out as urine... but i am sticking to 1 as some iron pill also have a little folic acid in it....
UTI, poor mummies, yes usually tend to get it easily when P.... yucks use plain yoghurt clean inside, I wanna vomit!

Going for lunch, thinking what should I have for today! Hmm Hmm...........
Yap Sweetie_sweet, yap 1987, having my #3.. :)
i like the age gap to be closer. then can close shop.. haha..
Carol, folic acid only can take one a day..
ladies...listen to doc la....dun anyhow take extra pills la....be safe be safe :p

i no appetite still...sweetie so good..everyday eat eat eat
Me too.. not much appetite.. :(
Btw we can take chicken essence?
Have been having cramps these few days. Do you mummies experience it?
Hi Contentee & Project mum, the invite will be sent to your Email inbox, not fb inbox. maybe u can check your email?
Carol, yah better listen to own gynae if he advice only 1 intake.

I remembered for my no.1 I took so many vitamins! ( folic acid, iron pill, fish oil n calcium ) .... The one I hate is iron pill! Can't stand the smell...
Sum05... The latest email I gave you is a FB email account. I did try to sent an email from my yahoo to fb email account n I received it.
Actually if taking multi vitamin there are all the vitamins in it included folic acid... initially i bought alot folic acid in malaysia during my #1 and when gynae gave multi i stop the folic acid they are still sitting in my cupboard
contentee & project mum: can you repeat your email address again? got lost in the thread, searching for ur email address

Other mummies members, can you all also try to add them? I tested to invited myself with another email account, i did receive the invite.
