(2014/05) May 2014

Diana: Are u seeing prof John Tee in kkh? Anyone seeing prof john tee?

I am seeing Dr benjamin tham in TMC just because Dr ben tham dun have night clinic he ask me go kkh for appt and get the result when i see him

My previous grp mtb have alot dr john tee patients... u call call kkh make appt but is pte rate

sweetie: ya, he is consider pte..so pte charge in kkh. i will see him again for a 2nd time on 20th..im still deciding on which gynae to go..will try out the KKH AMK clinic, where prof john is during evening before deciding.

U can just call KKH, telling them that you want to make an appt with prof john tee. They will provide u a schedule. but it will b pte rate

Conclusion: Now im seeing 2 gyane. :p
sum05, my experience, my 1# was on TCM n is me heart itchy, i stop at 7th month as i tot i am safe ler who knows baby out 30wks+ but surprisingly baby was strong n does not need to go in ICU and her lung was strong! n even she is premature, she seldom sick n is easy baby to takecare... thats y i believe in this TCM n this time round guai guai...my TCM supplement consist of Dong Chong Chao and Ren Seng powder.
sweetie: no prob, i shld get used to all these short forms too. i announced to my brothers, my mum and two of my close frens...i also trying very hard to control my 'big mouth' but very difficult lay hahahaha. the doc say now small sac only..stablised then u tell people....i have to tell people so that they will encourage me and teach me what to do..

wa adde's and diana's bill so much more than mine...how come u all got hormone pills? i only given folic acid and iron pills. i am comfortable with this gynae...i hope he is ok heehee.

sum05: thanks for the encouragement...yes the doc said all is normal and congratulate me..for now i just have to be careful.
I sat went buy herbs le... Kiasu get dong cong xia cao and hong zao etc... the yao cai dian want me get yan wo and hua jiao siao loh so early think 2nd tri then take those
the fb add...tat means all my frens will know i joined the grp and they will knw i preggie? haha sorry hor..i v suaku when it comes to technology
diana, yah birdnest can only start 2nd tri my TCM told me, so she ask me don kan ciong to other from her... hehe!

contentee, no hormon pill means doc c stable your pregnancy so is ok, depends on the doc....
i no appetite for anything...just eat for sake of not getting hungry...

when i am not preggie hor..i eat alot and all the time.....
i no appetite for anything...just eat for sake of not getting hungry...

when i am not preggie hor..i eat alot and all the time.....
my coleuage same, she hor breakfast cant finish lunch also, sometimes those she donwan wil pass me, end up i eat more...think i wil gain a lot weight soon!
i think in another two or three weeks time....i will merlion like most of u all...i better enjoy the peace while i can....
i think in another two or three weeks time....i will merlion like most of u all...i better enjoy the peace while i can....
haha! same better enjoy the peaceful time now n eat all I can n enjoy! when start merlion sure very xin ku! i very scare of that feeling, time wil pas damn slow!
Contentee: congrats on ur first appt! Soon u will see a little beanie growing! I went for my first appt n paid 270+++ lo.. First consultation exp n the hormone pills cost $60..

Sum05: i also very gan chiong abt fri appt..

Projectmum: u give me email i add u to fb? Contentee? Who else ah?
u received my email liao adde?
Anyone of u didnt really merlion? I do feel nausea at times, esp during brushing my teeth. but i seldom merlion. Only merlion a few times. Been eating alot!! Putting on weight already....

Still hope my beanie is growing strong..
Anyone of u didnt really merlion? I do feel nausea at times, esp during brushing my teeth. but i seldom merlion. Only merlion a few times. Been eating alot!! Putting on weight already....

Still hope my beanie is growing strong..
ME ME! Me not merlion at all......... feeling heavy head nia n breast sore n mayb some mouth tasteless....very mild la....... **touchwood** hehe
WOW sum05, good appetite u have! what should I have for dinner tonight? ending my work in an hour time! i love eat maggi mee curry taste! haha..... siao me la! all the unhealthy food!
Im actually restricting myself on spicy and unhealthy food. But today bad day at wk, so rewarding myself..:p
Wow. ..Diana, so good can celebrate birthday tgt. Mine is rojak...I'm aug, hubby is nov, no. 1 is feb n no. 2 is may. Lol
haha Rojak! now I am craving for Rojak with a lot you tiao liao... damn it! :(

for me, my girl same birth month dec with me n jus a wk apart, hubby jun, #2 wil b apr/may...stil ok la.. hehe!
mtbs: do u all use skincare pdts? I love them but cut down the usage once im tested bfp..
my skin has been worsen everytime i preggy! sad sad! n hor i wanted to rebond my hair but now i know i P ler, dare not rebond ler...can we? I jus wanna rebond my fringe.........haiz!
Wah this thread moves so fast, morning only page 2 now page 4 liao! I cannot use internet during working hrs so can only read now. Im starting to have outbreak...but my friend said cannot use any pimple cream or tea tree oil.. how???? OMG.. ppl are commenting on my skin outbreak already...i feel super tired i almost fell asleep at work, midnight will keep coughing and cannot sleep...mouth v dry and started having constipation... im trying to stay positive stay positive...haven tell the new company about my pregnancy yet, super stress everyday!
I think we go earlier coz wanna take hormone pill hor...to play safe! i also hope to eat hormone pill faster!

Me, I went to my usual TCM yst for some chinese supplement n 1 mth $456... faintz! but i reali need to eat to boost up my body!

I went to see Tcm old old doc at chai chee for my first too, he put tog this powder to be eaten for 3 mths, cost $800! But I believe it is the reason y I carried my baby to term, healthy n my own health is still in good condition after c sect.. Haaa... Now I thinking whether to go back to him.. This time maybe will cost $1k, since Tcm med so ex now..

Food wise, I eat smaller portions but more meals then won't vomit..good to hv a gd appetite, my mummy said I never eat that is y my son loves food coz I never fed him enough..

Contented: I got the pills coz I m spotting.. U mean u can get the pills even not spotting?? Lately I also observe more CM..
I went to see Tcm old old doc at chai chee for my first too, he put tog this powder to be eaten for 3 mths, cost $800! But I believe it is the reason y I carried my baby to term, healthy n my own health is still in good condition after c sect.. Haaa... Now I thinking whether to go back to him.. This time maybe will cost $1k, since Tcm med so ex now..

Food wise, I eat smaller portions but more meals then won't vomit..good to hv a gd appetite, my mummy said I never eat that is y my son loves food coz I never fed him enough..

Contented: I got the pills coz I m spotting.. U mean u can get the pills even not spotting?? Lately I also observe more CM..
i only got folic acid & iron pills....

wats CM ah? sorry....blur.

i send my email to u already, did u get it?
