(2014/05) May 2014

i think dun have to bring pump to hospital, i'm not planning to bring cos last 3 babies i didnt have much milk until i went home..

surprisingly i was able to fully bf for a year.. hehe
Wow ... so sudden! Did you bring your hospital bag with you? How many weeks are you now?

Valid question, I was wondering if we should take the hospital bag when we start getting contraction. For my last dr appt I walked through the delivery suit and couldn't find anyone with suitcase there
I am given clear by Lawrence to go home today! Are you going home today also? How has your breast feeding and latching been? Mine start to improve yesterday. First day baby tooo sleepy.

No will only be tmr..
Today bf getting better.
But as milk supply still not enough.. baby go for formulae too.
Ya yesterday.. bb sleeping.. but today manage to latch on 30min..
So there improvement
Let jiayou together.
wah so happening here. I was so bz this morning and i come in here see rainbowstarz give birth le.

Congrats mummy!!! i wan to see his pic!
No will only be tmr..
Today bf getting better.
But as milk supply still not enough.. baby go for formulae too.
Ya yesterday.. bb sleeping.. but today manage to latch on 30min..
So there improvement
Let jiayou together.
I having fever...n also no energy to do anythg for baby.so let them bf
Hi all.. I am a feb 2014 mum.. would like to let go 4 pkts of brand new merries newborn pampers 2 for $30 as my baby outgrown it. pls sms me at 98462262 if you are keen. =) prefer to deal at sengkang punggol.. can deliver to ur place.

Resting at home Liao. Starting to play engorgement... Which I so dun enjoy!
My milk always like that after birth. But headache coz baby doesn't drink enuff yet as sleepy still. I so scared kena fever from mastitis.
Yes my engorgement only start today at day 2. But although engorge.. Canot pump much coz stil the colostrum type milk... Yellowish colour
So sad i told u all i wan go cc book rm for manyue rite.
I jus call.faint that wkend bth days full for whole day.
Now dunno go whr liao.sianz
Hello everyone@ yes I have popped! Quite unexpected... baby girl is abt 3 weeks early! Born at 5pm 2.890kg...

Same like rainbowzstarz, I had bad reaction to medication and was shaking badly from being cold for about 1 hr after delivery and blood pressure also shot up. Then had high fever... but now subside already....

Tired now but can't sleep... Manage to latch baby just now but think no milk yet la. Just let baby practice. Hahaha.

For my hospital bag it was in my hubby car. So when doc say have to admit, then I called hubby and he came down with the bag and documents....

Epidural was administered about 2 pm... but this time I felt everything wor! The contractions, baby head, shoulders everything! But the pain was bearable so I think the amount of epidural was just nice.

OK.... logging off and hope to get some sleep.

Congrats rainbowzstarz and jasmine! There are 3 babies born 30 April?
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Hello everyone@ yes I have popped! Quite unexpected... baby girl is abt 3 weeks early! Born at 5pm 2.890kg...

Same like rainbowzstarz, I had bad reaction to medication and was shaking badly from being cold for about 1 hr after delivery and blood pressure also shot up. Then had high fever... but now subside already....

Tired now but can't sleep... Manage to latch baby just now but think no milk yet la. Just let baby practice. Hahaha.

For my hospital bag it was in my hubby car. So when doc say have to admit, then I called hubby and he came down with the bag and documents....

Epidural was administered about 2 pm... but this time I felt everything wor! The contractions, baby head, shoulders everything! But the pain was bearable so I think the amount of epidural was just nice.

OK.... logging off and hope to get some sleep.

Congrats rainbowzstarz and jasmine! There are 3 babies born 30 April?
Congrats! Real fast n last min for u.lucky u are well prepared.

I dint manage to latch well still.whaha tryg trying bt ystd vry tired. Aft 1am baby cm try cant then i tell them aft brkfst then brg bck.glad i hav a gd sleep.so shack
Congrats! Real fast n last min for u.lucky u are well prepared.

I dint manage to latch well still.whaha tryg trying bt ystd vry tired. Aft 1am baby cm try cant then i tell them aft brkfst then brg bck.glad i hav a gd sleep.so shack
Good that u had rest! I had trouble sleeping... only slept after 2nd feeding for baby cos I was still feverish...

Maybe can get lactation consultant to help, especially while still in hospital...

Rest well rainbowzstarz!
Good that u had rest! I had trouble sleeping... only slept after 2nd feeding for baby cos I was still feverish...

Maybe can get lactation consultant to help, especially while still in hospital...

Rest well rainbowzstarz!
Consultant gt come teach...tink i jus stupid.sore nipple liao
Hello everyone@ yes I have popped! Quite unexpected... baby girl is abt 3 weeks early! Born at 5pm 2.890kg...

Same like rainbowzstarz, I had bad reaction to medication and was shaking badly from being cold for about 1 hr after delivery and blood pressure also shot up. Then had high fever... but now subside already....

Tired now but can't sleep... Manage to latch baby just now but think no milk yet la. Just let baby practice. Hahaha.

For my hospital bag it was in my hubby car. So when doc say have to admit, then I called hubby and he came down with the bag and documents....

Epidural was administered about 2 pm... but this time I felt everything wor! The contractions, baby head, shoulders everything! But the pain was bearable so I think the amount of epidural was just nice.

OK.... logging off and hope to get some sleep.

Congrats rainbowzstarz and jasmine! There are 3 babies born 30 April?
Jasmine is who?
No chance to bf baby wif family n frens cmg. Im glad i told several no nd to cm. Bt my boss sudly appear wout informin haha. My baby gta hav formula
No...haha even if brg i also find paisei

Hahaha I can understand, took me quite a while to feel bold enough not to care about other ppl and just nurse bb under the cover. My friends (male & female) all grew immune to me feeding my #1 with just a nursing cover after a while. If strangers I will stare back at them when they look at me. Now when I see mummies feeding their bb in public I'd give a nod and a smile to them
how is everyone keeping to the confinement rules? Thiz time im realli rebellious, on fan bigbig n blow direct, on aircon while pumping, been 2 weeks n hav alrdy washed hair 3 times, not using herbs somemore! I even went out for movie! feeling guilty yet quite shiok la haha..if not really depress man! Weather so hot!
how is everyone keeping to the confinement rules? Thiz time im realli rebellious, on fan bigbig n blow direct, on aircon while pumping, been 2 weeks n hav alrdy washed hair 3 times, not using herbs somemore! I even went out for movie! feeling guilty yet quite shiok la haha..if not really depress man! Weather so hot!

Cool.. I also sleeping with aircon .. watched tv with the fan blowing :)
Sigh. . My only concern is bfing. . Do u ladies wake up every 3 hours to bf? Do ur supplement with formula? My CL jus told me to jus give formula at night.. We tried jus now. . Bb can't seem to such well with the bottle... now I'm thinking shd I jus latch him but again my nipples are sore.. think there's a cracked :( feeling quite demoralised

CL sleeping with the bb. . N I'm worried cos I'm not sure if she will really wake up to feed him. . Haiz.. so many concerns this time Rd.
how is everyone keeping to the confinement rules? Thiz time im realli rebellious, on fan bigbig n blow direct, on aircon while pumping, been 2 weeks n hav alrdy washed hair 3 times, not using herbs somemore! I even went out for movie! feeling guilty yet quite shiok la haha..if not really depress man! Weather so hot!
Wahah u steady.no one 'guarding' u?
Who do confinemnt for u?
But such weather i really cant imagine no fan wen i get hm.sure hav to on aircon too but i cant on long cos scare #1 cold

Worst she stil havin phelgm.vry long tis time

Cool.. I also sleeping with aircon .. watched tv with the fan blowing :)
Sigh. . My only concern is bfing. . Do u ladies wake up every 3 hours to bf? Do ur supplement with formula? My CL jus told me to jus give formula at night.. We tried jus now. . Bb can't seem to such well with the bottle... now I'm thinking shd I jus latch him but again my nipples are sore.. think there's a cracked :( feeling quite demoralised

CL sleeping with the bb. . N I'm worried cos I'm not sure if she will really wake up to feed him. . Haiz.. so many concerns this time Rd.
Difnt confinement lady tis time.?
I nw bth side damn sore le.manage to latch but he seems to vry fast hungry mayb i nt engh colostrum for him stil.nurse say bcos he big baby
