(2014/01) January 2014

Hi ppl, hpt means home pregnancy test. Basically these r test strips to test for pregnancy hormones called hcg. As pregnancy progresses, hcg level rises, the line will get darker... If pregnancy isn't healthy, baby not growing thus stop producing pregnancy hormones the line will get fainter.

aiyo, gbob, dun use the opks. i remembered i used CB digital first time, it showed pregnant 1-2 weeks. den i used Guardian opk a week later, the line was quite faint. i got a scare and quickly went to see my tcm and he gave me an tai yao as i was abt 4-5 weeks, not so stable. after tat i went to buy another CB digital and it showed 2-3 weeks, den i m more relieved. dun scare yourself. mayb u can go visit my tcm on wed to check yur pulse.
Thanks kitkat, really touched cos u n min81 always pop by to give me support. I've been using hpt for the past week n the line got darker.... Last test done was on 29 may n it was really dark... This morning the line was distinctively lighter than 29 May's test line. I also used opk n it is the same. Fainter. I call this the cheapo way of testing if my hcg rises or not. Dnt worry for me. I'm mentally prepared for this Liao. I'll just wait for next gynae apt n c how it goes. Call this a "mummy's instinct"... Somehow things just dnt feel right...
GBOB sayang. Don't think so much. I was like u always testing. But sometimes the line don't get darker doesn't mean not good. U seeing dr next thur right. I understand ur "mummy instinct". This type of thing is very strong one and I hope u are wrong this time. Lets hope that the results will be good when u see ur gynae.

U got consider go tcm? I also considering. My friend also had 3mc then now a healthy baby boy

Kitkat, can share where is ur tcm?

The only thing why I don't go is I don't like chinese medicine. Lol. But if that's the only way out i will.
Hopeful mum, I m seeing TCM He Qiuling of eu yan sang south bridge branch. She did give me an tai meds but I drank twice I started spotting n I freaked out. Didn't continue taking her an tai meds. Anyway I will still continue to go c her if this pregnancy doesn't pull thru. For general health maintenance purpose
GBOB I see. My current gynae says don't take chinese medicine. But I think it has proven to be good to many ppl I know. Like my friend husband from low sperm count to have normal sperm count leh.

Jia you okay! Lets hope things are good
Hi hopeful_mum, my tcm is Ban Choon Chan at Marine Parade.
Blk 81 #01-636, Marine Parade Central, (s) 440081.
Opening hours: Wed-Fri: 8.30am - 1pm.
Sat: 8.30am - 3pm
Sun: 8.30am - 12pm
Be prepared to wait up till 5 hours during weekends unless u go early in the morning at 6plus to queue.
GBOB , hopeful mum
Well, I'm better now. Not thinking about it. Just wait till thurs for my appt. Now having on and off brown spoting and cramp. Anyway I'm prepared.
Hope both of you r ok. We just need to move on.

Btw, thro' ivf will recurrent mc reduced? Especially for blighted ovum?
Btw, I went to marine parade TCM in March and I strike after that. Uncle was surprised too. Anyway he is a nice guy and very good in pulse reading. He was able to know I got low progesterone simply by feeling. In Feb, I was tested to hv low progesterone.
I think the friend I mentioned abt the sperm count thing went there also! But I hear of the queue I want to faint!
Hopeful mum, there's a lot of "mixed reviews" on TCM. It depends which one u go I think. Kitkat's TCM is famous for treating fertility problems. Must go v v early say ard 7am to q n better to go on weekdays. Weekends must wait v long de. Min81 also seeing the same TCM if I'm not wrong. I had initially wanted to try him but sway sway I took cab with my dh all the way there he no open that day. Then I jin sian Liao n my sis in law kept asking me go He Qiu Ling so I go lor since its nearer to my house (walking distance). There's another one Chen Xiumei also v famous. Western doc sure ask us dnt take TCM de. Even my IVF doc also tell me dnt take TCM meds one month prior to starting jab cos fear may crash with the jabs. But I think for overall health TCM is good. I'll continue to see He Qiuling to tiao my body.

Minnieluv, good to hear that deary! Hope things turn out miraculously well for all of us. Sadly thru IVF also no guarantee abt blighted ovum de deary. These things can't b controlled de... I dnt think recurrent mc risk will b reduced even via IVF cos ultimately it is our body or our eggs or sperms that has got prob thus mc... IVF is just a procedure to help the good sperm meet the egg n put inside us hoping it will implant.
Minnieluv, not sure dont think it will help reduced. But they say BO usually only happen once. My first mc was BO.

Cox it still boils down to implantation whether it has been attached properly to the uterus. Then those chromosomal stuff. I'm not sure maybe can find out.
Ya Loh I very lazy. Want me to queue 5hours every visit I will cry!!! I'm lazy and impatient. Plus they say cannot miss any session or the sin seh angry. My hubby traveling schedule so unpredictable. How to commit. Even see dr also usually I go see myself. Like now mc, hubby also not around.

Wah all adds up plus sin seh wait niam I will go mad! Lol. So for now I better stick to gynaes first. Then hor must be very strict right, no cold water etc. I will faint! Though I hardly drink cold stuff but sure a lot of restrictions. See Liao don't follow then blame who? Myself. So nvm I think like that I better dont see. Lol!

Some more so far, I stay in Jurong. Lol finding excuses. But one day I no choice I will go Loh.
Hopeful mum, ban Choon chan I think only first visit DH need to go n subsequently no need le. I think la... If I'm not wrong. N if u go 6:45am on weekdays, the wait is abt half to one hour. Not that bad. But ya really abit far for u. N ya, TCM will tell u no cold drinks etc. erm, initially I followed la now I sian Liao. I just drink but moderately n cut down. Just dnt drink cold too often lor.
I make appt for polyclinic Liao. Hoping that I don't have to wait too long. My boss so funnie ask me to go home. Says since I mc just stay at home. But bcoz I'm here so she is also asking me to do a lot of things.

Lol. I don't want to like quit Liao hen always absent from work. I think not nice Loh. Some more if really going for D&c meaning I will take one more week mc. I rather take mc for that. Cox that one really loss a lot of blood at one go.

GBOB u try to not test Liao okay. The more u test the more worried u get. The spotting situation still the same? If nvr worsen shd be good
Hopeful mum, polyclinic must make apt one meh? Wah u jin fast leh. If u feel ok then just work lor. Got things to do better than stay home do nothing n let imagination run wild right. As for me, I wnt b testing anymore. I just wanted an "indication of direction" & I've gotten it. Now feel so much more relieved cos no need to keep guessing anymore. If next week scan got heartbeat that is really a miracle lor! Somehow we this kind mc b4 de, if something's not quite right we will feel it de. Mayb we r more sensitive in that sense cos alrdy got "experience". Ya spotting still have n like wat u said, must b the utrogestan stopping it... Ai lai Mai Lai like that... But I'll just continue the utro n c how it goes. Now keep telling myself Ho say Liao lor I can go massage Liao lor, my July Phuket trip I can lim beer Liao lor (self consoling) hahaha... Btw, do u think d&c good or shd I use natural ways like wait it out or cytotec? Sigh, my last mc I use cytotec not clean leh... End up gotta go do hysteroscopy to clean it up....dragged me almost half a year...

Sisters hope u gals dnt mind me n hopeful mum hanging ard here with our negativity ya! Hehehe
Ppl: tdy I look at e mirror agn.. I see my stomach so round.. 8weeks onli leh.. look like 4mths.. muz be I keep eating!! Haha..

Now registering at kkh. 1st visit.. zzz

Don't test already k.. Just wait to see doc.. Stay positive! hugs.. Btw, my next appt with Prof Mahesh is on 13 june too, might see you..

Hopeful mum,

Based on my experience with nuh the last 2 yrs, they're really gd.. Was hospitalised twice, once for m/c once for laparoscopy.. The docs are good and the nurses are wonderful.. Hope they'll help you with a successful pregnancy too! Btw, i'm seeing the same tcm as kitkat at marine parade.. He's very nice, not pushy kind and his theory is very modern.. He nvr talks about cold womb, talk more abt hormone levels and whether it's balanced.. And told me don't stress about food, just everything in moderation, cold food affects digestive system and not womb directly.. 1 cycle only need to see him once..


Hope all works out for you too!!
GBOB: exactly! U speak my mind. I also tell myself now I can go do nails do hair do laser for my face etc. though still sad. I rem some poly clinics can make appt do waiting time will be slightly shorter. I really very impatient so must complete and do everything fast fast. My first was d&c cox BO then 10weeks Liao so faster clean up. Then 2nd mc this year I just spot then bleed Liao no need to take meds. After that normal period then pregnant again.

This time don't know what's wrong. Nothing and not bleeding I want faint Liao! So see what dr say. dr says what I just follow. I feel d&c gives us the confirmed over feeling. Not hanging there. But ppl say d&c Liao won't bleed right? I bled for 2 weeks!! So I quite scared. My natural one only 9days?

TT wah so exciting! Waiting for ur bom bom bom bom updates. Lol. So envy leh.

Min81 wah sounds really good for both the nuh and the tcm. Let me think I this lazy person try out one first. Then when impatient I will go see the tcm.
Hi mummies, any of you experience fainting spell? mine is quite bad. Always got a fainting sensation.

Plus now have super sensitive test bud. Any meat will make me nausea.

Btw went to see my gynae last sat. Say i am 5weeks 2 days. Still cannot hear heartbeat yet. But can see there's development in the sac. So nervous. Praying very hard that everything will turn out fine
Done!!! Bb is growing well inside. Cannot hear heartbeat coz tt machine doesnt haf tt function but can see e heartbeat blinking.. hee..
Congrats T_T!!!! So happy for u Deary!

Shan, dnt worry, everything will b fine dear.

Hopeful mum, I heard d&c harmful to womb wor... Sigh. Wah u after mc one more cycle u try n strike again ah?
Why do u girls talk so fast.... I can't keep up with all that post...

Anyway, I did another pregnancy test at home, it was still +ve. Can I safely say if there's no spotting, means everything is ok?

I'm gonna see my gynae this Friday.

TT woohoo! Congrats. Yeah so happy.

Shan, don't worry. Like dr says too early already. Next time u go can see and hear
with all ur symptoms u are quite safe

Ur little one playing hide and seek with u
all good.
After reading the thread, I am now very worried it won't be okay, and not getting my hopes up too high
<font color="aa00aa">GBOB, oh pls dun say tt this forum will mind u n hopeful mum's negativity! All mummies to b, I'm sure we empathize v much w ur situation n feel v saddened too..sorry tt din come in to chat much cos dunno how to console u esp when I've never gone thru tt..n I din even feel preggy until few days earlier Ms Pukey suddenly decided to visit me le argh..
But truly hope tt GBOB n hopeful mum can reali haf a smooth pregnancy e next x round even if this doesn't work out..sorry I'm bad at consoling..
Gg gynae this Fri! Can't wait..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">N btw congrats TT n those who've oreid visited gynae n Bb is growing well..tt's all mummy wants, rite?</font>
Lol Oreo confirm okay lah!!

Gbob, Ya actually 2 years ago after mc also want to try immediately. But my fibroid absorb all the nutrients. From 2cm grow until 5cm. So to prevent hindrance I went for an op to remove. My dr scared ask me to rest 6 mths then can try. Some ppl I know one mth after op pregnant! Then I change job and shift house so delay on trying. Not active enough.

Cox I read mah normally after mc will be very stable and more fertile to try so I just whacked. Actually after mc I think I got a chemical pregnancy. Meaning before period is here I pregnant Liao. But it didn't work from positive becomes negative. So next 2 cycles I whack again. Feb 14 mc. Mar one period then April one period, strike in the April cycle.
Congrats T-T!!!
Aiyoh my dear ladies, stop peeing on the stick and scare yourself! Very expensive leh, pee once $10+ gone! Hee hee hee

Shan, i was on low carbs diet before i was preggy ( diet diet ) and now i super love to eat rice and noodles . Hahaha
I read from books, they recommend to eat complex carbs- more nutrients then refined carbs. And dry food supposed to help with nausea. So i nibble on wholemeal crackers now.
Rach don't worry. I think we quite good at consoling ourselves
lol as long as u all still welcome us can Liao. Let us share the happiness here

Oreo please don't be affected by us. Look at the rest of the ladies. All good mah
u shdnt even worry yet. Just enjoy being pregnant

Jal, peeing on a stick can be cheap! Lol I shipped from amazon!
Thanks all!! V excited.. initially whn e person did e scan I onli see waterbag n nth inside I was so worried. But as usual kkh have mani trainees.. so finally I saw the baby!! So happy n so cute to see a mini human inside. N base on e length of bb.. edd is 10jan!.
Oreo, pls dnt b frightened by us ya. Hopeful mum n I situation different leh... We got mc before de so we r more "sensitive" to our body reaction de. Please dnt b scared n worry yourself sick hor. So sorry to cause u unnecessary fears.

Thanks rach

Yo jal, no more POAS for me le. Will just let it b n let nature take its course
Ladies I so happy. One week nvr hear my hubby voice Liao. He finally can call. Back on Wednesday. Now he trying to apply leave to go for my gynae visit this thur. At least he is there to sayang me.

He also says if really no kid then so be it nvm Loh. But I know he loves kids. So I also want to have one. Worse case i may consider to adopt. Then good thing is bro in law getting married. Wife only 24 years old so sure can conceive one.

Don't have to keep asking me when we going to have kids. Some more the wife not working, no offence, but she comes from china. So sure got lots of time to make babies and look after kids.
Hopeful mum, happy for u. Finally hubby coming back soon. Ask him Sayang u more ok. Mine hor, I still need to console him leh. Zzzzz
Hopeful mum : arghhh!! I didnt know can order online. I always very sim tiah after peeing on stick la! Hahahaha

T-T : my edd also 10 jan!!

Gbob : ur hubby so cute la!! My hub also very ' girl'. I always tell him he's the girl in the relationship :p
hopeful mum: glad that ur hubby is back to acc you!! It's the biggest console a wife would ever have!!

Jal: Really~ Where do you intend to deliver??
Hi Mummies,

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)
Couldn't endure the tension, went for my first gynae visit today.. as expected 5 weeks too early to hear heart beat.. my gynae good memory can still remember me and my kids.. next visit 2 weeks later

Shan, gynae say I have alot of gas in my tummy that's why so bloated.. maybe same as your case?
Haaaa.... Ok la. I'll try not to worry so much....anyway seeing the dr this Friday. But can't help it la... After going tru all the tests and what not.... Last Friday, went to see urology (for my husband) dr says need to harvest his sperms. So his condition seems pretty bad. That's why don't dare to hope so much...

Anyway, all the best for everyone out there and take good care!
Jal, cute meh? Give u lor. Nah, take! Lolx

Heaven, thanks babe! I'm ok dnt worry abt me. In fact my mood now is so much more relaxed. Lolx. I dnt mind more people helping me to pray ya. TIA

Oreo, chillax. Everything will work out just fine for u. Urologist wanna harvest your dh's spermies ya but now u bfp wor means this particular spermie that fertilized this egg is a damn strong warrior! Sure ok no problem one!

U will be fine. Dun worry too much!

Hopeful and GBOB,
Sorry im not posting much. Cos i dunno wat to say to u gals. Dun wanna say wrong thing and make u upset

Lol ya don't worry we are fine.
I finally started spotting. Don't know to be happy or sad. So Sian thur got to go through another round of sadness. But I think I already facing this situation very positively. Like heed the advice provided here. Act on it, go find out abt the nuh services. Hopefully to have some answers so that I can have a successful pregnancy next round

U ladies have provided great support!

Lol okay info if u wanna try again for number 2/3 next year. Buy from amazon then shipped back using us address. Ovulation test kits etc very cheap only
. So I buy in bulk then become a POAS (pee-on-a-stick) addict.
