(2014/01) January 2014

Hi mummies! I am abt 5 weeks plus, conceived by ivf so have also been very anxious these two weeks.. Got cramps also worried, no symptoms also worried.
. I initially thought once BFP from ivf, no more worries or grief but I guess the real worrying is just starting ( probably even more after bb is born). Lets all press on, and take care!
Hi Juju,
Can I check base on your last period, how many wks pregnant are you?
The dating on the sac show 5wk4d, is the number close to what you computed?
I do not want to waste money, so i plan to see the doc when i can "see something".
So till now not sure when i should see the doc
crystalbelle: it's best to see the gynae when u are 6weeks from ur LMP. i went during my week 5, only see a sac and nothing else..
Hmm according to lmp of 18 April. I shd be abt 6w2d this sat.
Then I read on the stories of hcg, for my level I probably may not even see anything and high chance is miscarriage.

Sigh I must stop going to those American forums and websites!!
GBOB argh. I understand ur pain! Okay breathe. Able to go in this sat? Or too early. But they say spotting is common. But those ppl like me who spotted before then mc will be as afraid as u.

Sending u sticky baby dust!
hopeful mum, i emailed my doc c if he replies. If not, and if the spotting continues, I might just pop by kkh 24hr clinic tis evening to have it checked. I am feeling so stressed out now...
Don't stress I know it's hard. I didn't know we can just go in to check like that. Monitor it. Maybe they can give u progestrone to prevent spotting. I think it's helps for my case.

Good luck!! Keep us posted.
Thx gals, but im still worried cos gynae stated threatened mc in my medical slip. Cos my prev mc started wif spotting and cramps, now im very paranoid.

My lmp states i shld be 8wks plus, gynae says it shld be late ovulation dat cause the 3wks diff. He also increased my prog intake. Hope i can tahan till next visit.

If compare wif last wk visit, i shld be 5wks today but sac size is 5wks4d. Kinda weird. But since gynae say growing well, i also din ask
Hopeful mum, can de..can just go to KKH24 hour clinic and tell them preg and spotting. They will prob do a check and a BT... hopefully they give jab..sometimes they dont. I am already on progesterone pills twice a day....

Hi juju, u shd rest your mind since the sac has doubled in size and moreover u heard heartbeat le...have faith ya... ok..talk easy i know...i also talk nia... whatever it is, we just try to zen ok....
Yes, can jus walk in. Dat's wat i did previously.

Haha! Yes, jus told my boss im not joining the team for outing. Maybe only join for dinner. Now jus lounging at home
ai ya, v irritatin leh... my spottings were on the pantyliner and when i wiped (sorry for tmi), there's nothing wor... like tat how... shd I go or not go... tmd lah... ^@(#&@*
My case is wipe hv but pantyliner dun hv, for this time.

Prev mc, wiped and pantyliner hv. From brown to pink spotting, to bright red blood. Then i went kkh a&e to chk, thr was no sac. Jus kept on bleeding and cramping till blood clots came out
Ju Ju, I was like that in feb also. But mine comes on and off. Then after that very heavy.

GBOB nothing is tmi here
don't worry! But if u so worry go and do a check tmr morning? Or monito first?
I will still gag at sm smells, esp oily stuff. My boss had to stop using her perfume cos it made me gag. Lol
I still feel tired easily. Nowadays, i go to bed at 8-9pm. My usual was like midnite
hopeful mum, sigh...even b4 our child is born, we start to worry liao...we start to worry from the moment our child is conceived!!! lolx... I am contemplating if I shd pop by kk later this evening or shd I just leave it and monitor first. Am at a loss lah... mind very zng liao....lol
juju, at least u got symptoms...

I am so with hopeful mum... as in, i hate the suspense feeling... if really its not meant to be...I really wish to find out asap so tat I can move on instead of everyday play guessing games...so mentally exhausting
Dats why now every little thing, i rather spend money and go see gynae. Cos i dun wan to think abt the spottings etc...

So i rather suggest to u gals to go chk abt ur symptoms. Waiting is very painful, i went thru dat
Ya GBOB. I hate the suspense. Though very sad but at least I don't need to cry and grieve so many times right.

Do u all have kids? This will be first if successfully. Try 2.5 years, 2mc , 1 chemical pregnancy.
me no kids... tried 4 years le...2 IVF attempts...failed.... managed to conceived naturally last year June but mc in July...ZZZZZZ
Congrats rainbow!!! Woo so exciting. The gals here all very nice and give good advice. Not like those "what to expect" apps. Some very bitchy. Lol

GBOB no wonder u also very Gan chiong. I wish u all the best okay. If this time fail i will try IUI. I hope it works for u. Pray for u. Jia you!
Hello to All mummies to be =)
pardon me for being lazy to read through the whole thread.

i used a home test kit 5 days ago and it showed positive. being kiasu, i tested again today and is still positive. =))
have made an appt with the gynae in mid June.
hope everything goes well for all of us here =)

oh, erm based on last menses... its 23rd April. so about 5 weeks now?
GBOB, i will include u in my prayers =)

Thank you HopefulMom =)

I'm so noob about everything. i went shopping earlier (not for baby stuff but happen to walk pass) and couldn't make out the difference between the various bottles! i must have looked like an idiot in front of those salesgirls. >.<
GBOB I'm also thinking of ivf leh. Painful?? These 2 weeks so many jabs and blood test I already feel damn Sian already. Also don't know how. Want a kid so much. If can I don't mind twins!
Vee I was so excited abt this pregnancy thinking it wil work (of cox I want it to work). I already looking at prams and see how I can buy and ship back from usa. Lol. But now, so not confirmed. The more I see I more sad.
Vee, yes, I think u shd b 5weeks now. My last menses 24th April, one day after u. Thanks for including me in your prayers deary

Hopeful mum, ivf not very painful la. Once u start u go with the flow and everything will b a breeze. Not tat bad really. But its the BFN part that hurts most...
Wah GBOB if u go in today very early leh. U are 6 days behind me. So meaning u are just 5w1d/2s. I just turn 6w today.

Wait go in so early u may worry for nothing wor.

Sigh I'm having bad cramps now but no spotting. It stops miraculously after Sunday.
Gbob, i had bleeding in wk6 for less den an hour. it got me nervous and i quickly called my gynae and he asked me to come in to check. luckily its onli a blood clot and the baby is fine. he gave me a jab at the butt and more hormone pills &amp; bed rest for few days. but i went back to work the next day. den got bleeding again for less den an hour. so went back gynae again. this time i really bedrest and do nothing at all. Pls go c gynae. if u wan, i can recommend my gynae. he got night clince today. His clinic is at Tampines.
GBOB now after working hours Liao. U going to kkh or the gynae kitkat recommends? Take care. Don't think too much!
Thank q so much dearies! U gals r wonderful! After much consideration, I've decided not to go KK or Gynae since the spotting stopped. It was on my panty liner n after gg to the loo for the past 3 hours, there's nothing. Like what hopeful mum said, abit too early to go n may end up Lagi more worried. I will just monitor ba.

Kitkat deary, thanks for popping by to give me enlightenment dear. I'll monitor n c how. I am also taking progesterone (utro) now. Dnt worry, if I c more spotting *touchwood* I'll dash down to kkh... Anyway it's not 24 hour for nothing. Lolx... Thx for your Gynae recommendation. I'm actually seeing dr Loh...

Vee, I think there's such thing as pregnancy insomnia. I ever read abt it wor....
My #1 was via ivf. The jabs, meds, BTs and scans were ok, as long as u listened carefully wat to do and get the gd nurses.
What is BT scans? Impt qns hubby needs jabs? He scared of needle leh.

GBOB good to know spotting stops. Pray hard for u. Go next wed as per u appt can see more things

I remember you last took a proluton jab last thur right? Can you go tmc 24 hr clinic and request for that again since it's been a wk? I've been on it twice weekly since wk 4 this time.. If not, how about going straight to dr loh's clinic tmr morning and tell the nurse it's urgent.. That was what i did last time, and they let me cut the queue so Prof Wong could tend to me immediately.. If too early to scan, they'll not do it, at most a cervical check but they can prescribe more support..

Hopeful mum,

My current pregnancy is thru my 1st ivf cycle.. It's manageable, just have to go with the flow and try to stay zen.. But actually, i see that you're able to conceive naturally which is gd.. After my appt at 8 wks plus, i was transferred to another gynae to see me thru to delivery.. I requested for this particular gynae Prof Mahesh who specialises in high risk pregnancy and heads the recurrent pregnancy loss clinic at nuh.. I've heard good reviews about him and so far find him very reassuring.. He's been very careful with my pregnancy and placed me on support jabs and meds till now cos of my previous case.. Not sure if you would like to see him, but if you want, can call nuh women's clinic to make appt..
Oh mini81! Thanks for the news. Yes I can conceive naturally but I can't seem to be able to keep the baby

Ill go see my gynae this sat then see how things go. And Nus is much nearer to where I stay too. I like the part where the dr specialises in recurrent pregnancy loss.

Go nuh and see got cheaper like can go polyclinic ask for reference type?

I very broke Liao. With all the medication etc I paid 800plus for the past 2 visits. Hope all is worth while
Min, last week's jab was ordered by dr Loh. I emailed him this afternoon but he didn't reply my apt with prof mahesh is 13 June... So far away... I will monitor n c how. If really spot again, I'll just go either kkh or TMC 24hr clinic ba...
There is pregnancy insomnia right??? I experienced it even before the tests. No wonder always so tired but can't slp >.<

Hi heaven!! Congratulations

hi hi heavens congrats! when is ur edd?

oh mine my cramps getting worse, feels bloated finally...

counting down to sat to know the verdict.
