(2014/01) January 2014

Lovelittletan ah, I just Kaypo n curious went google on white fungus... It seems that pregnant can take n it's rather good wor... The one that can cause miscarriage is 黑木耳... Any chances your Tcm doc heard u wrongly? Heehee... Anyway I think to b kiasu abit, best is just stick to taking bird nest ba hor.... *heartpain

Hahaha ... I really duno leh but I did repeat a few times to confirm. I abit ks so I guess will stick to birds' nest. and coconut. :p

Me me!! My limbs also forever achy... I use heat pad n it relieves abit of the ache...

How come u cannot eat carbonara pasta dear?

heat pad helps? maybe i try, very bad pain. from fingertips to elbow.

i will puke. he dun like fresh milk, cheese, oily food,, fried food, grilled salmon, and dunno wat else. i so wanna hantum him when he comes out lor!
heat pad helps? maybe i try, very bad pain. from fingertips to elbow.

i will puke. he dun like fresh milk, cheese, oily food,, fried food, grilled salmon, and dunno wat else. i so wanna hantum him when he comes out lor!

Heat pad helps for me. Better than nothing. I have to constantly apply the heat pad on my limbs for half an hour or so then the pain goes away for one two hours... I also sleep propping my legs up...

Oh your boy don't like milky food eh... Icic.. He likes more 清淡eh food lah...
hi mummies! wao i also shocked when i learnt no white fungus?? maybe can try ask other tcm advise coz different tcm different practice but since said so better avoid or eat in moderation. In fact, i think i not suppose to hv salted egg those like liu sha bao i still eat and i think the egg is raw :( Feel bad after eating as i ate one whole bun! So next time if unsure better dun eat haha

For wt gain, usually will come after 2nd tri where baby will grow quite fast and 3rd trim too. i have started gaining one to 2kg on lst trim lol coz i still can eat and hv strong craving on unhealthy stuff hee...now appetite is back :) I think i gain more now lol

bb_hopeful - ur bb still so fussy with food now? My bb very fussy for the lst trim...now ok leh hee

btw anyone hv left maid with bb alone? I just wonder how safe can it be? I really duno what to do after my bb born coz if maid take care she will only left with bb alone, my hubby and i will be worried whole day...any suggestions and solutions? My mum is unfit and she can stay with me only temporary about 3 mths. So i really duno what to do now...if bring my bb to my mil house everyday then bb wake up so early travel to and fro very unhealthy too & my mil has a maid there but the environment there not so good crowded and noisy. On the other hand, i will be maid if i dun hire maid coz i can't imagine i busy bf and tending bb :(

welcome deecupid!
Heat pad helps for me. Better than nothing. I have to constantly apply the heat pad on my limbs for half an hour or so then the pain goes away for one two hours... I also sleep propping my legs up...

Oh your boy don't like milky food eh... Icic.. He likes more 清淡eh food lah...

oh ok... then i go get heat pads. damn depressing to be like an invalid. my colleagues were shocked to know that i cannot do anything with my fingers for more than 1-2mins!

he ah... also hiam plain food hor, not exciting enuff. now i only find sashimi & seafood yummy
hi mummies! wao i also shocked when i learnt no white fungus?? maybe can try ask other tcm advise coz different tcm different practice but since said so better avoid or eat in moderation. In fact, i think i not suppose to hv salted egg those like liu sha bao i still eat and i think the egg is raw :( Feel bad after eating as i ate one whole bun! So next time if unsure better dun eat haha

For wt gain, usually will come after 2nd tri where baby will grow quite fast and 3rd trim too. i have started gaining one to 2kg on lst trim lol coz i still can eat and hv strong craving on unhealthy stuff hee...now appetite is back :) I think i gain more now lol

bb_hopeful - ur bb still so fussy with food now? My bb very fussy for the lst trim...now ok leh hee

btw anyone hv left maid with bb alone? I just wonder how safe can it be? I really duno what to do after my bb born coz if maid take care she will only left with bb alone, my hubby and i will be worried whole day...any suggestions and solutions? My mum is unfit and she can stay with me only temporary about 3 mths. So i really duno what to do now...if bring my bb to my mil house everyday then bb wake up so early travel to and fro very unhealthy too & my mil has a maid there but the environment there not so good crowded and noisy. On the other hand, i will be maid if i dun hire maid coz i can't imagine i busy bf and tending bb :(

welcome deecupid!

yes... still very fussy. sian...

i dun trust maid. dat's why i use infant care for #1, #2 will be gg ifc as well.
heat pad helps? maybe i try, very bad pain. from fingertips to elbow.

i will puke. he dun like fresh milk, cheese, oily food,, fried food, grilled salmon, and dunno wat else. i so wanna hantum him when he comes out lor!

I feel you. My first one, i can eat anything but egg and she turns out bit allergic to egg.
This one, hates oily/fried food and grilled chicken/salmon. I love such food.. there goes my KFC. My hubby eats healthy food so i said this child is his.
hi mummies! wao i also shocked when i learnt no white fungus?? maybe can try ask other tcm advise coz different tcm different practice but since said so better avoid or eat in moderation. In fact, i think i not suppose to hv salted egg those like liu sha bao i still eat and i think the egg is raw :( Feel bad after eating as i ate one whole bun! So next time if unsure better dun eat haha

For wt gain, usually will come after 2nd tri where baby will grow quite fast and 3rd trim too. i have started gaining one to 2kg on lst trim lol coz i still can eat and hv strong craving on unhealthy stuff hee...now appetite is back :) I think i gain more now lol

bb_hopeful - ur bb still so fussy with food now? My bb very fussy for the lst trim...now ok leh hee

btw anyone hv left maid with bb alone? I just wonder how safe can it be? I really duno what to do after my bb born coz if maid take care she will only left with bb alone, my hubby and i will be worried whole day...any suggestions and solutions? My mum is unfit and she can stay with me only temporary about 3 mths. So i really duno what to do now...if bring my bb to my mil house everyday then bb wake up so early travel to and fro very unhealthy too & my mil has a maid there but the environment there not so good crowded and noisy. On the other hand, i will be maid if i dun hire maid coz i can't imagine i busy bf and tending bb :(

welcome deecupid!

Me me! I want a standardise method in caring for my child so I didn't enrol my mum's help at all. When I went back to work after 3mths maternity, I passed the role to my helper. We engaged her a month or 2 before I deliver so that can get more familiar. Our criteria in choosing one is above 30 to mid thirties and has a child of her own. She makes confinement much better as I don't need to do household chores.
My hubby and I were considering ifc as well but our jobs do not allow us the luxury to leave on time to pick up baby. Also, babies tend to fall sick easily when in childcare so we are also unable to leave work with snap of fingers to pick up child when the sch calls.
I feel you. My first one, i can eat anything but egg and she turns out bit allergic to egg.
This one, hates oily/fried food and grilled chicken/salmon. I love such food.. there goes my KFC. My hubby eats healthy food so i said this child is his.

aww... then this one sounds like my mil's! hahaha!
Me me! I want a standardise method in caring for my child so I didn't enrol my mum's help at all. When I went back to work after 3mths maternity, I passed the role to my helper. We engaged her a month or 2 before I deliver so that can get more familiar. Our criteria in choosing one is above 30 to mid thirties and has a child of her own. She makes confinement much better as I don't need to do household chores.

So ur helper look after ur bb alone? Any other comments as do u install CCTV?
My hubby made the same comments as u as he said if really hire maid to care for bb...must choose plump auntie looking ard mid 30s and has children and experienced with bb. plump and auntie looking coz those bangladesh (my hdb cleaners & maintanence staff are bangladesh) wont really look for them. Then must install CCTV. So now i must start searching coz if not good still in time for replacement. thinking look for transfer maid at least can get soon and no dun hv to paid agent fee...
talk abt food.. i miss my mom's cooking so much.. ever since im preg.. almost 98% of the time i dun eat what my MIL cook.. it's either i cook on my own or dine out.. even da bao cai fan i oso happy.. so scare of my MIL's cooking... :(
we did not consider ifc coz i might as well send to my mil place...we ok with mil's care coz she really good with babies. Just that my mil is old leh besides she still hv to care for other grandkids...
oh ok... then i go get heat pads. damn depressing to be like an invalid. my colleagues were shocked to know that i cannot do anything with my fingers for more than 1-2mins!

he ah... also hiam plain food hor, not exciting enuff. now i only find sashimi & seafood yummy
Cannot eat sashimi wor dear....
talk abt food.. i miss my mom's cooking so much.. ever since im preg.. almost 98% of the time i dun eat what my MIL cook.. it's either i cook on my own or dine out.. even da bao cai fan i oso happy.. so scare of my MIL's cooking... :(

i opposite from u lol...i like my mil cooking coz she knows what i like ( i stayed with her for 2 yrs before shifted out to amk) besides my mil is the type who caring and attend to everyone likes...she will cook what we likes and sometimes i'll take it for granted hee. I still go back to my in law's house for dinner so will eat almost daily. Sat i will cook but my cooking standard bad and i dun like outside at all. Sun will go my mum's house eat lunch...dinner mostly tabao.
So ur helper look after ur bb alone? Any other comments as do u install CCTV?
My hubby made the same comments as u as he said if really hire maid to care for bb...must choose plump auntie looking ard mid 30s and has children and experienced with bb. plump and auntie looking coz those bangladesh (my hdb cleaners & maintanence staff are bangladesh) wont really look for them. Then must install CCTV. So now i must start searching coz if not good still in time for replacement. thinking look for transfer maid at least can get soon and no dun hv to paid agent fee...

erm... dat day i was watching discover channel, the prostitutes commented dat Indian men in general like plump women, so they had to take pills to fatten up. also, those i see hanging ard downstairs can be any size and age de. so no matter wat, still have to be careful & set ground rules.
erm... dat day i was watching discover channel, the prostitutes commented dat Indian men in general like plump women, so they had to take pills to fatten up. also, those i see hanging ard downstairs can be any size and age de. so no matter wat, still have to be careful & set ground rules.

u right leh coz i found that indian prefer freshly plump one. Any reason why they like plump one? Still take pills to get fat?? Well...my hubby dunlike plump one so he made such comments lor...hee
i opposite from u lol...i like my mil cooking coz she knows what i like ( i stayed with her for 2 yrs before shifted out to amk) besides my mil is the type who caring and attend to everyone likes...she will cook what we likes and sometimes i'll take it for granted hee. I still go back to my in law's house for dinner so will eat almost daily. Sat i will cook but my cooking standard bad and i dun like outside at all. Sun will go my mum's house eat lunch...dinner mostly tabao.

That's good.. haiz.. before preg i already start to get tired of the same kind of soup for months.. if she fry fish.. it's gonna be next few mths fry fish.. i have to wait till she not free to cook den i can cook my own pot of soup.. :( and all while i love my mom's cooking.. so now it's making me miss her cooking more often.. but whenever i go back and visit her during the weekend.. it's either no one at home to eat (den she wun cook fancy food) or my husband rush me off.. sad..
can. i put wasibi and only eat at more ex places, feel its fresher la. i did the same during #1, she is ok

bbhopeful!! cannot eat sashimi leh! my doc said only if the fish is super fresh kind, then you can take...i stopped sashimi and beef (cos beef needs to be 100% cooked).
can. i put wasibi and only eat at more ex places, feel its fresher la. i did the same during #1, she is ok

everytime i visit sushi tei or ichiban.. i have the urge to eat tat.. before preg.. i dun really fancy sashimi. but my hubb use 激将法 to dare me... "你不怕你就 order lor..."
bbhopeful!! cannot eat sashimi leh! my doc said only if the fish is super fresh kind, then you can take...i stopped sashimi and beef (cos beef needs to be 100% cooked).

Gosh.. the worst thing is to eat beef steak 100% cooked.. hee.. so i rather not eat..
bbhopeful!! cannot eat sashimi leh! my doc said only if the fish is super fresh kind, then you can take...i stopped sashimi and beef (cos beef needs to be 100% cooked).

i eat quite regularly. so far ok. touch wood! comfort food to me. so i jus order if i think dat place serve fresh sashimi. especially Sakuraya, very very fresh de
Gosh.. the worst thing is to eat beef steak 100% cooked.. hee.. so i rather not eat..
i love steak! but the most i'm willing to do is eat medium-well. so i only eat it once in a while, and salivate while my hubby eats it medium! sobs... all for baby...
So ur helper look after ur bb alone? Any other comments as do u install CCTV?
My hubby made the same comments as u as he said if really hire maid to care for bb...must choose plump auntie looking ard mid 30s and has children and experienced with bb. plump and auntie looking coz those bangladesh (my hdb cleaners & maintanence staff are bangladesh) wont really look for them. Then must install CCTV. So now i must start searching coz if not good still in time for replacement. thinking look for transfer maid at least can get soon and no dun hv to paid agent fee...

No, we did not install CCTV. My hubby forbids as he said if you treat her as human, she will too. But I have heard the countrary due to other people bad experiences. You should do what you feel comfortable with. Ours is not transfer helper. It is her first time in Singapore but previously was in HK for 6mths. Her previous employers migrated to Japan so she head back home and joined firm as she is a degree holder. She worked as helper as earns more. I agree that you should start looking earlier so that have time to change if need to be.

I don't like the way maid agency operates. Cheater bug.. We send her home for holiday within her first year as we were away for 3 weeks almost. Her tickets cost less than $200 so why not. Save electricity and expenses on her own. Went back to agency to apply for home leave and they charge us $300. Our helper was smart to photocopy some documents which we showed to another agency (they are very honest and we recontract our helper with them) and they applied the home leave at $21. The impt docu that was missing was this embassy cert that cost $250 which agency did not give us at all. They lied to my helper that we have when they found the photocopy on her and tore it up. She had few copies and hid in her bra. They also made her cut her hair and told her to shower once as Singaporean employers want to save water. Also, no creams as they said helpers don't need to maintain their skin. She hid her wedding ring in her shoe in case they confiscate.
That's good.. haiz.. before preg i already start to get tired of the same kind of soup for months.. if she fry fish.. it's gonna be next few mths fry fish.. i have to wait till she not free to cook den i can cook my own pot of soup.. :( and all while i love my mom's cooking.. so now it's making me miss her cooking more often.. but whenever i go back and visit her during the weekend.. it's either no one at home to eat (den she wun cook fancy food) or my husband rush me off.. sad..

ya coz my mil will accommodate our likes so i consider lucky to hv her as my mil. I like my mum's food too but now maid cook so whenever i go back my mum's house, she will instruct maid to cook what we desire. Ur husband rush u home? Why so? Btw my hubby dunlike stay at my mum's house for meal except on ocassion and i felt that he not very acommodative at times but i dun force him coz he dun like pp force him do what he unlikes. So let him be lor...as long as my gal and me have time with my mum can liao.

No, we did not install CCTV. My hubby forbids as he said if you treat her as human, she will too. But I have heard the countrary due to other people bad experiences. You should do what you feel comfortable with. Ours is not transfer helper. It is her first time in Singapore but previously was in HK for 6mths. Her previous employers migrated to Japan so she head back home and joined firm as she is a degree holder. She worked as helper as earns more. I agree that you should start looking earlier so that have time to change if need to be.

I don't like the way maid agency operates. Cheater bug.. We send her home for holiday within her first year as we were away for 3 weeks almost. Her tickets cost less than $200 so why not. Save electricity and expenses on her own. Went back to agency to apply for home leave and they charge us $300. Our helper was smart to photocopy some documents which we showed to another agency (they are very honest and we recontract our helper with them) and they applied the home leave at $21. The impt docu that was missing was this embassy cert that cost $250 which agency did not give us at all. They lied to my helper that we have when they found the photocopy on her and tore it up. She had few copies and hid in her bra. They also made her cut her hair and told her to shower once as Singaporean employers want to save water. Also, no creams as they said helpers don't need to maintain their skin. She hid her wedding ring in her shoe in case they confiscate.

Ya now trying to look a few leh. maid agency most are money sucker...that why i only go to those realiable (may i know ur agency and how much is they charging for agent fee)? I have a good maid in my mil's house but she not recontracting due to personal problem and i even asked her have any recommended friends keen to work with us coz agent really money suckers!
i love steak! but the most i'm willing to do is eat medium-well. so i only eat it once in a while, and salivate while my hubby eats it medium! sobs... all for baby...

Usually i onli eat medium done~ not so bloody.. so now i rather not eat steaks!!!
i like raw salmon alot but lucky not my fav must food...so i ok to skip hence i just eat grilled cooked one. Beef no no for me. My hubby always remind me dun take raw whenever we at jap restaurant.
ya coz my mil will accommodate our likes so i consider lucky to hv her as my mil. I like my mum's food too but now maid cook so whenever i go back my mum's house, she will instruct maid to cook what we desire. Ur husband rush u home? Why so? Btw my hubby dunlike stay at my mum's house for meal except on ocassion and i felt that he not very acommodative at times but i dun force him coz he dun like pp force him do what he unlikes. So let him be lor...as long as my gal and me have time with my mum can liao.

same lor.. he dun like to stay at my mom's place onli if there's occasion.. so i usually go back to my mom's place when he work on Saturday noon. but by evening i gotta leave to pick him up.. den no time to eat at my mom's place lor.. sian leh.. for mths i din eat with my parents.. den even when go out with my family to eat he will look sian sian.. zzz...
hi mummies! wao i also shocked when i learnt no white fungus?? maybe can try ask other tcm advise coz different tcm different practice but since said so better avoid or eat in moderation. In fact, i think i not suppose to hv salted egg those like liu sha bao i still eat and i think the egg is raw :( Feel bad after eating as i ate one whole bun! So next time if unsure better dun eat haha

For wt gain, usually will come after 2nd tri where baby will grow quite fast and 3rd trim too. i have started gaining one to 2kg on lst trim lol coz i still can eat and hv strong craving on unhealthy stuff hee...now appetite is back :) I think i gain more now lol

bb_hopeful - ur bb still so fussy with food now? My bb very fussy for the lst trim...now ok leh hee

btw anyone hv left maid with bb alone? I just wonder how safe can it be? I really duno what to do after my bb born coz if maid take care she will only left with bb alone, my hubby and i will be worried whole day...any suggestions and solutions? My mum is unfit and she can stay with me only temporary about 3 mths. So i really duno what to do now...if bring my bb to my mil house everyday then bb wake up so early travel to and fro very unhealthy too & my mil has a maid there but the environment there not so good crowded and noisy. On the other hand, i will be maid if i dun hire maid coz i can't imagine i busy bf and tending bb :(

welcome deecupid!

My personal experience on this through my bro is that we install a CCTV camera. Have sound as well. This is after the second nephew was born and we don't trust the second maid to take care of the older one. Initially only the older nanny knows since she's more trustworthy than the second one. But after a while, we told the second maid as well. She was given clear instructions on where to go inside the house especially when my first nephew is playing. Only the nephew's bedroom and the living room. Get someone who is older and have taken care of other kids before. If you can ask friends if they can refer a maid/nanny for you.
ya coz my mil will accommodate our likes so i consider lucky to hv her as my mil. I like my mum's food too but now maid cook so whenever i go back my mum's house, she will instruct maid to cook what we desire. Ur husband rush u home? Why so? Btw my hubby dunlike stay at my mum's house for meal except on ocassion and i felt that he not very acommodative at times but i dun force him coz he dun like pp force him do what he unlikes. So let him be lor...as long as my gal and me have time with my mum can liao.

Ya now trying to look a few leh. maid agency most are money sucker...that why i only go to those realiable (may i know ur agency and how much is they charging for agent fee)? I have a good maid in my mil's house but she not recontracting due to personal problem and i even asked her have any recommended friends keen to work with us coz agent really money suckers!

That is a consultation firm called Hart Consultancy at Lucky Plaza. Not sure if they do transfer maid. I paid $330 ($250 for insurance + $80 handling fees).
Went for the detailed scan today. Mummies who haven't gone yet, please be prepared for it to take at least an hour, depending if baby is cooperative cos they really scan every part of baby to make sure everything is fine. I did my scan at Radlink (Paragon) and it started on time so that was good. Radiographer start with bb head, then take face, nose and lips also. Measured both arm and both legs, make sure can see all 10 toes and 10 fingers. Then also took scan of spine, showed me lungs, kidneys, bladder etc.

She even took scans to show blood flow from placenta/umbilical cord, as well as 4 chambers of the heart and the blood flow within the heart. so all very detailed. Looks OK from my layman perspective but have to wait till results get back to my gynae and I discuss with her next Tues. Fingers crossed! :)

Bb very restless, keep moving around but luckily managed to complete scan in abt 1hr, so still quite cooperative. Phew! Cos went during lunch time, then rush back to office! Luckily bosses are all very understanding and are willing to let me take a long lunch to settle these scans.
So ur helper look after ur bb alone? Any other comments as do u install CCTV?
My hubby made the same comments as u as he said if really hire maid to care for bb...must choose plump auntie looking ard mid 30s and has children and experienced with bb. plump and auntie looking coz those bangladesh (my hdb cleaners & maintanence staff are bangladesh) wont really look for them. Then must install CCTV. So now i must start searching coz if not good still in time for replacement. thinking look for transfer maid at least can get soon and no dun hv to paid agent fee...

Yup, look for those older ones. The ones that are not likely to date and stay call in their phones. This is a big headache for us for the second maid. My first nephew's nanny is around 49 when we hire her, so the most is that she will talk to those downstairs and hardly even sms them. She doesn't go on day offs as well. Normally, during sundays/saturdays, she will just go with us, and will excuse herself for an hour just to remit money then meet us. For her, if she goes with us, she get to take taxi home, fare is shouldered by my bro, she gets to eat really nice food and sometimes my sis in law will also buy her some trinkets that she likes. She's just contented staying at home.
i opposite from u lol...i like my mil cooking coz she knows what i like ( i stayed with her for 2 yrs before shifted out to amk) besides my mil is the type who caring and attend to everyone likes...she will cook what we likes and sometimes i'll take it for granted hee. I still go back to my in law's house for dinner so will eat almost daily. Sat i will cook but my cooking standard bad and i dun like outside at all. Sun will go my mum's house eat lunch...dinner mostly tabao.
I'm okay with my soon to be mil. She will normally cook during weekends since I'm there during weekends only. HTB said if i live there most probably her mom will cook everyday. Normally she will fry fish, then some soupy stuff that i like, them pumpkin (my fav), then chicken, then veggies (the whole thing).I'm lucky to be the first daughter in law, she's been very nice to me. So sometimes i feel guilty when i can't eat a lot (not in the mood). Then they will give me fruits as well. hahahaha...really lucky...then now, the birdnest, she buy and cook as well. When i finish the whole bowl, she's really happy...

can. i put wasibi and only eat at more ex places, feel its fresher la. i did the same during #1, she is ok
I had half of salmon sashimi. I begged htb to allow me to eat even half. I'm not fond of sushi and sashimi before but for some reason it became my craving when i got pregnant. As much as I would like to, htb is very strict when it comes to food...but during the national day, he gave in(finally!) and allow me to eat half slice of the sashimi...hahahaha
Does anyone know if we can apply for maid directly without gg through maid agency ah. My current maid ending her contract in sept n she wanna go back her country for holiday mayb one to two months. I was thinking if she wanna come back n continue working for me I wonder if we can apply for her straightaway without gg through maid agency. Maid agencies r suckers leh... So ex...
Hi mummies,
Back from a week of silence, took a break and went on a road trip to Malaysia. Felt good to be out f the house but now back I'm back to my old ways of lazing around haha.
So nice to hear that so many mummies are going for their FA scans....exciting! Another two weeks to go for mine but seeing doc tomorrow so also cannot wait to see baby after 3 weeks!
Oh Gbob, started with your posting of the white fungus and later the other girls, made me went to make mine too! Slurp! Haha this is getting infectious! Must share more nice appetising food!
I had slight diarrhoea, is there any meds that we can take to control ah?

i miss Msia road trips! mine coming up in Nov. can share where u went?
Does anyone know if we can apply for maid directly without gg through maid agency ah. My current maid ending her contract in sept n she wanna go back her country for holiday mayb one to two months. I was thinking if she wanna come back n continue working for me I wonder if we can apply for her straightaway without gg through maid agency. Maid agencies r suckers leh... So ex...
GBOB, I think if your maid agree to extend contract, you can just renew her work permit yourself online without going thru agency.. But need to confirm with her if she is coming back.. But I think got a few things need to be aware n sort out like getting bankers draft for insurance etc.. I wanted to DIY for my maid but in the end hubby said just pay the agency commission to do for us, so I won't be stressed over this while looking after my mum.
How are you planning to take care of your dad while your maid is away? There's respite care in nursing homes but usually only private got place, n can be quite ex..
Does anyone know if we can apply for maid directly without gg through maid agency ah. My current maid ending her contract in sept n she wanna go back her country for holiday mayb one to two months. I was thinking if she wanna come back n continue working for me I wonder if we can apply for her straightaway without gg through maid agency. Maid agencies r suckers leh... So ex...

You can call Hart Consultancy at Lucky Plaza and see what they say coz your scenario bit different from mine. I agree that maid agencies r blood suckers. Hate them! I don't like being lied to. Good luck!
That is a consultation firm called Hart Consultancy at Lucky Plaza. Not sure if they do transfer maid. I paid $330 ($250 for insurance + $80 handling fees).

Tks...no agent fee?? Do they deal indo maid coz most maid my family hire are indo...so prefer indo one.

Chiching - ya i will hire old one but not so old haha. Currently i trying to ask around and wish can find one by nov. Ur mil also so nice and u lucky one!
i miss Msia road trips! mine coming up in Nov. can share where u went?

Where are you going in Nov? My hubby only allows me to fly latest by Oct so we going Phuket then. Meantime, next week, I am going Penang and managed to rent 2 bedroom condo at RM1300 for 4 nights. Coz Hard Rock quoted us RM3814 for their courtyard room with playground as there will be 3 adults and 1 toddler.
Tks...no agent fee?? Do they deal indo maid coz most maid my family hire are indo...so prefer indo one.

Chiching - ya i will hire old one but not so old haha. Currently i trying to ask around and wish can find one by nov. Ur mil also so nice and u lucky one!

Mine is Philippino so I do not know about Indo. $80 is the agent fee.
Where are you going in Nov? My hubby only allows me to fly latest by Oct so we going Phuket then. Meantime, next week, I am going Penang and managed to rent 2 bedroom condo at RM1300 for 4 nights. Coz Hard Rock quoted us RM3814 for their courtyard room with playground as there will be 3 adults and 1 toddler.

our current plan is Kampah, Cameron, Belum, Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Taiping and Seremban/Malacca. will take about 2 weeks. i can only go in Nov due to work. can't stay ex cos we hv budget,max rm200 per nite.
hi sorry reply is slow as was very busy last week trying to close deal! yeah boy is lonely...he is also 3 like your girl! :) surely hopefully we can meet up and have playdates....like you say, provided we still here lor. I don't really want to go for permanent but poor hubby struggling in SG....so like he said again today, free education free medical, free housing, and each child got mthly support funds from govt....sigh why other people's country so good to their citizens, ours like shit....everything also charge.

Ya lor. Everything need $$. N still ask us to give birth more, how to?

have anyone made you feel so shitty that you wish they have kept their mouth shut and you never met up with them? Arrghh....I havent announced my pregnancy to any of my relatives yet but one day, met my cousin, who came up to me from behind, poked my tummy and commented "WHAT IS THIS?" gave me a crazy look while walking away and then said "YOU STILL WANT ANOTHER ONE?"....

Gosh!!! That really threw me off my feet and annoyed the hell out of me. It kinda hurt too when people are so insensitive and tackless! Some more a close cousin! I felt like screaming at her and saying "yes of course I want another one and a congratulations would be nice!".....arrghh....I cant get that scenario out of my mind, left such a bad taste....grrrr
Your cousin sucks furthermore is close cousin. Tsk ignore her ba
