(2014/01) January 2014

do you all feel it in the middle or also at the sides? mine is always middle but below belly button , more like pulsing feeling. sometimes i feel might it be just a major nerve that is pulsing instead of bb move.
middle most of the time. More of a thumping but there's no rhythm to it that's why i thought it's the baby's movement. So i observe if there's sort of a pattern to the thumping, if there is, then i will think that it's just a nerve. I'm not sure if it's just me because I really wanted to start feeling the baby just to know she's alright.
If anyone is into ebooks, there's an app on ipad called kobo where you can buy ebooks. Wonder weeks retails for abt 10 USD on kobo.
Welcome netzz! :)
I started to feel clear baby's movement in the beginning of 18 weeks. It's like someone knocking on my tummy wall, and the movement can be anywhere around the abdomen area, above/below/left/right of the belly button, haha... Also I feel the movement most when I'm lying down on my back :)
middle most of the time. More of a thumping but there's no rhythm to it that's why i thought it's the baby's movement. So i observe if there's sort of a pattern to the thumping, if there is, then i will think that it's just a nerve. I'm not sure if it's just me because I really wanted to start feeling the baby just to know she's alright.

Hi chiching, how many weeks along are you now? You are not alone, I also need baby's movements to give me assurance that she's doing good and happy in my womb :)
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I will be 19 weeks tomorrow. My detailed scan will be next week so I'm really anxious about it and excited at the same time. I always talk to my baby that I don't mind if she starts moving. I guess she heard me last Friday and started knocking, i was just surprised because suddenly there's some sort of knocking in my tummy wall. As this is my first pregnancy, i really don't know what it feels like, so sometimes i'm skeptical if it's just a nerve or it's really her knocking...hahaha
Welcome netzz! :)

Mummies, am going for my detailed scan tomorrow! Am really excited about it too, cos I get to see bb again. This time i get to see bb 3 weeks in a row, since my regular gynae appt was last week, detailed scan tmr and then gynae want to see me again a week after the scan to discuss the results.

Can I check how much weight I should have put on at this stage? I put on about 4.5-5kg liao. Dunno whether that's in the normal range since bb still got a lot of growing to do, and there's still half the pregnancy left!! Trying not to put on too much, later hard to lose :(
Btw I have received my maternity dress from whoopzadaisy. Size fits well, material is quite good and design quite cute as well. Very korean/taiwan kind of style. Pretty :) Will definitely buy more if I need to get more maternity stuff, and nursing clothes as well!
Welcome netzz! :)

Mummies, am going for my detailed scan tomorrow! Am really excited about it too, cos I get to see bb again. This time i get to see bb 3 weeks in a row, since my regular gynae appt was last week, detailed scan tmr and then gynae want to see me again a week after the scan to discuss the results.

Can I check how much weight I should have put on at this stage? I put on about 4.5-5kg liao. Dunno whether that's in the normal range since bb still got a lot of growing to do, and there's still half the pregnancy left!! Trying not to put on too much, later hard to lose :(

I put on about 4.5kg too...My doc said i should put on about 4 kg in the 2nd trimester and another 8kg in the 3rd trimester. Total i should put on is 12kg. o_O

My detailed scan will be end of my week 21 :p
I put on about 4.5kg too...My doc said i should put on about 4 kg in the 2nd trimester and another 8kg in the 3rd trimester. Total i should put on is 12kg. o_O

My detailed scan will be end of my week 21 :p

wah so throughout 1st + 2nd trimester should only put on 4kg total? zzz i exceed liao. but these days feel hungry a lot more frequently. guess got to make healthier eating choices.. :S
the preggy women my doc sees are mostly japanese...i told her my friends all put about 18kg or 20kg total. She said for singaporean women is common because of our diet...jap women mostly eat steamed food, not oily and fattening....according to my height and weight..i should only gain 12kg total....:eek:...but lets see...because im hungry too! :( cannot control....:confused:
Hi cheerbb, I'm gonna get mine from mummy's secrets. I thought i can get away not buying maternity clothes but it seems like i still have too. All the dresses that fit about a month ago, are now all tight, so no choice but to buy some dresses that can be more comfortable.
Btw I have received my maternity dress from whoopzadaisy. Size fits well, material is quite good and design quite cute as well. Very korean/taiwan kind of style. Pretty :) Will definitely buy more if I need to get more maternity stuff, and nursing clothes as well!

I also purchased from them. unfortunately the skirt i purchased out of stock. but they are courtesy enuff to inform me in advance that the shipment will be late.. shld be receiving it soon..! Cant wait..
Welcome netzz! :)

Mummies, am going for my detailed scan tomorrow! Am really excited about it too, cos I get to see bb again. This time i get to see bb 3 weeks in a row, since my regular gynae appt was last week, detailed scan tmr and then gynae want to see me again a week after the scan to discuss the results.

Can I check how much weight I should have put on at this stage? I put on about 4.5-5kg liao. Dunno whether that's in the normal range since bb still got a lot of growing to do, and there's still half the pregnancy left!! Trying not to put on too much, later hard to lose :(

I also put abt that much kgs.. but im already plump before preg (my 1st baby fats not gone yet..). now im 19 weeks but my tummy alr very round and big like almost 30weeks big~~!! :( duno is it becoz im plump now.. can hardly feel baby's kick.. sometimes can feel sometimes whole day dun feel anything.. or baby not active.. hoping for next week for my detailed scan to come~~
Hi cheerbb, I'm gonna get mine from mummy's secrets. I thought i can get away not buying maternity clothes but it seems like i still have too. All the dresses that fit about a month ago, are now all tight, so no choice but to buy some dresses that can be more comfortable.

esp those without elastic ones~ i feel you.. my big n flare tops come to use now..

n my mom is irritating enuff.. the cloths that my dad say doesnt look nice on her (coz she look very fat in it..) she pass it to me to wear.. coz i am allow to look fat now~~ -___-"
Hi mummies,
Back from a week of silence, took a break and went on a road trip to Malaysia. Felt good to be out f the house but now back I'm back to my old ways of lazing around haha.
So nice to hear that so many mummies are going for their FA scans....exciting! Another two weeks to go for mine but seeing doc tomorrow so also cannot wait to see baby after 3 weeks!
Oh Gbob, started with your posting of the white fungus and later the other girls, made me went to make mine too! Slurp! Haha this is getting infectious! Must share more nice appetising food!
I had slight diarrhoea, is there any meds that we can take to control ah?
Chiching, you are one lucky gal! Have birdsnest made for you...envy:) after my white fungus will make the birdsnest. Had some at around 12/13 weeks but the taste bud is still off and still don't taste good. Don't know when my taste bud is going to be more normal. All food still taste differently from what is used to be. Any gals still experiencing this?
esp those without elastic ones~ i feel you.. my big n flare tops come to use now..

n my mom is irritating enuff.. the cloths that my dad say doesnt look nice on her (coz she look very fat in it..) she pass it to me to wear.. coz i am allow to look fat now~~ -___-"
Hahaha...my MIL is doing the same. She's passing her some of old clothes to me, but the style is a little bit old. No choice but to accept and wear once. She doesn't like me wearing my stretchable body hugging dresses where my baby bump is obvious, she thought i didn't buy dresses, i said i did buy, i just like my stretchable dresses because it's showing my baby bump.
Chiching, you are one lucky gal! Have birdsnest made for you...envy:) after my white fungus will make the birdsnest. Had some at around 12/13 weeks but the taste bud is still off and still don't taste good. Don't know when my taste bud is going to be more normal. All food still taste differently from what is used to be. Any gals still experiencing this?
yup, that's why i feel guilty when i don't finish it...it turned out that i just need to cool it down for me to be able to handle the taste...hahahaha. My taste bud is still changing...and I'm still picky with food and becomes cranky sometimes when htb force me to eat something that I'm not in the mood to eat
Chiching, he will soon learn haha. My hb knows how sensitive I am to food so will always ask what I can stomach, if not I will merlion everything out ;)
On maternity clothes, my bump is not really obvious except maybe when I am super bloated with air. Anyway I drag out all my old maternity clothes to wear. Haha my hb and mom commented say don't see anything yet but just look a bit fat. I rather try to look preggy than be fat looking in my normal clothes haha...vain mummy.
Hi mummies! I am super new to this forum and this thread. So helpful to have found this page since I am a first time mummy!
My EDD is 3 Jan 2013 but my tummy is still so small. Scan showed a bb gal *yay* but I may also be having a small fibroid which doc worries may hinder the bb frm coming out *boohoo*. Wonder if any mummies here have had that experience?

Ylyn: Anw, am also looking for nice lobang for yoga too to keep healthy. My workplace has stopped their yoga classes n not sure when they will resume! let us know how your yoga at that place goes. :)
Hi mummies,
Back from a week of silence, took a break and went on a road trip to Malaysia. Felt good to be out f the house but now back I'm back to my old ways of lazing around haha.
So nice to hear that so many mummies are going for their FA scans....exciting! Another two weeks to go for mine but seeing doc tomorrow so also cannot wait to see baby after 3 weeks!
Oh Gbob, started with your posting of the white fungus and later the other girls, made me went to make mine too! Slurp! Haha this is getting infectious! Must share more nice appetising food!
I had slight diarrhoea, is there any meds that we can take to control ah?
Howdy girl! Welcome back! So shiok to go on short getaway... I'm growing mushrooms Liao.... I m eating the white fungus dessert twice every week... Tonight my dinner will b carbonara pasta... Will post pic later :)
My dinner:- carbonara pasta
Yumz!! Looks good girl! Wish i had yummy food to tempt me. Today is a lousy day again, cannot even stomach soup and rice.
Hi deedeez, welcome! Yah will try and let you know on yoga! Got it cheap 6 sessions for only $35. Hehe cheapo hor! Nvm try and see can get some workout instead of rotting at home :p
Joy, I follow recipe one leh.. Lolx... Just cook the pasta the traditional way ie. boil water add salt n oil then throw in pasta cook till soft (ard 8mins). Use butter as oil, stir fry white onion, garlic, button mushroom, ham or bacon, cherry tomatoes (any other ingredients u like to eat), add little bit white wine, little bit chicken stock, dash of black pepper, then when all soft Liao, just throw in the pasta, add in a few scoops of the carbonara pasta sauce (I use leggo brand), add some water if u don't like it too creamy... Then sprinkle parsley n bacon bits (I ran out of bacon bits so I use bak gwa instead) wahahaha....
Welcome netzz! :)

Mummies, am going for my detailed scan tomorrow! Am really excited about it too, cos I get to see bb again. This time i get to see bb 3 weeks in a row, since my regular gynae appt was last week, detailed scan tmr and then gynae want to see me again a week after the scan to discuss the results.

Can I check how much weight I should have put on at this stage? I put on about 4.5-5kg liao. Dunno whether that's in the normal range since bb still got a lot of growing to do, and there's still half the pregnancy left!! Trying not to put on too much, later hard to lose :(

hehe i have also gained around 5kg total, appetite is really huge now ! do update us on your detailed scan experience, im having mine next week :)
Wa seriously if I'm u. I'll choose to leave sg for gd.

Your gal going 15 le so can understand your son muz b really lonely huh. Your boy how old now? My gal going 3, mayb aft birth we can meet up n let them play together. But now cannot because I need bed rest. Oops also muz provided u still in sg la lol.
hi sorry reply is slow as was very busy last week trying to close deal! yeah boy is lonely...he is also 3 like your girl! :) surely hopefully we can meet up and have playdates....like you say, provided we still here lor. I don't really want to go for permanent but poor hubby struggling in SG....so like he said again today, free education free medical, free housing, and each child got mthly support funds from govt....sigh why other people's country so good to their citizens, ours like shit....everything also charge.
Whoa.. 15yrs old gap. You are very brave.
never thought of it as being brave.....just love children, have always love them but opportunity never came. Tried tried but never got pregnant even without protection!
It really only happened when I started slowing down on the work that I was doing, starting getting healthier and partying less and stopped smoking! my work used to require a lot of traveling, entertaining etc and so I think I've put my body through quite a bit of stress with all the smoke and alcohol back then! After slowing down and changing jobs and less entertainment to almost nil entertainment, drinking slowed down, quit smoking for 5 yrs and after a lot of supplements, before had chance for #2.
hehe i have also gained around 5kg total, appetite is really huge now ! do update us on your detailed scan experience, im having mine next week :)
I was told that weight increase throughout the whole pregnancy to around 12 to 17 Kg is averagely healthy for maybe Asians? IT depends on our BMI I think....Good luck with your detailed scan!
have anyone made you feel so shitty that you wish they have kept their mouth shut and you never met up with them? Arrghh....I havent announced my pregnancy to any of my relatives yet but one day, met my cousin, who came up to me from behind, poked my tummy and commented "WHAT IS THIS?" gave me a crazy look while walking away and then said "YOU STILL WANT ANOTHER ONE?"....

Gosh!!! That really threw me off my feet and annoyed the hell out of me. It kinda hurt too when people are so insensitive and tackless! Some more a close cousin! I felt like screaming at her and saying "yes of course I want another one and a congratulations would be nice!".....arrghh....I cant get that scenario out of my mind, left such a bad taste....grrrr
good morning all...

have anyone made you feel so shitty that you wish they have kept their mouth shut and you never met up with them? Arrghh....I havent announced my pregnancy to any of my relatives yet but one day, met my cousin, who came up to me from behind, poked my tummy and commented "WHAT IS THIS?" gave me a crazy look while walking away and then said "YOU STILL WANT ANOTHER ONE?"....

Gosh!!! That really threw me off my feet and annoyed the hell out of me. It kinda hurt too when people are so insensitive and tackless! Some more a close cousin! I felt like screaming at her and saying "yes of course I want another one and a congratulations would be nice!".....arrghh....I cant get that scenario out of my mind, left such a bad taste....grrrr

I know exactly how u feel. I have all these sickening people coming up to me (when I was ttc) and kept asking when's your turn, when's your turn. I don't know if they are just plain dumb or what. One was my ex colleague who has a very irritating way of asking things, and talking. and I was thinking, if everytime u ask me, and i tell you the same thing, won't it be obvious enough to just shut up and not ask?! and another one was my cousin's husband. so proud that his wife is pregnant, also keep telling my hubby... you must work harder. don't all these people know that sometimes people are just trying and without any luck?! I got so fed up, when one day my cousin asked me nicely, i just told her we are having problems. the next time we met up, the husband just shut up. and as for my colleague, I really dread meeting up with her (in a group. I'd never meet her alone). until now, my ex colleagues doesn't know i'm expecting.

That was before I found out i was pregnant. When i did... This guy, was so insensitive... he went "so corinne... I heard that wayne finally got it into the right hole. I hope it's not Jame's".... I'm like WTF? James is this mutual friend that works nearby where i work, so we have lunch together like once a week. and yes. those were his exact words. Even if he's joking, I don't think it's funny. and even if that's the way he always talks, he should know better than to pass comments such as these in such situations. It is just plain rude, insensitive and just shows how immature he is. I got caught off guard, and by the time i had a reply for him, it was a few days later, which is pointless to retort back. I am still very affected by his comments lor. Just hope that his girl will have respect from the guys around her when she grows up, and just hope that his boy will give girls their due respect. But looking at how he's behaving or how he speaks to people, i highly doubt so.
have anyone made you feel so shitty that you wish they have kept their mouth shut and you never met up with them? Arrghh....I havent announced my pregnancy to any of my relatives yet but one day, met my cousin, who came up to me from behind, poked my tummy and commented "WHAT IS THIS?" gave me a crazy look while walking away and then said "YOU STILL WANT ANOTHER ONE?"....

Gosh!!! That really threw me off my feet and annoyed the hell out of me. It kinda hurt too when people are so insensitive and tackless! Some more a close cousin! I felt like screaming at her and saying "yes of course I want another one and a congratulations would be nice!".....arrghh....I cant get that scenario out of my mind, left such a bad taste....grrrr

Honestly, sometimes pple duno that less is more and if you can't find anyting nice to say, just shut up. Especially kaypo relatives who juz wanna gossip. Really cannot stand.

Oreo, tt's terrible! Either he got a terrible sense of humour or super low EQ. I suspect it's both. Hahahaha....
Hi mummies, I went to my TCM yest, summarizing what she says.....

1) No dang gui, ren sheng and pineapples coz may cause contraction of womb
2) Occasionally drink pao sheng can (1 wk once) . Side effect is tt will b baby is very active and keeps bouncing n kicking as supposed to ti shen and make u feel awake. But she says actually no need.
3) Yang shen is cooling so not suitable for preggers.
4) Bird's nest is good to take once a wk frm wk 22 onwards. Best is boiled with cane sugar. (frm sugarcane) or juz rock sugar. I asked abt the ready made ones. She said it's not as gd but also can. Coz they mix alot of impurities in. Pure unbleached ones tt u cook at hm better.
5) No white fungus. I was shocked! but she said will cause 'hua2 tai1' , lost of bb I gather. So she really emphasise dun take althou the whole world is taking. She said in place of it, actually coconut meat is better. U scrap the meat (heaty) plus a bit only of coconut water to eat, good for baby. The coconut water hubby can drink she says as it's cooling.

Hmmm, I hope it helps. Anyting u all need clarification, juz ask k. Hav a great day! :D
good morning all...

I know exactly how u feel. I have all these sickening people coming up to me (when I was ttc) and kept asking when's your turn, when's your turn. I don't know if they are just plain dumb or what. One was my ex colleague who has a very irritating way of asking things, and talking. and I was thinking, if everytime u ask me, and i tell you the same thing, won't it be obvious enough to just shut up and not ask?! and another one was my cousin's husband. so proud that his wife is pregnant, also keep telling my hubby... you must work harder. don't all these people know that sometimes people are just trying and without any luck?! I got so fed up, when one day my cousin asked me nicely, i just told her we are having problems. the next time we met up, the husband just shut up. and as for my colleague, I really dread meeting up with her (in a group. I'd never meet her alone). until now, my ex colleagues doesn't know i'm expecting.

That was before I found out i was pregnant. When i did... This guy, was so insensitive... he went "so corinne... I heard that wayne finally got it into the right hole. I hope it's not Jame's".... I'm like WTF? James is this mutual friend that works nearby where i work, so we have lunch together like once a week. and yes. those were his exact words. Even if he's joking, I don't think it's funny. and even if that's the way he always talks, he should know better than to pass comments such as these in such situations. It is just plain rude, insensitive and just shows how immature he is. I got caught off guard, and by the time i had a reply for him, it was a few days later, which is pointless to retort back. I am still very affected by his comments lor. Just hope that his girl will have respect from the guys around her when she grows up, and just hope that his boy will give girls their due respect. But looking at how he's behaving or how he speaks to people, i highly doubt so.

That guy is a f...ing idiot. I understand how you feel. Next time you ever see him again (hope not!), dont show any mercy to him...
Can I know how do we count our weight gain? Is it based on our pre-pregnancy weight, or lowest weight after pregnancy? Because I lost some weight in my 1st trimester...
Hi mummies, I went to my TCM yest, summarizing what she says.....

1) No dang gui, ren sheng and pineapples coz may cause contraction of womb
2) Occasionally drink pao sheng can (1 wk once) . Side effect is tt will b baby is very active and keeps bouncing n kicking as supposed to ti shen and make u feel awake. But she says actually no need.
3) Yang shen is cooling so not suitable for preggers.
4) Bird's nest is good to take once a wk frm wk 22 onwards. Best is boiled with cane sugar. (frm sugarcane) or juz rock sugar. I asked abt the ready made ones. She said it's not as gd but also can. Coz they mix alot of impurities in. Pure unbleached ones tt u cook at hm better.
5) No white fungus. I was shocked! but she said will cause 'hua2 tai1' , lost of bb I gather. So she really emphasise dun take althou the whole world is taking. She said in place of it, actually coconut meat is better. U scrap the meat (heaty) plus a bit only of coconut water to eat, good for baby. The coconut water hubby can drink she says as it's cooling.

Hmmm, I hope it helps. Anyting u all need clarification, juz ask k. Hav a great day! :D
Thanks dear for your help. Omg!!! No white fungus?! Oh dear!!! MUMMIES, BETTER STOP TAKING.... I tot can take de... Geez... My only comfort food also bo Liao. Hahaha
Lovelittletan ah, I just Kaypo n curious went google on white fungus... It seems that pregnant can take n it's rather good wor... The one that can cause miscarriage is 黑木耳... Any chances your Tcm doc heard u wrongly? Heehee... Anyway I think to b kiasu abit, best is just stick to taking bird nest ba hor.... *heartpain
i put on 20kg for #1 & i lost them all within the 1st yr, thx to bfg :)

bb movement: finally realli realli felt it at 18wks 1 day! i felt then put my gal's hand over the same spot and she felt, then hb tried the same too! finally this boy is showing abit of love for the mom!

anyone having nerve problems? my limbs r forever aching, no amount of massage or compression can help. i bought compression socks from OIO at KKH and it only helped to relieve abit of the Restless Legs Syndrome :( but it's such a pain to wear, pushing more hurt into my alrdy painful fingers :(
have anyone made you feel so shitty that you wish they have kept their mouth shut and you never met up with them? Arrghh....I havent announced my pregnancy to any of my relatives yet but one day, met my cousin, who came up to me from behind, poked my tummy and commented "WHAT IS THIS?" gave me a crazy look while walking away and then said "YOU STILL WANT ANOTHER ONE?"....

Gosh!!! That really threw me off my feet and annoyed the hell out of me. It kinda hurt too when people are so insensitive and tackless! Some more a close cousin! I felt like screaming at her and saying "yes of course I want another one and a congratulations would be nice!".....arrghh....I cant get that scenario out of my mind, left such a bad taste....grrrr
yucks! ignore ur cousin! maybe jealous dat u hv another child?
i put on 20kg for #1 & i lost them all within the 1st yr, thx to bfg :)

bb movement: finally realli realli felt it at 18wks 1 day! i felt then put my gal's hand over the same spot and she felt, then hb tried the same too! finally this boy is showing abit of love for the mom!

anyone having nerve problems? my limbs r forever aching, no amount of massage or compression can help. i bought compression socks from OIO at KKH and it only helped to relieve abit of the Restless Legs Syndrome :( but it's such a pain to wear, pushing more hurt into my alrdy painful fingers :(
Me me!! My limbs also forever achy... I use heat pad n it relieves abit of the ache...

How come u cannot eat carbonara pasta dear?
