(2014/01) January 2014

arhh u all can feel baby movement~~ maybe my previous pregnancy fats still not gone.. cant feel much oso.. :( sometimes onli some bubbly feeling inside.. i wan the big big kick to come soon! hee..

Actually I started to feel movements of baby yesterday morning on the way to my gynea's clinic..hmm. wonder if he knows that I am going to see him..kekeke.. After my lunch at Jack's place, he move a lot too... maybe he like steak..

Now no more movements :(
haha everytime I eat raisins...I can feel bb move too..think bb likes raisins...heee

dun worry so much...at times I dun feel any movements also.
jt.. our babies are still so small at this stage.. sometimes we can be too busy with things to notice their tiny movements :) maybe bcos yesterday I was on leave and hubby did the driving.. more relaxed .. thats why can feel.. today no feelings liao..kekeke
my 1st pregnancy i felt the movement at 16 weeks.. this time hardly.. hee.. i relax most of the time.. at work oso nothing much.. finding things to do.. but my 1st pregnancy.. noon time was her slping time.. until at night then wake up to kick n punch.. hee.. cant wait for the time to come~!
jt.. during my #1 & #2.. I know they dun like me to lie side way as they will fall to one side.. so normally when I bored.. I will do that to make them kick and kick..kekeke..naughty mummy :)
This will be my last chance to feel baby's movements in my tummy.. no more accident..kekeke .. I always like the feeling when they are in my tummy.. follow me everywhere I go..never feel alone :)
Thanks mummies for the welcome message :)
Testing testing my stickers now...
By the way, when should we start sleeping on the left side?
fanntasy.. kueh chap can be small bowl .. I eat one bowl dun feel anything also..normally I go for 1.5 to 2 bowls too :)

Lol, ya hor. sometime kwap chap bowl is small. heheh.. last time before i preggie, i took 1 bun can last me whole morning as breakfast... but now..ate 1 bun like no feeling wor... then very fast hungry liao... is it normal ?
Can someone tell me how long the OSCAR results take to turn up?

OSCAR scan duration depends on your baby position de. If bb guai guai in the right position then can be as fast as 10-15 mins.. but if the position is not right then just have to tickle your tummy, cough and sneeze to let bb go back in the correct position. For me, i did my OSCAR and blood test on Friday evening, and dr called me on Monday to tell me the results. Dont worry too much patl, everything will be alright :)
This will be my last chance to feel baby's movements in my tummy.. no more accident..kekeke .. I always like the feeling when they are in my tummy.. follow me everywhere I go..never feel alone :)

I am in my week 14, still too early to feel any movements. But can't wait to feel it! cos at least i know bb is growing well inside:) but how does the feeling like actually? hehehe
i feel like these days i get full fast. but later 1-2 hrs later will get hungry again. so just try to eat small meal often, or snack on fruits when get hungry between meals. poor hubby getting fat finishing my food for me! :p
fanntasy.. you take 1 bun.. I can take two bowls of porridge with all the dishes for lunch and still feel nothing..

hahah Shirlynn.. so i am normal hor... hehehe... now even lunch hor.. i ate 1 bowl of noodle also not enuf leh! then come back office and snack again! and dinner time after taking proper meal, i start eating junk food like potato chips :D
i feel like these days i get full fast. but later 1-2 hrs later will get hungry again. so just try to eat small meal often, or snack on fruits when get hungry between meals. poor hubby getting fat finishing my food for me! :p

hahaha, my hubby also complaining that he may get fat easily. I bought alot of snacks at home and in fridge. I eat, he also eat. lol
so good that you guys can eat those snacks. Bb doesn't like but i like. Week 18 and still puking... sigh. When will this stop?
My #1 preg, i hardly puke. This is a vast difference. Gynae said I am older.. so awful. Am going to ask him this Sat coz the last time he said week 16, should stop.
self injecting and the extracting part lo.. all because wanted to have sibling for #1 :)
cost wise.. govt grant is good! we paid abt 2k from medisave and abt 2k cash before the treatment for blood tests, consultation etc
2k frm medi 2k frm cash still affordable wor. At least u get twins. It's gd.
Hi mummies, thanks for all your very encouraging words and support. Hubby and I have decided we will do the OSCAR first, going to TMC tomorrow early morning to do it. Hubby is still not keen on the AMNIO as he doesn't want the risk of miscarriage, this being our last baby. So I think we will probably pray for the best, live with the OSCAR results and hope everything turns out ok and or maybe we may consider the non evasive option of Harmony later on. Pray for us!
Don't worry too much. Praying for u.
fanntasy.. kueh chap can be small bowl .. I eat one bowl dun feel anything also..normally I go for 1.5 to 2 bowls too :)

I'm the same too! when i eat kuey chap nowadays i need to eat at least 2 bowls of kuey, when my hubby sees the amt of food im consuming he is starting to get a little worried on my weight gain but cant help it at times esp when its food that we love and seems so yummy!
Me. Thinking of ordering confinement catering. But have not set up my mind which to choose.

saw very good reviews on natal essentials, and their portions seem huge, can eat very very full! just hope taste wise they are alright :x as i do not want to spend money to taste the trial meal.
U mean how long does e report take? The scan result is immediate but u have to wait for e blood test to combine e final result.

For me I took my blood test on e day of e scan, to be exact is after the scan. Next day morning the nurse call me and tell me the combine result is low risk. So for mine takes 2 days. One day for scan another blood test.

So it depends on your blood test result when come out. But some clinic will tell u take around 3-4 days.. So it depends in clinic. :)

Hi Vanilla, thanks. I already did my pre-natal blood test last time I went for my scan, nurse said don't have to do again. so I'm only going for the Scan tomorrow morning. So hopefully the results will come out fast.

Is anyone in TMC and knows how long they take? I heard someone mentioned 2 weeks wait?
Oh I forgot to ask if I have to prep for the scan? Like drink water before I go or anything like that as the clinic didn't say anything...?
Oh I forgot to ask if I have to prep for the scan? Like drink water before I go or anything like that as the clinic didn't say anything...?

Normally they will ask you to take a glass of water before going in ( thats what the nurses told me to do ). I think if its done by gynae ( like in my case ), the gynae will be able to provide you some answers based on nt scan, normally if fluid behind bb's neck is below a certain range then the risk of ds is not high, however this is only a guideline, still have to use blood test results to compute the total score.
Normally they will ask you to take a glass of water before going in ( thats what the nurses told me to do ). I think if its done by gynae ( like in my case ), the gynae will be able to provide you some answers based on nt scan, normally if fluid behind bb's neck is below a certain range then the risk of ds is not high, however this is only a guideline, still have to use blood test results to compute the total score.
OK, thanks raineraine....keep you all posted tomorrow! :)
lovelittletan, once pregnant.. we will worry non stop .. even when born..new worries will come. so try to take it easy :)

For CL, confirmed mine at 2.5 k. Called a few.. market rate is about 2.4 k to 2.6 k. Just crossing fingers that she will be good

I really tink so too... hahaha tell myself to relax relax....

Oreo, sometimes pple only can see it frm their point of view, so wat to do? I don't tink u will hav to give up ur dog...
Patl, they will normally ask you to keep ur bladder a bit full so easier to scan. If I am not wrong, you can pay more to hasten the results to get it either tmr or the day after. You try and ask over counter. I will pray for you tt ur OSCAR results are gd then you no need take AMNIO. Jiayou!
Ptl, they will normally ask you to keep ur bladder a bit full so easier to scan. If I am not wrong, you can pay more to hasten the results to get it either tmr or the day after. You try and ask over counter. I will pray for you tt ur OSCAR results are gd then you no need take AMNIO. Jiayou!

Hi Lovelittletan, thank you dear for your prayers...amen. I will certainly keep you all posted when I get back from the scan.
saw very good reviews on natal essentials, and their portions seem huge, can eat very very full! just hope taste wise they are alright :x as i do not want to spend money to taste the trial meal.
Raine I also read gd reviews about natal. Chilli padi de menu like special but expensive n they do not deliver during cny. So I also not sure if natal deliver during cny or any additional charges anot.
any mummies opting for confinement catering instead? heard its very hard to get CLs around our edds and the price point will be on the steeper side. im considering natal essentials.

Me too :) but hvnt decide to cater frm whr, but think i will go for trial meal first
Raine I also read gd reviews about natal. Chilli padi de menu like special but expensive n they do not deliver during cny. So I also not sure if natal deliver during cny or any additional charges anot.

Oh dear, is that true, wahh like that i better call them up and ask or really nothing to eat during confinement.
Mummies, just wanted to ask u all if u all can feel your own hb?

When I lie down I keep feeling my own hb, pumping like so hard.. Den some time one if e beat can be very hard and can feel e 'Dom' like that.. When I put my hand on my chest I can feel the hb lo pumping.. Sometimes lie down can feel e pump behind my back my neck etc.

I get that for my 1st pregnancy as well. Wonder if its normal.

I really don't like the feeling.. Making me so uncomfortable.. Feels like gonna short of breath sometime. :(

Wanted to ask Gyane about it but next appt is still 3 weeks away.. Zzzzzz
Mummies, just wanted to ask u all if u all can feel your own hb?

When I lie down I keep feeling my own hb, pumping like so hard.. Den some time one if e beat can be very hard and can feel e 'Dom' like that.. When I put my hand on my chest I can feel the hb lo pumping.. Sometimes lie down can feel e pump behind my back my neck etc.

I get that for my 1st pregnancy as well. Wonder if its normal.

I really don't like the feeling.. Making me so uncomfortable.. Feels like gonna short of breath sometime. :(

Wanted to ask Gyane about it but next appt is still 3 weeks away.. Zzzzzz

Normal pax hb is btw 60-100 beats per min. I also realise hb more prominent after i was pregs n usu higher. Prob cos we r more sensitive n body is working hard to develop bb bah... I asked gp n gynae before, both say normal. Im almost always short of breath. However, i wun feel "dom" unless im very worked up. U wanna call gynae n ask?
Haro gals! :p does anyone feel sudden shooting pain once in awhile in boobies? :D

I also have.. Sometimes will suddenly have sharp pain on my left breast.. Sometimes mild but sometimes very sharp and last for about 3-5 sec.. And it's always happen on e same area. If very pain den I'll just press on it till e pain goes off..

I haven tell Gyane about this yet. So next ask him..
Normal pax hb is btw 60-100 beats per min. I also realise hb more prominent after i was pregs n usu higher. Prob cos we r more sensitive n body is working hard to develop bb bah... I asked gp n gynae before, both say normal. Im almost always short of breath. However, i wun feel "dom" unless im very worked up. U wanna call gynae n ask?

I google and they say its normal cuz our body is working hard to pump blood for 2.. It usually happen at night den next day wake up no more and I forgot about it again.. Haha.. Some days don't have.. Some days can feel very obvious..
Strawberry, mind sharing what your Gynae say after u asked abt the neh neh shooting pain? Hehe... I oso like u sometimes if abit intense I'll use hand to press on it.. Lol
Thanks happygal, I managed to get the ticker but in a smaller version and unsure how to enlarge it. Good for mummies who have enhance cleavage. For confinement food, I ever ordered from New Baby and the food is nice though I felt the price is on the high side. Mummies, who are getting confinement food can try.

morning mummies!

patl - good luck in your oscar test!

bb_hopeful - i can feel my hb in my early weeks and it really scare me coz during my previous pregnancy, i dun feel it at all. It normal in early lst trim...if 2nd trim u still feel it & somemore u find it uncomfortable, better check with your gynae.

I do have shooting pain once a while and izit true coz our breast are growing??:confused: My breasts are fuller and all my bra are getting tight!

How many mummies are expecting twins? It is more xin gu? Heard must do csec rite? Are u all excited yet trouble at the same time coz after that hv to take care of 2 bb which i find really not easy...
