(2014/01) January 2014

Happygal, ya tonight sure can sleep better. Told myself cannot use the doppler too often. Will just use once a week.

I think hor ppl say avoid raw food cause of some bacteria that us preggies may b more prone to get. Actually hor, I ate two plates of salmon sashimi during week 6. That time I tot gone case so bo chup just whack. Lucky bo dai jee. I think better b safe than sorry. Dnt take raw food for the time being ba....

I went for facial and was turned away. Said need to be at least 3mths but I said I'm 14weeks so 3mths liao what. They still say not 3mths yet. Sigh...

I feel my boobs are getting heavier. No wonder getting backache recently.

Do you gals feel that your tummy is so tight that will burst anytime? So uncomfortable.
it s'pore leh state in the news but they didnt reveal which hospital...
Heard fro my friends, got alotof cases, need to endure not to push before the gynae come

Now i know the reason
U shld know what the feeling like when you wanna shit but cant shit

I too never regret, what is over...let care abt baby future

Wah u r luckly, let me pray my baby come out when my gynae around....but hopefully the gynae wont take his time to come if in the middle of the night.
Who ur gynae & u r in which hospital?

I heard that too. I think my mum know.I ask her
Yea, tight n itchy. I try to apply baby lotion whenever i get dressed.
At least they turn u away, they noe nid to be careful. Sme bo chup.

I will still eat, but only those higher grade and fresher ones, meaning more ex. So cannot eat often too.
Hubby treated me to Sakuraya sashimi on the day we saw the positive news plus it was my graduation day, double happiness day!
Music: it was a free facial. Not done facial in years. Ever since I seen dermologist 5yrs ago, I stopped going facial. Though I stopped seeing derm about 2yrs ago coz I itchy hand wanna try products in magazine. She said that their facial has frequency so better b safe than sorry.
I was drinking more than usual when I had #1 coz I didn't know . It always happen like this hey.

Juju: so fast itchy already? Careful not to scratch ah.
I will go search for the best grade then.. Haha. Dint know higher grade then can eat. Wasabi can?
Dunno why leh. Not very itchy but betta to apply first. Moisture lessen the itch.
Higher grade means fresher and more expensive types. Hubby says better than NTUC or Umi Sushi type. So now only eat sashimi at restaurants. Yup, add wasabi, can kill bacteria, he says.
Anything, as long as i get to eat my sashimi! Yumz!
good morning!!! my ms seem to subside, these 2 days no puke puke, hope it gone for now! suffered 3 mths of puking.....
GM, I just drank a few sips ard 10pm cos I need to take my duphaston. Other than that never drink much leh. Ain't complaining la... It's ok waking up to pee... I "enjoy". Lolx

Bblove, I help u curse your ms stay away for good!!!
musicgenie, my gynea is TB Lim, his clinic at Mt E. But I choose to deliver at Mt A as nearer to my home. Worried orchard road traffic jam.. keke.

So far I stay at Mt A three times.. the nurses there are friendly and nice.. press bell very fast come
morning mommies~~ Finally it's FRIDAY~~~ every night at least will wake up 2times to pee.. wanna ignore oso cannot~!!
GM: Huh pregnant cannot do facial meh? or yours using machine?? i went facial with i was 4weeks and 7weeks.. but mainly my beautician doesnt use any machine on me and the products she used on me is suitable for pregnancy..
haha.. I see the thread move so fast and sometimes lazy to log in.. i already started my new job this Monday.. very free and nothing much to do.. haha..abit too bored for me.. but still gotta hang on to it.. lolz..
Me too wake up early 6or7am to pee then eat TCM medicine cos i need to gynae medicine in the morning too so need 2hr diff
Will stop seeing TCM if my allergy didnt improve
I take a while to zz maybe before 8am then wakeup almost 11am but today wakeup by hp ringing @ 10am+++

Me too , hubby want gleneagles cos his boss stay there claim quite good but i worry abt traffic so i choose TMC but I may change my gynae cos seem like he is quite pushy to ask me to test. I dont want to do oscar but he seem like hard selling but talk in a nice way...I just wanna a simple test , scare pain to me & baby....
I also heard the nurse there quite bad...
They beat my friend leg so that she wont push the baby as gynae is not there yet...
I wanna postphone my appt, they said cant, claim Dr dont like...

I took milk @ nite before i sleep otherwise I will be very hungry before I sleep then cant sleep already...so cant avoid water

Gd for you! COngrats! me havent reach 11weeks
Hi hi mummies,
At last my gynae is back, saw him on wed. Scanning will be next week though.

As #2 is pre term, he wants to monitor me more closely aft week 30. If I manage to keep bb till week 36th, Im still can go for my water birth ... Yeah..

Going to meet up doula up soon ... Have flash back on #2 birth ( is a emergency, rather chaotic, not v pleasant) .. Have to work on it .. ;)
hmm all the website i check , my gender is a girl but got a feeling is boy...not sure is it my mum keep saying my one shld be boy...let see
i oso din noe it's so eng and relax job leh.. all the staff come in late and leave on the dot~ Cool~ at least i dun need to worry i need to OT and cant pick up my gal.. but i wish to be abit more busier la.. from morning i came in until now im surfing net and chatting.. not very good oso leh.. time past very slow.. waiting for lunch at 1230pm.. hee..
Musicgenie, talking about that.. just went back to see the news pic. I think for MT A, patient gown is green or what.. forgotten liao.. have to check if my hb took any pics of me when I delivered..bcos once I can stand.. I changed to my own clothes. But for blanket.. I think should be white at MT A.
that's when i delivered in 2011 la.. lolz.. i doubt they will change.. btw Mt A renovation will end when? I went recently to my girl's PD, the carpark still not ready.. i dun wan to trouble my visitors to park at Macritcie side leh..
T_T, not so fast.. next year dun know when then will be ready. I delivered there last year.. They have valet parking. Just avoid the early morning peak should be ok. I have been bringing my gal to PD there too. Mostly is ok. Only 1 time my hb kenna and was asked to park at Mac Ritchie.. but they have regular shuttle bus service.. actually not so bad
awww.. ya i noe they have valet parking.. still.. if it's packed then will have to park far away.. sometimes my hub will park at the roadside before turning out to main road.. haha
Same here, i tend to wake up at night to urine after pregnant.
At least 2 times. THen will take awhile to sleep.

Actually my hubby hate the traffic at TMC. Need to queue to turn into TMC.
And parking also mafan.
Always have to valet, and wait for that van to bring us to the carpark.
But no choice, gynae there.
T_T: they said that they use frequency. That's why.

My craving for tom yam soup till now, has not subside since I am pregnant. I don't want to delivery early.. wail.

GBOB: everything can eat. as long as moderation. =P
GM: oh no wonder. my beautician din use any machine on me once i found out pregnant n informed her.. but my skin is bad.. my back have patches of dry skin.. my forearms fold are dry.. armpit oso..
GM, T_T: my facialist also stopped using machines when i informed her i was pregnant. went for facials from week 8 with bad outbreaks due to hormones and she was able to calm them down. until now the pimples haven't resurface *touch wood!*

Mummies, do you know any stores that carry Great Mother's Goods belly butter? i intended to buy from a shop my cousin used to run, but the new owner has stopped importing this
searched on Amazon also out of stock, so am wondering if there's anywhere in sgp that stocks this.
strawberries: so envious! i'm still waking up 2 times a night to pee despite restricting fluid intake at night. luckily can half-asleep complete the business and just knock out again the moment i reach the bed hehe.

btw can i check when do we need to start attending antenatal classes? i got friends recommending to go ASAP, cos Mt A includes sessions on nutrition that is helpful early on. but my gynae say only go at 7th mth and she will help me book. her reason is that study for exam must last minute cram, study 6 month in advance will sure forget. A bit conflicted..
cheer_bb: i have not heard of Great Mother's Goods belly butter before. Is it good? Will go google for you.
GM: my cousin's store used to bring it in. they used to run a mother and baby product online shop, with a showroom near pemimpin area in bishan, but they've moved to shanghai and the new owner who took over doesn't bring in anymore.

when i was helping out at the shop last time i'd heard good reviews from some customers, also from online reviews on amazon, so i had quite fixed my mind on using that, until i realised i didn't know where to buy from. i like the sound of it as it uses all natural ingredients, so no odd chemicals etc.

if i can't find, i might just use palmer's, or bio oil since it seems to be the popular choice
music: we cannot take barley? Milo has barley? I will ask my gynae tomorrow. I have jot down things that I have learnt from this forum. So interesting!
until now i din stop eating food (except raw food). even the prohibited pineapple i also took it.. but ofcoz just a slice or so. to curb my craving.. but totally no no for raw food. not even medium done beef~!!! Well done beef really sux la!! lolz..
Musicgenie, milo has malt, not barley, can't drink barley cos its cooling according to tcm. But milo has chocolate which has caffeine.. Small amt only so depends on how strict you want to be with your diet,
Juz went for OSCAR today. The lady scanning me said all looks gd. Juz cross my fingers tt the blood test is gd.... Gd luck for those gg for the test soon!

Cheer, I helped you google liao but seemed can only buy overseas..... Can ship here?

I love chocolate. Everyday must eat a bit. I drink milo for bfast on most days. Too much anot?

Bio oil:
Really safe anot? I read online like got not so gd reviews....

T_T: Can intro me ur job? Sounds so gd n im jobless! Hahahaha.....
