(2014/01) January 2014

Starry, read somewhere that Popsicles can help.. Maybe can try freezing isotonic drinks into ice cubes and suck on the ice cubes? Apparently doesn't cause as much vomiting as drinking.. Or can go your GP to take some meds if really bad.

Had lost 3kg due to the constant puking.
Really worry that there is not enough nutrients going to the baby.
My gynae told me I dont have to take multivits in my first trimester as that can cause me to vomit more.
Wonder if my little bean had grown.
Thanks heaven and starry.

Fwah, sisters suffering from ms, I *salute* u gals. I no experience n don't really know wat to eat of whatever remedy can help u all. Pls take care. Tahan tahan as I heard it gets better once past first trim
Thanks Joy, shall try that. I've been taking dimenate the anti nausea pills daily too. But it's making super drowsy and sometimes it doesn't work too.

Crystal, I also stop the iron and calcium, been taking only the frolic acid. Are you passing urine as per normal. I am dehydrated cos I only have the urge to go once in 24hrs. Gynae worries about my kidney and suggested admission.
sorry to hear abt bad MS.
i just get really nausea at time but no actual puking. take care ladies!

anyone know how much Oscar test cost?
dreytan & Rach
Yes same gynae

Our Edd shld be around end of jan? but I m staying private ward
My mum & tcm dr say the same, your baby is fine as long as you dont bleed & feel very pain...i also not sure...can wait to scan every week...i believe got some1 scan very week to see baby development

Great day to you too

Today breakfast finally have turkey & tomato sandwiches! INgredient from my mum
me everyday eat plain bread abit sick already LOL

Starry bowie
Take great care , u will be fine soon after 1st trimester , everything shld be back to normal.
I hate the nauseous feeling everyime& i must get something to eat otherwise i may feel like fainting

Crystalbelle (crystalbelle28)
Dont worry, they will grow & absorb everything fr us, it is their nature.My skin become dryer cos baby absorb everything
Anybody aware of what are the test to be taken in week 20?
I know there are the series of test to be taken in week 20.
I m skipping Oscar test cos I will kept baby no matter what & it is 80% accurate only...no matter what it s a small life fighting to grow everyday

yea my gf told me its optional. if no history then dont stress myself.
she also said there is a detailed scan at week20.
Hi all,
This will be my 2nd child . My EDD is 1st Jan 2014. (Kind of a memorable and interesting date )Going to deliver at Mount Alvernia. Cant imagine i got this date while everyone is busy counting down for 2014.
I got all the symptom that can have in 1st trimester for this pregnacy compared to the 1st one.
1st one i still can go oversea travel . but this time , i only can laid on the bed most of time , cant walk much . Feeling very unwell. Throwing out everything (even for water) & everyday. Losing 3kg already. Worried if my baby gets enough nutrient anot. Haiz..
-Anyone got the same date as me ?
-How to prevent he/she from coming out early ? Coz I want a 2014 baby . hehe ..
Thought turning better and I have briyani today. Regret having it now. It makes me feel so unwell and I feel so much like puking now. Yikes!!

Kacie, hi 5! my EDD is 1 Jan too but I would like him/her to come out earlier.
Hi 5 Darbebe, where will u deliver? Come out early is easier coz can induce . But i cant do anything to ask him/her nt to come out beside talking to him/her or praying.Haha..
Wow .. i Admire for yr food intake , still can take such a heavy food . I now very scare for rice and noodle . Even eating a piece of tofu or take my supplement , i also throw out . Supposely my gynae ask me to go A&E to take drip . But im just waiting for next tue appt to see my scan and see wat the doc say.
Kacie, I will deliver in TMC. I don't intend to induce, just let the contractions come naturally. My contractions for last 2 pregnancies come naturally at Week 37/38. So hope this time round too.

Was feeling better past 2 days hence decided on briyani. Wrong choice.
Hi hi

I'll like to join this thread too...... my 3rd preg and EDD is 8 jan.... my wedding anniversary!
But i think will come out earlier cos my 2nd was out 1.5 wks earlier....
I'm also battling with ms..... bad nausea and indigestion but didn't really vomit except today break record..... but i hope this is just a one off and that it tapers off soon......
Darbebe hehe.... but i doubt so lah cos of past records..... but i hope bb comes out only after 2 Jan so that when it comes to schooling, bb won't be the youngest in school..... if not quite tough to catch up in the initial years.... my 2nd one is also year end bb and i can already see her lagging behind....
Hi GBOB/juju78, good to see you gals here.....

Hello everyone else...hmmm...can I join you gals since the Feb 2014 thread isn't started yet? :) I just got my BFP 2 days ago and EDD 7 Feb 2014.
Darbebe.... slighty slower compared to her older sis at the same age lah..... my 2nd one is turning 4 this yr..... but i just leave it to her at her own pace cos i know her development will slower as she is a late Oct bb.... but i think they will catch up once they are in primary school.....
Daphne, I see. As we have no year end baby in the family/extended family hence thought it will be cool to have one in the period. Haha.. Silly right. Anyway, will let nature takes its course. If baby decides to come out later, also not a bad idea.

Miracle baby, please feel free to join us. Any symptoms for you? Hope you are one of the lucky ones without MS.
Hi mummies

Sorry to interrupt
I'm May2013 mummy.
I had just gave birth and looking for buyer for my reminding 1 bottle 400 ml unused Elancyl anti stretch cream.
I have reminding half bottle which I can give away too when u buy that bottle fr me.
Thruout my pregnancy I used 2.5 bottles of this anti stretch cream and it works well for me , I don't have stretch mark for my 1st and this 2nd pregnancy at all.
Interested mummy pls pm me
Welcome, Daphne!
I don't agree year end bb lagging behind their peers. I was a year end bb. I did better than my peers, however, only in primary school. Lol.
Welcome and Congrats!

I was in the teaching industry for 4 yrs previously.
So I dont agree with yr end babies lagging behind too.
Instead I find them even smarter!

Dont worry dont worry!!! Haha
Darbebe, hmmm not much symptoms, just feel very bloated, maybe a little tired of and on and feel a little pukey at times when eating but just very little. Otherwise maybe generally I'm more tired than my previous 2 pregnancies where I had no symptoms and more energetic. Maybe now old already.....hehe
Miracle baby, that's what I always said. Now old already hence feeling all the symptoms unlike my 2 other pregnancies.

Seems like there are alot of preggies with #1, 2 and 3. Why the government always said birth rate still below par? Hmmm...
yes, pls share how u cope, esp whn u were doing confinement for #2.

after my mc in jan, any colour or amount of spotting is enuff to scare the hell out of me. i find scanning comforting. at least i noe it is growing.

hi miraclebaby,
ur nick is very familiar. do i noe u frm another thread?

re: yr end baby
i think they may lose out slightly whn they jus enter presch, due to separation anxiety those stuff. after they grasp routine etc, shld be ok le
same qns i posted too Darbebe!
baby fairs are always jam packed. lack of vacancies for schools n such. but government still say not enough. haha
Hi JuJu78, 2WW thread.... :) btw I also have no confinement lady for my first two. #1 I had my mum to help and #2 my maid.

I noticed many of you are patients of Dr Ben Tham's patient, I'm also his patient... :) Glad to find so many here.

Darbebe, ya lor....had a nap this afternoon now still feel strange...
Apple & Juju, my #1 was 15 mths old when my #2 came out.. Already knows how to walk and help out.. she goes infant care in the day So day time only need to take care of baby and myself.. been eating fishball bee hoon soup, never really had confinement food. Just had to bear with my #2 till evening time when my hubby comes back with #1.. day time sleep, drink milk, express milk, shower him.. used to stay with in law so when she comes back from work I'm more free le.. this time round our own le, no in laws with us.. hope can still cope esp with 2 kids..
My #2 is a Jan baby, feel that he came out earlier hence more matured than his peers and of course chatting away while others still learning to talk.. anyway, they will catch up eventually..
Every test is optional...we have the right not to take the test if we do not want to

Your #1 got delay?

Dont worry! shld be fine

I dare not eat briyani, worry abt the herb...

2WW? Frm many yrs ago? U changed ur username?

Ic... My fren was saying tough. But since im thinking to cater food, she said shld be ok.
Hello , I just found out im pregnant with #2 (probably edd early feb 2014, my first u/scan in 2 weeks. My first is now 8 months (only).
Can I get ur views mummies to be - should I make a biz trip (4 hr flight) these few weeks ??
Miraclebaby/ rach/ musicgenie: yup I agree dr tham is very popular. I noticed his waiting time seems to increase this round when I see him. In feb, usually I only wait the most 30 mins but nw it can drag to more than 1 hr.. but I m still quite comfortable with him. Are u all choosing tmc? My hub n I prefer mt A actually.
Btil: best to chk with ur gynae n also ur mindset. in theory, its safe per my gynae advice but for me, i dun wan to take the risk during the 1st trimester.
Hi juju78, hmmm, I thought you were in 2WW- for those TTCg but maybe I mistaken identity! hehe :)

dreytan, yes most likely TMC as last time I delivered #2 there was ok, no issues with the services at all. It'll also be nearer to Dr Tham for my C-sec! I've not seen him for my 1st appt yet, so maybe his appt really very tight now as I understand he is on leave next week. Sometimes he just ask me to walk in whenever I can't get an appt but this time he never response leh....hmmm.
It was recommend not to for trimester but i travel to HK the next day wo knowing I already pregnant.
I felt nauseous & cant eat much & food taste diff

I m choosing TMC
1) near my hse
2)my hub god sis working as nurse there but not sure same dept .We will let her know after 3 mth :D
3)Personal feel : the hospital seem to be like KK specialized delivery
Of course I did heard rumour abt the nurses are very rough during delivery & the nurse services are sucks & snob.
I wonder how true, will check with my friends once I announce my pregnancy cos I m quite "pan dan" :D
<font color="aa00aa">dreytan, did his waiting time increase? Shucks one of e main reason I chose him cos his waiting time isn't as scarily long as others..my first appt w him was ok tho, went in almost immediately wor..prob cos I went on weekday afternoon? As for hospital, I'll stick to tmc since #1 oso here..tho many ple say tmc standard dropped, but I'll still stick to it..got sense of belonging hee..</font>
Hi mummies!!

Saw Dr Ben Tham on Thursday

My #1 is now 16 mths and I'm so tiring coping with this pregnancy.

Already gotten my confinement lady this one. The last one was done by my mum and my helper. Don't want to tired my mum.

Will go bk TMC again, we are happy with the nurses there and most impt Dr Ben Tham can attend to me ASAP. He did very well for my natural birth for the last one, no pain after that and totally supportive thru out my pregnancy. A very positive doctor!

My EDD should be feb, he told me I ovulate late...shall wait and see
<font color="aa00aa">kwxy, glad to hear tt ur lil bean is fine! Rem u saying sth bout e bb having weak heartbeat or sth e previous visit? Tell me bout it I oso find it super tiring still haf to play w my 2yr old whilst feeling nauseous n hungry all e time!
GBOB, take care n rest more k..hope ur spotting will stop soon..</font>
Thanks rach, just don't understand y the spotting continued for so long. Almost 3 weeks le. It stopped for two days after the jab n now it's back again even though I'm on duphaston... Coming Fri I will ask Gynae again. So nervewrecking
Hello, can I ask.... For those of you girls who are spotting.... Any other symptoms you experience?

This is the first time I am spotting..... No other symptoms... Should I be worried?

Oreo, none for me. What colour is yrs? If u feel any pain or cramp *touchwood* rem to contact your Gynae ASAP or go to KK 24 hrs to get a support jab ya.

Gals, can I ask how does bloating feels exactly? Stupid question hor... Hehe... I m feeling v v full these few days. Really no appetite to eat anything. Sharkfin put in front of me also cnt perk my appetite up. When I do feel hunger n eat, I eat v v little nia n Mai eat Liao. Then I feel damn full, like stomach wanna explode. The only thing that perks me up is lemon juice. I've been drinking that two days Liao. So am I bloated?
