(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

trevi : u mean wen they are in pri sch ma? coz in CC, i also got prepare goodies bags for his classmates... coz CC got no school holidays de...

trevi : i see... i see... ^^ if tats the case.. if ur kid bdae fall on sch holidays.. maybe can try to compensate by bring him/her out.. like tis he/she wont feel jealous liao le..

i so sian in ofc.. feel like self declare to go out for early lunch.. haha.. now only 11.15am nia..i already tinking of lunch liao.. jia lat man!! LOL!!
trevitrevi: same here. very tempted to go on a TRA weight loss program. I've seen results on my uncle but my aunt who is a consultant told me not to go for it if i'm TTC. Sigh.. my weight also keeps going up lor.

going on a short trip this weekend, it will be around my O day so will be a gd time to BD.. hehe
kayliz: what's TRA? some colleagues and friends thought i am pregnant due to my fatness now..
SAD to max... After no# 2, then can close shop and start to slim down. Now is stuck half way.

Wow, shiok!! Enjoy ur trip and happy BD-ing! Wish u luck to strike!!
trevitrevi: it's some NU Skin 3-month weight management programe but is clinically proven to be safe even for breastfeeding mums. i think u can find ppl talking about it in some forums also.

thank you!!!!!! im keeping my fingers crossed.
Hello all mummies!

I'm new to this forum. I'm actually TTC for #1 but i can't find any topic for that.. but i guess TTC for #1 and #2 also sama sama? hope to know you ladies more and hope can get more advise from everybody

one of my colleagues did the program. she lost 14kg.. very discipline.. of cos she started w quite big size lah..

the rest of us very motivated by her...
jOyFul: yup! my uncle lost 8kg 8 weeks into the program. my aunt who's the consultant for this is actually an ex-nurse and she said the docs and nurses also recommend this for their patients who needs weight management.

Too early, i think.. Haha..

Hmm, actually think m suffering fr insomnia agn... Sigh, or maybe kept awake just thinking abt office stuffs...

Was really really upset over office peeps tt i actually broke down for the past days..
heng no one saw me :'( else v paiseh..

Ask yall hor, does ur office have colleagues who r such a bully tt they demean fellow colleagues on alst daily basis and will pass sarcastic remarks and all and then the up there is not doing anythg abt it, in faxt takes amusement at the whole scenario and find the bully's rotten apple character interesting???

Think i really give up liao ler loh.. This pax really gets a kick out of creating probs, shopting pple behind eir back... Can scold scold scold anoter pax in front of peeps, then when in front of tt person tt she/he scolds, will be all polite and all.. So fake to the max tt one can puke just by watching him/her with his/her gimmicks loh... Super duper jialat, y's there such a pax walking this earth still? They shld be extinct with the dinosaurs ler loh... With this kinda peeps ard, u dunno when'll die under their arrows de loh..

Sigh, just thinking abt the need to go back to tt mountains of work is dreary enough, add those kinda 暗箭伤人pple into the equation really makes me feel like not even stepping into the office at all!! Sigh, so angry.. Whole mind filled with the irritating pax n what she/he'll do next kept me awake till now...
<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 12-Sep-2012!! ^^</font>
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length</TD><TD>TTCing for #</TD><TD>Child age for</TD><TD>Child age for </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD>CD30</TD><TD>29 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 5mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anne</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD>CD22</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 4mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bebbie</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD>CD40</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 2mth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbkoh</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 9mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD>6-Sep</TD><TD>CD7</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 3mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bewildered</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>CD37</TD><TD>30 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 11mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueswimmercrab</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>CD29</TD><TD>32 to 40</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 4yrs 8mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Charlotte</TD><TD>20-Aug</TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 5yrs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cinmay</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedone</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>joyful</TD><TD>29-Aug</TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD>30 (on Clomid)</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kayliz</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD>CD13</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 1mth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kopibaby</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>CD2</TD><TD>24 to 33</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 4mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>luvflower</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD>CD51</TD><TD>28</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MoreBBs</TD><TD>4-Sep</TD><TD>CD9</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pillow4</TD><TD>25-Jul</TD><TD>CD50</TD><TD>32 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 3mth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>raywen</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD>CD12</TD><TD>29 to 32</TD><TD>#3</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs11mths</TD><TD>#2: 1yr 5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklestarworld</TD><TD>23-Aug</TD><TD>CD21</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 13mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>10-Sep</TD><TD>CD3</TD><TD>28 to 32</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 6mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD>CD47</TD><TD>27-28</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Morn all

kayliz: went to find out about TRA. seems like herbal life.. i tried herbal life b4 but i think it dont work on me.. maybe i'm not discipline. I really don't like the shake.

Rachel: Welcome

Charlotte: Thanks!

bewildered: yes, there are really horrible people in this world lo! U cannot understand how can they ever exists!! But yet they can still survive in the company for good and the boss don't take any actions.
berries and bewildered - horrible colleagues but what about your boss? if boss is nice, then i guess that is a positive.

i guess no ideal job in this world where nice boss, nice colleagues, work life balance, good working hours and of course $$$$! heehee.....

just ignore the horrid colleagues and avoid them. dont let them negative vibes affect us. we need to be happy to get a BFP!!
bewildered, i understand how you feel.. if i'm the person who is being bullied like that, i will definitely leave the company. it really sucks to be dreading work daily and wondering every morning if you should take MC and skip work. i've ever been in a company for less than 3 months because i just dont feel comfortable there and i left even before i found a job.

in my previous company, the environment is mainly people in our 20s except for the bosses. i was one of the first to get married and get pregnant. to be honest, i realized i got preg 3 months before my big day. everyone knew about it and will say things like i had a shotgun marriage, or in uglier terms in hokkien, say i "diao kia". something like that.

after i came back from my ML, i had to express milk during office hours. but ppl there dont really understand why i have do it because none of them have been parents before. they will call me a cow who is going to milk myself, and when i return they will say crude things like "hey! xxx has fresh milk. who wanna buy?" it was very childish of them la.

at times, we have a lot of OT and we gotta work as a team. example i have to wait for colleague A to complete her task before i can start mine. but my colleague would purposely dilly dally. it doesnt help that i stay more than 1 hour ride away from office and i have to rush home to express and tend to my 4 mth old. i told her that i need her to hurry as i need to leave but she retorted "那是你家的事" (thats your own business). BOO!

i resigned 3 months after my ML. and i'm glad i found my current company. my bosses are understanding ppl and most of my colleagues are young mums like me. my job may not be perfect but colleagues are the people who are more important than a job.

so jia you!! go with your heart, dont make yourself unhappy. we have to work every single day, so it's terrible when u feel miserable at the thought of going to work. i would rather u think about it now than to get pregnant in this current company and you will be stuck until u deliver.
trevitrevi: i'm also taking herbalife shake and supplements, but i love the shake! i drink it when im lazy to make breakfast or before my jog in the evening. i got the vanilla one and mix with HL milk. not bad leh.. haha.

for TRA u only need to replace with shake once a day but i heard the no. of pills to swallow is almost like 20? dunno, but i will want to try after i have my #2!!!
kopobaby : lucky i have nice bosses.. if not i already left liao le.. serious lor.. no joke!

kayliz : we are the same.. i was been gossip by my colleagues too.. and my senior will always comfort me tat they are just jealous of me.. ask me to ignore them.. i dun understand why those ppl love to tok bad bout ppl.. tink of it im so angry!!!
Berries - good for you! Nice bosses are important. I left a job before because the boss took credit for all our work and does nothing but sit there and surf the web!!

Yeah, some people are just horrid and mean. what i dont understand is that they are also a mother/father/wife/husband etc. i mean they are a fellow human being. how come so mean to others?

generally my colleagues are ok except for two of them in my team somemore! they treat me as transparent, dont acknowledge even if we meet in the corridor. i used to sit in the same room as them before i gave birth. and they do NOT talk to me at all the whole day. imagine.

fortunately, i moved workstations when i came back from ML.

then they very mean. they will buy snacks for the WHOLE department and gave to everyone except me. that time was after CNY so it was like a "open work" gesture. i mean, not that i very greedy for the snacks but if you are buying for whole department, then be gracious and do for all. afterall, it is a brand new year during CNY period.

oh well, no love lost....hahahahah....
Hi Everyone! Im back from MIA! haiz...sad to report, my witch came this morning to haunt me!

I was reading this twoweekwait website and it says must stay away from TTC website during this 2ww.. that is why i din post even though i read it almost everyday.

I tot i strike le when my AF din report on CD29 coz for the past 2 months, it has been quite punctual. then furthermore, i went for a short trip during my fertile day. But who knows?!?!!? BAAAAHH~~~ sad sad day for me!
Bewildered: dun be bothered by your colleagues la. I know its difficult esp when you have to work with them. But then when you lost your sleep, what are they doing? Maybe they are enjoy their beauty sleep. dont you find it not worth it to lose your sleep over them?

then i also realised something. we should really leave our stress at our office. dun remember to bring home with you. no matters how hard you work for the company, the company will not remember coz they are not human being. They are just an organisation.. so just do your best during your time at work and leave all stress in officE~!
Thanks ladies!

bewildered: yes i can totally understand how you feel.. these stupid people are everywhere it seems!

2ww: hugs!

guess for me there's some stuff going during this TTC period.. one is the pressure from in-laws... another is the hubby was not very hardworking in TTC.. trying out very little these few months but hoping to strike like 4D..

started to monitor my bbt this month... has been high for the past 11 days (including today) like average is 36.7.. is it a good sign?... :|
bewildered, guess you are too stress over work that made your eyes and minds awake. It's tough working in such environment. How about consider changing job if you really dislike the environment and being bullied ?

2ww, nice to see u back.. so long never see u around.
2ww - why must stay away from this TTC website during 2ww? I dont understand.

Rachel - how long have you been married? And hubby not keen to have kids thats why he is not hardworking?

Note that BBT is not accurate if you wake up in the night to pee. I wake up every night so i dont bother with BBT.
2ww - hugs. hope you are feeling OK. I had CD1 yesterday and I was feeling very very down. Felt much better today.

So hope you will feel better soon. Go get something you like to eat during lunch later
it's never easy to leave the office work behind after working hours. I was like that too, even after working hours, i will talk about job. Now I learn not to talk about job. after work means no more thinking/talking about work. I will think of leaving if I am not happy with the job/environment. i was ever on a contract job, work day and night, boss only show face for a while then go home. I hate her to the max. Go home midnight, seldom see sunset time, wkends also come back. Crazy work. I can't leave within a year and if I do so, I have to pay 1 mth. Me incld a few others also same terms with me. I endured to the end, 2 or 3 others coll left by paying 1 mth.

hello rachel, actually i never realise there is no ttc #1 thread.. how long have u been trying?
twinklestarworld: i have the same mindset as you now! i used to work and work now i learn to go off on time and after work means no more..

I've been married since last Nov.. trying very slowly since then.. for the past 2 months more hardworking.. my hubby is 8 years my senior so his side are all looking forward.. he's the only son, only child :S he wasn't so ready past few months until 2 months ago.. his friend told him his wife monitored her bbt and they strike it on the 2nd month.. so he came home and ask me if wanna try out this method.. that's when i started monitoring.. other months i monitor the cervical mucus only..

kopibaby: ooooo thanks for the tip!!
rach, u must be quite stress. his family waiting to "carry grandchildren".. juz keep working hard.. but it takes 2 hands to clap. both yr hb n u must be cooperative to bd on the fertile window. haha, bbt, some mummies do chart their bbt, but i never do so thgh i bought the thermometer. it must be taken same time everyday, first thing to do before u do anything else. i can't do that, coz my sleep is always interrupted. u can try testing via opk.
Rach: actually the BBT will stay up high (like in your case average is 36.7). if it stays for a continue 16 days, think you strike liao!!! you pray that it will not come down coz if it come down to 36.1~36.3, meaning the witch is around you and coming to haunt you..

Kopi: I saw the preggy mummy says if can, stay away from ttc website so that maybe wont be too stress during 2ww ba. just try lor.. who knows also nvr strike. think i better come here often and chat more. and hey you are my cycle buddy.

Twinklestar: wow you are very good leh.. work till midnight and then weekend also need to work. seriously i dunno if i can survive that unless that pay is very very good~~~~~!
Rach: sometimes hb din show doesnt mean he dun wan kids. anyway, you just gotten married so i think can enjoy the process la. at least now when you are bding, wont be disturb by kids... whahha...
2ww, super stress.. good? i won't say pay is good but i learnt a lot at that job. The Proj mgr quite cunning. Used a tactic, she smsed another colleague said who and who will be coming. actually, the rest never said they r gg back to work. Everyday I took taxi back. It was my worst job! That was in year 2004, younger time I can pia.. now I can't. I just want to go home after working. haha..
Kopibaby: tt's v horrible of ur colleagues, same rm n can dun talk?!

Kayliz: ur colleagues r real insensitive n crude... Same as my colleague.. Real insensitive..

Wrt bosses, too bad, over here, the boss loves the pax alot, finds the character interesting and smart.. So i've contemplated moving on next yr, coz mw just changed portfolio, then go off so soon, nt v nice, like pple's think tt m unable to cope so taking the ez way out.. So no matter wat, gotta ren until next yr.. Sigh..

Twinkle: most of the time m able to leave work behind but this time round, dunno y m i so affected... Tis like maybe the accumulation of all those nasty and insensitive remarks tt i tahan and ren all these while just exploded loh... Aft today, m nt gg to think abt it anymore, no point..

2ww: yar, hate to think abt it, but i think they r enjoying their beaity slp while m losing mine.. Gotta 看开点了..
twinkle: wow, that was soooo long ago wor.. almost 7 years ago and you can still rem. think that proj mgr really ke bo you!

Bewildered: yah lor, kan kai dian. you think so much they also hack care. so you just do what you need to do. but you cant resign next yr leh, coz next year you will be going thru maternity leave mah. yeah!!! look at the bright side!
Morning ladies!!
can smell the weekend is near..

<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 13-Sep-2012!! ^^</font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length</TD><TD>TTCing for #</TD><TD>Child age for</TD><TD>Child age for </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD>CD2</TD><TD>29 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 5mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anne</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 4mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bebbie</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD>CD41</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 2mth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbkoh</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 9mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD>6-Sep</TD><TD>CD8</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 3mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bewildered</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>CD38</TD><TD>30 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 11mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueswimmercrab</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>CD30</TD><TD>32 to 40</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 4yrs 8mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Charlotte</TD><TD>20-Aug</TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 5yrs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cinmay</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedone</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>joyful</TD><TD>29-Aug</TD><TD>CD16</TD><TD>30 (on Clomid)</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kayliz</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD>CD14</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 1mth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kopibaby</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>CD3</TD><TD>24 to 33</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 4mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>luvflower</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD>CD52</TD><TD>28</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MoreBBs</TD><TD>4-Sep</TD><TD>CD10</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pillow4</TD><TD>25-Jul</TD><TD>CD51</TD><TD>32 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 3mth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>raywen</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD>CD13</TD><TD>29 to 32</TD><TD>#3</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs11mths</TD><TD>#2: 1yr 5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklestarworld</TD><TD>23-Aug</TD><TD>CD22</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 13mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>10-Sep</TD><TD>CD4</TD><TD>28 to 32</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 6mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD>CD48</TD><TD>27-28</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Mornz All!! =)

Feeling better today ler.. heh heh, shall close my eyes and shut the ears today and from today onwards until next yr!! haha..

2ww: Ya super cute!! =) heh heh, I would really really love to take maternity leave sia.. haha!!

Today's Thursday ler!! 1 more day to Friday, then I started counting down to my holidays ler!! haha, tho tis next yr, but at least counting down, 1 thing at a time, makes me feel better.. =p think am looking for some form of escape..

yest also suffered fr insomnia, but heng tis like v short period only, then I kept saying to myself, they'r enjoying their slp, why shldn't I? Why should I be denied of my slp? heh heh, then it works and was able to slp aft the mood became calmer.. =p

hmm, digressing abit.. m cracking head planning for kiddo's bday party in sch.. haha.. not doing anythg fanciful, just cake and pressies for the kids.. =p

Btw, ask yall hor, usu if yall were to celebrate kiddo's bday party in sch, what'd be ur budget for the pressies? coz just realised tt kiddo's class has ballooned to 30++ kids ler!! Tt's machiam a pri sch class loh.. -_-
bewildered - yes. 3 of us in the same room for 1 plus year. everyday i come in, the two of them dont talk to me at all. they will talk to each other and for things they dont want me to hear, they will msn each other.

so i will sometimes go over to the next room to talk to my other colleagues lor. oh well. i am just so glad that after i came back from ML, i was outta that horrid room already!!
bewildered : wer u gg for ur holiday trip next yr? so fast counting dwn le.. haha..u so cute!! i also counting dwn to my HK trip next sat.. cant wait to go and relax and leave all the wk and stress in the ofc..

kopibaby : lucky u are shifted out of tat horror room.. but the 2 of them still in tat room ma? or they also been shifted out of the room?
the two terrors are still in the room and now they are very happy coz they have gotten rid of me. when they see me along the office corridor or in pantry, its as if i was invisible.
in the beginning, i was nice i still say good morning to them etc. but no response. so i stopped.

and in my seat in that room now is a new guy who joined when i was on ML. and dunno what they said to that guy, now that guy also dont talk to me. hahahahah....the thing is the new guy doesnt even know me since he joined while I was away....so it must be the two terrors who poisoned him.

so evil hor.....
Kopibaby: tt's real nasty of them lohz!!! Watever misgivings tt they have or whatever impression they have of ya tis theirs lohz,y spread their bo liao 'belief' to other? Crazy pple they r!!

I can understand the part abt being ignored.. Tt colleaugue will someimes ignore us one.. Or rather ignore our dept pple.. Weird hor?? So nwadays when walk by, will keep eyes glued to the grd.. Heh heh..

Berries: ya gg hk?? So nice,ur hol's coming soon!! ) mi'd b gg to TW fz next jan.. So looking fwd to it coz will be real coold!!
just did a brief count, tis like close 100 days away.. -_-

But anw, 2 colleagues' coming back next wk so m gg to go back to clearing 1 mountain instead of 3!! Yeah!!
so lookg fwd..
kopibaby : wah lau!! i hear liao angry leh.. althou i dunno them.. but really angry wen u say they treat u like invisible!! is it becoz u on ML.. so they go and ask boss to shift u out etc? they are so EVIL!!!! how old are they?? so childish!!

bewildered : yup!! i'm very excited lor.. u gg TW? are u gg for the farm stay?? i heard it is interesting for young kids.. i planning to go TW if i can next yr end too.. tell me wer u gg etc.. share share ur expereience after u went ok? so tat i can plan mine too next yr!!
bewildered - good for you that your colleagues are coming back next week! yay!! hopefully your workload will become more manageable

why must buy pressies for classmates when it is your kid's birthday? is that the norm??

the two terrors - one of them is the lead the other is the kar giah. the lead does not like me because i am younger (in age and in tenure with the company) than her and yet i was promoted 2 years ago but not her. so she is very angry about it.

but to me, if you did not get promoted, then you should ask yourself why or what is it that you are not doing enough, right? anyways, she just got promoted early this month so she should be happy liao...but she is still ignoring me.

but then again, i would rather keep it that way - i dont want to be friends with her at all....
berries - the lead and i report to the same boss and the boss knows that we dont get along. she has been trying to make us get along and she thought sitting us in the same room would help. (she didnt know it was hell for me but i didnt want to kick up a big fuss).

so when I was going on ML, i think my boss realised it was a lost cause so she thought may as well take the opportunity to shift me out (which i was very happy to anyways). the lead is in her early 40s. kar giah is early 30s.

and the lead hor - she is a mother of 2 kids. 2 years ago, her elder boy was taking PSLE. when i was sitting in the same room as her, EVERYDAY, she calls him to her boy like EVERY hour just to check on what he is doing, whether he has eaten, gone for his tuition etc etc. wonder how much work she gets done!!!
aiyoh, i thot i am the only one facing colleagues issue.. sad to know actually quite a number of us also face the same issue.

But then its ok la, so long as we enjoy our job here, who cares abt them. I agree good colleague will make our day go by faster but then less conversation with them also good. more effective in work! ahahahh.. think we really have to look at the bright side, else our day will not be a happi day!
kopibaby : wah lau!! they r really big bully man!! feeling like slapping them.. u are lucky tat u dun have to face them and be in the same room breathing the same air with the,,, they are too much!!

i'm gg for 5D4N..
first nite will be staying at disneyland hotel..
then 2nd day till the last day we will be staying at Langham mongkok....
cant wait seriously!! i got no mood to work..
counting dwn everyday.. haha.. i feel guilty.. lol
Kopibaby: ya's situation's somewaht like mine!! Heh heh,except tt the colleague is the lead for quite some time,v smart n all but every word of hers stung and she can pass real sarcastic remarks.. Boss likes her v v v v much while m the cldn't b bothered to talk to boss type.. Haha, career suicide lahz but seriously i dun care ler,just stay for a yr more n go off.. Haha!!

Heng the big boss does nt force us to sit in the same rm.. Else dunno mi'd puke more or her more.. Haha, coz tis like alr nt v chummy with ea other still need to face or rather stare at ea other.. -_-

Heng ur boss woke up n moved ya out else think ur everyday will be real cham..

2ww: think ugly colleagues r everywhere.. Sometimes tis v sad tt the job may be manageable n enjoyable but wat makes a pl unbearable n pple leaving's coz of the extg pple..

Berries: heh heh, will do!!
we stayed at cingjinh farm prev, super hot coz went in oct.. Then got heatWave when tis supposed to be cooler.. Faint.. Lotsa sheeps,lotsa shit too!! Haha!! But i really love TW!! Heh heh..

Wrt buying pressies for kids.. Dunno lehz, think the bday pax will always give out goodiEs to the class de.. My kid got some stationery etc back.. Then her class ballooned so much.. Think m gonna faint ler.. Teacher said no sweets or cookies etc, so meaning left gifts tt they can use loh.. -_- nothing to say.. So ex..

bewildered : haha.. the way u describe so funny!! lots of sheep and and shit too.. HAHAHAA!! i prepare color pencils and stationary for my #1 bdae this jun.. u can go online spree and search for those stationery erc.. my boy class also 30+ lor.. i prepare 35 goodie bags.. end up also not enuff.. short of 2 more.. haiz..
