(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

vanilla: Nice!! the positive's really clear wor!! JY and happy BD-ing!! heh heh.. =)

Am still waiting around for O leh.. CD 35 ler and still no O for me leh, think body's really weird coz hor, I kept getting 2 lines and on some days, totally no test line shown, but with the 2 lines, they are never positive wor..

So now abit confused on what's going on.. sigh, shall wait around abit more and see how.. am more convinced tt I really need help to regulate menses sia.. haha, else really reduced chance sia..

JY in BD-ing and create tt Feb 12 thread, shall join ya there once I find my O!! haha!!

raywen: thanks.. =D

bewildered: hee hee.. thank you.. JIa you jia you.. Me also keep having faint lines.. You can see from the above pics.. From CD08 i keep having like CD13-AM de line.. Very frustrating.. BUt my hard work payoff le!!! Finally Positive!! keke.. =D JIa you jia you..

I keep saying like i already graduate and confirm to create the Feb thread.. lol...

But we have to keep out heads and positive up right?? So lets all graduate together to the Feb2013 thread!! =D
Anyone here has experience upon wiping, there are leftover sperm from previous night.. its looks quite thick d abit cloggy.. also very stretchy too..I dunno if its my CM or hubby's pool of army.. Any idea anyone??
AF reported today...

Ladies how do we use the ovulation stripes ar? i very kuku leh never use b4...

so i BD any time i like leh.. maybe i shld buy the O stripes n test hor..

i need tips from here.. please help me...

Thanks in advance..
winnie: For me i pee into a cup or container.

Then i open my OPK and dip it into the urine.

I count to 10 and you will see the middle part white color de became got water..

Then i take out le.. THen the urine will travel up slowly.

Wait for ur result then. Read the instruction behind the OPK.. =D
Thanks joyful and blessmepls. I was thinking how come my CM becomes so thick.. just bd ytd night.. think will bd again tmr.. Anyone thought of testing soon??
winnie, u can buy the strips from the BP thread ... think ard 3 ppl are selling ... you can always ask them how to use the strip ...

when it comes to the days to test, you have to base it on yr cycle ... from day 1 of yr menses to the next menses, usually how many days ? day 1 of yr menses is considered as CD1 ... usually for normal cycle, ladies start testing with opks from CD12 onwards until get a positive ... because sometimes worried might miss the surge, you can test 2 times, meaning morning and night ... the ideal time to test is btwn 10am to 8pm ...

do NOT use first morning urine.. that is for testing pregnancy ...

if you are worried you might O earlier .. you can start using from CD10 onwards ...

please also take note that LH(the hormone we r testing) is always present ... if u test and get a light line, its still considered negative ... if you look at vanilla's charting above, you can see light test lines ... its all negative ... positive is only when the test line is darker than the control line as shown in her last photo ...

when we ovulate, there is a surge(increase) in the LH which results in positive opks ...

if u test, try not to miss testing 24hrs ... as in, if u test today 5pm, tmr u must test by 5pm or earlier ... this is becos u might miss the surge ... usually 24hr period ... some even lesser than that ... some ladies here morning positive, evening negative ... so depends on individuals ... some ladies get positives 2 days in a row ... case by case basis ... but best to test daily ...

sounds daunting ? hahaha.. actually very straight forward la ... just pee into a container, dip, lay straight, take yr shower ... in btwn, or when u done, can read the strip ...
thanks blessmeplease for the info about OPK. Like winnie, I never use that before too. I just bought the clear blue digital one, is it the same? Test morning once and evening once?
pardon me, why some ladies here morning positive, evening negative? When test positive must BD within how many hours? Is the LH surge indicate O coming within a day or O is here?
tiggerbabe, if u dont mind spending ... then go ahead n test with digital twice a day ... for long time users like me n some others, we only use digital to double confirm when we get a dark line on the cheap OPKs ... cheap OPKs cost like 50-80cents each ... as compared to the digital ones ... very great difference.. but it is yr preference ...

i cannot explain to u why some ladies morning positive n negative evening accurately... i can only guess that they prolly have short LH surge ... by right, once you detect a positive OPK, you will ovulate within the next 24-36hrs... correct me if im wrong ... could be 12... so once u see +opk, usually will be best to BD that night, and the alternate night... n the following alternate night just to make sure you cover all ... meaning 1st Day u detect positive, 3rd day and 5th day ....

its not advised to do it consecutively becos sperm needs time to build good quality ... =P so alternate days is the best option ...

with that said, one friend of my striked #3 when she BD-ed 3 days after her ovulation ... and she wasnt planning on having another ... she thought wouldnt strike ...

another way to detect ovulation is to visit the gynae to scan yr follicles... the gynae will be able to roughly tell you when you might ovulate and when is the best time to BD ... thats what some of the mummies from ttc 2010/2011 did ... but not all gynaes will actually help to monitor this ... the gynae i went to didnt like this idea and prefered for me to go see fertility specialist instead ... *shrugs*
Tigger: everyone is different. The LH surge for everyone is also diff. If I'm not wrong the surge will peak before O. Some surge is short. So that's y morning positive den night time negative le.

After tested positive. U Muz bd every other day. Start from the day itself. Eg: me. Today I tested positive. I'll bd tonight(which I already did) and tml as I felt the O cramp le. So I suspect E egg in on the way le.

For my previous O. I tested positive on the 28 mar. And felt the O cramp on 30 mar. Maybe u can bd on 28, 30, 1. Like tat count based on EOD(every other day) method.

For me I'll definitely bo on the day I tested positive. And wait for thE O cramp. If the O cramp appear the next day I first tested positive ill bd on next day too. However if nv den I'll use the EOD method. But my method might not work for u. So u can roughly see my method and adjust and bd lo..

Hope I helped u..
Thanks Castiel's Mummy & miss candy..

i go buy n buy and test.. i have never use this thing before..
hmm my cycle is usually 28-30 days...
Thanks missy and vanilla. Which brand of the opk are you using? A bit blur who to buy from.

I just bought the clear blue digital from watsons and it was so expensive compared to the ones selling in BP. I wonder why?
tigger: i'm using china brand cuz tat time i went china den i buy alot back... =)

Watson they need to pay rent ma... So ex lo.. Online shop they get cheaper no need to pay rent so sell cheap too lo... =)

For me i use CB digital to confirm only. If wan to use it everyday it will be very EX!!! burn one big hole in my pocket lo...
Hi Ladies

Sorry to disturb..

I have one box of opened but not used Clearblue Digital Ovulation Kit (20 test stick) that is bought from Amazon.com. I opened the box to standby but end up i was pregnant already. Expire is 07/2013..

Anyone keen can PM me for pic..
Ask yall hor, anyone has any GP clinic etc to recommend that does ultrasound in the west or central area? coz hor, tis CD 39 ler, then no sign of O when the scanning last week showed a follicle of around 0.78cm.. so jialat sia, am going for TCM and taking the med too wor, dunno why so messy..

Thinking I may've missed the O ler.. so wanna scan to ensure.. hope to be able to scan tonight wor..
<font color="119911">As most would have known, I have just graduated from this thread...
I have pre-seed lubricant to give away, with 6 applicators left (2 unopened packs of 3).
PM me if interested.
Baby dust to all!
Missy: thx for the info, appreciate it lots!

Coz prev i went to tiong bahru tmc then d gyn said tt go kk better coz mayb cheaper.. Then hb's saying tt mayb some gp clinics have the ultrasound then wont b so ex coz the consultation's gp charges n not gynae charges... :p

So hor, actually i oso dunno if go have ultrasound or not.. :p

Think m nt able to go over to th gynae today..
coz fren talked sense into me and said tt i just scanned last wk then this wk scan again, v ex... Sigh, think will just let nature take its course.. M just hoping tttis not a case of where i've missed the o ler.. -_-

For my kinda scenario hor, think sometimes af's welcome coz at least i know cycle's ok or not rather than just waiting around for o.. Tiring to wait and not knowing when' o gonna be..

New cycle, new hope, ya Jiayou too n hope tt the waiting game'll be over soon... This thread's bountiful, everyone'll have their turn soon!!
feb thread is uP ... *bangs table*

lol ..

bewildered, hmm... im nt sure if kk will just scn for u ... prolly if u see the gynae yes ... but cost wise im not sure ... whats yr usual cycle ah? so long huh ? actually, if really want to scan for follicle, have to scan a few times leh... gynae will monitor to see if follicle is growing bigger or not ... then will advise u when to BD leh ... unless so heng you go n see n just nice the follicle is going to rupture and you are going to ovulate ... if not from what i see the previous mummies who did scanning went for at least 2-3 gynae visits ... to be honest, dont see why yr friend should talk you out of it ... i would talk you into it ... but thats just me ... =P to be honest, once miss the O, have to wait for next cycle... so if possible to detect current cycle then better right ?
Missy: yar, actually tt's my feel too coz my cycle's v messy and usu long.. So dun wanna miss any chance.. Imagine, compared to another pax who has regular cycles, wh's ard 12 chances, i may only have 4 in a yr.. Then gynae prev said tt if af dun come for 3 mths, he suggest for me to induce af coz he's scared will lead to cancer..

Hmm,think mi fren's afraid tt i'll waste $$ on this and maybe will get too obsessed with the scanning bah... Think my resolve's also nt too strong coz scared tt if i really missed the o lerm then scanning'd only b wasting money.. So guess tt's y she mged to talk me outta it.. :p

Tmr's another accupuncture session, hope havnt o yet.. Maybe will feel better and more recharged aft the accupuncture, so tink shall start bd tmr bah, bd every 3 days.. Since i cant find o, can only try to improve chances by keeping fresh supply inside.. Haha..

Tawt can join feb thread coz felt recharged aft the accupuncture.. Haha.. Nvm, shall try agn.. Ya JY and Good Luck too!
bewildered; i think u should go for a scan lo... and not dun go lo.. Is u who wanna have bb not ur friend. Of cuz to em it is not very impt ma..

See if she is e one who has e same condition and wanna have bb, will she not go for e scan?

She sure go de wat... lol...
Vanilla: heh heh, now i do regret abit abt nt going for scan just now..

But i tested again on the opk, no 2 lines unlike the past whereby got 2 lines just tt tis never positive.. Nw only left the control line.. Think maybe o ler.. Think i really dunno my body well leh..
Missy: erm, i dunno leh, tink i ask the physician tmr if she can tell or not.. I did tell her my probs, long cycle, irregular, o v haywire, no cm etc..

Haha, so basically i just dumped all my probs out and then hope tt she can offer me a solution. :p

Will chk with her tmr, hope tt she can shed some light too..
Gd morning. I went to see Dr Paul to scan on cd11. Currently is about 10mm, so going to see him again on tues not to miss this mth ovulation. Tues will be CD15. Will normally have to wait for the egg to be how big?18 to 20 mm?
Cftongtan: d gyn told mi need 25mm, but online seems to suggest smaller sizes.. Only know tt if less than 10mm, then will not result in pregnancy..

How much's the charges for ur scan n gyn charges?
Scan is 60. His 1st time consultation is 150. All haven't add gst. Subsequent consultation is 60 to 70. But now my milk duct blockage and develop fever. Hope it will clear soon.

Thank u misscandy.
No fever now. Still bfing my #2. My #1 is turning 6 this year. #2 is turning 1 soon. I am planning for my #3. Wanting a dragon tail bb. But failed, now hope to have bb snake. Most impt, bb is healthy.
Missy: the tcm's ie.. Just tt the tuina's abit painful then she poke the needles at lower hip area saying tt tose areas will promote blood flow and is linked to the uterus or ovaries, i forgot ler.. :p

Then i asked her id can tell whether i ovulate ler, she said canno wor.. Got med again. so shall continue taking to see how it goes.. :p
Bewildered: maybe u wanna go both? Take e TCM and go for scan. Since TCM also can't tell u when u O. Even I can also estimate only. Gyane diff. Scan and u know if u O already anot. For me la, I don't like the waiting game so I'll definitely got or scan.

Re: Egg size,
I was told at least to be 20mm den considered matured. that time when I went to see Gyane to check, he told me mine only 8mm!! I was like HUH??!! So I ask to induce menses and clomid. Hee hee.. Lucky for me 50mg worked!! So praying for miracle now!!!

DPO3 for me today!! Hee.. So excited!! Tho I can't be the one to create the Feb 2013 thread.. I wanna join them!! Haa..

Cf: u still bfing? I tot it will prevent pregnancy? I know not 100% la.. But still high chance wun get pregnant right? Cuz wun O? I tot bfing wun get menses?
Hubby's friend dun read fortune for others. According to him, it is not good for himself if he reveals too much. Even when he tells us, he do hold back a lot.

I conceived my #2 while breastfeeding #1. Continued with the breastfeeding throughout the pregnancy and tendam breastfeed both till #1 was 30 months and #2 was #20 months. Jia you!
Good morning everyone! I don't know why I have been waking up at 5.30am for the past four days and takes me almost 20min to fall asleep. It's driving me crazy. I don't know how to do my BBT chart like this, supposed to chart around 8am. I hope it's not becos i'm stress
Tigger, me too!!!! Il wake up pee then can't get back to sleep
very frustrating! But I'm not charting bbt... Hmmm maybe u want to change yr bbt timing to 530? Heh
can change half way? maybe until my AF reports then i change timing... i didnt wake up to pee leh... just woke up and feel like stretching my legs and feet.
don't know why i just feel like stretching. Not that it's muscle cramp, just feel tight.
Frequent pee-ing is a sign of pregnancy too. Have you tested?
Lol no la. My AF just ended not lOng ago. Today cd10. Going to bd every 2-3days. Hopefully see fertile cm.. Then can gauge ovulation from there. No strips left to test for ovulation. Not in time to buy too. Lol.

Suddenly everyone Mia !
bblove:thank..so wasted,me and vanilla got to keep in suspense alr..haha..

missy:hi 5..i am also waking up to pee past few days and at CD15 only,waiting for O..will this affect bbt?

tiggerbabe:maybe you can wear socks or gloves to prevent you from scratching..
Helloz!! =)

Thread's been moving abit slow recently hor.. =p

Have been reading but not much updates, unlike the vibrant apr, when positive after positive are reported.. =)

Looking forward to those days.. haha...

faith/vanilla: Good Luck to both of ya!! Be the Next to announce Good News ok? =)

Hmm, I used to think tt the 2ww's the worse, cant help but keep testing, the suspense's a killer.. haha.. but aft mi O and AF went missing again, I kinda think tt the 2ww's still more bearable than dunno what to expect.. heh heh, coz now I dunno to wait for O or to wait for AF.. -_-

missy: heh heh, yar think BD every 2 to 3 days' good coz hor, assuming the spermies can last min 3 days inside, then BD every other day ensure tt a fresh supply's kept inside.. heh heh, then see when that temperamental eggy's gonna come.. =p

Mi 2nd session of TCM's on Sat, so BDed yesterday night, then will wait for spermies replenishment and BD again 3 days later.. haha.. =p coz hb said v tiring to keep BD at short frequency.. haha, so gotta wait 3 days.. =p

Then will BD till either AF reports or when I get preggers.. haha.. lousiest part abt this plan for me is that I dunno when's my 2ww gonna be coz tt O's simply untraceable.. -_-

faith: ya lo.. So sad.. If not u come see me, i tell u when u will strike!! haa.. FOC de..

bewildered: yup yup.. Hope so.. Today is DPO4 le.. I gonna start testing from DPO7.. haa.. Bought some gonna expiry de HPT stripes, 20 strips for $2 ONLY!!! but expiring in 12 june de.. So need to faster use finish.. haa..
