(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

tigger, i had all those symptoms ! but im not preggers.. boo hoo...

CD17 for me today. still no postivie opk...

vanilla, JY !

good luck to all others waiting !
Hi mummies...
My AF was due since 9th, but when tested on 9th... Was negative. I dare not retest again... Fear it will show negative again. Just trying to keep my hopes up longer...

Anyone on the same timeline?
2ww:Yes!! Let grad together and meet tiggerbabe at another thread soon..

missycandy:suggest you better test twice per day coz you shd be O anytime soon..I tested my O on CD20 only..Gd luck..
thanks for the info faith... im not able to test twice a day... can only test when i get home ...

vanilla, think it has happened to some mummies before.. they dont get positive until much later... as long as no see red then still have good chance!
Claire, you have to know how long is usual your cycle. Maybe you can test again a few days later. Hopefully you will get your BFP!
missy: ya.. better test twice a day.. For me i test between 10am-12pm.. Then at night 8-10pm... try not make the timing of the test from the 1st and 2nd test more den 12 hrs apart...

Ya.. Hope so.. Hope AF dont appear for the next 10 months... Today i feel so tired lo... Monring i doze off then now go appt in car i also dozed off.. zzzzzzzzzz... But try not to read too much into it as last night i din sleep well.. Lately, some nights have flu, block nose.. Out if no where... -_-''' Din sleep well, wake up blow nose lo.... aaarrgghhhhhh Den have to wake up at 730am some more.... so sian... Later still got 1 appt... But dunno if he can make it... zzzzzzzzzz

I jus wanna go home and zzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzZzz~~~~

Claire: As the fellow member said: No see red still got chance... My AF is due in another 3-5 days i'm giving it.. haa.. Hope it disappear for the next 10 months... haa.. =D
Yup... It's usually 25-27. Never late... :p still deciding if I should test again today or leave it for a few days later...

But on the date of AF when I tested... It was a very clear negative. No faint line at all...
my menses go haywire.. came on 31 may 2012. since last sat it came back again..like tat how to bb dance ar? hahaha...

make appt and see gyane tis fri..

anyone encounter this b4?
Claire, dun worry too much. Stress will delay menses wor. Can test a few days later maybe you ovulate later.

Winnie: Wow really haywire leh. After my #1, my menses went haywire. Like can 2 months never come. Luckily I ate bai fong yuan and regulate it. Think you should go and see a doc.
ren, apparently its not advisable... not sure if it kills but ive read before that its not good to mix the both ... prolly becos of the enzymes present in our saliva ...
maybe thats one of the contributing factors of my BFNs... usually before insertion, i will use my mouth ? (TMI) ooPs... =x
Hi mummies,

I have a question. I'm on regular 27 cycle but sometimes 25. If i BD on Day 21, what is chances getting preggy? Is there a chance or zero?

aahahahhahaha ... charlotte, sian already la ... my mood is like rollercoaster ... up n down .. wahahaha

ren, lol ... i also dont know how ... just continue la ... enjoy .. LOL
Afternoon everyone... Today is cd 31... And minor cramping... Haiz a sign of stretching uterus or menses... Hoping to test positive on Saturday then Sunday I can surprise hubby with the best father day gift..
Hello everyone. I wasnt successful with baby making during my O. So fedup. Husband couldnt cooperate.
Need to wait another cycle.

Could you rmb if the minimum clomid dosage is 1tablet in e morning only or 1 tablet morning 1 tablet evening?

I walk out of e clinic without even checking.. Silly!
joyful, doesnt it indicate on yr box ? if not best to call the clinic to check ... different ppl different dosage ... some supposed to take only 1, some take 2 ... and its to be taken in the morning only...

anne raj, *sayang* still can try to BD ? or too late already ?
Missy n Ren Ren: wow... I have nv done tat before la.. Maybe u can don't do it for a few times during ur fertile period or when u tested positive for O onwards till u O-ed? Like tat hb still enjoy Ma..

Anyway, can I ask something? I'm jus curious la.. Sun it smell a bit? I nv try before la.. I think every guy is curious at asking e wife to try it.. I mean I don't mind to try, am sure if I don't feel comfortable hb will not ask for it but I keep having this feeling tat it smells.. U noe... Eekkk... Lol..

So if u gals tried before den I'm quite curious.. Haa.. Sorry for asking too much.. If u gals don't feel comfortable asking its alright wor.. Hee hee.. =P
Haha, Castial me too, my husband asked me to try but i just cant do it, esp when i think that is the part they use to pee, omg, i cant accept it..lol

Missy n RenRen both u are very good wife.

Joyful, i had my clomid pill at night before sleep either 1 tablet or 2 tablet, cos it will cause giddy n suggested by gynae.
Ladies, i have been MIA for long time but still havent graduate yet..still on tcm. My sinseh told me my health has improved last month (after i taken some supplement), she said should can conceive anytime..hope baby really come soonest!
Merry: hmm.. If was clean clean I don't mind la.. Soap smell.. Haa.. But I think I quite awkward leh.. Haa.. Ps... Lol

So maybe will maybe not.. Lol
hmmm usually i will ask him bathe 1st ... then its not that bad ... to me no smell ... of cos dont let him cum in yr mouth la! then that one depends on individual liao... hahaha... to me still ok ... i dont find it smelly ... to me see hb enjoy is impt also .. but i dont always do it la... see also sometimes im just too tired so i dont do it ... or if i do it just a short while ... if not usually wil do it til can see he super shiok or he will tell me to stop becos he is going to cum ... =P
Vanilla & merry: as wat Missy say, clean clean 1st lol. But I agree sometime still smell. Haha abit gross but I think is still alrite.

Anyway a random qns, dun hb do for u 2? I mean as if return bk the favour? Keke dun nd paisei if dun feel like saying.
Missy: Haa.. I guess all guys will most probably enjoy it ba... Haa.. Cum in my mouth??!! Lol.. I will spit it into his mouth n ask him to swallow lo.. Lo,.. Kidding.. Haa..

I'm quite a particular person so..... Haa.. Muz be no smell kind.. Lol.. Well... Good new activity to try la.. Haa..

Ren: hmmm... I nv do it for him befor so I nv expect him to do for me.. But even if he is willing I'll be -_-''' cuz theirs wash ok Liao ours is like wet wet one lo.. Den Giap inside no matter how u wash also have a bit smell ba.. So I don't dare let him do.. Haaa... Is me don't dare.. Lol...

But I the it will be a new thing n will improve our bd life la.. But I feel awkward leh.. Haaa... The both of us will laugh like hell.. Lol.. Well at least for me... Leek... =P
haha..the topic u all talking make me "high"..haha..me now thinking of the scenerior..haha..relieving myself from the stress..
Faith: Haa.. Need side track a bit Ma.. If not all abt ttcing will be real stressful lo.. Haa... New activity to our bd life Ma... Keke.. =D
ya i agree .... BD-ing for ttc-ing purposes is really a party pooper ! have to excite each other once in awhile... introduce new things is good ... no need shy with hb ...

to be honest, i dont really like hb to do for me ... i find mine is dirtier becos sometimes will have discharge ... but if he insists, i wont stop him ... ha ha ha ... then sometimes 69 lor ...

anyway, maybe down the road will get "toys" .. hb so keen ... me so so la ... i still prefer real raw bd-ing ... =P
Missy: Haa.. Ya.. Totally agree.. In e long run need to do something diff to excite each other.. Haa..

Haa.. Ya lo.. Doing on us is a bit.... Hmmm.. Cuz ya.. Sometimes will have discharge...

Think if really wanna try Muz go waxing lo.. If not e Mao Mao so... Errrr.. Haa... =P

Toys ar.. Yet to try...
ya... good to go for brazilian ... both of us gone before ... nw only i go when i have time ... he will shave ... hahaha... but really feel very clean n smooth after brazilian ... feel also like xiao mei mei .. LOL
Missy: lol.. By doing waxing will make u feel younger?? Haa.. I wanna do but scare pain n my Gf said when grow out will be itchy.. 刺刺 like tat.. So yet to try.. I personally think it is good cuz when AF comes when wipe wun be so messy.. Tho I pray hard tat it will go missing for e next 10 months... Lol...

I Jio hb go waxing together but he say where got lion don't have fur de? U gt see lion king dont have e lion fur de meh??? Lol... Den I laugh till pengz la.. Haaa...

Anyway how much u do ar???
eh i havent done for awhile .. lol !!! last time do is 50++++++ if im not wrong ... anywa now u see groupon n deal n voucherlicious n bigdeal n the other deal webs... sometimes they have offer for it ... but usually only for females bah ...
Castiel: ROFLMAO...

those interested in b-wax. can be quite painful for first timer.. I have friend who scream when I went with her for her first time :p

there is this shop call Blush wax i think at orchard shopping that is not very ex.. last time I went 30+ for B-wax
Madam yip: Haa.. I scare pain la.. Den like if pain also can't stop lo.. Lol..

Missy: thanks.. I saw it ytd too but don't know if wanna buy cuz I scare too pain ar.. LOL.. =P
vanilla: u both shld "venture" wah.. keke.. can spice up e BD keke...

bbfaith: so did u "high" last nite?? haahaha

Regards to BW, yes can be painful but after few times ok le. I feel much clean when its "hairless" i personally like it.
wahahahahaahahahhaha !

yes agree bw makes u feel clean ...

hmmm ... vanilla, just scream if u need to ... bring a towel to bite .. ahahahaha!
hahahahah ...

anyway random qns, do you all scream? dun u tink outsider will hear? like maid or mil or mum or whoever?

Ohoh... i tink i super random lei. Think i shld change my nick to " Mrs Random"
wow, this thread become yellow thread liao! hahah..

But Vanilla, your HB v funny leh.. talking abt lion and their fur! Maybe both can role play Lion King and make BD more interesting and enjoyable!
