(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Anne, i think just go and see a gynae for your peace of mind if you are so worried.. missing period can be for any number of reasons, not necessary etopic. I hope for your sake its not!

Speaking from personal experience the longest my period (normally on the dot) went missing is 2 weeks. during that two weeks I had a lot of what I tot were pregnancy symptoms too.. but in the end also AF come..

sometimes its chemical pregnancy, sometimes its just plain stress loh. Sometimes maybe because your body aligning with the periods of the girls in your workplace -serious no joke.. it happens.

Even some etopic pregnancies will dissolve by itself - others need medical attention. (I also read a lot when my AF go missing)

Prosper: Probably.

Mdm Yip: Thanks so much. That info made in feel alittle better. Probably the timing, cause i moved to another office while our current one is under going reno.
prosper,vanilla:thank you..now i understand better..

Mdm Yip:Ya,i agree in you saying that our menses actually will aligning with the other girls in the wkplace..Normally all our menses will come ard the same time every mth..was wondering that if really BFP,can the menses from other girls prone us to 'danger'..
kkselena:yes..since u tested +ve opk,best to BD tonight and tml night..as ovulation will occur within 12-48 hours..
Anne rai, I tell you one case of mine this mth.
My last LMP was 26apr. And my cycle was 30days. I tested opk positive on cd 17 and cd20 but however in-between dates are neg. I started to wonder why so I went to see gynae to scan and gynae told me I have not ovulate and it will only ovulate one week later or so. I dun trust him cos I can prove my opk positive. Then few days ago, I stated to have some pregnancy symptoms alike my ovulation symptoms. I tested preg test but neg. and it was cd 22. Imagine my af is actually approaching but yet my dr say I have not o, I went to him again this week and told me i will o in cd 28. So I started to bd again. Imagine if I never go see him to check my egg I might tot I ovulated and keep waiting for my pregnancy test to be positive if not to come. Today cd 30 and just ovulated. Only today is my 2ww. If not found out early that I have not o, I will be like you keep waiting for af to come. I would have tot I test positive in DPO 28. Lol
So I think if could be you miss you o date or ur hcg not picking up yet.
Propser:thanks for the info. its useful.

My AF reports duely all this while, never had a prob. Last mth it was late by 3 days, not ts mth no signs of it. So tt got me worried. Btw I have been actively trying this mth. a few times during the O week. Previously we would be tired, so only try once or twice. but this mth i decided to take a break but my hubby was so turned on. So tt made it easy for both of us to be relaxed. he has been initaiting often these past few weeks. Even yesday too, but im not in the mood

Anyway, I will try to test again tomorrow morning and see what is the next cause of action i shoud take.
I'm back !!!!!

Very Cham! Coughing n runny nose whole trip
I couldn't taste any of the food!!!! Had fever 1st night... Faster ate panadol, decold n keep sucking lOzenges ... Luckily next day fever gone but runny nose n cough still there ... Boo hoo ... But also didn't affect much of the trip ... Heng ...

Hb suspect I Pregs ... Because I really no appetite...

Best part, we BD 2nd day ... After BD, saw bleeding... Then today, AF full force ... LOL!!!

Hmmm not first time like that... Few times past few mths, after we BD, there will be bleeding then AF will report ... Zzzz

Anyway, just nice, will look for a tcm to see now
Hi all,

Just visited my tcm yest.. Then the physician said tt mi got 虚热.. Inside body heaty buy palms and feet'd be cold.. Then did accupuncture n she said the 胃 is v impt and tt will try to improve the blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries..

Seems like for chinese, most'd turn to tcm while for ang moh, they've their own fertility cleansing and massage, with common aim of increasing blood flow too..



So guess blood circulation's real important.. Can try searching for fertility massage for videos too.. Seems like massaging themovaries and uterus seems to be given great importance wor..
Cd 31 for me and nonsign of ovulation yet.. Thinknduring the prev scan, eggy's kinda small, so if basing on growth rate of 2mm per day as the norm, still gotta wait ard.. -_-
Bewildered: when will the egg start to grow? Aft AF? Today is my cd11 le.. Still waiting for O too... Hope in another 5-6 days I can test positive.. Cuz this cycle de AF only lasted for 3 days, 4th day is spotting only.. So thking might O earlier lo.. Hope so.. Hee..

So if really start aft AF den from zero to 20mm also need 10 days, so maybe I'll test positive in a couple of days? Hee hee.. Don't know leh.. Is it really start aft AF?
bewildered:how much you spent for the acupuncture TCM? I think to self massage not very gd coz scare we massage the wrong part..

vanilla:today me CD8,haven start to test for O..I think how the egg will grow will based on your diet,lifestyle..I not sure when will the egg start to grow..
vanilla: think from this webby, it said that the selection process for the eggs to mature is chosen 90 days before O wor..


I dunno when will the eggy start to grow but read online tt it grows by 2mm per day and then during the final stage, may grow exponentially.. need 2.5cm to be considered as mature, as informed by my gynae.. then prev measure, mi biggest's less than 1 cm, so guess gotta wait alot more days, provided if the bigger one continue to grow.. I also dunno if will the bigger one stop growing and then be overtaken by another of the smaller one.. If yes hor, then tis gonna be a longer wait wor..

But tis good to have a follicular scan to determine the size then agar agar fr there.. =p I went for the scan coz I monitored 2 lines on OPK for so long, more than a week but tis never positive then on tt day itself, got sticky CM, so happy, thought I O alr.. then hurriedly went to gynae, turned out the sticky cm sign not true, havnt even O, nt even nearing O sia.. -_-

faith: mi TCM costs $900, includes slimming accupuncture, coz I went to gynae before and he said tt for PCOS pple to get preggers, hafta lose some weight and considering that I still have lotsa excess weight left over from the pregnancy back then, decided to go for the slimming package too..

Did some comparison and still stick back to tis clinic coz for $900, the physician will do tuina on the back, massage on the tummy, then accupuncture on the back for 20mins (with those vibrating thgy attached to the needle to stimulate the accupoints), then 20mins on tummy, leg and all.. then can end off with a suana by sitting inside a heating thgy.. but I din go for the suana coz scared too hot kill eggs... =p haha..

But what I like abt this is that I've been having dull pain/ache at lower back for couple days already and both knee caps's act up when going down the stairs, then tell the physician and she'll do accupuncture on those points too.. haha, v comprehensive..

It used to be $800 for 10 sessions (each session last around an hour or more) but they increased their price to $900 recently.. =(

Oh yar, they'll prescribed and mix those herbs for one to take, then herbs are separate cost.. 2 pkt per day for a total of 7 days at $38..

Then I told the physician tt am trying to get preggy but AF's super not regular (so far AF only in Jan and May), then my chances are greatly reduced coz O not frequent, then she said my 胃 not good, body 虚热 too, so mixed the herbs to strengthen womb, 胃 and all..

Now taking her med, hope tt can promote O faster so tt can try soon.. hafta regulate tt messy AF back first, else I really have reduced chance.. sigh...

But nvm, at least am doing something, hope will yield results soon.. =)

But considering the high cost, think I will space out the sessions (she asked me to go to her on a weekly basis, but it'd be like I'll finish tt package within 2.5 mths), so think since am nearing O for this round, will go back this week too.. but aft tt will space 2 weeks (coz when O and during the 2ww, I also dun dare to do accupuncture.. =p) then aft tt go back 2 consec wks to regulate, then rest 2 wks, hopefully can maximise the lifespan of tt package.. haha..

Oh, regarding self -massage, the video said to massage in circular motion, then how to identify where the ovaries are hor, is where the physician poke the needles in, so think tis correct.. heh heh.. I just anyhow rub rub in circles, then the video said tt the link to the pituitary gland in the brain is actually on the back of the big toe.. so can also massage the back of the big toe in circular motion.. maybe as long as dun massage too hard or press down too hard should be okay? at the very least, maybe touching where the ovaries are give some warmth and promotes blood circulation with the gentle rubbing.. =)
bewildered:haha..thank you for the reply..hope this session can achieve ur goals..

I will massage softer to try..see can work a not..haha..
faith: hope that the info helps... heh heh.. am also waiting for my O, CD 32 today, am expecting to O maybe at end May 12.. =)

Gotta really go get my AF sorted out so that at least I will have mayb more chances, if not the 12 chances that peeps with regular gets.. =)

Coz considering tt I've only got AF in Jan and May hor, meaning that I only O-ed 2x till now.. faint.. -_-''

heh heh, hope will help but anw, like I said, am doing sthg already so shall remain hopeful and not stress myself out.. heh heh..

Ya take care too and Good Luck to Everyone!! =)
Hi everyone.. I am "officially" joining this thread. Has bee reading up silently and posted a few comments. last month failed.. af reported early. now I am at cd 13.. have been bding for past few days.

Have not using any opk or checking on my bbt. hopefully can get some luck by just anyhow "hum thumb". I felt a stingy pain on my lower abdominal for past two days, not.sure if its part of the ovulation symptoms not. any mummies felt the same way here? I wish all mummies will get a BFP soon!!! cheers everyone.
yup. better to get AF sorted for better chances. My AF also very long cycle. sometime once only for 2mths. Doc advised to take birth control pill to regulate but gynae says otherwise. will see what gynae says tml.
We are all learning from one another new thing here. The ladies here are expert abt tracking O while I know almost nut as my opk, symptoms, ewcm never seems to gel. Either only get 1 of each do also never know if I do really O.
.Hi bblove: feels so.nice to see the reply. today is my cd13. previous cycle wad actually 24 days. My af has been abit not on time but will comes every month. I actually didn't track my bbt ot using opk.. just observing my cm only.. only manage to see thru upon wiping. its almost egg white texture but still not that egg white yet. anywau, i just bd both ytd and today. hopefully will be able strike. any idea that we can still bd on the 2ww?
So nice to get AF on time.It will be easier to track O. My shorttest cycle is 45 days n longest 89. How to track o with such looooong cycle?
If u ask me, I dun think there is any reason why cannot bd during the 2ww.
Hope all ladies are well.. my AF report last nite.
after spotting for 4 days. LOLz. makeing my hope up :p buying more OPKs.

since my af really come late last nite. so now is cd 1 or 2?
Good morning everyone!!! happy Tue! three days to Friday!!!

bblove: your cycle can be long but there I always hope. try bd everytime without protection.. just anyhow "how thumb". There is a saying in hokkien " blind chicken can also peck on worm". meaning you can still strike thou cycle long. Moreover you are monitoring via opk and thru doc's help. it won't take long for you to conceive. we shall all Jia you together with the mummies here ok?

bd on 2ww:
the reason why I asked can.bd is cos I will be going for a short trip this coming Thursday. I thought wanna bd with hub just in case I o-ed late. Can we play those roller coaster ride and thrilling rides during the 2ww?

hi Cheryl: new cycle new hope..
I guess you're now still at cd1. cd2 will be upon 24 hours upon after af. Lining will grow 1mm in one day. *rough idea*. Jia you!!!

p.s: lets hope that we can quickly grad and proceed to next thread. we will be one of the first one to start Feb read. all.mummies add oil!!!
Anne: don't give up!!! try even harder this cycle. but at the see time, relax.. *like easier said*. but nevertheless, there is a.will there is a way.
Jia you!!
Anne: dun be disappointed! We are cycle buddies now.. my AF reported on sat. Last month late by 5 days, this month 3 days I think my AF starting to be punctual again haha...
i am tempting to buy the conceive well.
but if i start to take the conceive well, do i continue with my daily epo & folic?
Anneraj:I understand how u felt..my HB had the same feeling a wk ago when AF report..he seems more stress than me..like the others suggest,this cycle I wont tell my HB once I detect O so he won't feel the pressure..JY! new cycle new hope!

tiggerbabe:yup,conceive plus need to take everyday..

Shirley:u alr in ur 2ww? bd is alright..but to play those thrilling rides,I will prevent if possible..
BBlove, I also don't know if I O. I just started taking note of my BBT. But first half of the cycle, I used the normal thermometer, only recently i bought the Basal thermometer. So guess next cycle then my temp chart is more accurate. The chart however interpreted that I O on CD20. And DPO1 i actually got EWCM for a half a day. So wondering if any of these is accurate.
My last few cycles also have pretty bad nausea during the 2ww, even vomitted, I usually only hv sore bb b4 AF reports, wonder why the last few cycles and currently feel nauseous, hope nothing wrong with me.

My cycle also not regular, min is 28 and max is 48, though generally the rest falls around 32-34.

Btw, which doctor can help to scan for quality of the eggs? And when is the best time to see doc? I'm interested to know what's happening in my body
Thanks faith.

Btw, anyone of you have preggie dreams? For my 1st pregnancy, inlaw dreamt of hubby having a baby, then many months later, I got preggy.
faith: all these while i never tell him that i was O. I prefer to give him a surprise...hehehe!!!
should i try clmoid? i feel its still too early to try.
tiggerbabe: Same here, my mum had a dream that i was preggy and later another dream to say its a boy. it happened.
This time around same thing too, my dad dreamt me carrying a baby gal in his hse.So im really hoping!!!
Hi, such a coincidence. I also dream im preggy last nite. had been brown n occasionally red spotting since yesterday.

CD26 tdy. Hope AF faster come if nt preggy.
Re: Dreams,

I also go dream of me having a bb.. Like 5-6 weeks old den i was going for a scan..so excited..

I think i also dreamt tat i had a baby too.. carry in my arms.. so happy.. =)
Wow.. so many baby dreams, let us hope it really happen to all of us soon.

I also dreamt that I have a baby boy when i was 3 mth pregnant, a little disappointed as I so wanted a girl. And true enough, my #1 is a boy, but no regrets for he is such a dear. Boy or girl never mind

Just last month, my fren told me she dreamt that I told her I was pregnant and a week later I dreamt that I told my inlaw i was pregnant too. So I guess it's time for me to try #2 heh
Hope I'm lucky
Before my #1 I also dreamt I had a boy... except I dreamt that he is already 5 years old and called me mama! true enough I had a boy..

not long ago I dreamt I had a baby girl.. I was so happy! quite a number of people were telling me my #2 will be a girl too... but for me boy or girl either is fine with me.. healthy and normal good enough!
AF should be reporting anytime...hope AF came after i go for checkup..
last month AF come on 1 May.

im gg for Gyane check up this sat, i have a cyst in my ovaries..

must consult my gyane before ttc again.. don wan to have a time bomb inside..

tiggerbabe-> I think its because my mum already have 5 grandsons, including mine..

and also.. some say according to the direction the whorl on my son's head, it indicates whether the next will be boy or girl.. I cant rem which direction my son's whorl is, but there are pple who told me it will be a girl.

And I myself dream of a popping girl too!
