(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Af reported with full force this am! There goes my ttc journey for now. Will rest like blessmeplease first as cannot try for snake cos chiong hb. So can only try for horse. By then #1 will be at coming to 3 Le.

All the best to you ladies. Hope I won't see familiar nicks when I come in next year. Will be silent reader though.

missy:don give up! since u just started a new job,concentrate on ur work first..hope everything go smooth for u..

pillow:'hugs'..why want to skip snake? ur HB what zodiac? maybe without expecting,u will strike more easier..no matter how,all the best!
Thx faith! Am still waiting for AF to report . Zzzz ...

Going short trip w hb n gal. So suay, falling sick...
last night started to have bad cough, sore throat n runny nose
hopefully the fresh air, beach and sea will clear it up!!!

Jy to all! Maybe will see more grads when I return on Sat
@ missy, my gal started to have cough last fri, get worse on monday.. faint!! U know what she got it not from sch cos no one is sick in class.. It MIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she coughs and sneeze all over without covers her mouth..
ladies, i go agree with cheese.. for me , i striked cos I saw the smiley face at 11.30pm whereas on same day in evening at 7.30pm, there was none O occur.. didnt waited and did it.. striked but of cos tcm helps.

@ Prosper & faith, u ladies goin for tcm?
I wanted to wait for this cycle see how first. Will go TCM next cycle. Told hb Abt TCM, he think I am overly doing it. He says this is my second mth TTC only why want to do all sort. He says I read too much that y I can like that. I m totally pissed lor, I told him wat gynae told me and also have past history of mc that why I need to do something. If I m healthy I of cos will wait and see.. Buti just dun care, will go ahead next mth.
Blessmeplease: have a good trip
enjoy it to the fullest.

AF not reporting yet. Think will go see gyne on Sat if it still hasnt reported

Scan and blood test should be much clearer. Can it be that the pregnancy test kit cant pick up? The last time, i tested on the day my AF was suppose to report and showed a faint +. Dont know if it makes sense. *~*
Berries: not yet...yesday i tested was still -ve.
For my first pregnancy was different.
So puzzled...
Mdm Yip: Yes used morning urine. BUt i usually drink alot of water before going to bed, so im not sure if tt affects... Sian...
Anne... then I guess the gynae is your best bet. But if I were you I'll probably wait up to 2 weeks before visiting.. some periods can go missing for no apparent reason for that long or even longer.
Anne, could it be that u o late. Sometime opk not accurate, it only shows that u might going to ovulate but it take few days later.. Or u wanna wait for 2 more days for ur hcg to build up. Or go for blood test.
Berries, yup.. unhygenic!! cant tell her off cos later she will get angry and "cry" .. thanks, i hope she get well soon..in wee hrs, cried for mummy (me)!!!
@ prosper, ok, do let me know if u going? I may go there to get med to tio my health..

It not abt TTC only.. tell hubby that it more to benefit our health lor.. u tried so hard leh, if tio this month then still go ttc to strength the womb..
missycandy, take care n enjoy yr trip, hope to have good news after u rest n recover....jia you

prosper, relax a bit cos u are only in yr 2nd mth of TTC...u can take yr time n tio yr body 1st...mother body n health also very important to carry the baby to full term. u can tio n try at the same time, dun rush to see results.

bless_ling, very much like to try yr Thomson acupunture but hubby says wans to try another mth of TCM n if still nothing then we will proceed to my gynae for IUI....so one step at a time n monitor, try not to stress up as I have already try my very best for the past 18mths....leave it to God's will and fate
Faith, berries, my hb zodiac is pig. Only know pig chiong snake. Faith, die die cannot have snake else hb life will be very difficult ESP bonding with #2. Even though I know once I don't think and anyhow bd easier to strike.

Blessmeplease, u tested? Cos if Af have report still have hope wor

Good luck to u ladies!
Charlotte, ya I take it easy. But because due to mc before, from blood test shown that I have low progesterone, gynae says if low it is very difficult to sustain a pregnancy. And now few days ago dr say I have thin lining. in order to have healthy pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone need to be strong that y I worried and wanted to seek TCM but hb doesn't want.
My mc was last yr aug. After that I took gynae advice to took 3 mths med to regulate my menses in the end, my menses haywire again and my progesterone not increasing. So this 9 mth although I am not TTC ing but my result not good, that y I thinking to tio now. Now is that I know what my problem, that why I do not want to sit down n wait for thing to happen. They say TCM took mths to see result that y I wan to seek TCM ASAP.
pillow4, fyi, there's no such thing as 'chiong' between parents n children....only between friends, couples...

prosper, u got yr point too, TCM must tske time got to be patient...maybe u go ahead with TCM 1st, at least u know whats yr problem now.
pillow: my hubby also pig... i dont think there's any of this kind la.. I mean if u really wanna go into details, then it will be alot lo..

If there's a teller who can see the future and tell u, from now till u die, u can only get preggy within this 2013, if miss the boat u cant have anymore kids. Would u still wan to give it a miss? No wat.. So don think too much lo... Having a bb is a blessing.. If wanna think so much den very xin ku...

Like tat parents, siblings all chiong den no need to give birth liao lo... later next year chiong ur #1, e year next chiong ur parents.. etc etc... nv ending de...

I think it is easy for u to say cuz u already have #1, if today u dont have any kid, i'm sure u wun say chiong pig cant have snake bb etc...

prosper: did ur gyane prescribe u any progesterone? I still have some left over utrogestan left over from my previous pregnancy. I also worried tat my lining dunno can hold bb if i strike this cycle. So i was think if we can take the progesterone... And when can we take it.. =) Anyone?
Vanilla, yes he gave me ultrogen and advise me to eat after ovulation to support the pregnancy early during 2ww. I tot with that I am safe, then say my lining thin, I ask him if even eat ultrogen helps, he say no... Driving me crazy... One case after another. But good things is that lining can grow 1mm each day. So hoping I can grow before implantation.
well said Castiel's Mummy!

Any child is gift, zodiac doesn't matter. I used to think wah must try for dragon baby, then later when I realized someone related to me also dragon, but more like a failure in life, I started to kan kai le... zodiac is zodiac, people is people. Our fates are not determined by the year we are born in.
prosper: so the doc got say how many pills need to take? But muz take during night time cuz will cause u to be drowsy..

HUh.. he said it wun help? I guess progesterone is make to help sustain pregnancy de.. So if implant liao can hold bb.. I think i wanna take after i O too..

madam yip: Before i had my loss, nv want a dragon. But aft i lose my boy i so wanna get preggy again and determine to have another bb in dragon year cuz like tat think i felt tat i didn't lost much.. But in fact, i lost huge time.. So now i really think, if cna have a bb is really a total blessing le..

It would be easy for those who had #1 or #2 to say dont wan this zodiac bb chiong this n that cuz they already had kid liao but for pple like me.. Still don't have any kid(alive one) and plus still have a recent loss, can get pregnant and have a smooth and sticky 9 months is a total blessing le...

So i really don't understand why wanna choose zodiac...

pillow: Sorry if i offended you.. theres a hokkien song inside theres a lyrics saying:
三分天注定,七分靠打拼,爱拼才会赢!! So i strongly believe that the bonding between parents and kids is we ourselves determine de, not the zodiac determine de. And there is no guarantee that next year zodiac, u gave birth liao, #2 and ur hubby wun have difficult time bonding.. Jus don think abt it lo..

Go with your mind.. Listen to the good one jiu hao le.. Like heard another thread pple say snake is also a good year, even better then the dragon one.. If you try next year and cant strike(TOUCHWOOD X 1 millon endless), wun u feel regret not to try this year?

So go for the 七分 not the 三分.. =D
Vanilla, yes ultrogen can help to sustain pregnancy. It is best to take 2 pills at night. If tested positive, got to take 2 in morning and 2 at night. Yes it will make u drowsy and I funny leh, sometime drowsy sometime dun have.
Ok uterus lining thin is due to low estrogen. I read baby aspirin (kind of pills) helps..
prosper: i dunno if my lining is thick or thin.. Haven O yet.. Think i'll take 2 everyday night when after i O lo.. Cuz i only left 15 pills.. haa.. So can only last 7 days.. Hopefully can help with the implant.

Then finish eating it, can start testing!! keke.. =P
prosper, may i ask when is the best time to have blood test for progestrone level? i suspect i also low progestrone since always bd around O time still no result..heard that eat walnut can increase progestrone,anyone know?
brazil nut has selenium that helps implantation. u can test day 7-8 after O day for progestrone..blood test level must be more than 60 is gd.. less than that get med support ..
Vanilla, well said....I luv it
I same as u, talk very stright, if u feel offended, then sorry....we are not the type of person for u. Now in this modern world still 'chiong' if can get preggie with a healthy baby, will be more than happy still care abt all these wu liao thing!
Charlotte: wah.. I think you more straight forward leh.. lol..

haa. But i do agree with you that will be more than happy if i can get pregnant. So i wun think abt all other stuffs. Jus focus on getting pregnant..

I wun say it is wu liao things cuz i myself sometimes also superstitious but i always choose to listen to the good things only. hee.. Have to be positive, very positive if u r going to ttc cuz u dunno when u will strike. Positive mindset will bring positive outcome!!
vanilla, ok maybe I was too blunt, I myself also sometimes pantang, sorry ah, hehe....but think this 'chiong' thing a bit too much for me to bear cos ppl here trying hard to TTC n some ppl not sensitive to others feelings so a bit HOT lah...u know old ppl get more fustrated so forgive this aunty ok?
It is usually taken few days after ovulation. But if u are concern, you can ask to take anytime. I think I taken the blood test twice on different mth, still the same low, from then now I know is constantly low, just take pills to replace it. Not necessary to take blood test every mth.
blissling:i also very keen to go but my HB felt that it is too exp alr..coz 1 cycle will cost almost $500 and is only for 1 person so he rather save the money go do IUI..haiz..

vanilla,prosper:can we buy ultrogen outside at pharmacy without dr prescription? i also have a feeling that my lining is thin and worry..does ultrogen have any side effects? thanks..
Charlotte: yaya.. I agree with you too... Forgive me too.. lol... Later be become the evil pple in this thread la...

Nono.. Dont be mistaken.. not trying to quarrel or what.. haa..

faith: no la.. Mine is left over from previous pregnancy. So thinking this cycle after O might wanna take it.. utrogestan(he brand tat i have), will not have side effects ba.. If u mean vomitting or what, some pple will have lo.. But i dun have..

Dont think can buy outside...
Mummies, for the chiong issue hor... It is actually not me. More to my hb ESP MIL. They very panting de. For me is I dont believe la but I don't want them to blame me in future if things go wrong. So hb said chiong then no choice lor. His family very pantang de. Their life's basically ruled by fortune teller. I am so sick of these. Some more wanna pull me along and ask my future. Till not I din go. For those with weird in laws I think u know what I mean. Not cos I have #1 then easier to say but as much as I want a bb I don't want them to blacklist bb when things go wrong in their family
Pillow: huh!! U can tolerate meh? If my ILs tell me like tat I sure buay lun de lo. It is my bb who are u to determine which zodiac is suitable for my family? If u say dragon sure 旺 my hubby den I miss e boat Liao should I wait for another 12 years and be 高龄产妇 jus for ur superstitious sake??!!!! Really ridiculous lo!!! Then if tat time u guys wanna get married den ur mil go fortune teller and he say ur zodiac can bring harm to his son, den how? No need to get married Liao lo.. Break up lo.. If they say horse is very compatible to hubby and Wang Wang, can that fortune teller guarantee that the horse bb sure Wang ur hubby and they can get along super well?? No wat!! So I really don't understand YYYYYY got such ignorant pple!! Really 白目!!! Sorry but I really can't help to hear these kinda nonsense lo!!! Angry lo!!!!

Lucky my ILs nv say things like this before if not I think I sure 翻桌子 for now.. Haa.. Cuz my special situation. I really tend to be very very extremely sensitive lo.. So if any of my ignorant 白目 remarks or comments I think I'll just give it back to straight in their face.. Not that I wan to make things ugly but if they can't be a little more sensitive towards me, this still grieving mummy then I don't think I should give a damn too as well..

As for you, *hugs*, I can totally understand your situation. It is not easy. I stayed with my ILs before I got married and until I lost my bb and till my confinement ends. I can't tolerate anymore and due to I lost my bb I knew I had to move back to my mom's place ASAP if not I'll go into depression. It's not that my ILs r not good but staying together sure have conflict de. Cuz the way we r being brought up is entirely not the same as theirs. Style of living also diff.. It's not easy.. Hugs hugs..
Vanilla, of course I buay tahan la.tks for being so understanding. But no choice what. For me I don't care if they curse me but I don't want them to curse my #2 if anything were to go wrong. Yesterday after reading all mummies posts about not chiong the parents, I told hb but he like not interested then say if u want then go and consult fortune teller and ask lor. Duh! Sian la
Good morning ladies, I cant take this suspense any longer. Going to see Dr tomorrow. Or Should i test urine again? maybe ts time i collect urine and dip the test stick in. Any suggestion?

I feel my lower tummy tight and bloated.

Im just worried abt etopic pregnancy.

So troubled by it.
Hi pillow.. Hugs.. Understand it .. Not easy when hub and mil on same boat.. Anything happen they will sure say "see tell u it will chiong us etc.." I not pantang thou my inlaws are..

@ faith, I not sure bat iui but since hubby said to try then just give it a try if u are ok .. Best that both party agree to avoid conflicts with regards to tcm..
anne: usually etopic pregnancy will still give you a bfp. and experience pain on one side of the abdomen. are you experiencing pain?
Mdm Yip, no pain. wat other reasons can it be? im not sure if its a mental thing tt i feel tightness on my tummy, bloated, etc. hiazzz... or shd i test again?

Berries, i have been reading alot too, just pondering. dont worry ...
Morning mummies, is friday.

Faith, I think the utrogestan cannot buy over the counter. If you scare u have low progesterone, ask ur gynae to take blood test for u. As for uterus lining, by viginal scanning will be able to tell. Go for a check up lor as least u know what went wrong for all cycle.
My case is that I told dr that I always feel very dry down there. He said I might have low progesterone and ask to take blood test to check it out. After receiving the report, he told me yes indeed it is, and say my previous mc is due to that. I am glad I found out the reason. So he prescribe utrogestan.
This pills is for low progesterone and for those pregnant woman who has spotting. The only side effect is cause u drowsy. But insert in there will have better effect n not drowsy.
