(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

berries: ur concern was also my concern too. CL on CNY more ex and maybe hard to find... if so heng.

Shirley: Hospital bill shld be same price ba.

my #1 is 2 wk before CNY. so during CNY i was on confinement. so boring. can only watch CNY countdown at hm..

but den, my hb say where gt so heng to strike meh arghhhh...

ladies,my AF reported today..
this cycle marks my 2 years of ttc..very depressed..do not know how to break the news to my HB and parents..HB has been asking me to do IUI but i am reluctant to try coz the success rate is only 5-10%..how?
faith: hugz.. every cycle bring new hopes... so many ladies had graduated frm here,urs will come soon...

btw, im tinking to go tcm. do you go to tiao ur body too?
faith, IUI is also on my list if I failed again, coming to 2 years too so u are not alone....even if success rate is only 5-10%, we still have to go for it if we really wan to have a baby
so dun despair, discuss over with yr hubby what u are going to do next n go for it...jia you!
shirley : ya.. i calculated is ard early feb.. so when doing confinement will be CNY period lor...

ren_rene : u r rite.. i tink CL will be very ex.. coz the CL got to sacrifice her CNY.. so i tink she will ask for maybe double the normal market?

fatbobo : ya.. i tink CL will be quite ex during CNY period..

faith : dun give up hope.. new cycle new hope? ur hubby seems to be supportive.. dun stress urself too much ok? maybe try one or two more cycle and see how?
faith: hugs.. maybe can consider IUI like what rainie mentioned, coz as long as keen and wanna have another child, hafta exhaust all avenues if ya can take it.. but in the meanwhile, really hope tt ya can give urself some time to cool down, to review and to think thru and not just go with the flow of things...

Sounds like ya shouldering v high responsibility coz ya feeling down over how to break the news to all.. but the thg's TTC's never a woman's biz alone.. the guy's also a part of it.. maybe wanna get some checks done first for both of yall before deciding on your next step?

But ya really gotta take gd care of ur mental well-being, maybe ya wanna consider what bliss_ling had done? go for staycation, get ur mind off TTC then when in a more relax mood, maybe will have higher chance? TCM's also another avenue tt ya can consider, like what rene suggested?

Jiayou and hope tt all'd be good for you and that the long awaited bb'd come fast fast... Jiayou!!
rene,rainie,berries:thank you for your encouragement..

bewildered:yup,will sit down and think what our next step is..just break the news to my HB when he call,he console me and ask me dont think so much..think he used to my ans..my parents seeing me depressed over all these ttc,know they feel heartpain for me..so every mth disappointed them,i felt sad..
faith, dont give up. maybe dont think about ttc anymore (as in the monitoring and such). take it off your mind then anyhow bd. sometimes when we are least expected, it striked! jia you. like what bewildered said, go for staycation.
Ladies don't give up. I just had a check up
Bring forward my check up as I think this is the 2nd time my hubby go w me! Faster call up n walk in the clinic just now

Baby is 6 wk 6 days old
Edd is 8 jan 2013

Spread lotsssss of baby dust to all of u
faith: you muz understand one thing.. You ttc is not for the sake of anyone leh.. Yes they might be disappointed but this is not what u wan also... Try not to think it tat way, tho i know it is hard.

You muz understand that it take 2 hands to clap. Perhaps, its ur hubby problem? Then you are making yourself so stressful, like tat how to strike? Dont think that it is solely your own problem tat u cant conceive. Darling, conceive these kinda things really not up to u to decide de. Really.. =)

You mux bear in mind that you need not report or answer or be responsible to anyone else when it comes to ttcing.

If anyone dare say things abt u cant have bb, jus slap them in their face. Tell them if they dont know anything den shut up.. Of cuz i'm not saying ur parents la.. I know own parents wun ask these kinda stuff i'm referring to relative ba...

Ultimately, you still have to relax lo.. Take a break.. Go for a 1 weeks holiday... Relax urself.. Jia you.. =)
pillow:thank you!

vanilla:ya I agree,it takes 2 hands to clap..both of us must be tired and stress of everything alr..will seek ur gals advice and go for a short trip..my work also sux,want to take leave also difficult..bias to certain staffs only..
faith: yup yup.. You deserve a break.. even a batam weekend trip is great.. You never know how big the impact it is to leave the country.. really.. Try it.. Go wear bikini, go swim.. Suntan abit.. Eat whatever you like... relax and dont think abt ttcing.. =D
Hugs faith. Understand how u feel, hubby n I actually have given up hope to have #2 after for trying almost 2yrs, we had fights and decided to break from ttc for a few months, we only started ttc again after engaging a maid 2mths ago.

Maybe like what others have suggested to u, take a break and destress yourself. Without stress, your chances will be higher. Jia you! Bb bb dust to u and all ladies out here!

Went for my blood test at my gynae, good progress, gynae says so long no pain I don't need to remove the Cyst, bb should be 5wks plus now, going back in 2wks' time to follow up.
bbfaith: if possible,try to cast everybody outta ur mind.. it may b easier said than done.. but it can b overwhelming when ttc dominates everythg.. mayb ya wanna consider looking for a new job coz ur job doesnt sound like tis giving ya d pleasure n happiness tt one can get fr it..so mayb tis gd to channel yr thoughts to d job search..

at least ya'll then b able to still have a fulfilling wrkg life to complement d ttc target.. so tt ttc wont b every part of ur life for nw..

i understand hw ya feel esp for my last cycle when there's this unexplained feeling of hopefulness, so tis quite saddening when af comes.. nothing's impt to mi except ttc.. tt got mi real demoralised.. but when af came, it sorta oso gives mi a wake-up call to nt b too fixated on only one thg wh we've no control over,might as well do other thgs along the way tt gives mi d joy n njoyment,such as making a change for once by getting outta bed early for breakfast n all..

yall b able to find wat ya've been looking for..
but aft sorting out ur thoughts, instead of jus reling on oneself, may wanna consider options, like follicular scanning (if d gynae provides such services etc),popping vits or iui etc.. Jiayou!!

for mi, tis cyce's messy, cd 26 ler, then opk has 2 lines for so long but never a real positive.. real perplexing.. in d end, din wanna take chances n bd every 3 days in d hope tt spermies can last inside for at least 3 days n by doin so, i can keep a fresh supply inside as n when eggy's gonna come..
today's abit weirder with sticky cm, so instead of guessing, m hoping to get a gynae appt to scan if o's occuring or so.. tt's wat i can do nw to quell all those doubts tt i have.. hopefully i wont spend $ for nothing.. heh heh.. :p Jiayou!!
good mrng ladies... wld like to share babydust too.

just tested positve n saw ob-gynae last evng. can oni see beanie's sag at abt 0.45cm via v-scan... so abt 5wks niah.

jia you to u ladies.. n hv faith!
faith, probably you really need to give u and ur hb a break and relax urself by gg for a short getaway or maybe book a local hotel and enjoy each other company for a day or two..

are u happy in ur current job? might be the workload and stress tat make u feel so lousy..
if possible, maybe a change of job is good?
Hi ladies:
I tested this morning, but shows neg...

shall wait and test again...so sad...
My tummy is so bloated and looks like 3 mths.
Im in CD 65.

Hugs, new cycle new hopea.

I saw some brown discharges last night but now no more.
Biggest hugs to you, I wish things could be different for you next cycle, and you could have an avalanche of bb dust soon :D

Take a short getaway and regain with your hb what's lost in the ttc journey. It sucks to see red every month, it sucks to see bfn for so long, but I do believe God will have something wonderful in store for you, just like He did to Sarah...

Cheers and *installing bbdust machine here*
Congrats fatbobo

Bewildered, same thing. Can anyone tell me what is going wrong. Tested smiley face on cd 17, cd20 and yesterday cd 26. And I do not have anymore opk or ovulation kit to test. I am going to see gynae to scan to see if I m ovulating now. If it is really ovulating yesterday, means my cycle this month is 40 days... So long!!!
fatbobo: Congrats!!
hope i can report Gd news soon too...

BBlove: haf u tested? how long is ur normal cycle?

Anne: as long as AF not here means got hopes.. mayb u tested too early liao.
Congrats fatbobo!!!

I've decided not to test ... Just leave it til AF reports or I literally puke ? Lolol!!!

Awww to those AF started, new cycle new hope!!!

To those bfn, if no red means still have hope right? Wait another week to test again !!!

Those tired from ttcing, take a break from here... Don't come in , don't read ... Go do something else ! Like online shopping!!! Lol! Or just spend lovely evenings with hb catching up, cuddling, etc ....

For my fellow Christian sisters, remember, we are to go forth n multiply ! Walk with God, He will provide, He will bless abundantly, in His time...

At times I get emo n stuff but end of the day, if the time isn't right then no matter how much we do n test n bd, it just wouldn't happen ... So just have to be positive n wait...

Charlotte, eh thought u ttc more than 2 yrs?? I know I have been!
Just back from gynae visit.
Gynae says I will ovulate in 2 more days. Ask me to bd today or tomorrow night. One bad thing is what he says my lining not thick enough. If not thick enough, even if it implant, it will also flow as menses.
missycandy, seriously TTC is coming to 2 years...started 3mths before my gal turns 4 years old but seems like super long time right? in between got stop here n there, but I know this cycle I did not strike so still deciding where to go from here...proceed to IUI or what...getting impatient, dun want to drag this any longer! Maybe go for a short trip this June holiday then start on IUI procedures in July??? still considering....

Congrats to those who BFP n take care to those who strike....

This TTC journey is getting tougher as it goes on.....sisters jia you
Thank you all for the encouragment. Will try again this month since today is my 1st day of AF. Will work hard.

I am aiming for my 3rd baby.

Hi Prosper,
May I ask when will u start to see gynae when is ovulation coming. Can share with me who is your gynae?
prosper: did ur gynae say hw to thicken d lining? Jiayou!
mayb aft bd,ya wanna follow up w d gynae to see ya can b given progestrone to protect/strengthen/keep d lil fertilized eggy?

i've seen a gynae n he confirmed tt pcos cannot b cured.. then whether one has pcos can b determined more accurately via v-scan..

he said follicle needs min 2.5cm before ovulation can occur whereas mine still got long way to go.. size's too small to ovulate.. lining's nt thick enough yet..
so hb can take a rest.. hmm, guess i cant monitor by sticky cm.. coz today got sticky cm tt's y i thought o's coming.. upon scan then realised tis nt so for mi.. -_-
I noticed I have sensitive nipple and cm, so I decided to go to see him today. Today is cd 27. I tested smiley face on cd 26.
I went last week to see him too, he told me that I have not ovulated, say I will ovulate in another week. I was annoyed cos the next day I tested smiley face again in cd20. Then I began not to trust him that day as I proven positive myself the next day.
Then I still dun believe I have not ovulate so yesterday due to the ovulation symptoms, I decided to test again and true enough my gynae advice is right. So I decided to see him today to see if I have miss the boat. Luckily I still can catch egg in time. I began to trust him now. He told me the false positive might be a wrong surge. I really see an egg there 20mm. And he says is a good size and will ovulate another 2 more days. But lining only 6mm, it must grow till 8mm in order for egg to release. So he days wait another 2 more days.
He told me nothing can be increase the lining wor... Damnn sad. Thinking if this cycle fail, I go TCM to tio my lining Liao
My gynae from GlenE. Dr Gordon Lim
@ prosper, is Dr Gordon good? Your #1 was delivered by him and in Glen E too? How was the stitches?

For lininig, can thicken it thru tcm.. I was one of the cases too
prosper: Did ur gynae say how big's the follicle? Mine's still small, so still a long way to go.. but ask him for the time period, he oso dunno, said will vary for diff pple..

Then lining also nt too thick yet.. so guess as long as eggy dun mature soon and let the lining grow am still okie bah..

He also said tt with pcos, will have higher risk of cancer in the uterus and also diabetes.. whoa, those 2 I didn't know.. so now I know..

Then he asked if I wan medication to stimulate ovulation.. turned out the med's clomid.. so I said no loh, coz wanna try naturally first.. Asked him for the side effects of clomid, said the same thg tt can be found online, max 6 cycles, increase risk in ovarian cancer, thinner lining over time..

There's one other thgy tt he said abt clomid tt's abit new to me.. he said tt clomid pregnancies need special care coz the probability of miscarriage is higher, so the care given in early pregnancy is needed, such as progesterone jab etc..

as for pcos, he said tt it's best to induce af if it didn't come for 3 consecutive mths... then usu the dose given to induce menses is ard 2 wks to induce and also to protect the uterus..

So I learnt alot fr the gynae trip, expensive lesson.. but at least cleared some of my doubts.. =)
cftongtan: think tis never too late to scan bah, coz am at cd 26 today leh, then turned out havnt O and doesn't even have the slightest chance of O-ing soon.. -_- heh heh..

So no harm chking.. but the gynae asked me to do the scanning at the hospital coz he said tt will be cheaper as it can be done by a sonographer.. coz think gynae charges for just a simple task of scanning is v ex, i.e $60 per scan and still gotta add on consultation charges..

So next round, think am gg to the hospital to scan.. heh heh.. but dunno how to start leh..
Bliss Ling, unfortunately my number 1 not by him. I changed to him because I have mc last year and my gynae cannot detect the reason. And my fren recomm me to this gynae, and he found out the reason why. Cos I have low progesterone. Now my lining thin, I dun want the history to repeat itself again.
He has very good review on his stitches. All my friend went to him even the nurse say so. So far his technology are all very advance.
Bewildered, yes he says is 20mm, good size. He says wait 2 more days it will ovulate, think he refer to my lining, 6mm, maybe 8mm my egg will ovulate. One day 1mm.
I went to him last week mah, told me will ovulate one week later, true enough this week I got ovulation symptoms.
congrats fatbobo... u are the 8/9 mummies who strike positive.. yeah... this thread is a wang wang thread with lots of baby dusts..
bewildered: I was told at least need 20mm.. That time i went he say only 8mm lo... fainted!!! SO SAMLL!! So hope this cycle with clomid can help..

Dont know it i wan to go gyane for the scan anot leh.. haiz... Or jus rely on OPK and CM...

Very ex leh.. One visit.. haiz.. Then go hospital sure need to wait very long de la... Where got u wan to go on fri today make appt jiu have de... Need to wait at least 2 months later the appt den come lo.. haiz...

@ prosper, i told tcm doc that it a few months i tested positive on clearblue, did it but never strike. she felt my pause and said it weak, she gave medication then sequence visit i ask her whether acupuncture helps.. she said yes and not pushy to ask me take it. Hubby heard it and quick paid for it.. After 6 sessions, i conceive.. prior to that my gynae told me that the linning not thick so even bd, the egg cant stick to the wall too..
