(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Chevy, yeah, my multivits also have. Guess in multivits, we can't avoid lah... But i try to separate my calcium tablets n my multivits lor.
My doctor told me that iron is the major cause for constipation so if you're taking iron pills, make sure you drink lotsa water and take lotsa fibre.

I feel faint some days but I try to take red meat or raisins instead.
baby g: HL milk is good , i check with my doc. he say if can't drink powder milk then drinking fresh milk is even better.

luv: i hate the multi vitamin smell
Can also supplement with food for calcium:

From baby center>
Sources of calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, leafy greens and fortified products like cereal and juice. One cup of plain yogurt contains 488 mg of calcium, 8 ounces of milk has 301 mg of calcium and one half cup of spinach has 136 mg. Prenatal vitamins also contain part of your daily recommended amount of calcium. According to Babycenter, your body can only absorb 500 mg of calcium at a time, so try to spread out your intake of calcium food sources or supplements throughout the day
e.g. 1 slice of kraft cheese can also supplement abt 20% of daily requirements
Very excited.. Coz bb playing hide and seek.. One time look like a boy, the next time look like a girl.. I also confused. Went back to wk aft 2 mths today. Today was in a big mess.
Luv, I paid $380 for it.

I dunno why this time i find taking multivit n fish oil yucky n i would even burp the smell of the vit or fish oil. Last pregnancy i don't remember having this yucky feeling.

And i just cfm my confinement lady today
eskimo, maybe can try changing brands? You might be less sensitive to another brand.

You hired a freelance CL or thru agency?
A load off the mind, isn't it?
luv n eskimobaby, do u bath during your confinement? Cos heard lot of comments on using herbs and boiled water to bath during confinement. Pls advise sin both of u had gone thru confinement before. Thks.
Reikibaby : she prescribe 15 packs of different herbs for 1 day . So I mixed them in a cup and drank twice a day . She also think she won't do acu on me that day. Anyways thanks for sharing.
Sade, my cl charges $2.3k. I also bathe using boiled herbs. Cannot tahan not bathing n esp if u bf, will tend to sweat a lot.
so that's means only bath with boiled herbs? cant use heater water and bath?

eskimobaby, CL price is still reasonable.

For me i din employ CL. So now ask around for advices whether can bath like normal or must use boiled herbs. Ya i know medicinal hall can buy the herbs.
sade, they say better not bathe. If really need to bathe, use the herb water. If u're strict, wash hands with boiled water too.

But actually i washed my hair using normal heater water too. Cos can't imagine washing my hair in the herb water.
Luv, What is the colour of the herbs water? So have to brush teeth with boiled water? What abt washing v?

Heard a lot of ppl saying don't bath during first 12 days. Just only use cloth to wipe body with those boiled herbs.
Oic. I thou of bathing with heater water and herbs. And wash hair too. But a lot of ppl told me must use boiled herbs water.

Heater water temperatures are high too. So what's the difference? Don't understand.

Read that it's ok to bath online. Just that try to bath during 11am-1pm when the day temperature is the hottest. Thou of doing that.
Sade, the herbs need to be boiled then can use. It's like drink tcm, gotta boil the herbs to draw the nutrients out.
Good morning ladies! I came back to work on Mon after rested for 7 months. Still not too bad. Still surviving after 3 days :p

I will be going for my detailed scan next Wed (12/9). Can't wait to know the gender of my bbs... hehe
Eskimobaby thou of boiling the herbs n mixed with heater water. Or just put the herbs into a pail and filled it with heater water.

Still don't know yet. Trying to find out more.
sade, cannot just mix the herbs with heater water. Must boil first n then let it cool down to warm temp for bathing. Why do u want to mix with heater water after boiling? U'll dilute the herbal water that way.
luv: ya its obimin. don't like that pill. gynea ask me to take it at nite, so far ok.
my detail scan is 1/10.
any lady want to go for water therapy lesson in kkh?
sade, if u're not hiring CL, ur mum / MIL will be helping you?

JoT, great that u survived work!
Let's hope the rest of our preg journey goes smoothly too! Are u hoping for LFT?
Hehe luv, cos need lots of water to mix with the herbs, so thou of mixing it with hot heater water. Or else v ma fan. Hehe.

Don't know how true is the old wives tales.
Hahah... i see. Some ladies say it's very true and regret not following the "rules" more strictly. I just try to follow to my comfort level.
Take it easy at work ya... I was actually glad to be back at work cos helps to take my mind off ms.

I don't think just putting the herbs inside heater water will work. need to cook the herbs for a while before using. I guess it depends on how big your pot is. If the herbal water you boil is enough for one bath then don't have to add anymore water. It also depends on how strict you wanna be during confinement, strictly just boiled water or not.

I really just want to be stress free during confinement. I was to stressed up during my no. 1 without a confinement lady. I'm even considering going for 6 weeks of confinement instead of just 28 days.
eskimo, that's why i think having a CL or at least reliable help is important. Cos we're already so stressed with recovery n breastfeeding. Can't imagine still have to do additional things ourselves like boiling herbal water etc.
sade: my mil say heater water also can. if don't want use herb also no problem. just wipe body with warm water, not really bathing
Hi Bruno.. U r doing yr detail scan on 1/10 at KKH? Wat time? U r abt in yr week 16weeks now? I will be doing my 12weeks scan on 1/10 at KKH too.. Think it is at Level 2 ADC... Maybe can meet up if got chance.. Haha
Thks luv n eeskimobaby n Bruno for ur advices. My hb is helping me. Definitely I won't need to boil the water myself just that find it ma fan for my hubby. Cos thou that needs lot of water to bath.

Cos for me, will cross cny so v expensive. Jus diy by my hb. Heard from my friends whom gave birth at tmc, n it costs almost $10-$12k due to emergency c section.

Ya I know it's v tiring during that confinement period n I know that my hb will do his best to help me out. So I m not so worry.

Bruno, ur mil v modern. My PIL told me must use boiled water.
sade, will ur hubby be cooking n taking care of baby too? If he's not experienced, will be a tough challenge. Kudos to him for being so willing to help.
Luv he's nt experience unless he has another family out there. Hehe.
He did help to cook once awhile.

I had alrdy plan my confinement meals mostly soups with either fish or veggies or meat. Quite simple.

I had been telling him what he should do during my confinement. N sin he's a little overweight, hence I take this as a chance for him to slim down. Hehe.
N also during cny period fishes r v exp. So no choice give up on CL.
sade, maybe you can follow the confinement meal recipes online? Or cater confinement meals if it's more convenient. Most importantly dun stinge on ur food cos u need it for restoring ur health n nursing.

would your mother or MIL be helping out too? it would be good to have more help around just in case your hubby can't cope.
