(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Sade - most people would not encourage using water heater water for bathing as scared of "feng shi" next time. Some even said must use boiled cool water to wash hands and brush teeth instead of directly from tap water. Of course, there are also people who dont care about such beliefs also...

Sade - the confinement agency provided 10 days of herbal bath. Here's wat my sis did. Not traditional though cos use heater water

- boil the herbs
- soap yourself
- rinse off with herbal concoction
- then rinse again with heater water for bathing.
Joanne heard abt all these too. Jus trying to find out if really ppl will do it and follow it. What's ur view? U will also do that?

Whiteclover thks for ur fast reply.

Really don't know how true abt all these. Don't know how yet.
Thou now modern times but yet lot of ppl still believe in it.
Sade - if u r planning to follow traditional method, I think u will have a lot a lot of work to do since u r doing confinement yrself.

I cannot tahan dirt, so definitely going to wash hair and bathe everyday during confinement. All along, I switch on aircon the moment I reach home. Not sure if I can take it without aircon
Whiteclover, my mum feels tat aircon is ok as long not directly blowing at you. In fact aircon better than fan. Probably 1st week you try tahan not to wash hair. If can i probably will avoid bathing for 1st week too.

Sade, my mum say heater water is ok. Else need to boil alot for bathing. There are herb bags for confinement. Works like tea bag. Get a pail of hot water n soak the herb bag. No need boil the herbs.
Whiteclover,me thou of using hot heater water n put the herbs in. Think there are 2 types of herbal bath. One to boil n the other like tea bag. Yes I agreed with u too much work to do.
Even confinement agency also use modern way using heater water.

Reiki baby, thks for your reassurance cos been hearing too much abt using boiled water. Find it really tedious for those using only boiled water.
just wondering, if my hb is allergy to alcohol (all his family members except mother) is it ok for me to take and breast-feed? not sure if bb will have their allergy genes too.
My aunt suggested that I soak some herb "goh-lay" 高丽 into martell now and drink a little every night during confinement (need to soak for at least 2mths). She said very good for the mother's health.
Znatasha, my mum has a btle of martell, inside also soak with something..but duno what issit. But my mum say veru good to sip or add into dish during confinement. That btle tink soak w herbs for 20 years liao. Lolz super bu.

Sade, yah boil water duno must boil hw many times a day. Lol.
Luv, I am vain so I am thinking of taking photoshoot... But don't know where to go to...

Eh, I'm paranoid again. Is my baby ok? How come my tummy doesn't seem to be growing?
Koirc, I'm also looking around for a studio i like, heheh...
Usually ur bump won't rise above the pelvic area till u're 3mths plus or 4mths along. Dun scare urself dear!
Okok, can't wait for my scan next week. How come time passes so slowly?! I really hate the wait. Pregnancy is tougher than I thought, esp for us who go thru ivf!
Koirc, can understand your fear. I had a bad experience previously too....and every wait for each scan is super long... Try keep yourself occupied and busy. I tell myself as long I still have sore boobs, still feeling hungry every 1-2 hours...then i know baby is growing healthy in me. My next scan is also next week. The Oscar scan. Jiayou jiayou. Im sure this round we will graduate with healthy baby in arms.
Good morning gals! My detailed scan is also next Wed... Looks like a lot of us going for scan next week

Sade - I will be getting confinement lady. So most likely will be using boiled water..
Luv - nope. PEM dont have any more twin specialist CL. So I googled and found Jia Employment... cost me $3200 (excluding CNY surcharge as I think the bbs will come out in early Jan....
Luv let us know if u found a studio. Me still considering cos I won't know if my look will change as I grow fatter. Haha. If not most probably will go for photo shoot.
Oh, ReikiBaby, I am more worried now then. I no longer feel sore boobs and hungry frequency has dropped! :'(

I have one more week to go... Omg, this waiting game is driving me crazy!!!
Koirc - same for me. I don't have sore boobs and also don't feel hungry so often. Still waiting for the electrifying moment to feel
baby move.

i definitely will not go for maternity shots. feel so lumpy. do u girls get more white hair? suddenly i got burst of white hair at the top of my head.
Luv - think that's the market price. They are cheaper than PEM by $50...

Sade - yeah... think i will go crazy if without CL's help.

Koirc - dont worry too much. Stay relax till your next checkup. How many weeks are you now?
Koirc, alamak....different ladies just have different symptoms...dun scare yourself...all will be fine. Your last scan was in week 8 or 10.? Dun worry....we will be ok.
Luv, nope. hehe, cos still half hearted. I wont want to capture if my face is v swollen during later stage. haha. So will be a last min decision.

Koirc, ya don't worry too much now. It's not good to worry as bb can feel it. Keep talking to bb to stay strong.

For me, i had sore breast during first trimester and then ever sin bfp, nipples are protuding and aerola changes in colour. Guess its preparing for breastfeeding and production of milk.

Is it the same for other ladies?
whiteclover, i've heard otherwise for their baby shots tho. Guess it depends on ur luck. But i think their maternity shots look nice.

sade, take those artistic shots that dun show ur face lah... ;p
reikibaby, are you going to drink the 20yrs old "goodness"? Better not. If you want, then do a new bottle now. At least 6 months of "goodness".

Znatasha, i never heard of that before. Since it's your aunt who suggested it, then should be ok. As for alcohol allergy, i wont know if your bb will have it or not. If you really want to drink a little wine per day, then either you breastfeed before drinking or pump out the milk before drinking. Cos normally the next milk is at least3-4 hours later. And also try to avoid alcohol during first 12 days.
You can start on day 13 and drink it till 40 days.
Hahah... sade, really depends on ur baby. Can be every hour in the initial days. When they're older and can stomach more, then can last longer.
Whiteclover, yes, I see a lot of white hair sprouting out. No matter how I flip my hair, I can't hide them! Haha...

Joanne and ReikiBaby, I am in week 11. And my last scan was week 8.

Anyway, now I just tell myself that as long as I don't see red when I go to toilet, I should still be safe!
Btw, I just came back from lunch and I so wish that I can hide in a corner somewhere to sleep! Hahaha...
Sade, my mum say the longer the better leh. Haha.
Yes i hv protruding nipples. And feels sore... dh is always tempted to touch n i will yell at him.

Koirc, wah your last scan so long back....i had mine at week 10 n i feel the oscar scan was a long wait since then...i try Plan it such a way i get to see bb every 2weeks.
Luv, does it means months or days? Cos i know that u don't take alcohol during confinement. There are ppl who took alcohol during confinement and breastfeed too. Have to think of a way. Drink before sleeping bah. But i m drinking the chicken essence with alcohol boiled for 3 hrs. Should be fairly safe.
Reikibaby, but 20yrs. I have few bottles of 10yrs plus martell but i wont use it during my confinement. Dont know if it's ok to use or not.

Hehe, my hb kept on saying it looks so funny now. i told him next yr it's for bb to use liao. He cant use it. haha.
sade, even if u drink b4 sleeping, dun forget there are night feeds.
Unless u give EBM at night lor. Uhm... maybe weeks? Sorry, can't really give exact estimation cos every baby's different bah... and also depends on mummy's BM supply i think.
ReikiBaby, yes... that's why the wait is killing me. I thought they will monitor every two weeks cos that was the case the last time. But doctor said don't need to go back at week 10. Asked me to go week 12.

I was googling for some maternity photoshoot... the super big tummy is quite scary!!! When do people usually do the shoot? Like 8 months?
Luv, ok thanks i understand there are night feeds too, will see how it's goes. Will pump out before drinking and if possible store it so that the next feed if shorter than 3 hours can use it.
Thanks, Luv. You seem to be very knowledgeable about all these things... Me on the other hand is super clueless...

Glad to have all the sisters here to learn from!
Koirc, Luv & eskiomobaby are second time mum here, so we can ask them lots of questions. Since most of us are clueless as first timers.

Glad to know all u gals here.
afternnon ladies!

any one here thking or tried b4 consuming their own placenta? heard it's very good to bu body after pop.
