(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Bb shower: that's meant most likely my this coming 13/9 blood test I will hv scanning to see the Bb development lo? Hee hee so happy cos hubby take leave to go with me so he can hv his first chance to see the on the spot scanning. My hubby missed my 7.2 weeks scanning where I can see the Bb heart beat.. Tks bb shower for yr sharing.. As for the subsidies rate since the day one I m with IVF I don't think I got any subsidies rate lei.. Maybe I choose Dr SF Loh when IVF time

Wa... Excited now...actually I m just back home with hungry n bloated stomach.. Feeling uncomfortable n now heard yr feed back n suddenly got power Liao lei! Tk u so much n everyone here jia you together!
Hi regarding pantang issue, when is a good time to buy baby stuff like pram and cot? I wanted to buy during the fair but afraid it's not good...

Also, can I shift or give away my unused bed in other rooms or pack them up?

Know it sounds silly but my aunt said not to move the bed during pregnancy due to pantang issue..
Znatasha, same same. My mil also said same thing abt bed. Also, she asked me not to buy anything for baby during the seventh mth and not to spring clean room till after that.
Sade, thanks for the tips! Yes, I guess I will shop for myself first. You're so much more ahead... going to end your second tri in one month. All the best!

Usagi, so your pregnancy is natural conception? I am paying $71 per visit for consultation leh. That's why I wonder how you get the subsidy...
whiteclover, when did u do ur hCG BT? If u did slightly later, then it's not surprising to get a 16k reading or so.

Oh, yah hor, forgot abt 7th month liao. When does 7th month end har?

Reikibaby, usually the first EDD from scan is the most accurate. The EDD might change from time to time depending on how fast or slow baby's growth is. Babies don't grow at a uniform rate mah.
But those wld just be indications of whether baby's growing faster / slower than expected. EDD shld remain unchanged.
znatasha, I bought my baby cot, stroller & car seat during my 2nd tri in my last preg. Didn't think of any pantang issue then. Sometimes worrying too much is just too stressful.
whiteclover, then did the doc say why such high hCG? My doc did mention b4 that the range of hCG readings amongst ladies is very wide, but didn't say why either.

Next Sat? Thks!
Hi Whiteclover,
my aunt said maybe can shift the unused beds but someone else got to do it in my absence...

Hi Luv,

Yap think will wait till the next fair or 2nd trimester before I start buying...
Luv - no leh. Dr loh didn't say anything. Only remembered after the first scan to check heartbeat, the nurse shamseah exclaimed "really 1 only?"

Actually, the next baby fair in oct just nice. First one after seventh mth. Planning to start shopping there.
Koirc, Thks. Soon u will be in 2nd trimester too. ;-)

I also not too sure abt pantang issues. Just that read from other threads and some of them mention abt the pantang stuffs.
Wow, you mean that was your first hcg bt after 2ww? Then mine considered low compared to yours liao. Mine at day 15 was 2000+. You cleared your oscar rite? Then no worries
Wondering isit a must to drink milk? Does drinking milk help produce milk? Am thking can don't drink a not... Everytime drink cause headache! Tried a few types all causing headache!
bbshower, dun think drinking milk helps produce milk, hahah... Does give u more nutrients to be able to be in better shape to produce milk tho i guess. I've avoided maternity milk so far cos can't stand the taste. Wonder if i shld try again...

Fresh milk shld be good too. If not, just make sure u take ur calcium supplements.
Luv m not taking any calcium supplements gynae din provide leh. I m worried because my breast is small haha. Erm... I tried Anmum, marigold UHF fresh milk with the cow design de. Both causes headache. Fresh milk sometime cause headache. Or shld I go bk tO ensure milk.
I usually don't drink milk.. But nowadays I force myself to take at least half-1 glass of milk everyday. slowly having backaches. And the only milk I take is HL. Ok right?
Bbshower, u need the calcium. If not taking milk, Can ask gynae for calcium supplements.

But got to drink more water when taking calcium supplements as they can lead to constipation.
Some shopping places:-

(1) Shen kwang trading
Waterloo Kuan Yin temple behind public toilet. 
Blk 269 Queen Street, #01-246 S183269. 
Closed on sun and public holidays 9-6pm
(wholesale cheap and good quality)

(2) cheong Choon store
Address: Blk 34 Upper Cross St #03-132
Tel: 65327816

(3) Baby kingdom - 83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #01-00 Shun Li industrial park 

(4) Baby Hypermart - 69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park 
You can find strollers, baby items, cot, car seats etc under one rood at about 15-20% off retail prices.

(5) Baby's Kingdom: 
83, Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #01-00, Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417954 
Baby hyperstore is just a few doors away. 

(6) For combi brand products : 
Showroom: 748-758, North Bridge Road, Singapore 198722. 
Tel:65 6291 2633
Whiteclover, for combi products, do you have any idea if it's cheaper at the warehouse?
I went bb kingdom before but apparently the price is the same as kiddy palace.... No difference.
Baby kingdom prices are not cheaper than else where but it's like a one stop place where you can buy everything there, more for convenience, sales staff can be a little pushy too.

For Hypermart, they r the distributor for maclaren strollers n they r also usually at taka baby fair. They specialise in strollers n car seats. Other stuff not much.

I bought my combi car seat from tai sing. The staff can install the car seat for you. Prices wise only slightly cheaper than outside not a lot.

Bought some daily wear at the waterloo street shop. Indeed very cheap. If i remember correctly it's like 5 pcs newborn tops for $10 but all same design. I remembered the staff allowed me to choose the colours but read that some ppl who went they wont allowed to choose i.e. blue n pink both must take. I bought baby towels there too.
bbshower, usually gynae starts prescribing calcium n other supplements in 2nd tri. You're still in 1st tri right? Folic acid is sufficient for now. Dun worry too much.
And milk supply is not dependent on breast size, hahah... No worries there lah.
Think i recall only buying a changing table-cum-wardrobe at either Baby Kingdom or Hypermart. The rest we could get pretty much at Kiddy Palace or back then, Kids Mall.

Btw, does anyone know if there's still a Kids Mall anywhere? The branch I know of at IMM seems to have closed.
Usagi, you're so lucky!

Baby Galore, I have the same issue. My doctor gave me Calcium supplement. So maybe you want to check with you doctor?
Btw, did you all see the Discovering Parenthood ad banner on this page? Anyone thinking of going?
BabyGalore, my doc refused to give me multivits leh. Although I am so kiasu that I wished she gave me...
eskimo, mind sharing what they check at the Camden detailed scan? How different is it from the Oscar scan or the 20th week detailed scan?
Koirc, u can actually buy multivits off the shelf at pharmacies too if u really want. Brands like Obimin are commonly prescribed by docs.
Can also buy Neurogain for DHA.
Hey ladies, just want to share I bought a maternity dress from ASOS. It's really cheap coz they have 70% off and free shipping. So take a look if you are interested.
Hope, I was looking last wk, the pants that I wanted, oos liao
Not a skirt n dress person heheheee......Glad u got something
Any feedback on the following items:
- cot: is it better to get with or without wheels?
- bathing tub: which is better? Those with the stand or those that put on the floor?
It's like the detailed scan at 20 weeks which includes internal organs. I got a cd back as well of the ultrasound scan n video i think.. I havent open the cd yet. Then he uses his own formula yo calculate the risk cos i saw him calculating on the calculator then during discussion. His risk calculation not only include the ds ratio, also have physical defects ratio n also ds ratio if i go for amniotic test n apparently my ratio for getting a complication out of amniotic test is higher than the ratio for detecting ds using amnio so no point going for amnio. actually, i have frens who went to him for no. 1 poor ds results n ended up for no. 2 skipped the oscar n went straight to him for the ds scan.
All my cots have wheels n i use it to push cot to corner when baby not using it. if there's space contraints those with wheels will be better cos can push cot to a corner when bb is not using it.

As for bathtubs, i never use those with stand but i find as bb gets older like 5 months when they get more mobile it's dangerous to bathe them so high up. Those with stand are only suitable for the initial months.
Luv & Chevy, I'm still in my first tri. Week 11 now. Doc is afraid that I get constipation. She said I don't need multivits for now... So I'm only taking folic acid and calcium tabs.

I feel very tired today and a little sick. Felt so suffocated on the train this morning I had to alight halfway to take a breather.

I think hospitals should give us some tags to tell we're preggers so that we can get the priority seats onboard. After all, the first tri is the most vulnerable right? Haha...
eskimo, it's more expensive than Oscar right? But I guess it's more detailed info in return. If it were me, I'd also prefer the scan to the amnio. Amnio carries such scary risks.

Whiteclover, I also prefer cots with wheels. But also depends on the size and weight of ur cot. If not too heavy then can consider those without wheels?
Agree with eskimo on the tub. But I still prefer to have a standing tub in the initial months cos I'm not confident of squatting down to bathe baby.
Koirc, diff gynaes have diff preferences. My IVF doc doesn't even give calcium supplements unless u have symptoms of insufficient calcium like leg cramps cos he's very pro-natural n believes u can get enuf calcium from food. My other gynae wld prescribe calcium readily if u want.
Koirc, oic, guess dr will issue during ur next visit, which shld be soon rite?
most impt is bb is growing fine.
Luv, I think my fertility doc is like yours. She didn't want to give me calcium initially. Until I told her that I don't take milk cos I have a little intolerant to lactose. She then reluctantly prescribe to me, along with fibre drink.
Luv insufficient calcium will cause leg cramps? I din know that. Been experiencing few cramps lately. Thou it's poor circulation.
sade, actually i also din know. But that's what the doc said. Are u taking enuf calcium u think? Maybe that's just one possible reason lah. May not be the only reason.
During my last visit, i requested calcium n iron pill from my gynae n he's seems reluctant. Haha. He told me to drink milk. In the end, he only gave me calcium pill. Hmmm I only drink 1 glass per day cos I don't like milk. I should start taking my calcium pills. N see if there's a difference to my leg cramps.

sade, bear in mind not to take ur iron and calcium supplements together cos they inhibit the absorption of the other. Actually iron supplements are only necessary if u're at risk of anaemia i think. Otherwise the content in the multivit n our food shld be sufficient.
