(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

sade, yeah, n ur mum/MIL shld be more experienced than ur DH in taking care of a baby.

Luv, thks for your concern. Yes me definitely wan to eat nutritious food. Not going to save on food thou. As for caterers, I m too choosy cos I don't know if it's clean or not. Can eat during normal times but don't during confinement.
Had alrdy collect n complied 20recipes for my meals.

Eskimo baby I m staying with my mum but she is 60plus n don't really wan to help out. So she will be in charge of laundry n sweeping the floor.

What I can do is to learn more abt breastfeeding n then try to latch on during confinement. Save the hassle of washing bottles n sterilizing it.
heard that it's good to double boiled half a chicken with martell every night for 3 hrs and drink it for 28 days. Its like homemade chicken essence with martell.
Luv n eskimobaby, did u drink that?
I didn't take any alcohol then. Not comfortable with the idea when i'm breastfeeding. Despite what the older generation said, i insisted not to.
Hahah.. i can't be sure my CL will cook my food for 3h! Unless i go keep an eye on her cooking. But I'd rather have more rest.
For me, i won't take ginger and alcohol for the first 12 days as bb jaundice is higher. Will only start taking that till 40 days.
Actually, i m a control freak. That's y no CL might work better for me.

Luv yes u r right. Have more rest during confinement.
Luv n eskimo baby, can u help with regards to car seat? Dont know if buying a car seat that can sit from infant to 18kg is good enough or have to buy a bassinet? Any ideas? How do u bring ur bb around during first months?
i got the combi car seat which can be used from newborn to 4 yrs old but i changed it at 2 yrs old as i find it a bit cramp for my girl already but i find it very useful. u can go tai sing (add given by whiteclover) to have a look. it's not very bulky and doesn't occupy much space, and price is reasonable at 300+. usually i can still can have 2 adults sitting at the back together with the carseat. bassinet is only good for newborn to abt 9 months depending the size of your baby.
sade, i bought a car seat that can be used from infancy to preschool years. My gal's still using it now! Of course, the initial fit might not be that good for newborns but they grow quite fast anyway and we don't bring baby out that often in the first month. So i think it's fine. I didn't buy a bassinet kind cos i think it'll turn into white elephant very soon.

I used a stroller when bringing baby out. Get those strollers with fully reclinable seats so baby can lie down n sleep.

I'm considering getting a baby carrier this time round too for easier movement.
eskimo, think my car seat is more bulky. My gal has the VIP seat while others have to squeeze if they sit behind. Lol.
luvnhope, if she still can use it now means definitely more spacious kekeke... i bought another fisher price one at 100+ which is more for toddler and preschool. hoping to change her to booster when #2 comes along so can have more space in the car.
eskimo, yeah, i already bought a 2ndhand booster seat. Hoping she'll be tall enuf to use it by year end or beginning of next year.
Thks Eskimo Baby and luv. Another question, is it difficult to put bb into car seat at 1 or 2 months old? Me thou of buying car seat from infants to 4 yrs old but one of friends said difficult to put bb in car seat when they r so fragile n small. So pls advise.
sade, not so much difficult as it is a little awkward. I think it's still fine. Make sure the car seat can be rear facing and be more or less reclined.
if possible, try to train right from the beginning with car seat if not as they get older they will resist and make a big fuss if put into car seat.
whiteclover, i bought a Concorde car seat from Kids Mall previously. Now I donno where to find the brand any more cos I can't find a Kids Mall anywhere now. If u can find Kids Mall or know where they still sell Concorde, pls let me know! I might wanna see if can get replacement parts / accessories. Thks!
Ya Eskimo baby that's y I wan to buy a car seat before my delivery. So that can train bb. Aft delivery during confinement have to go to PD for check up is it? So how u ferry ur newborn? In cat seat or carrying her?
Thanks luv. Another thing - is it necessary to get a baby carrier? And which brand? I see different types: some fabric type like sarong and the more expensive ones that are more defined.
sade, for my no. 1 i didn't get any car seat until like 2 or 3 months and i already can sense my girl's reluctance at the beginning but luckily she didn't fuss much. actually, the purpose of the car seat is for their safety so it should be as long as they are in the car, they should be in car seat and it has to be rear facing at least for the 1st year as bb's neck is not strong enough yet to withstand any impact if there's any sudden brakes or accident.
whiteclover, i got a sarong type previously. End up i didn't know how to use, hahah... let my helper use most of the time eventually.
Now i'm thinking of getting a Manduca carrier. Not necessary lah if u have a stroller. But i see the convenience of a carrier too.

sade, the car seat looks sturdy and has the essential functions. Best to go take a look for yourself.

I agree with eskimo. It's for the child's safety. That's why i put my girl in the car seat from day 1. I don't think there's any adult who'll be strong enuf or react fast enuf to keep baby safe in their arms when an accident happens. *touch wood*
thks luv n eskimobaby for your valuable inputs and advices.

Ya i agreed to start early so that bb will get used to it. Just worried that difficult to put bb in when still small n fragile.

But u gals are great to explain to me so i felt more confident to get an infant car seat to 4yrs old type. Thanks alot.
luv n eskimo, i totally agreed on the safety issues. I dont want to take any chance.

Furthermore, i have friends who carry their bb in the car and all along bb don't want to sit in the car seat. It's so dangerous.
Luv, thot last time suntec got a kids' mall. But now don't know if closed as mall under heavy renov.

Another question, which diaper brand do u use?
I see brands eg drypers, pampers, mamypoko, neepo, goo etc. Any cheap and good ones?
whiteclover, dun think there's Kids Mall at Suntec anymore.

I used PetPet for my gal during daytime. Also used Mamy Poko and Huggies for their pullups. Gotta trial and error and see which brands fit ur baby best cos baby might be allergic to some brands too.
It really depends on your baby's skin. For my girl, she can only use pampers n mamy poko. Other brands she'll get nappy rash. My girl has golden butt hehe.
Luv - it would be great if my twins are LFT. But of course most importantly they must be healthy so boy/girl also ok

OMG. I would need to buy 2 car seats! I also dont know how my maid can squeeze in between next time
JoT, yeah, we're happy so long as baby is healthy.

Not easy to squeeze 2 car seats in a normal sedan leh... Consider upgrading to MPV? Heheh...
Thks luv, eskimo!

Sade- doing my detailed next week. Originally got appt next wed. Then alice called me to change appt to tue. So got to go queue at 830 on tue for detailed scan. Need full bladder for scan?

Wondering after detailed scan, what other tests r expected? I only know of strepb, diabetic.

The one that I am really scared of is the VE. Heard it is very painful, especially by dr loh.
whiteclover, next week as in your week 19 too?
Cos i read in other thread that they did their detailed scan at week 20 till 22. But mine was done in week 19 plus.

There should be no test after detailed scan.

Strepb is not compulsory. Most of my friends didnt test for that.
Luv - now no $ to upgrade car
My DH will take care of the twins together with the maid after my ML, which means we will become single income family.... think I will be very stress next time
So have to save up more $ now for future use....

Sade - U can also check up this website www.aprisin.com.sg for different brands of car seats and strollers. Their showroom is in Tagore Lane.
whiteclover, i believed i read what u had read abt VE from other sisters in other threads. hehe.

Btw, do u know that can do a perinwal massage from week 34th onwards? Prenatal perineal massage has been shown effective in preventing the need for episiotomy and a decrease in the amount of tearing a woman has during her birth.
Joanne, understand about the financial issue since u are raising twins. not easy but fulfilling. Jia You. Thanks for the link, now looking at it.
Sade, next week is my week 20. Strep b - I need to cos both my sisters are positive. Tough not hereditary, if positive, during delivery, need to drip antibiotics. Otherwise, baby may get infection.
whiteclover, ya i understand abt the strep b test. i will do it. just that when i told my friends abt it, all dont know n din do. It's not common in sg. But i will still do it to play safe.
ALamak, she changed your appt so u have to go n queue for the detailed scan. No need full bladder.
Yah lor. Btw, my sister order homemade red rice wine for Her confinement. Taste good with fish or vegetables. Here r the contacts in case u want:

1) mailto:[email protected]
Contact 96248642
Feedback - taste good and hygienic cos put in brand new ikea bottle and deliver to doorstep
Lead time: at least 1 mth before yr delivery date

2) Maureen 93263663
Feedback - none yet cos ordered late, still harvesting

Lead time: slightly longer than (1)

Will add into the google doc too.
thks whiteclover for the contacts.

Do u have contacts for yellow rice wine?

So u must have experience sin both of ur sisters had given birh before. Can share if can use heater water to bath?
Sade- the massage - is it we do ourselves or engage a therapist to do? Didn't know this will help.

Actually, all along, I never asked them abt their experiences. Only interested in playing with my nieces and nephews. But this time different, then started asking them questions.

But I find that from this forum, can learn a lot from those with experience.

I will check with her abt the heater water. Yellow rice wine - Unfortunately, don't have.
Good question reikibaby, i was thinking and asking around initally. In the end, the answer is depends on what kind of food that u are eating. Red rice wine for hong zao chicken n yellow rice wine for sesame oil chicken. More ppl use rice wine as it's cheaper as compared to DOM or martell. During confinement, we take in wine to warm our body up.

Correct me if i m wrong. These are what i learnt so far.
Yellow rice wine issit also white rice wine? I have a friend making and selling red and white rice wine.
I have 2-3 bottles of DOM at home but find them very sweet when used for cooking. So wondering if rice wine will be better than DOM? Maybe wait till i cross my 12weeks then ask this gf of mine more about the 2 rice wine.

Used to hv a gf telling me her mil use a btle of Dom every 2days just cooking confinement dishes for her. Indeed rice wine will be a better substitute.

i also dont know yellow rice wine is same as white rice wine. If i cant find yellow rice wine, i will just buy white.

Me din take DOM before, but heard it's sweet.
