(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Thanks luv.

Coco, I conceived naturally while waiting for FET in Sep
my failed fresh was done in may12.
Tutu : Do you take multi vitamin at this stage? cos i check with my doctor, she mention that not a must to take multi vit before 12 weeks. I can take if i want but normally if take multi Vit maybe will cause more uncomfortable. She also it is ok if not taking. All up to me to decide..
Fat Chicken, Jia You and be strong.

When I went for my scan on week 6, doctor did v scan and can only see the sac and fetal pole faintly. So he asked me to rest more take the support and go for scan 2 weeks later. When I did scan on week 8, tummy scan show bb only 6w but v-scan show 7w with heatbeat. Doctor very concerned as not following the calculated dates. But when I went for week 10 scan, gynae said ok as maybe due to late implant.
So be strong ok, don't let your thoughts run wild and affect the growth of bb.
Question: For the secret facebook group, can my other friends on my facebook see what I post in the group or know I join the group?

None of my frens and relatives know yet and I still want to keep it confidential.

Btw, the almond biscuit so nice that I went back today to buy again. My fil 'whacked' 3 quarter of it yesterday.
hi fat chicken,

try not to take any "cooling/liang" stuff now. My TCM doctor said even plain water must take luke-warm. As we need to maintain high body temp, so anything cold will shift the balance. He said cold stuff will inhibit growth, bb will be small or pre-term.
No Chin Chow, pineapple, a type of banana, grapes, Haw (san-ja), aloe vera. No kang kong, bittergourd or chinese mustard. Unless they're cooked with other heaty food.
hi chevy,

My aunt said the "qi gei jio" (in hokkien,or literally translated as "qing ya jiao") is not good (think it's the local kind of banana.
As for chinese mustard is the “大菜”not cai xin.
Sade/tutu/Chevy/bbgalore/znatatsha/luvnhope/Hope//whiteclover/reikibaby/bb shower/cocolee
(and the rest!!)
Hope i did not miss out anyone else. Thanks for all encouragement and advises.
Went to see gynae, he was quite shock that I got so much discharge.. But he said might be some mucus discharge that normal people has, just that mine suddenly has a lot and become watery. He scan my water bag, e size was about e same as the previous day. So e water shouldn't leak from there.
However there is still no sign of heart beat and yolk sac.
From his word I think he is quite confirmed that it is empty.
Cos count from transfer day is 6 week 6 days. But the bag size is 6 week 2 days now.
We agreed to wait for 1 more week. To see if my bb will have miracle!
He stopped my progesterone injection. But continue to insert crinone daily. Cos he said, if is just e water bag, without any hormone support, my body will start to drop my hormone production and hence, there will be start of some spotting and cramp. As the body will want to reject e water bag out.
Now we are using e crinone to hold it there and see any further development.

Just a curious questions, do you think going to Bali caused my current situation? (blighted ovum)
I read from some website it's say it's a chromosome problem. But taking flight will have any impact on this?
Hubby was suspecting e air pressure on e plane.. As he said his hand sanitizer cap was closed n tight but on e plane it's leak a bit. He feels e Bali trip might indirectly have impact.
What did u think??

Actually, may be becos mine not develop properly, I do not much pregnancy symptoms... Not a serious ms at most I have a bit indigestion here and there.. And sleep slightly earlier than normal...
I really envy those have serious ms... At least u know ur bb is growing well...!!

Girls! Endure a while more, once u see bb pop out I think u will forget what you have gone thru ba... That what I believe!

Cocolee, it's me that have ET on 28 July!
So glad u can see yr bb heartbeat n able to measure bb size!
I still hope I can give good news to all of you next week.. After I see gynae!!
Fat Chicken dun gv up hope ya! Miracle do happen maybe ur bb is still in holz mood at Bali n now playing hide n seek. You Must stay positive ya! Keep talking to your bb, ur bb can feel you. Jiayou jiayou n try to eat more. Take yr support regularly.
Hi Fat chicken.. Don't worry abt no ms symptom cos I m so no symptom n no feeling before my 7 weeks scan. N the only thing different is I sleep a lot. Before pregnant I also very Good in sleeping .. So to me I also wondering am I pregnant or not.. Before the scan date everytime I pass by Watson still thinking shld I buy the pregnancy test to see it is real positive.. But I think think think better don't waste unnecessary money la.. That's why when scan at the week of 7, I m able to see the bb heart beat n the sac, I m excited n believed that I m pregnant! Even now I also don't hv any serious changes except put on weight n hv some nausea symton sometime n don't like to hv pork smell at all. Which previously I do eat pork.. So no worry n leave everything to God as I did n stay cool n relax! I strongly believe u will see yr bb heart beat in week 8 or later..I Pray for u every night before I sleep since I knew yr case even I didn't u in real but hope to hv our condiment at the same month! U r a happy go lucky person I can feel .. Hope I m not wrong 
Fat chicken, what was your hcg reading?

Dont give up yet. Strange things happen when it comes to pregnancy so at times, it has no logic. So stay hopeful for another week, miracle might happen. Maybe your bb is developing a little slower. Or seek another opinionin this coming week?

Take care fat chic

Cocolee, how are you feeling now? We are buddies !
Fat chicken, dun blame urself for going to Bali. If it's blighted ovum, it wld b due to chromosome problem n unlikely to do with ur plane ride. One of my embryos also developed into blighted ovum n I din travel overseas at all. Stay positive still okay? Maybe u'll see hb next checkup.
Fatchicken, don't worry abt ms. I had no ms and only have puked once. So not everyone has ms. Talk to your bb and don't give up.
HI Fat Chicken,
Stay strong.
Are you prescribed with crione 2x a day? Crione (though expensive) was shown to be a better support, do continue to apply it.
As for MS, I don't have any till now but I have insomnia and occassional backache.
I didn't see bb hb till week 8 v-scan so don't worry too much and stay positive.
Hi fat chicken, blighted ovum is dued to chromosome problem.not because of the air flight to Bali n back. Its really up to god n fate now. Don't blame yourself for going Bali. I don't travel in first trimester because it's more risky due to any spotting or bleeding, I won't know how to seek help in other country.

Stay strong n positive. Hopefully u can see yolk sac n hb in your next visit.
Fat chicken, stay strong! Be positive and talk to bb... Ask bb to be strong and stick to you. When are you seeing gynae next week? Some ladies will hear the heartbeat only abit later so don't worry ok? Hope everything will be ok for you! Meanwhile you must take care!
Fat chicken - keep positive. doubt that it has anything to do with bali and don't ever think that.

My group of friends travel overseas regularly in first and second trimester. Even had 2 of them who didn't realise they r preggie till second mth and they fly regularly in first month.

Rest well.
Fat chicken: Stay strong & Jia You! Take care & don t worry so much for now. Just continue to eat healthy.

Tutu: Its really good your company allow you to take NPL for 5 weeks. I really envy
Me too really hope i can apply for NPL but I doubt so cos my department already short handed. I have been feeling really tired and moody. I hope this pass by soon and I can be my cheerful self again.
Thank you ladies!!!
Will continue to have faith with my bb! Will talk to bb more and rest more! Thank you for all your encouraging words!! It make me feel positive! Thanks for all your prayer for me!! Very touched... Wi continue enjoy a household chore free weekend!! Wahahaha.... No matter what's the result next week, will accept it. It's god's 旨意. Everything happen has a reason behind. Will try to accept and understand it.
Good day to you all!
Anyone here experience yellow discharge? Have been getting yellow discharge from the start till now. Not sure if I shd insist that dr do a scrape to test. Been taking yoghurt, but still get discharge.
whiteclover, white or yellowish creamy discharge is normal as mentioned. If there's no odour or itch, no need to worry too much. Preggies have increased discharge. All part n parcel of pregnancy!
Hi sistas, how's everyone doing? Haven't been online for a while cos too many dramas at work...

Fat chicken, don't be too worried. You need to remain positive.

Btw, anyone experienced mild pain in lower abdomen? I am two weeks away from my next scan but am really paranoid. My ms seemed to have gone. Now, I only feel tired...
And btw, any taking prenatal yoga lessons or keen to do so? I am feeling so bored cos ever since the pregnancy, I have been staying home on weekends.
Hi Koirc, your next scan should be Oscar scan? Cos i remembered we have close edd. I'm having pulling n mild pain at lower abdominal on off. So i assume it is my uterus stretching cos baby is growing. Especialy when i'm eating so much lately, i guess my baby is growing growing.
Fat chicken, just believe in Him. Everything happens for a reason. Continue to have faith in baby. Easy said than done. But ivf mummies are extremely strong mummies to go through so much to have baby. He will grant our wish and dream. Gambatte!!!!!
Koirc, I also had some pains or cramping on and off. If not too severe and not accompanied by spotting, then shld be just normal preg pains due to uterus stretching bah...

Ladies, just found out I'm most likely having a boy!
Luv, congrats! How many weeks r u now? U have an elder girl right? Then will be a '好' hehe

Fatchicken, jiayou! Stay positive
Tutu, yeah, just had a scan this morning and had the lovely news.

Thanks ewea!
Yes, my gal was hoping for a didi and she got her wish, lol. I'm 16 weeks now.
Luv congrats on your 好! Your PIL must be happy.

Had my detailed scan n it's a girl! Lots of pretty clothes to buy...

Had a great time looking at bb during my detailed scan.
sade, congrats on ur little princess!
Girls can be very sweet, hee... can bring 'em for ballet classes etc too!

Gonna break the news tmw during a family lunch. Think they'll be happy cos it'll be their first grandson.
Luv thks. Hehe...ya looking forward to doll her up.
And I will have lots of hand downs from both of my sis in law.

Sure your PIL will be v happy. A nice 好 for u.
Hi Luv and Sade - happy that u gals knew the gender of your bb. My twins still too shy to show and I have to wait till the 20th week detailed scan in mid Sept.... Going back to work on Mon after on NPL for 7 months.... So Sian
Hi Joanne, my bb also keeping me in suspense as only manage to know gender during detailed scan.

Heard that bb girl more shy so will reveal later.

Wow u stopped work for 7 months. Guess u might have a had time adjusting back to work life.
ReikiBaby, is Oscar the same as Nuchal scan? Mine next scan is the scan for down syndrome anyway.

Whiteclover, I'm thinking of doing yoga at mother and baby at Tanglin Mall. Are there other places that offer prenatal exercises?

Luv and Sade, congrats to both of you!
Hi tutu: haha.. We r buddies! I m ok at this week 8.. N so far body still ok.. Only a bit bloated sometime. N eating food not enjoy as before but still can eat.
Sade n luvhope: congrats on yr gender of yr bb! So fast can know the gender Liao.. Very happy Hor! For me n tutu still got 2 mths to go in order to get to know the bb gender..
