(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

JoT, I also only got to know my #1's gender during detailed scan. Usually girls' anatomy not that obvious on the scan. That's why harder to confirm for sure. If rumours are true, you prob have a pair of LFT.

You went on NPL when u started ur IVF cycle?

Thanks Koirc!
Oscar is same as nuchal scan btw.

Coco, 2 mths will pass by quickly.

Thanks bruno! Have u found out the gender yet?

Congrats Luv n Sade for knowing the gender of ur bbs le! Time for shopping
enjoy! N can start to think of names too!
Luv I m good just that gt frequent headache trying not to eat panodol. Ytd bought Anmum milk to drink also cause headache guess I can't drink that but it taste nice. M looking forward to oscar scanning nx tues so excited hee.

Looking forward to know bb gender n shopping. Ur family members must be so excited. Feel so blissful
Thks ladies. Yes it's feel good to know gender so can start shopping n thinking of names. Will be your turn soon. Let's all jia you n enjoy our journey.
Hey ladies!!

Hope all of u r doing fine! Haven got time to chk e forum, been bz still gg ard for hari raya visiting! Been eating a whole lot too!
Had my Oscar scan on Friday, glad to know my bb is growing well at 13wks. Baby even gave a thumbs-up to us, like as if telling us everything's ok inside. Such amazing moment.
Sade n luv,
Congrats!!! You get e gender that you wish!!
So happy for u! Enjoy shopping for bb clothes!!
They are all so cute n adorable!!!
Ain, congrats on a good Oscar result!

bbshower, headache's prob due to the hormones. Can ask the doc if there's any remedy? Or could it be you didn't have sufficient sleep?

Fat chicken, thanks!! Hope u're feeling more positive today.
Luv n sade,
Congrats! I also knew my bb gender yesterday. Doc showed us the little birdie n cfm it's a boy

Try to drink more water. I find that when i don't drink enough i will get headaches too.

Fat chicken,
Hang in there... I think you are coping well but it's not easy i know... Jia you!
Luv I m thking could be lack of slp so can only endure the pain ba. I can't be taking slping Pill. Before pregnancy if not working I can slp until noon now everyday 7plus 8plus woke up n middle of the nite woke up many times. Really envy those ladies who can slp soundly. I miss those days. But at the same time i luv my baby guess sacrific for love.
Ain, congrats on your Oscar results! I just went for mine.. Hope smooth smooth!

Eskimobb and Sade, congrats on knowing bb's gender! I'm excited to know mine too.... Don't know when though haha.
Eskimo, congrats on having a '好 字' too!

Ur baby not shy, show u so early, heheh...

Bb shower, try to get more rest then. I also can't sleep well at nite these days. Get up to pee n have all sorts of weird dreams. I try to make up for it with afternoon naps lor, ESP during weekends.
Ain, congrats on the Oscar result. So cute your baby gave a thumbs up! I will be going for mine soon... Hope everything will turn out well.

Btw, sisters, what's the difference between a maternity bra and a nursing bra? I know nursing bra is for nursing use but maternity bra?

I feel my boobs are so big now and I need to buy new bras... Wanted to check if I should be buying maternity bras instead.
Thks fat chicken, hope n Eskimo.

Congrats Eskimo for getting 好.
It's getting more exciting isn't it?

Bb shower me don't have good night sleep sin starting of ivf till now. Haha. But it's a happy problem.

Btw I am alrdy feeling fluttering on week 16+ n bb kick on week18 +. Felt amazing n cool. It's like a electric shock when she kicked me. Hehe.

Any ladies felt the kick too? Is it like a electric shock too?
Sade, electric shock? Hahah... To me it's more of fluttering or bubbly feeling in the beginning.

Koirc, I just use normal bra for now. So long as sufficient support n right size shld b fine. No underwire too.
Whiteclover don't feel like cramps. Feel like fluttering or bubbles bursting. My hubby can hear it below belly button.
Then started to feel like a big bubble bursting and seems like a current coming up to belly. Just like an electric current to me. Hehe. Nv felt this way before, so m positive that it's bb kick.
R u skinny? Read that if skinny will feel earlier.

Luv, hehe. Weird description from me right? Haha but I really felt it this way. I loved to watch movies at cinemas n recently watched expandables 2 with lots of loud explosion, bb kicked me then. Haha. So cute!
I read on Internet if drink orange juice and lie on back, can feel baby move. I'm gonna try that to see if it works

It will be nice to feel fluttering
whiteclover, not sure if the orange juice is the key factor here, hahah... But u do feel movements more easily if u're lying or sitting down (i.e. not moving abt).
Haha Ya orange juice make bb more active. Read that they drank that before detailed scan so that bb is active during scan. Hehe. I din try it. But did plan to try it if bb nt cooperative during my scan.
Ya agreed with luv. Esp wen lying on bed. Bb more active during 9pm-1am initially. Try it tonight. Ask ur hubby to listen at ur womb.
just knew it . Always keeP a positive thoughts

Usagi: Oic cos I thought maybe it is useful for now . Ok thanks
Dian tang, i did go accu once after bfp cos dr zhao took my pulse and feels that i need it. Subsequent visits she say im ok so no more accu.
Reikibaby : oh I am also seeing dr Zhao . She asked me to c her after ET but I didn't go . Maybe I go and c her again soon .

Sade: thanks . Hope u are doing good too!!
Congrats dian tang n welcome here!

Whiteclover, not yet, hahah... tummy movements will only be obvious later on bah... Now the movements also not very pronounced yet. Just that I recognised the initial fluttering and bubbly feeling from last preg. They've grown slightly stronger but not very strong as yet. Can't wait for the power kicks to begin, heheh... Now it feels more like little tiny pushes from inside out.

Sade, u must have really been watching out for the movements to detect them so early, lol...
Dian tang, i also took her antai yao. Initially after bfp i see her weekly. Then when she finds me more stable i see her every 2weeks. I guess up to individual whether you wan to see her or take her medicine. Cos i see dr loh every 2weeks so going to dr zhao weekly n let her feel my pulse i feel more an xin. Else every 2ww is realli driving me insane. Hahaha
Luv yes u r right. Cos been reading a lot abt fluttering. N also I m skinny so maybe can feel earlier? Don't know if my logic is right or not. Haha.
Sade - when's yr next appt? If u r asking the nurse abt the 10 times package thing, let me know what she says.

I'm curious to know if I can use the package if I call for the appt and not a scheduled dr appt.
Whiteclover I wen to see Dr loh on last Fri. Asked Alice n she told me the package is for 10 doc schedule appt. Haiz.
Anyway sin I had alrdy signed up, I will just request thru Dr loh to visit him regularly so that I won't lugi.

Ya the form had mention that for extra appt such as emergency visit is not included. I forgot abt it.
Whiteclover did u notice any fluttering sound last night? If not, don't worry over it. Soon u will notice it. So will u sign up the package?

Kiki how's ur detailed scan? Boy or girl?
Luv, had u informed your PIL over lunch yesterday? They must be v happy.
Btw, I need to ask if play pen is better than cot? Now start to look around but not buying it yet. Kindly advise.
Luv and Eskimobaby, congrats on getting a 好!!

Really happy for you girls!

Enjoy your pregnancy journey ahead ya!
sade, yup, told them the news. And guess what? My FIL actually whipped out a pen and paper and wrote down a Chinese name that he had long thought of for a boy!! Lol... My SIL said that he'd been waiting for this for a long time...

Joyfully!!! Hope you're recuperating well, girl... Thanks for your well wishes!

Any plans for now?
sade, I think the purpose of a playpen n cot is different. For sleeping, I'd still prefer to place baby in a proper cot with a good mattress. I'd use a playpen for when baby's active and awake cos there's less support for baby's spine. If you have the space at home, can have a cot in the bedroom and playpen in the living room or somewhere where the adults will often be in during the daytime.
Luv wow he's so well prepared for it. So comical. Will u be using that name? Think he must be smiling in his dreAm last night.
Thanks for your advices. Din know that playpen has less support for spine. Will look into it. Nv consider of buying 2 lei.
Sade - no luck - still feel nothing. Will be patient. I will prob sign up for package. Am paying abt 120 per visit, so abt 6 times to 'breakeven'. From 20 weeks onwards, I'm guessing will def see him more than 6 times.

Luv - your fil so cute!

Btw, I was talking to my sister's confinement lady now and was surprised when she said
- eating bird nest may cause skin allergy due to feathers and
- she advise drinking coconut water from week 28 onwards for baby smooth skin. Planning to check with my tcm next week. I thot bird nest is good.
whiteclover, no worries. u will start to feel it soon. The package is only for doc consultation, scan and routine test. Vits not included.
Ya sure see him more than 6 times.

As for birdnest, heard too much is not good for bb as bb will have more phlegm. Not sure about skin allergy. Just take it moderately.

Thou to drink coconut water from week 32 onwards. Heard too much of coconut will cause leg cramps.
sade, i wanted to consult a geomancer b4 deciding on name. So we'll see...
If it were me and I'm getting only one of the two, I'd still choose a cot.
But that's my preference lah.

Whiteclover, some other ladies say their TCM doc says can drink bird's nest from Week 17 onwards. Everything in moderation i guess.

Luv - thot u need baby's delivery time and date before geomancer can provide some names? Some even ask for baby front and side photo too. U mean now can consult already?
