(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Whiteclover, I can feel bb on my tummy and sometimes she hurts me. I m worried if I will cause harm to her. Me getting panariod again cos it's been too long sin my last appt.

Eskimo baby oh I see, cos even dr loh commented that my tummy is small during my last visit. Now I can pass off as 5-6months pregnant when actually I m in 7months plus.
I m afraid that I will cause hurt to my bb cos I can feel her parts but don't know what part it is.
Whenever I felt her causing pain or discomfort to me, I will try to massage that area and she will move away n in awhile n come back to same position. So I was wondering it is that my tummy is small n she don't have much room now. Is it normal?
Babysmurf, im not sure if they will contact dr tan if you upgrade. But if i don't recall wrongly, unless you are staying in B1 ward and above, else your own gynae will not attend to you. Unless he knows about it and decided to pop by, else the nurses will not inform him.

Sade, if you are feel the discomfort, then bring forward your appt to see dr loh. We will never know whats happening inside. I always tell myself, never take bb for granted. As long i dun have a good feel, i will just go see dr loh to get peace of mind. At least i will know that bb is comfy inside me after a scan. Take care.

Luv, i will be doing the GD test in another 2 weeks. Really don't know how to tahan without the whole morning. Are we allowed to drink plain water in between?
Rekibaby: at the o&g clinic. The staff only let us choose b2 or b2+. N I told them I under dr tan hh. They said u go ward first then tell the ward staff. Then how my whole story come. Feel so cheated. Then what for I come under private pt to see dr tan. Then admitted the staffs don't want to inform dr tan. Even my dh went to clinic to ask for dr tan. The clinic staff also said the ward staff should call dr tan not us. Heng. + Tmr is Sunday I doubt dr tan will come n they will not inform dr tan. No ward dr ard to do round or update my blood test n scan that I done.
Babysmurf, indeed very frustrating. I would have blow my top!!! Here we so kan cheong and there they relac relac. Super irritating. So you gg to be staying there? Cannot request to go home? Cos if no one gg to attend to you, stay there and at home marciam no diff leh.
Babysmurf, now weekends mah....ask dh to serve you lah. Then wait til mon, see you wan to walk in see dr tan, or see pte gynae. Unless these 2 days the nurses will do a daily scan for you. .... Else if you just stay there and they dun check also pointless....
As long as amniotic fluid is sufficient n baby is growing well then dun have to worry ya.

I'm using Avent steam blender. I like it, very convenient n easy to use.
Why o&g only have b2 or b2+? Should be able to choose any type of rooms or subsidized only got b2 or b2+?
Monday no dr tan clinic. Just now noon time they scan me do scan already. At least baby is growing n I having blood clots outside the sac.

Eskimobaby: dh told the staff I under dr tan. Then want subdisy anot.
Whiteclover, thanks. I've already placed my order from Amazon. Slightly over S$400.

Znatasha, sorry week 32 is the next big scan. I am still seeing my doc on monthly basis.

Marble, how about try ginger candy? Sour plums really worked for me.
Luv, all the best for your BT.

Joanne, have a good rest. Think positive thoughts!

Babysmurf, thank God. Maybe the blood is from the clot. I had blood clot during week 8 too and had bleeding... And then it stopped and blood clot was gone.
Sade, if u're experiencing great discomfort, then can go check with doc to get peace of mind. But i think shld be normal bah... I remember my gal jabbing my ribs in the later part of preg, and that was painful too, hahah...
I've also been getting comments abt the size of my tummy... Starting to get annoyed by them. If I were a first-time mum, think I'd have gotten all anxious and gan cheong liao... But really, if scans show that baby's weight and growth is normal, then we have nothing to worry abt. Less weight to shed too after birth. My tummy was also small with my gal. Even at full-term near delivery, I get pple asking me "Oh you've delivered?"... Zzzz....

eskimo, i'm wondering whether I shld go cheong the Philips fair tmw to buy the steamer blender, heheh...

Thanks Reiki! Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought. I tried to eat some food at 11+ b4 the fasting started at 12midnight. The next morning I didn't really feel hungry. Maybe the high sugar content of the drink gave me enuf energy bah.. It's the blood drawing that's more difficult. They poked me twice each time to get my blood drawn... Grrr...

Thanks Koirc too!
Luv, my veins are deep n tiny so those in tmc always cant locate it. I usuali get them to draw from the back of my hand.. where veins are obvious. But yet there are times where they still wan try luck elsewhere n when unsuccessful i will gv them a face. So knowing need draw twice for the test, i want faint liao.
I chose b1 at that time. Maybe u should ask DH to wheel u down to dr tan's clinic tomorrow.

Hehe actually won't use it so early until like baby is 6 months so can still consider for a while
eskimo, yah i know. But itching to buy, hahah... See if I can curb myself onot. ;P

Reiki, I was jabbed in the arms so often during my IVF cycle for BTs... I'm wondering if all the poking will damage my veins onot... Sigh...
Reikibaby me just getting paranoid. My appt is in a few day time.

Eskimobaby n luv thanks for the reassurances.
Luv Ya I rem u told me that ur tummy is small too during first pregnancy. I don't mind having a small tummy too just worried that not enough space for bb to grow in it.
I googled online n it's normal to feel bb parts protruding out.
Luv u r a shopping queen. Hehe. So dif to control right? Me too. Kept on buying n buying even thou not using it at the moment.
Babysmurf, I just logged in to check how you are. Oh dear, please rest more. Hopefully, you will get much better care in the private ward.
This time admitted myself to b1. So they call dr tan only. N the nurse ordered total bedrest. Cannot walk to wee wee.
Babysmurf, Finally they calling dr tan. Good good. Make sure he chk you well. And you be guai guai total bedrest. Keep tum warm and no cold drinks.
Babysmurf, rest well. Hope Dr Tan comes to see you soon.

Sade, haha... Oh dear, I have become a shopping queen, haha... Juz bought more stuff today, hee...
Hope, bought a preloved Snuggle Nest from another mummy. Trolley for putting diapers etc from Giant, bibs n socks from Mothercare sale, stroller toys from Isetan sale.
Babysmurf, rest well.

Wow, Luv, you bought so many things!

Ladies, can I check what's the difference between a receiving blanket and a newborn blanket?
Hope, hee... well, actually cld have gotten a better deal for the trolley if I'd gone down to Toyogo warehouse, but juz got the one at Giant out of convenience.

Koirc, heheh... and I haven't counted the stuff i bought for my elder gal. ;P

Well, actually I don't usually splurge lah... but when the mood comes, hard to resist, hahah...
Koirc, a receiving blanket refers to those with a hood which u can use to cover bb's head and keep him/her warm. A newborn blanket is prob just a blanket that's suitable in size for a newborn?
This time round zzzz. After jab n taking hormone pill. Bleeding still no stop. Now total bedrest cannot go toilet. Wee in the bed.
Bleeding is less than first time or same? Fresh red or brown? Hopefully it's just the remnants of the first bleeding. U be guai n rest on bed.
Babysmurf, bed rest well... Ask the nurses for help whenever u need. Try to stay positive, although we know it's difficult. Take care!

Did they give you more jabs or meds today?
I think Kkh only have progesterone. Wait n see how Tmr dr will be coming in already. Today total bedrest. So uncomfortable done everything on bed.
Babysmurf u ve to be Gd to bed rest, all for ur bb n urself k. Just endure a while till ur bb is stable. Very soon u be stepping into 2nd trimester le. Jiayou!
Hello mummies, sorry crash in here abit to share my exp with Babysmurf.

I also had bleeding towards end of 1st tri when all supposed to be safer. It pays to be on complete bedrest. After i was discharged, i even bought the bedpan to use at home, only bathing and pooing i get up. That went on for about 2 weeks till even mini traces of old brown blood are cleared.

Babysmurf, ask dr give you wind and constipation medicine also as you cannot afford to push too hard now. And getting rid of wind will also make you feel better and less crampy. Take care, all this will pass!
Heartbeat: thank you. I can let out give n got little LS. Only rest in bed. But can go toilet. No other place. Go scan, the nurse wheel me in bed to the place.

Just came back from scan everything fine. But still got bleeding.
Chevy: yup dr tan drop in yesterday night ard 10pm to take alook n order a scan. This morning after the scan me so heng saw he on my way back to the ward. So he see my result n everything fine. Now can only bed rest n take my mediction at the Same time.
