(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Ladies who are in 2nd n 3rd trimester, may i know if you hv totally regained your appetite n taste buds?

I still dont hv great appetite n still have a metallic after taste after eating.

Will i ever feel normal again in the next 5 mths??
Tutu, throat, nose,ears all related. Can try
- sterimar nasal spray - this is non medicated. Isotonic salt water which helps to clear nose
- throat - gargle with salt water
And drink lots of water.
Reikibaby, from what I had gathered, it ranges from $1.5k to $2k for 2 meals a day, 28days. Of course it will be good if your mum can do the cooking. Afterall, what's next best thing to home cooked food

Any idea if the pig trotters vinegar and pig stomache is a must? I dun take either leh but I c them in the menu
Thanks Whiteclover.

Did u say u have indigestion issue too? Are u taking pill form lactobacillus? Have u heard of this? I heard it is better than yakult n helps with indigestion.
Tutu, my mum knows what to cook for confinement. ;) but will be getting some more new ideas for her so that i get a variety for the 28days. Else super sian eating same food. Lolz.

Chevy, will they allow you to change the menu? Not a must just that these are the kind of confinement food.
Thanks tutu. Didn't know abt it. I've had indigestion from beginning till now. Have been tahaning wo medication. But only in very congested situation, then I take gaviscon.

I have become an eating machine lately.
chevy, for pig trotters vinegar, it's good as it's rich in calcium. Pig trotters are used together with vinegar so that the calcium can be "forced" out the trotters. Nutritous food for confinement.

As for pig stomach with pepper soup, it's help to warm up the body and can replace ginger for the first few days.

Me doing research for my own confinement food and had selected quite a no of recipes for my hb to cook during my confinement.

Tutu, during my 2nd trimester, i felt hungry initally but then slowly can't eat a lot. But now, in my third trimester, the appetite is back. Can eat alot but i had been controlling so these few weeks i din gain any weight.
then that's good
at least don't have to worry about your confinement food and your mum has experience with your nephew already. wah confinement food catering really not cheap. almost the same price as engaging a CL.
if your sickness drag too long also no good for u and ur baby so might as well see gynae or GP for some pregnancy safe medication so that u can get well as soon as possible.
hi whiteclover

Thanks for the list.

Just wanted to clarify the skincare list in there. The heading says skincare FOR pregnancy but listed below are drugs/chemicals to be avoided right?


Receiving blanket is for you to wrap baby in when you take baby home. It is an essential item if hospital does not provide. good to get those with a hood.

Anyone has suggestion how to ease nausea?
am drinking ginger tea, 100 plus, ribena but all only provide temporary relieve....
Marble, if your ms suddenly goes away, you will be even more worried. Actualy theres no way to ease it cos even anti nausea med oso no use. Temp relievers is considered good le. Once you cross 14weeks, all be fine. Its a happy torture.
Reikibaby, I did ask b4 and they all said shldn't be a problem

Sade, oic...... I sure have issue to stomache these 2 dishes leh.... not a huge fan of oink oink

Wah! U really hardworking! Fancy compiling the menus! Pei fu! Are they from those confinement receipes webby? I did some reserch much earlier and guess what....PC kena virus from 1 of the site! hahahahaa

Eskimobaby, ya lor! Quite ex hor! Me n dh dun take like the idea of a stranger staying together. Partime confinement lady is more ex. That's y we need to come up with plan b
Tutu, until now, me alrdy in 2nd trimester, my appetite wasn't as good as b4 preggie leh. Some ladies do have good appetite and I guess it's very much dependant on individual. Every preg is different. As long as bb is growing fine, shld be all ok
Remember to take ur multi-vits, prenatal milk (if u can).
dun eat the trotters is ok but most important is must drink the vinegar, cos all the ginger and calcium is in it. or u can put in hard boiled eggs and boil for a while also can eat. i remember my confinement, my auntie made a whole pot for me and i ate it over a few days. so my mum would sometimes put in hardboiled eggs and u get something like braised eggs to eat.

I'm cuurently seeing Dr Sadhana at KKH. Was told to transfer to other doctors cos she only concentrate on fertity. Any good and affordable doctor to recommend?
PSP: Did Dr Sadhana recommend you any Dr? I under Dr Tan HH so far he did not said will transfer me to other gynae. U are mor or less satable before Dr tranfer you to gynae. Jia you.
PSP - i used to be under Dr Sadhana and was then transferred to Dr June Tan in Clinic A after week 14. You can also ask her to recommend a gynae for u... u r under private patient right?
Chevy, i was told to avoid chicken for a week after delivery to avoid any discomfort on the wound. If this is true, and you don't take pork, hmmm...what other meat they use? Means only fish...
Whiteclover it's sitting on seats. N playing with baby doll. Quite fun n interesting.

Ya caterers not cheap but if employed cl even more exp cos prices are only for employment of cl. Still have to pay for food ingredients n also meals for cl.

Me also find it uneasy to stay with another stranger so don't want cl. It's not easy n challenging but still have to pull through.

I found the recipes from various websites. ;-)

Ya Eskimo baby is right, drink the vinegar soup n eggs. Don't eat the meat if u don't like. But normally for confinement,, during first 12days no chicken n eggs. So have to eat lean pork for protein.
Eskimo baby check with u did u used the instant herbs for bathing or those that need to boil type? Is it as good as those boiled type?
Sade- I bought a confinement recipe book from giant. It's good cos it goes by recipes by the week. Eg week one, more purifying and cleansing recipes.

I got no spare rooms in the house for the CL. So she's gonna sleep in the same room with me ( and I'm partiitioning the room with a curtain) . Weird or not?
Whiteclover I saw some confinement books but I din buy cos some of the recipes I don't like. Cos I find that it's not that appealing to me n also use a lot of herbs. Me v fussy.
Ya it's really weird to sleep with cl esp when we r recovering aft child birth.
Reikibaby, Sade,
Okok noted no chicken for the first wk

Am thking of getting the shower gel that i saw from bp. No need to boil 1. But duno whether good bo....
Reikibaby yup. My mum will help with laundry. Just make do with cleanliness for the time being. As long it's clean then ok. No need to be super clean.

Chevy I saw those instant herb type in a sachet bag n then justput hot heater water at the fair last sat. Not shower gel.
No lah. Not big. Just that it used to be two small rooms which we renovated to one room.

Would it be funny if my hb also stay in the same room as me whilst the cl stays in the same room (but separated by a curtain parition)? Otherwise, got to chuck my hb into the living room for 1mth.

Just heard that one of my distant relative delivered 1 mth earlier. Luckily, both doing well. 2 mths before delivery, she had stomach pain and was hospitalised. Dr gave her steriods to strengthen baby's lungs and told her to tahan one more mth. Scary yah?
Whiteclover, shldnt be an issue since room can accomodate all. But your dh will not hv good slp due to the night feeds unless he slps like a log

Babysmurf, usually 3d scan is done in 3rd tri. Also not recommended to hv 3d scan too often. Think dr loh also will only do one 3d scan for us only.
Thank you ladies!

Znatasha, so when is your next scan?

Reiki, doctor said next scan at week 32 leh. That's 3 mths later!!! (???) Btw, I took the confinement food menu back during the parenthood fair. Do you want to reference? I can scan for you tomorrow.
Marble, thank. So it's those blanket with a hoodie... Did you try the good old sour plum to alleviate nausea? It helped for me.
Koirc, wah 3 mths!!!! How are you going to tahan? U never request for monthly? I will ask frm you for the menu when i need it. Now still lazy to think. Heee..
I bought those already packed ones like teabags but still need to boil to force out the herbs before using leh. U mean there r herbs that can used straight away with bath water?

I dunno if the CL will be comfortable staying in the same room as ur hubby n wouldn't it be too crowded n with a newborn may not be a very conducive environment for baby n urself to rest or sleep.

Yes, if there's signs of premature birth the first thing gynae will be worried about r the lungs cos they r the last organ to mature so sometimes they'll give jabs to help mature the lungs.

Dr tan see normal gynae cases too so he won't ask u whether u wanna change unless u wanna change. Dr sadhana doesn't see preg cases any more so once u get preg she'll ask u to transfer to another gynae.
Reiki, ya I am going to see her every month. Hahaha...

Btw ladies, any idea how much the Medela pump cost?
Mummies, I am pretty worried now. Recently, we realise that there is a pipe leaks in the office as the water is getting from abit yellowish to muddy. The worst part is I have been drinking and washing using that water since first trimester. No wonder I have been bleeding during my first trimester and have been having diarrhea for weeks. Do you mummies have any idea how do I know if the babies development are fine ? I was told detailed scan cannot. Dunno if I am pure unlucky or what. Haiz
HI Koirc, wow how come your scan is 3mth later?
For 2nd trimester, my gynae will see every 1mth. FOr 3rd trimester, I heard is every 2 weeks. My next scan is early Dec. Hopefully can confirm bb gender then. And see if doctor give me green light to go back to work.

Ladies, my friend is going to give me her single electric Avent pump which she used for less than a mth. Do you think I need to change the parts?
Hi Adeline, maybe you can check with your gynae, if you can do stool or blood test to see if got any bacteria or parasite infection.

Try to bring your own water or buy mineral water for drinking purposes then. Don't take the tap water, use water from the water cooling unit as they are usually fitted with a filter system.
Sade, Eskimobaby,
Yes, i also saw the sachets ones from fair. The lady there told me to steep with 1 litre of water and i went like "how to shower with 1 litre???" hahahahaaa..... well, technically speaking, we shldn't be showering during confinement but frankly speaking, I dun thk i can tahan lor. we r after all living in a warm n sunny island leh. Hence, i am looking at the shower gel meant specially for confinement.


Sng buay got a lot of preservatives leh...I don't actually like them much

Haven't told my office about my prenancy..this morning i was sitting in a meeting and trying hard to suppress the nausea, hoping no one noticed..
